Upgrading HD on Softmodded Xbox Tutorial
4. September 2006 @ 00:54 |
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Well i suscessfuly softmodded and up graded my xbox, took a full week but i got er done.
tools used.
1.dos boot disk: with atapwd.exe, unlockx.exe, hdlock.exe, hdunlock,exe, hddisabl.exe on it
3.hd cable with primary master and primary slave slots
first i took my segate ST3120026A-RK 120g hard drive and put it on the primary master,turned on the computer pressed f1 to see in my bios if it was detected or not,it was.I pressed f10 to save my bios settings,the pc saved and restarted.then i booted up my dos boot disk with the programs on it, typed it unlockx and it showed my drive and it was just unlockable. Next i typed in atapwd form my dos disk and it showed me that the hard drive was forzen(meaning it cant be modify. I then unhooked my hard drive and waited for dos to boot up again to the a: command line then i hooked up my hard drive to the hd cable on primary slave, ran unlockx again and it read lockable (unlocked). So
i ran atapwd again and it showed me this time that it was not frozen any more. Now i restart with the drive hooked up to primary master and ran Xboxhdm, did the instrution step by step and locked it through option three and typed in hdlock -a and it lock using the eeprom form my E/Udata that i saved in the linux/eeprom folder . When it was done it said security-locked- no but it was indeed lock. Shut down my computer and pop my 120g in the xbox, uninstalled my softmod and installed the softmod again, used the evox.ini format f soultion to get all my space and the rest is history.
1.if your computer restarts after press 1,2,3,4 on xboxhdm use a nother computer.
2.if your still geting a error 6 write down the hddkey that xboxhdm give you when its done locking at the top of the screen and use the hdkey for 1.hdunlock then 2.hddisabl and 3.hdlock.
16. October 2006 @ 14:47 |
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do i have to have evolution x as my dashboard, i have unleash x
17. October 2006 @ 05:01 |
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not sure if i did this right, but do i used this for my softmod
then i went under system and clicked backup, now in the FTP there was a epprombackup.bin, i put that into the linux/epprom folder and renamed it to epprom.bin, since it said "epprom.bin" then i made it into a iso burned it, now did i do that right? if so im going to proceed into the tut further.
22. October 2006 @ 04:29 |
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with adding a hard drive into the xbox, im using unleshed X and im trying to copy the C:\ and E:\ or what ever the drives and the computer im using keeps on freezing when im using the FTP programs is there anyway around it or am i stuck with the 10 gig hard drive i have at the moment
22. October 2006 @ 14:54 |
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with adding a hard drive into the xbox, im using unleshed X and im trying to copy the C:\ and E:\ or what ever the drives and the computer im using keeps on freezing when im using the FTP programs is there anyway around it or am i stuck with the 10 gig hard drive i have at the moment.
I never had this problem, try going to you dashboard and check the system setings for if the ip is setup right here heres a tutorial on how to set it up.
-You need a dashboard besides the standard Microsoft dashboard to FTP. EvolutionX and Avalaunch are the most popular.
-A direct connection between your xbox and pc via CROSSOVER CABLE. If you plan on making the connection with a ROUTER/SWITCH/HUB, then you do NOT need a crossover cable.
-An FTP Program or Internet Explorer. It's strongly suggested that you use a FTP program such as Flashfxp(my favorite).
-An xISO program such as Qwix, CloneXB, Craxtion( these are used to make xbox game iso's you do not need one of these programs if you only want to transfer files too and from your xbox)
-A burning program capable of burning isos. Nero, Alcohol 120, and DVD Decrypter.
Estabishing a connection.
You can establish a connection between your xbox and your pc by using the ethernet port in your computer, a NIC, or a hub/switch/router. If you're using your ethernet port or a NIC, you need to edit your LAN properties. Go to your LAN, and then choose TCIP/IP, and click properties. Choose "Use this I.P. Address"
And type in this:
Subnet Mask-
If you have a router/switch/hub, then edit your settings to the same settings.
- Now make sure that your xbox IP is static.
-You can do this by going into your dashboard settings.
Xbox Ip
Subnet Mask-
Now, go in FlashFXP (or whatever FTP program you have chosen), and make a new site called "XBOX" or whatever you prefer. For the I.P., type in, and for the username type xbox, and for the password type xbox, click connect and you should see folders on your xbox. any questions plz email me. cheers
and also try using different FTP apps like flashxp(find on the internet) or cxbox(found in the usual places).
23. October 2006 @ 00:29 |
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i will try it now thanks
24. October 2006 @ 23:07 |
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having the freezing computer sitll its something in the xbox E:\ drive that doesnt like my computer
Junior Member
25. October 2006 @ 07:01 |
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Hey, jaden you do not need the e drive to add a new hdd just reinstall everything on the e partition after you make the hdd and get it workin in your xbox. so just FTP the c drive and the eeprom and make the cd without the e drive and everything should work just fine
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29. October 2006 @ 16:16 |
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So can a larger disk be swapped? I want to put a 40 gig hard drive in and I hear 3 different opinions here. Can it be done with out soldering a mod chip in.
30. October 2006 @ 18:06 |
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when i goto make the iso it is over one gig and cant fit on cd rw
1. November 2006 @ 00:39 |
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i just found an easier way to get the files over in the Xbox HD maker there is an option that says copy xbox hd to another or something like that i did that and it all workes
1. November 2006 @ 00:46 |
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i just found an easier way to get the files over in the Xbox HD maker there is an option that says copy xbox hd to another or something like that i did that and it all workes
Junior Member
1. November 2006 @ 04:58 |
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you can either use a dvd disc or delete some of the nonessential files from the c and e drives or delete the e drive entirely (its just saved games and stuff) and only copy the c drive
and i do not know if jaden's way works but cool find, nice job
Junior Member
7. November 2006 @ 14:49 |
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ok.. problem here with making an xbox harddrive out of a western digital 40g.. after booting up to the disk that i created thru the steps listed, i choose option 1.. then i get this
blah blah blah
Be aware of the following linux device names :
Primare Master : /dev/hda
Primare Slave : /dev/hdb
Secondary Master : /dev/hdc
Secondary Slave : /dev/hdd
Do you wish to continue ? [yes/no] : (i type y)
root@xbox-hdm:/1 ????????????
wtf is this?
wow im dumb... its asking me yes or no and i typed "Y".. i just needed to type "YES" lol
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. November 2006 @ 15:03
7. November 2006 @ 18:53 |
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I completed the entire process and copied everything to a WD40 gig HDD, everything went smoothly until i put the new hard drive in my xbox. When i turn it on now it just goes to the original xbox dashboard. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!
Junior Member
8. November 2006 @ 04:13 |
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dkinard just remod your hdd using the game and gamesave thats all
Junior Member
8. November 2006 @ 08:25 |
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followd the instructions exactly... and i put the new drive into my xbox but it boots to the grean error screen with chinese letters on it... what happened?
error "06"
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. November 2006 @ 08:32
Junior Member
8. November 2006 @ 08:43 |
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this tutorial does not work at all!!! and i wasted a day of my life which i will never get back...
8. November 2006 @ 12:46 |
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justagame, i had the same problem first and what it was is that i didnt lock the new drive and it said that my xbox needs service. just lock it properly like the tutorial says and it should work. it booted to the original xbox dashboard for me but i just used the boot disk in my pc and made a clone of the hd in my xbox, that worked great.
Junior Member
8. November 2006 @ 13:34 |
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Originally posted by Craiggg: Well i suscessfuly softmodded and up graded my xbox, took a full week but i got er done.
tools used.
1.dos boot disk: with atapwd.exe, unlockx.exe, hdlock.exe, hdunlock,exe, hddisabl.exe on it
3.hd cable with primary master and primary slave slots
first i took my segate ST3120026A-RK 120g hard drive and put it on the primary master,turned on the computer pressed f1 to see in my bios if it was detected or not,it was.I pressed f10 to save my bios settings,the pc saved and restarted.then i booted up my dos boot disk with the programs on it, typed it unlockx and it showed my drive and it was just unlockable. Next i typed in atapwd form my dos disk and it showed me that the hard drive was forzen(meaning it cant be modify. I then unhooked my hard drive and waited for dos to boot up again to the a: command line then i hooked up my hard drive to the hd cable on primary slave, ran unlockx again and it read lockable (unlocked). So
i ran atapwd again and it showed me this time that it was not frozen any more. Now i restart with the drive hooked up to primary master and ran Xboxhdm, did the instrution step by step and locked it through option three and typed in hdlock -a and it lock using the eeprom form my E/Udata that i saved in the linux/eeprom folder . When it was done it said security-locked- no but it was indeed lock. Shut down my computer and pop my 120g in the xbox, uninstalled my softmod and installed the softmod again, used the evox.ini format f soultion to get all my space and the rest is history.
1.if your computer restarts after press 1,2,3,4 on xboxhdm use a nother computer.
2.if your still geting a error 6 write down the hddkey that xboxhdm give you when its done locking at the top of the screen and use the hdkey for 1.hdunlock then 2.hddisabl and 3.hdlock.
i am still getting error 6... what is hddisable?
17. November 2006 @ 14:03 |
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Ok it is still november but no one has posted for a while so i hope ppl are still looking at this thread.
Anyways i want to upgrade my my harddrive and im using the xboxhdm v1.9 and i have the eeprom.bin copied and the C:\ copied but i was wondering if i had to put the E:\ on there or if i could just wait until im done and then put the E on there also, i accidently deleted tghe MS Dashboard thats not a problem is it? any help would be greatly appreciated
17. November 2006 @ 15:11 |
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also mr E is too big to copy to a cd but if i delete the TDATA and UDATA
then it will fit is it ok to delete these or do i need to keep them? please i really need help
Junior Member
18. November 2006 @ 06:27 |
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y not just remove all your programs from e before burning the cd then put them back later...
18. November 2006 @ 07:39 |
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so you mean just have the c stuff and eeprom on the cd and leave the E an empty folder then put everything from E back on there when im done? cause i would have but i didnt think you could do that.
Junior Member
18. November 2006 @ 15:00 |
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your going to need your program files on it.. like media center or something.. but i got my hd to fit on a cd after removing all the emulators i had on it and games and unnecessary programs and sticking them into a folder on the pc then burning the disk and so on... i left evox and media center on there
but just so you know.. i still havent been able to get my new harddrive to boot.. i get error 06 everytime .. the harddrive is not locking properly i guess.. so i gave up since my powersupply recently started going bad.. the xbox is on for 10 min before it goes blank and smoke starts coming out of it.. im afraid of turning it on now ... gotta order a new one