Upgrading HD on Softmodded Xbox Tutorial
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29. December 2006 @ 14:46 |
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Folks, just want to say that I was able to successfully remod my
newly installed hard disk and it appears to be working fine now.
I was only able to see 123GB in Drive F out of the 320GB space, and drive G was showing no free space. I had to format and prepare G
drive to see the remaining space in that Drive.
Looking back at the xboxhdm install procedure again, it's highly
possible that I might have missed a step, causing the problem.
Thanks for all the help!
29. December 2006 @ 15:59 |
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Originally posted by JohanVB: Hey I'm kinda stumped right now...i have installed larger hdd in xbox'x plenty of times and never have had a problem.... but now i am trying to install a maxtor 320 gb hdd i get all of it done and then put the hdd in the xbox and turn the power on and get an error screen.... does anyone know what i have to do to fix this error.... cause it is really causing me a headache
More info would be needed.... is there an error number accompanying the error screen?
Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
30. December 2006 @ 05:33 |
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Ok so I want to use this tutorial and I think I'm getting a 200GB Maxtor HD that is ATA-100. The problem is, will i still be able to connect it to my motherboard even though my current hard drive is SATA? I don't know if my motherboard has ATA.
My motherboard is an Asus A8N32-SLi Deluxe if that helps
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30. December 2006 @ 06:58 |
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Works great but i dropped my wife dropped here fag on the mobo and burnt it,
lol, i hate smokers now
Get xbox360 games under 24pounds here :http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-52gn-
30. December 2006 @ 07:55 |
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Originally posted by mattybass: Ok so I want to use this tutorial and I think I'm getting a 200GB Maxtor HD that is ATA-100. The problem is, will i still be able to connect it to my motherboard even though my current hard drive is SATA? I don't know if my motherboard has ATA.
My motherboard is an Asus A8N32-SLi Deluxe if that helps
Most likely you also have ata connectors onboard. If you are unsure, find a geek friend to help you first!
Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
30. December 2006 @ 08:30 |
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Originally posted by mattybass: Ok so I want to use this tutorial and I think I'm getting a 200GB Maxtor HD that is ATA-100. The problem is, will i still be able to connect it to my motherboard even though my current hard drive is SATA? I don't know if my motherboard has ATA.
My motherboard is an Asus A8N32-SLi Deluxe if that helps
Most likely you also have ata connectors onboard. If you are unsure, find a geek friend to help you first!
Checking your mobo specifications, you should have 2 Ultra ATA connections present.
30. December 2006 @ 20:13 |
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hey.....just installed a 160gig with xboxhdm but I can't get all the games to work....some work if I qwix or craxtion them on the new f drive but none will work if I copy a disk on to it....I have tried dvd2xbox complex tools px hdd loader the games load but when I go to start game it freezes.....anybody have any ideas??......also how do I load another dashboard on my xbox I am using evox.....all the games have been burnt and put on the hdd before
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. December 2006 @ 20:19
30. December 2006 @ 22:07 |
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ok so i followed everything step by step and when it came to locking, i went lockhd -a and it said security enabled and successful but it didnt lock. so i tired it in the xbox and it only booted to the xbox dashboard. did it work or what did i do wrong?
31. December 2006 @ 01:06 |
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Originally posted by mattybass: ok so i followed everything step by step and when it came to locking, i went lockhd -a and it said security enabled and successful but it didnt lock. so i tired it in the xbox and it only booted to the xbox dashboard. did it work or what did i do wrong?
If you received the msg "security enabled" your drive locked successfully. Booting to the xbox dash is normal - see previous postings regarding this matter. You will have to remod the xbox and may need to reinstall all apps / games / saves, etc.
Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. December 2006 @ 01:07
31. December 2006 @ 01:09 |
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Originally posted by newbie862: Folks, just want to say that I was able to successfully remod my
newly installed hard disk and it appears to be working fine now.
I was only able to see 123GB in Drive F out of the 320GB space, and drive G was showing no free space. I had to format and prepare G
drive to see the remaining space in that Drive.
Looking back at the xboxhdm install procedure again, it's highly
possible that I might have missed a step, causing the problem.
Thanks for all the help!
This is normal from what I've experienced thus far.
Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
31. December 2006 @ 08:15 |
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not only will it not play certain games from hdd but it will not play them from disk either.....I was having trouble with display on PAL games as well but I ftped shademands c drive and overwrote my c drive and that fixed that problem......this is driving me nuts i used xbpartitioner to build a 142gig f drive would that matter??
i have now installed unleashx and avalaunch but neither of them are helping with my problem.....
31. December 2006 @ 09:04 |
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I wiped out my e drive and now everything works.....just replacing all my apps now.....
31. December 2006 @ 14:36 |
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Originally posted by MorbidJ: I wiped out my e drive and now everything works.....just replacing all my apps now.....
Glad to hear that you got everything working! After reading through this forum, I noticed many ppl having similar issues with their copied data not working properly. It may be easier to just backup that info and rebuild the E and F partitions after drive upgrades. Of course, YMMV!
Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
Junior Member
2. January 2007 @ 11:09 |
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I'm not getting all of the 80 gbs.
The C and E drives are the normal spaces/sizes, and I have the F and G drives enabled, but I only get 24 gb on my F drive, and none on my G:
Is there a certain step to do when the linux installer thing asks me about the F drive? I know it says "your drive is bigger than 8gb, would you like to install an F Partition" So I said yes, then it asked "We noticed you have an F partition, Format this partition?" So I clicked yes.
2. January 2007 @ 15:14 |
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The message that is popping up on the xbox screen is 05 customer service is needed... well i dont think that i want to send it back to microsoft... if you think its the hdd let me know or if i have to use the xbpartioner also let me know....i think its because its a Maxtor drive though...
2. January 2007 @ 16:27 |
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Originally posted by JohanVB: The message that is popping up on the xbox screen is 05 customer service is needed... well i dont think that i want to send it back to microsoft... if you think its the hdd let me know or if i have to use the xbpartioner also let me know....i think its because its a Maxtor drive though...
Error message 05, as listed here, suggests that you did not successfully lock your xbox HD. Try locking it again and see what happens.
Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. January 2007 @ 16:28
2. January 2007 @ 16:33 |
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Originally posted by keith182: I'm not getting all of the 80 gbs.
The C and E drives are the normal spaces/sizes, and I have the F and G drives enabled, but I only get 24 gb on my F drive, and none on my G:
Is there a certain step to do when the linux installer thing asks me about the F drive? I know it says "your drive is bigger than 8gb, would you like to install an F Partition" So I said yes, then it asked "We noticed you have an F partition, Format this partition?" So I clicked yes.
Everything sounds right, those are the same steps I used to successfully upgrade 4 seperate xboxes now. I would suggest trying agian. If that doesn't work, contact the developer(s) of XboxHDM and see what they say.
Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
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3. January 2007 @ 20:34 |
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wats up everybody
nice tut
but i have a problem i made the iso with xbox hdm and i burned it to a dvd and when i loaded it in my pc it worked fine
but for the first step
when i typed in 1)boot VGA with xbox-drive utitlies (default)
it said cant find "ramdisk image"
and it wont even work i need help with step
thank u in advance
4. January 2007 @ 21:04 |
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Originally posted by super09: wats up everybody
nice tut
but i have a problem i made the iso with xbox hdm and i burned it to a dvd and when i loaded it in my pc it worked fine
but for the first step
when i typed in 1)boot VGA with xbox-drive utitlies (default)
it said cant find "ramdisk image"
and it wont even work i need help with step
thank u in advance
Try building the iso again or another PC.
Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
Suspended due to non-functional email address
4. January 2007 @ 21:16 |
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Originally posted by super09: wats up everybody
nice tut
but i have a problem i made the iso with xbox hdm and i burned it to a dvd and when i loaded it in my pc it worked fine
but for the first step
when i typed in 1)boot VGA with xbox-drive utitlies (default)
it said cant find "ramdisk image"
and it wont even work i need help with step
thank u in advance
Try building the iso again or another PC.
i tried many pcs and after i see the linux menu
and i type in Boot:1
it still says
"Cant find ramdisk image:intrid.gz"
i tried it on several pcs
and i think i build the iso the right way
4. January 2007 @ 22:11 |
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Originally posted by super09:
i tried many pcs and after i see the linux menu
and i type in Boot:1
it still says
"Cant find ramdisk image:intrid.gz"
i tried it on several pcs
and i think i build the iso the right way
Try contacting the developer(s) of XboxHDM and see what they say.
Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
5. January 2007 @ 05:22 |
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Originally posted by keith182: I'm not getting all of the 80 gbs.
The C and E drives are the normal spaces/sizes, and I have the F and G drives enabled, but I only get 24 gb on my F drive, and none on my G:
Is there a certain step to do when the linux installer thing asks me about the F drive? I know it says "your drive is bigger than 8gb, would you like to install an F Partition" So I said yes, then it asked "We noticed you have an F partition, Format this partition?" So I clicked yes.
Try a few different setups in xbpartition on the xbox, my xbox is set up to get all the space just on my F without a need for a G drive.
6. January 2007 @ 18:21 |
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is it at all possible to use a laptop.i doubt it but my laptop will boot from the disk while none of the three other pc's in my house will boot from the disc. i'v even chatted with the friendly techs at HP computers and they didn't know why it wouldn't boot to disc
if anyone knows of how i can get the pc to boot to disc or of another way to setup a new xbox hard drive pleeeaaassseee let meknow
7. January 2007 @ 22:10 |
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Originally posted by polkaudi: is it at all possible to use a laptop. . .
Theoretically it's possible, tho not likely probable and would likely require the purchase of specialized hardware. Feel free to research it tho! Unsure why your PCs won't boot the disc. My only suggestion is to try again or contact the developer(s) to diagnose the problem.
Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. January 2007 @ 22:12
9. January 2007 @ 15:30 |
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a while ago i softmodded my xbox with no problems. but now think its about time i did the large Hdd mod too. so i got a drive, followed all the instructions as above, made the new drive copying all the c and e drives. when i start up the disc it loads into the old ms dash. (my old orig. drive loaded directly into evoX which i used as the dash). how come this one which has supposidy copied the old drive os loading into ms dash?
not being successful in finding a media that would allow evox to boot off cd i thought i'd modify my 'c' drive in the iso so that it had the evox as the default.xbe and evox.ini in the root copied from my old hdd (which had it in e:/dash/) this still does not work.
the drive is locked ok as i can still access music that was ripped onto the drive long before i modded the console.
the old hdd still works fine so i still have a workign softmodded box but really want the larger hdd in it. how do you set the default dash etc?
anyone got any ideas?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. January 2007 @ 15:32