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Upgrading HD on Softmodded Xbox Tutorial
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21. November 2006 @ 07:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I successfully swapped out my original HDD FOR a 250 gb, and everything is running great in my dashboard (XBMC).
However, I am unable to play Xbox-live compatible games because of the swap. It's not that I cant get to Xbox live, the game just crashes at the start menu. When i unplug the ethernet cable, everything works fine.

Anyone have ideas of what to change in settings or even what files to delete?
29. November 2006 @ 21:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey, i got a samsung harddrive, i had it in my xbox running fine, then i wanted to redo it, i unlocked the harddrive again, reinstalled everything then tryed to lock the harddrive again tho it wont let me, does the jumpers on the back of the harddrive stop it from letting u do anything should it be set to master or slave?


xbox more fun then a hole in your head
30. November 2006 @ 11:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just thought I should post my $0.02 worth! I successfully upgraded my HD in my xbox from an 80 gig to a 120 gig using this howto (aquired it from a friend pre-hacked - ran outta space on the 80 gig after about a year of use!). I just finished wiping the 80 gig and intend to upgrade a friend's stock Xbox using the old 80 gig!

I spent about 3 hours reading every post and carefully followed the instructions to achieve success. I would like to note that while the OP's instructions were good, he did not give enough information about what each step does / does not do, give info for what steps to perform should something fail, nor did he make it simple enough for an absolute n00b to follow. Perhaps this howto could be rewritten in such a way as to fully answer many of the questions that have been posted since it was originally created, and possibly point out steps to resolve some issues.

To hopefully answer some questions that may be asked, here's the steps I used.

1> Downloaded xboxhdm 1.9 from xbins (you'll hafta figure out how to get that yourself)

2> Used the backup C and eeprom from my xbox (found the eeprom in the UDATA folder to ensure it was the correct eeprom)

3> Assembled and burned the CD according to instructions

4> Booted my PC as instructions stated (didn't work) used spare duron machine (worked fine). I would suggest that if it doesn't work first time, try again with another PC. Many posters have stated that it took several tries on various machines to get it to work.

5> Followed instructions given to recreate the file system on my new drive and lock it.

6> Inserted drive and powered on (and prayed). It worked first try! I did have to reapply my softmod (fortunately, I got all the files ahead of time as I've been performing softmods on many machines in recent months). Reinserted old drive and began a full drive backup to my PC and am now doing a selective reload of all games, gamesaves, etc. to my new 120 gb drive!

Also, to the person who posted the info about using hdderase.exe to fully erase the data from a drive, I am using an open source program called DBAN and it gave me no issues with a locked drive. Just to check, I inserted the xboxhdm disc I created after I wiped the drive and it said the drive was not locked (note: I did not unlock the drive before I ran DBAN - forgot that step till it was already started).

Following my success, I may try to write up an updated howto and will give detailed info of my steps along the way for anybody who's interested. Anybody interested in grouping our collective experience together to write this?

As always, YMMV

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
30. November 2006 @ 20:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i found if the jumpers are on the harddrive the wrong way it wont let u lock it

xbox more fun then a hole in your head
1. December 2006 @ 10:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Could you provide more details?

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
2. December 2006 @ 08:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok. So Here's what I have done and I STILL can't get the new HDD installed:

1) dled xboxhdm 1.9 from the "usual places."

2) Unpacked it successfully and built the image with both the c drive and the eeprom from the box.

3) Burned the image in Nero.

4) Used the cd to format and build the HDD from scratch on TWO seperate drives (an old 250gb WD2500 I had laying around, and a brand new 80 GB WD800JB fresh out of the box today), with two different copies of the burned cd.

5) Waited for the formatting to complete, and then rebooted the pc as directed.

6) Used the linux (option 3) tool on the cd to lock the HD.

I never got any error messages when formatting the drives, so I am thinking that something must be wrong with the image. Any thoughts?
2. December 2006 @ 09:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
btw, error message is 06.
2. December 2006 @ 13:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I would suggest that you re-acquire the eeprom from the xbox. A quick check of the following page : shows that error 6 means unable to UNLOCK the drive. I would hypothesize that you correctly locked the drive but it was not using the correct eeprom file. Perhaps you could download the eeprom directly from the UDATA folder. Do a search on this thread for the exact location. Once you've done this, please try again and report your results

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
2. December 2006 @ 21:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That did the trick. Thanks, slaeyer.
2. December 2006 @ 22:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Glad to hear it!

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
2. December 2006 @ 23:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I would like to note that using the above steps, I have successfully done the HD swap to two xboxes. Further review of the threads in this forum would make me think that alot of ppl are not aquiring the correct eeprom file. Perhaps we should just look in the E:\UDATA folder for the eeprom.bin file from here on out!

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
3. December 2006 @ 03:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi there. I am new to this mod bit so please bare with me.

I have an XBOX which I bought pre-modded, I understand that it is a softmodded xbox but I am not sure what method was used to mod it (at least when I open her up there is no mod chip r soldered jumpers to e seen).

I used this tutorial to create a new HDD from scratch for my xbox and it worked, however, I can only get it to boot to the plain old Xbox Dash - it will not boot into the EvoX dash as it does on my original HDD.

Is there away to enable the mod agin on this HDD? I though if I copied across all the contents of the drives as explained (and the eeprom etc)in this tutorial the new HDD would behave in exactly the same way as the old one

Any replies to clarify this are appreciated.
3. December 2006 @ 11:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This is a common occurance after upgrading the HD. Unfortunately, without knowing how your box was modded, I can't help you much more. You will have to reaquire the softmod files and reapply them. Talk to the person you bought it from or search the web for a howto. You will need one of 3 games - Original versions of MechAssult, 007 Agent Under Fire or some Splinter Cell game I think.

There was a good howto on Digg several months back, might be in their archives. Also, xbox-scene will have alot of different variations.

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
3. December 2006 @ 13:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Bugger - I was hopping there was something a newbie like me had overlooked. Thanks for your time, I will look into modding it again - god know where the guy I bought it from may be - it was over a year ago
3. December 2006 @ 14:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
im a n00b modder also. ive come across a situation i cant seem to solve. so
1) i managed to mod my original xbox fine using by hotswapping + xboxhdm 1.9 and Ndure. the unleashx dashboard loaded fine
2) i downloaded configmagic to my xbox so that i could retrieve the eeprom. i got the eeprom (had to rename it for a bigger harddrive).
3)i copied all the files from my original harddrive to my computer (C + E but i left out all the stuff from tdata), and i created a new xboxhdm boot disc with my eeprom, C and E drives (i left ndure out this time).
4) i formatted my new harddrive, it seemed to work ok, but i THINK i saw an error when it tried to load the E drive, but xboxhdm took me back to the first page so fast, that i didnt even have a chance to see.
5) i lock my new harddrive, and pop it into my xbox. and it stalls on the MS splash screen. i take the harddrive out, and put in the original drive in, and it too is stalled on the splash screen. i pop in a game, and the game loads fine, i can play, save and even load games just fine (using the old hd, the new one just freezes). but i cant get to the dashboards to load on either the old or new harddrives. have i done some thing completely wrong? any help would be great.
3. December 2006 @ 16:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
>li150 I seem to remember an option in xboxhdm 1.9 to clone a drive. You may be successful trying that. I have not attempted this technique so you're pretty much on your own, but I see no logical reason that it will not work.

>veej I have no experience with your specific softmod configuration so I cannot offer much info but perhaps you do not have the drive installed correctly in the xbox. On my xbox, I set the drive as cable select. Other options did not work correctly and the xbox would fail to boot. Perhaps this is your issue as well.

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
3. December 2006 @ 16:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes - you are right Sleayer - there is an option to clone a HDD. I didn't go this route because I thought it cause problems with my new HDD being 250GB in size and I wanted to be able to use it. I may give this a go.
3. December 2006 @ 18:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by li150:
Yes - you are right Sleayer - there is an option to clone a HDD. I didn't go this route because I thought it cause problems with my new HDD being 250GB in size and I wanted to be able to use it. I may give this a go.
Please report your success / failure. Although I personally would rather see ppl learn how to do this from start to finish, assuming success, this may be a valid option for some ppl!

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
3. December 2006 @ 19:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello everyone,

thank you for your help. i did have the drive on cable select, but i managed to get the drive working. for those that might be in the same situation as me, i will explain what exactly happened.
i softmodded my xbox using hotswapping. i used a dell computer, and required a "double swapping" (with the drive on Cable Select). i put the xbox hd in my computer, so that the dell bios would recognize that there actually was a harddrive (eventhough it cant read it). then i hotswapped it into the xbox, and powered it up, and swapped it out almost immediately assuming it was unlocked. i hotswapped it again into the computer, and pressed 2 on the xboxhdm+nudure cd i made. then i typed xbrowser, navigated to the ndure folder, and ran the ndure script. i choose option 1 (install ndure), and let the program do the rest. then i put the drive back into the xbox, launched it, and i successfully softmodded it. then i FTP-ed into it and dropped config magic to get the eeprom. then i created another xboxhdm cd but this time i copied the eeprom file into the eeprom folder for the cd (along with the C drive of my original drive). then using the newly burnt cd, i connected my new hd, unlocked it, performed the same steps for xboxhdm as above, and then popped it into the xbox. lo-and-behold, it worked. now the only problem i have is that the system only shows 137gigs on my 200gig drive, which i guess is the problem with softmodding, but all i have to say is that it worked. thank you to all those that helped me out :)
4. December 2006 @ 00:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Glad to hear you got it working!

The 137 GB limit is overcome by formatting with an LBA 48 aware dashboard. I am unsure of all the dash's out there but I have read that UnleashX can format a G partition above 137 GB. This may help!

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
4. December 2006 @ 04:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I used the original HD from the xbox and cloned it to an 80 gig then created an f drive and it works just fine.... the only problem i have now is that in the dashboard i do not know how to make it so my saved games can be accessed from GAMES on the main menu now that they are in the F drive. any one know how to do this?? please help
4. December 2006 @ 10:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by dkinard:
I used the original HD from the xbox and cloned it to an 80 gig then created an f drive and it works just fine.... the only problem i have now is that in the dashboard i do not know how to make it so my saved games can be accessed from GAMES on the main menu now that they are in the F drive. any one know how to do this?? please help
I know of no way to force the xbox to access save games on any partition other than E. The simplest way I can think of to solve your issue would be to move that info from F to E

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
4. December 2006 @ 23:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You mean games you've copied to the drive as opposed to game save data? The correct answer will depend on which dashboard you are using then researching how to enable the F partition on that dashboard. In EvolutionX there is an option in the system settings folder to enable the F and G partitions to be seen by the dash.

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
Junior Member
5. December 2006 @ 04:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ya there is a way make sure you have the folder named the same like i had games and applications but only the games came up and i had to change the applications folder to apps look at the folders on your e drive i used unleash x dash
6. December 2006 @ 07:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks slaeyer, using UnleashX (which came with the XboxHDM + NDURE install), i simply went into the system's menu and enabled the G: drive, then went to the format menu (and if anyone wants to know, the password to get into the format menu is Xbox <-- capital 'X', lower case 'box'), and formatted both the F and G drives, and voila, i have the full 200Gig on my xbox. > forums > archived forums > xbox - hardware mods > upgrading hd on softmodded xbox tutorial

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