How much will this PS3 cost
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23. May 2005 @ 19:01 |
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PS3 will be at cost at less 2X the price of Xbox, sony needs to make money and make it fast so it shoud be sold over 600.
it looks bad for sony. put it to hight no 1 will buy it, make it to low it will lose money for sony like PS1 PS2 and PSP but faster. dont get me wrong xbox360 will lose money for MS just like xbox did.
MS has more money then sony. how dose nitendo do it? make money that is. Maybe because they were the only one for so long
the PS3 is ugly like the revolution and Xbox360 dose look that good to
Junior Member
23. May 2005 @ 19:13 |
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i heard 360 will cost around 300 with a 20GB HD
ps3 will have 2 versions
a 120GH HD and a 400 GH HD
i am just telling u guys what i heard from a japanese friend of mine
he may be pulling my legs
and i cant find any website that confirms this
so who knows....only time will tell
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24. May 2005 @ 00:14 |
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i heard 360 will cost around 300 with a 20GB HD .
ps3 will have 2 versions
a 120GH HD and a 400 GH HD
i am just telling u guys what i heard from a japanese friend of mine
he may be pulling my legs
and i cant find any website that confirms this
so who knows....only time will tell
sony will releace more then 1 version, like the ps2
smaller ps2 and the psx
Junior Member
25. May 2005 @ 18:29 |
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IM NOT SPAMMING but i say get a free one...there are websites out right now... dont know about reliability tho
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27. May 2005 @ 10:39 |
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MAN o MAN these consoles are baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad i cant afford to pay 300 quid again for a console that went to 99 quid a year after ps3 got blutooth controllers thats wiked xbox360 looks fine aswell but ps3 is good DONT forget about nintendo revolution although i think they wont get far
29. May 2005 @ 15:39 |
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the ps3 will be released in japan for approx 40,000 yen which is more or less equivelant to 380 us dollars probabbly sell at $400
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5. June 2005 @ 03:20 |
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this is gonna be big
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5. June 2005 @ 06:25 |
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Remember when the PS2 came out, and there was speculation it was going to be around 500$, then remember when the PS1 came out and the speculation was roughly the same...
-Isn't it great to wake up and not know what day it is?
-"Pull my finger" is one thing you'll never hear a leper say.
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2. October 2005 @ 15:01 |
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2. October 2005 @ 19:01 |
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i have looked at many sights and i think the playstation 3 will be about
$500 australian dollors. yes it is dear but looking at the specs and how good the next generation of gaming will be i would as well as any true game enthusiest would say IT IS WELL WORTH IT
6. October 2005 @ 15:58 |
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well now that stores are starting to put xbox 360 on sale the official info for 360 is it will be 400 for the best pakage which includes wireless controller, harddrive and headset as the mainstuff and 300 for basic which includes system and a wired controller so if you ask me go for the bundle better deal.
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7. October 2005 @ 12:08 |
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i think $600 dollars for the ps3 is off caus people have to be able to buy it and besides, sony makes their money off of the games, not the consoles. anyways i dont really care how it looks either caus gameplay and graphics are all im worried about
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7. October 2005 @ 13:38 |
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everybody is saying 700 without the hdd
Sig Created Phantom69
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10. October 2005 @ 03:02 |
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i agree with cjcoled, dont care what i looks like, i will prob get the black ps3. The only thing i do not like about the ps3 is the controller, i like that it is wireless, but they shuld have keptthe same shape as the ps1 and ps2. i think that it will prob go for about $400-$500 australian dollars, but who knows. wasnt the ps2 like $800 when it was first released. the games might be a little more expensive, but they are supposedly tonnez better.
AfterDawn Addict
10. October 2005 @ 03:59 |
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the release price of the ps2 was $300 USD
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10. October 2005 @ 04:40 |
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10. October 2005 @ 13:58 |
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thhats crazy the ps2 came out at around 550$canadain and thats how much the 360 is going to be cnd
Sig Created Phantom69
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11. October 2005 @ 16:34 |
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In US Money its $360, which is not that bad.
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19. October 2005 @ 10:39 |
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theyre not gonna make it overpriced caus the carriers always loose money on the consoles, its the games they get the serious cash from.
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19. October 2005 @ 15:47 |
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27. October 2005 @ 09:00 |
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Im not cocerned about the price right now I usally wait till the price drops, hey if its $350 or less ill get it.
Junior Member
28. October 2005 @ 03:39 |
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I laugh at the people who say that PS3 will be around $450-$500AUS. The PS2 cost around $800-$900AUS when it was released, and so far all signs point to the PS3 being much more expensive. Alot of companies havnt even shown any support for blue ray and alot of companies are turning to the 360 because the games are much easyer to design.
I used to love playstation. But then they came out with the peice of crap PS2. Saying it will have toy story graphics and all. What a load of crap. And sony where lying about how the trailers at E3 where game play when they wernt. I absolutly hate playstation now. Iv turned to the xbox which has just as good games if not better and the best online service. All the sony fan boys should just realise what a piece of crap playstation is and make the change.
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3. November 2005 @ 10:24 |
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to all buy the xbox360 it's so much better
AfterDawn Addict
3. November 2005 @ 11:44 |
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yes, let's force our opinions on others as facts, as we all know we're always right and that's always the truth; it couldn't possibly be one of those things where each machine has it's own pros and cons and isn't simply the best at everything...hell no. we're so close to that fascist state. hitler and stalin must be so proud of us!
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3. November 2005 @ 11:57 |
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Everyone the PS3 sucks lets just face it. The XBOX360 is going to run Sony out of business the only good product Sony makes is there T.V.'s. Well there computers are ok but there to dawm expensive. I could go onto a dell websight and buy the exact same thing a few hundred bucks less.
is only scaming all of your money away!
come on who wants to play 7 people on the same T.V. I can barely play when 2 people are on the T.V. let alone 4
Then let's not miss the part about how it's going to need 7 controllers ok theres $350
DAWM thats only for controllers HELL you could buy a 15" HDTV for that much and it's a widescreen.
Just buy the XBOX360 and we will all be safe!