How much will this PS3 cost
AfterDawn Addict
23 product reviews
9. December 2005 @ 11:12 |
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$400, w/out accessories just PS3+cables(HD shoudl be included)+controller
That's not bad for 2TFLOPS.
Yeah, and that article is from june 28th. Were still speculating the price, why should we even look at news that is 6 months old.
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9. December 2005 @ 11:13 |
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Actually the price probably went down since 6 months. Mabey because the specs have stayed the same dont you think? Nothing new about the system, wel not what the public heard. So the price will stay the same. It would be poitless to make the same article about somthing. And may i include that all say the same shit.
ps3:GPU-24 pipelines producing 5.7 ops each
-700mhz ram.
-On par with geforce 7800
-rsx at 550mhz
-rsx is 1.8 tflops
ps3:CPU-Cell processor
-total of 8 spe's running at 3.2 ghz.
Cell is 218GFLOPS.
Computer Hp pavilion a700n
448 mb of ram(upgrading it to 1gb)
(going to have geforce 7800 soon)
Currently(a shitty intergrated via/s3)
Information about ps3's rsx is on:
Information about The xbox360 and ps3's gpu

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9. December 2005 @ 11:23 |
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AfterDawn Addict
23 product reviews
9. December 2005 @ 11:26 |
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Quote: Actually the price probably went down since 6 months. Mabey because the specs have stayed the same dont you think?
Actually they have even dropped the router ability since june. Maybe because otherwise it would cost hell of a lot (more) money. Well we can let gamespot do their speculation and everybody else too, we'll see what costs when it retails.
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9. December 2005 @ 12:41 |
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One thing i have to say, no wonder why you are banned. I hope i never here of you again.
..I just got a headach.
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9. December 2005 @ 14:44 |
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Yeah, it is old, I didn't even check, I used it because it reiterate dmy speculation.
I believe Sony will sell it for $400, and so do alot of other sites, old and new articles, do I want to find them? No, but when I stand in line for ages at Best Buy, I will probably be buying for $400.
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
9. December 2005 @ 15:29 |
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I do recall warning you already about foul language. Edit your posts. You will not get another warning.
10. December 2005 @ 02:03 |
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It's all analyst predictions. Never know if it will be right or wrong. We'll see soon.
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10. December 2005 @ 08:23 |
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Exactly, let's end it there, but with the thought that industry analysist make alot of money for doign their job right.
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
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15. December 2005 @ 11:02 |
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400$ seems like a little in america to me, in canada the xbox360 is released 500$. The ps3 would be like that too..aww, well that means i got to save up my money now.
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15. December 2005 @ 14:28 |
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it's different currency, it's just $400 american dollars in canadian dollars, you aren't literally paying more
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
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15. December 2005 @ 14:33 |
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Yupp that is how it is in canada, everything is more expencive.
One canadian dollar is 85 cents american
400/85x100=471 when rounded
canadian price 500$
They sell it 30 more dollars canadian
25 dollars more american
America has cheap prices for things, but higher tax prices, thats just the way it is.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. December 2005 @ 14:40
1 product review
15. December 2005 @ 21:26 |
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KoOkOo67 said:
Quote: America has cheap prices for things, but higher tax prices, thats just the way it is.
This is true. We get taxed for everything but breathing (but that could change!).:)
All I know is, that the PS3 will make a killing in sales with its special features and stuff. If you get a PS3, you won't have to buy a BD-ROM, so you can skip that part for movies.
Every game I've seen that's to be produced for the PS3 have been some of the best looking games in my book. You have all those loyal fans of Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto, and so forth backing this up. Their new game line-up looks very good as well, I'm waiting to get Heavenly Sword, Devil May Cry 4, and Final Fanasy XII (or whichever). It's also around the same time that they'll release Kingdom Hearts 2, which I've been waiting for with zen-like patience.
I don't even think a year will go by before Sony generates all of their profits back with this system. Let this be a lesson for them for making those XCP-infested discs, and call it even.
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16. December 2005 @ 05:40 |
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We need to get taxed a hell of alot more if we want to pull out of national debt. Do away with th eincome tax, and increase sales tax drastyically. Each person shoudl never be taxed for working and making money, but everyone should be paying for national debt with the money they spend on frivilous things.
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
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16. December 2005 @ 21:31 |
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Lol, is this turning into a political thread?
I think we know why we should get taxed.
1 product review
18. December 2005 @ 11:19 |
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Yeah, Reasons?, that's true. We should only be taxed for items we buy as a consumerist nation, putting the prices high for that reason. But did also consider that that would go for utilities and gas and such, making those extrememly high. In California we already passed the hump for the $3 a gallon, if we were taxed for it, I highly doubt anybody would support it if they had to pay 2x that amount, even if they aren't taxed during a fiscal year for their income. People just don't make that much.
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18. December 2005 @ 17:26 |
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Rather than taxing gas, I would just tax the vehicle you buy more. Ther eis already a "Gas Guzzler Tax" on low fuel economy vehicles, but they shoudl hike that, then the poeple who buy a hybrid don't pay as much on gas by the gallon.
And since gas is really a necessity you're right, don't tax it so much if at all, just tax the vehicle for it's mileage.
This threa dis goign to far off track i think...
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
1 product review
18. December 2005 @ 23:12 |
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Yeah, you're right. We've said our pieces and commented on the subject at hand, so let's just leave it at that.
20. December 2005 @ 07:32 |
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I believe $400 for a console with the cables, 1 controller and maybe even a low capacity memory stick duo. No more than that, since it must compete with the 360 that comes with hdd, media remote and headset for the same price. If Sony can't get price below $400, then the 360 will start looking better, and better and better...

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20. December 2005 @ 13:27 |
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You forget, $400 is nothign to alot of people, SOny doesn't care who buys it and at what price, they adjust everything to maximize profit. Tailor the system to thos ewho can buy the most games and accessories. If someone can't afford $400 for the system, they won't be buying a whole lot else, so Sony doesn't car eabout you.
Microsoft has to tailor to the lower end market because Sony would stomp them with experience if they played in the same price range.
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
Junior Member
20. December 2005 @ 19:45 |
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I hope itll be $400 american, but I have a feeling it will be more like $500. Just cause the fact that its gonna have the incredibly powerful and expensive "cell" processor and a blue ray drive.
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21. December 2005 @ 10:18 |
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Quote: You forget, $400 is nothign to alot of people, SOny doesn't care who buys it and at what price, they adjust everything to maximize profit. Tailor the system to thos ewho can buy the most games and accessories. If someone can't afford $400 for the system, they won't be buying a whole lot else, so Sony doesn't car eabout you.
What an ignorant thing to say
Im pretty sure it is something .to alot of people.
Price is a very big contributing factor when it comes down to it, sure there will always be the ps3 fanboys who will buy it no matter what, but then again there will be alot of ppl who are torn on which system to get. A lower price tag may sway them in the other direction.
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21. December 2005 @ 14:30 |
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1. You must not be American.
2. Almost all gamers have a preference company, whether they say it or not, everyone has chosen a side they will stick to whether they have both or no consoles.
3. What's a hundred bucks to make a better system if we pay $60 for games, $50 for another controller, and for the true idiots who pay $40 for a 64MB memory card.
"Im pretty sure it is something .to alot of people."
Sony doesn't care about the people who only rent games, the very people who would be affected by $100 price difference in a five year console. The only money they make, versus the 100+ they lost on the system, comes from games being sold to alot of people for alot of money.
Everyone that is not ignorent is ignorent in the eyes of the ignorent one.
But I would say you are more naive than anything :) You ever seen a man beaten to death with a hammer over a $600 drug debt? No, mommy covered your eyes, just like she has to the rest of the real world. No offense, of course... just figured you might need to know what naivity is.
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
21. December 2005 @ 14:35 |
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Quote: You ever seen a man beaten to death with a hammer over a $600 drug debt?
Whoa!! A bit intense there, Reasons? I get your point, though.

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21. December 2005 @ 15:21 |
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The price might not make a big diff to someone who is buying a system for himself. But think about parents who buy a system for all their little brats. You think they have a preference? You think they really know what the diff between each concole is? The answer is prob no, they will see a video game console and if one has an apealing price tag compared to another im sure they will go with that. They could really care less unless a brat whines "i wanna a 360 or whaaa i want a ps3"
I mean look at the gamecube, its about to break the 20 mill mark in console sales world wide. I bet atleast half of those were sold because ppl found it as a more apealing price, even if not half atleast a quarter. Im pretty sure 5-10 mill customers is not nothing to sony.