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Upgrading HD on Softmodded Xbox Tutorial
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25. January 2007 @ 09:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Daak:
I'm having problems getting this this tutorial to work....
XboxHDM does not need anything in the E folder for this tutorial to work, the xbox will recreate that partition upon 1st boot using it's default settings. If you're not transferring any gamesaves, or have what you want to transfer backed up, don't worry about the E.

The formatting process is very quick while the copying process will take some time depending on the amount of data to be copied. In my experience, 5 - 10 minutes to copy 100 or so MB of data to the C partition is not uncommon. Locking is also very quick, taking only a few seconds.

Some other suggestions that seem to help others, burn the CD at the slowest recording speed your burner will support, verify the recording, make sure the new hard drive is set as Primary Master (/dev/hda in linux) and the CD-ROM is Secondary Master (/dev/hdc in linux) with no other drives hooked up, if all else fails, try another computer and try recreating the CD image.

When installing the drive into the xbox, setting the drive as cable select usually works. If the drive supports Master with no Slave present, you may try that option as well. Different drives and xbox revision combinations seem to prefer a different setup, experiment with what works to find your "perfect setup".

There are alot of posts in this thread and reading it through till the end will answer many questions others have already asked. If everything fails, try contacting the developer(s) of XboxHDM and see what they have to say!

Lastly, a GREAT explanation of Xbox Error Codes and their meaning is here

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. January 2007 @ 10:52

25. January 2007 @ 15:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
XboxHDM does not need anything in the E folder for this tutorial to work
Thanks for sharing your experience. I would think I would need the E folder because it has my softmod files - not to mention my current dash, XBMC.

I will try the stuff you suggested. Does it matter that the HDD was formerly NTFS? I was thinking I should try the fatx format over a fat format (maybe it would work faster).
25. January 2007 @ 18:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
...I would think I would need the E folder because it has my softmod files - not to mention my current dash, XBMC.

I should note, if you do not have a backup of your homebrew / games, etc, you will want to back them up via FTP before you make a boot disc that does not contain an E folder, but neither the XboxHDM software nor the Xbox itself require these folders (in my experience).
I will try the stuff you suggested. Does it matter that the HDD was formerly NTFS? I was thinking I should try the fatx format over a fat format (maybe it would work faster).
I doubt the previous format of the drive would make any difference, if you're worried about the drive's integrity or not having a clean format, use a tool like Dban before you format the drive. Dban will overwrite every sector of the drive (including sectors reserved for partition map, master boot record, etc.) with psuedo-random data (useful for *cough* hiding one's tracks too) from a bootlable CD-ROM or floppy disk. The result is a clean drive that was error checked (somewhat) during zeroing free of junk from multiple formatting, deletions, etc.

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
Junior Member
29. January 2007 @ 03:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ahhhhh my WD800LB will not lock on my PC.

I put it in the Xbox anyway and got a Error 5. (HDD not locked)

What can I do now? am I goosed?
please help
29. January 2007 @ 08:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by andyloc:
ahhhhh my WD800LB will not lock on my PC.

I put it in the Xbox anyway and got a Error 5. (HDD not locked)

What can I do now? am I goosed?
please help
Must use a drive that supports locking. List at the beginning of this thread shows drives confirmed to work.

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
Junior Member
29. January 2007 @ 11:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I really thought I had confirmed before I bought but it mustn't be.

What can I do now? anything?

I have access to another Xbox that has an actual chip soldered to it if thats of any use?

please, please help
29. January 2007 @ 20:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by andyloc:
I really thought I had confirmed before I bought but it mustn't be.

What can I do now? anything?

I have access to another Xbox that has an actual chip soldered to it if thats of any use?

please, please help
An unlockable drive is only usable in chipped xboxes. Sorry

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
Junior Member
29. January 2007 @ 21:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yup have to get a mod chip

WHoop Whoop
Junior Member
29. January 2007 @ 23:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Ok I have put the "unlockable" HDD in my chipped one and the one out of that is lockable according to the list here

I will have to redo everything, and copy everything from one drive to the other, 60Gb worth!?!?

What exactly is the lockable bit? why do some do and some dont? what are the factors that llow lockable drives?

Junior Member
30. January 2007 @ 00:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by andyloc:

Ok I have put the "unlockable" HDD in my chipped one and the one out of that is lockable according to the list here

I will have to redo everything, and copy everything from one drive to the other, 60Gb worth!?!?

What exactly is the lockable bit? why do some do and some don't? what are the factors that low lockable drives?


the reason that you got to lock it. is well if you want to run the m$ dash you need to have it that way in order to use it. 2 its also for xbl. my reason is so someone cant take my hd and stick it into there xbox or delete my stuff in there.

if you are gonna do a redo you should back your files up like i do n check out avalaunch they got a program u might like for m$ games.

WHoop Whoop
Junior Member
30. January 2007 @ 00:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Dont use XB line so not bothered about that. But the 2nd Xbox is only softmodded so want to use this "unlockable" drive in there is possible?

Think I'll have to FTP across all the files!! it'll take ages!

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30. January 2007 @ 01:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by andyloc:
Dont use XB line so not bothered about that. But the 2nd Xbox is only softmodded so want to use this "unlockable" drive in there is possible?

Think I'll have to FTP across all the files!! it'll take ages!


yup get config magic and all the other programs you need in order to do it

WHoop Whoop
Junior Member
30. January 2007 @ 01:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user

make sure you check this page out man it talks about wut i was saying on avalaunch

WHoop Whoop
Junior Member
30. January 2007 @ 01:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Th3Gam3:

make sure you check this page out man it talks about wut i was saying on avalaunch

oh if you need to know how to do that with your hard drive refer to the first post of this topic they made info on wut you need done

WHoop Whoop
Junior Member
30. January 2007 @ 03:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
eventually got it done. I followed another tip on these forums, I unplugged the power to the HDD until the linux ISO had booted and voila it worked!!??

havent a clue why but its working

30. January 2007 @ 16:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
how do you get the hdd password and eeprom so you can softmod an xbox? I'm trying to softmod my friends inorder to upgrade the hdd, but i can't unlockit.
Junior Member
30. January 2007 @ 18:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jkl:
how do you get the hdd password and eeprom so you can softmod an xbox? I'm trying to softmod my friends inorder to upgrade the hdd, but i can't unlockit.

use config magic you can get it if you have avalaunch installed on your xbox

WHoop Whoop
30. January 2007 @ 19:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the xbox hasn't been softmodded yet
and i can't figure out how to softmod his...i did mine by a boot cd my other friend gave me and the hdd in my computer case. but i lost that and now i can't figure out how to unlock it to softmod it using ndure and xboxhdm.
Junior Member
30. January 2007 @ 19:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jkl:
the xbox hasn't been softmodded yet
and i can't figure out how to softmod his...i did mine by a boot cd my other friend gave me and the hdd in my computer case. but i lost that and now i can't figure out how to unlock it to softmod it using ndure and xboxhdm.

ok one check out my profile dude and 2 wut game do u want to use to softmod it

WHoop Whoop
30. January 2007 @ 19:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the softmod I'm using basically has me take the powered down hdd out of my xbox and boot my computer off of xboxhdm cd
but the first step is to unlock it. and that is the only really hard step right now
30. January 2007 @ 21:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jkl:
the xbox hasn't been softmodded yet
and i can't figure out how to softmod his...i did mine by a boot cd my other friend gave me and the hdd in my computer case. but i lost that and now i can't figure out how to unlock it to softmod it using ndure and xboxhdm.
There are several successful methods to achieve a softmodded xbox, I would suggest you research softmodding before attempting to upgrade the HD in an xbox as this guide assumes a previously softmodded xbox. Other threads on this forum detail several ways to softmod an xbox system.

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
Junior Member
30. January 2007 @ 21:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jkl:
the xbox hasn't been softmodded yet
and i can't figure out how to softmod his...i did mine by a boot cd my other friend gave me and the hdd in my computer case. but i lost that and now i can't figure out how to unlock it to softmod it using ndure and xboxhdm.
There are several successful methods to achieve a softmodded xbox,

I would suggest you research softmodding before attempting to upgrade the HD in an xbox as this guide assumes a previously softmodded xbox. Other threads on this forum detail several ways to softmod an xbox system.
yeah pretty much do the hard way or do the way i said b4 this comment just cause im a new guy dont mean you have to write a 100000 stupid comments to know what your talking about

WHoop Whoop
30. January 2007 @ 21:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ive read about 50 tut's all assume that you have the hdd password or eeprom.bin. the other ones i got lucky and had my friends pre mad boot disk then all i had to do was have some common sense, but now i don't know how to unlock the hdd...after that upgrading and softmodding is a singe
30. January 2007 @ 22:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jkl:
ive read about 50 tut's all assume that you have the hdd password or eeprom.bin. the other ones i got lucky and had my friends pre mad boot disk then all i had to do was have some common sense, but now i don't know how to unlock the hdd...after that upgrading and softmodding is a singe
When I modded my xbox for the first time, I was clueless. I understand your frustration. That said, you do not need the hd password or the eeprom.bin to softmod an xbox. This thread lists one method, there are many more.

As this particular thread deals with upgrading the drives in a previously modded xbox, I'm not going to spell out how to get your xbox modded. I'd suggest further research into the subject on your part to find the solution that suits your needs best.

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
Junior Member
30. January 2007 @ 22:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jkl:
ive read about 50 tut's all assume that you have the hdd password or eeprom.bin. the other ones i got lucky and had my friends pre mad boot disk then all i had to do was have some common sense, but now i don't know how to unlock the hdd...after that upgrading and softmodding is a singe
When I modded my xbox for the first time, I was clueless. I understand your frustration. That said, you do not need the hd password or the eeprom.bin to softmod an xbox. This thread lists one method, there are many more.

As this particular thread deals with upgrading the drives in a previously modded xbox, I'm not going to spell out how to get your xbox modded. I'd suggest further research into the subject on your part to find the solution that suits your needs best.

you just need to find the right softmod that suits your needs i got it check my profile for further details myspace me and ill give it up. i cant b more plain then that dude.. im out of this one now

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