Ps3 and Xbox 360, a war to come..
AfterDawn Addict
12. December 2005 @ 12:12 |
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I'm going to talk about something i believe may be on our way.. As you know the 2 new
leading consoles are the ps3 and the xbox 360, and the only outcome with be the greatest
battle in video games since the crash/sonic ordeal.
lets start with the ps3. sony has patented the bluray as their own. they decided on putting
it into the ps3 for size and versability. the games developers for the ps3 will be able to
add features and details to an almost endless amount. games like ff will finally fit on one
disk with all the old capabilities, and games such as grand theft auto will be able to have a
huge map, many options of gameplay, and insane details.
onto the 360. m$ has decided to back the hd-dvd, a format less capable than the bluray. a
negative of hd-dvd is it supports 1080i will bluray does 1080p, but there is little but
noticable difference between 1080i and p. the current 360 has a dvd9 capable drive, and
they state nothing will need more than that. but studies show and reports say the 360,
come the release of ps3, will add hd-dvd into its systems to try to conquer a major loss. it
is my thought, previous 360 owners will have to perchase an addon for hd-dvd such and
the xbox did with dvd videos. or maybe a firmware upgrade online, or maybe even a 50
$-100$ exchange for a new version. even possible that current owners will not be able to
play the later games.
with both systems, each assert that their graphics are better, while comparison shows ps3
has higher cability. xbox 360 reps at e3 even said that the demos sony were showing off
were all prerendered, and sony asserted they were wrong. on this, we will have to wait to
see. over time they may even upgrade gpu speeds to meet demands.
possibly, the two system will combat eachother with addons, updgrades, and features, as
well as online content.
i would say dont buy either system untill atleast two to 5 months after the release of the
ps3, so as later, more devoloped and debuged versions will come out for both systems.
also, you will be able to see how the two systems run side by side and you can sample
them for yourselves.
i leave you with this, dont fall into the hype on the 360, and dont be so impatient as to
buy one just because it came out earlier. wait for them both two come out and fight for
the lead.
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12. December 2005 @ 12:21 |
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Quote: with both systems, each assert that their graphics are better, while comparison shows ps3 has higher cability. xbox 360 reps at e3 even said that the demos sony were showing off were all prerendered, and sony asserted they were wrong. on this, we will have to wait to see. over time they may even upgrade gpu speeds to meet demands.
Lol, duh an xbox 360 representative said that, hes for 360. A sony person would say so aswell against the 360.
There is so many of these threads.
WoOt...I aM tHe OnE............
Senior Member
12. December 2005 @ 12:54 |
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anubis66 those are very wise words and I couldnt agree with you more. I am on the other threads suggesting my thoughts that the 360 will be better but what you say is the truth. It is best to wait for both consoles and not to fall into the hype of Sony or Microsoft.
When it comes to the blue ray I think it is very stupid of Microsoft to go along with the old DVD 9gb of storage but it's not the disc that counts. Yes its more ideal but I look for good graphics and games and so far 360 has proven the better choice. When it comes to the power of the PS3 i believe it to be equal to that of 360 or only slightly better.
12. December 2005 @ 16:45 |
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I agree with anubis66, specs and tech demos are not enough to compare. I know the 360 has amazing hardware and games like PGR3 and PDZ prove it. But to know if it's better than the PS3 I'll have to play both. As the PS3 arrives I'll be saving for an HDTV, a must for either system.

AfterDawn Addict
12. December 2005 @ 18:12 |
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yeah. i wish i could afford one of those.. anyways i wish there were not so many people who get a 360 cuz "microsoft is the greatest" and "omg microsoft is better" and they have no clue of the horrific things. heh, i'd like a civil war between 360 supporters and ps3 supporters, and with the fights i see on here that seem feasable. what a ad place this is becoming.
Senior Member
12. December 2005 @ 19:40 |
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I am not a Microsoft supporter but I did like my Playstation and PS2 until I got a xbox as a present. Then I was convinced to buy a PS3 after E3 until I saw the potential for 360 in graphics, games and online that it was too hard to ignor.
I know you guys wernt suggesting that I was a 360 supporter but just remember that when Sony reviel all in January just remember how deseptive they can be and look into what they say.
Suspended permanently
12. December 2005 @ 19:55 |
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when is ps3 comin out anyways? I think im gonna follow the dudes advice and wait for later models cuz the first ones might be buggy.
Suspended permanently
13. December 2005 @ 00:31 |
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' ' I think im gonna follow the dudes advice and wait for later models cuz the first ones might be buggy. ' '
me too.
but not ps3 i will pre-order that as soon as i can.
the allmighty mudearies...
79% Sony Fanboy , 10% xbox fanboy , 11% Kidtendo fanboy.
AfterDawn Addict
13. December 2005 @ 00:53 |
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yeah. i'm going to wait atleast untill v2 go get the ps3. i dont want the 360 because i dont have any games for xbox cept halo two. dont even own an xbox, my friend gave me the game.
Senior Member
13. December 2005 @ 01:02 |
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It's t hard to tell yet but from what has happened in the past I wouldnt pre-order the PS3 either. If history is anything to go by then PS3 could well have it's problems at launch like that with the PS2 and 360.
13. December 2005 @ 04:53 |
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True. I suggest getting at least 2 years warranty just in case.
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14. December 2005 @ 16:01 |
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I dont get why people are compairing games at the moment. 100% of ps2 graphisc is almost equivelent to the 360 at the moment. look at what ff12 has to produce, the best cutscenes out of the game, somewhat look the same or better than whats out for xbox360, or whats comming for the ps3. Before competing games, you should wait, 2 or three years to see the complete library of games that both consols will have. Then compair. Technically the ps3 rsx beats the 360 ati. But games make a consol.
Pics of ff12
And guys wait for the system, im sure you wouldnt like to have a bad xbox360 or ps3. For the second website i posted, look at the images posted may 16, it showing the best of what ps2 can produce. Compair to the next gen consols. Youll see that i am right.
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AfterDawn Addict
14. December 2005 @ 16:25 |
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yeah. games make the console. there will probably be many pay-offs to system proprietary games i am sure. and yes to see full potential, game makers will have to learn the abilities of each gpu and how they can push it to the limit. the chance of a fair competition with be hard knowing how devious microsoft has known to be.
AfterDawn Addict
14. December 2005 @ 16:25 |
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yeah. games make the console. there will probably be many pay-offs to system proprietary games i am sure. and yes to see full potential, game makers will have to learn the abilities of each gpu and how they can push it to the limit. the chance of a fair competition with be hard knowing how devious microsoft has known to be.
Junior Member
14. December 2005 @ 16:32 |
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this same stuff has been said thousands of times a day for the past few months now.
14. December 2005 @ 18:36 |
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All business is 'devious'. Sony and Microsoft are in the same game.
Their quest to out-do one another will push them both to over-hype, but above that they both will produce quality entertainment. Don't buy a console for the brand or the specs, buy it because you wanna play Halo or FF.
A good race car is nothing without a good driver, the same for a console without good game developers. That's what counts, and in the end both parties should succeed there. The only thing arguing over which one is 'better' is good for is taking up space on forums.
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14. December 2005 @ 18:40 |
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Bassically its the games that you want, makes your consol, which is what you want. You like FF, and their type of games, go get a ps3. You like Halo and first person shooters, get your self a xbox360 and stop yabing on whicih consol will have the better games. It's what ever games you like.
AfterDawn Addict
14. December 2005 @ 20:30 |
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might i say i own so many fps for ps2. timespittlers 2 and 3, MoH frontline, brother is arms road to hill thirty, call of duty finest hours, etc. etc.. saying 360 is the fps console is not correct. they may have a few more but quite a few are not that great. halo is fun, and so is that paintball game. but seriouslt most fps came out on both.
Senior Member
14. December 2005 @ 21:12 |
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I dont know what games you have been looking at KooKoo but the graphics are significntly better than the PS2. Even if there are a few games like FF wich look similar you have to remember that it's multi format so its more or less a direct port to the 360 much like 'Gun' was. To add I can show you pictures of a PS1 game at the end of the PS's life and a PS2 game (when it was first released) in comparison and they look on par in terms of graphics.
I agree with JuanTime. This is why I get anoyed. Most people put thier heart into a company like Sony and Nintendo and dont give the opposition a chance. Yes you might like Final Fantasy but you might find you like the new RPG's on the 360 more. It is because they are new that people suggest that the 360 will not live up to PS3 in terms of RPG's.
Before anyone should deside on buying a console they should check out what it has to offer. Automatical presuming the 360 will be worse off than the PS3 regarding RPG's is wrong just like presuming 360 will have better fps compared to PS3.
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15. December 2005 @ 02:39 |
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Zelda didnt you look at those cutscenes for final fantasy 12 that i posted?
Thats ps2 at 100% and they look rather the same as the games for ps3 and 360.
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15. December 2005 @ 04:38 |
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By saying that about RPGs and fps games for the PS3 and XBox 360 you just insulted every Halo fanboy out there. I will concede that the XBox 360 will have better fps simply because they have more support and thus a greater chance. It is the same for the PS3. And I have yet to see a new RPG as good as the older ones in the 1990s and even before that. These newer RPGs haven't really got any more new and interesting storys anymore. There are some exceptions but for the most part they are run of the mill RPGs.
Senior Member
15. December 2005 @ 11:29 |
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What your trying to suggest is completly irrelavant. That picture is a cut scene. It doesnt use any of the PS2's power. If it was a conventional DVD I could put that into my DVD player and play it. What I am seeing in those pictures are pre-animated images done on some high tech PC which any DVD device can play because all it has to do is read the disc.
Have you done any research into the xbox 360 games? If you have then you will know who make the new RPG's for the 360. Just like to add that I am not insulting the Halo fans with my last statment. That would be the last thing I would want to do being a Halo fan myself but when you just automaticaly presume one console to be for one type of game and the other for another type before they have even come out or barley got started is a little premature. Halo will hopefully be a very good game on the 360 just like FF will hopefully be a good game on PS3 but what if the 360 just has as many more good RPG's than the PS3 and the PS3 has many more fps as good as Halo?
My point is that it is that you can not go and say one console is good for one genre when they havent even been out atleast a year.
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15. December 2005 @ 11:37 |
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@ xelda
Quote: That picture is a cut scene. It doesnt use any of the PS2's power. If it was a conventional DVD I could put that into my DVD player and play it.
Nope, cutscenes dont go like that, you can also see that with the ps1 ff8, and the ps1 cant play dvd's. The scenes that the ps1 ff8 produced loos lk ps2 at the begining take a look.
Look, that is the best what psx can produce, and the psx can't play dvd's which makes your statement wrong.
Games dont go like you play, then goes to dvd then you play again. It's impossable. They just spend more time on some scens than other scens. The reason why the whole game isnt like that is because i t would take to long to make it for the ps2.
the scene was produced on the ps2, which probably took a long time, which would explain why you notice extreem graphic changes afterwards.
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15. December 2005 @ 11:43 |
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Yeah like I have said before about some of the (hopefuly) good rpgs created by square enix and other good developers coming out for the 360. The 360 has a real chance when it comes to competing with the ps3 on rpg's. Same goes for ps3 and its fps, for example I bet kill zone will be a wicked fps, might even beat halo (bloody hope not) but who knows? Its too early to judge what console is going to better in what area when it comes to game genre however graphics to some extent can be judged.
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15. December 2005 @ 11:47 |
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Quote: better in what area when it comes to game genre however graphics to some extent can be judged
yes to some extent
When xbox came out, i couldnt tell which games look better graphically. Now I can. The same goes with ps3 and xbox360. Game developes have to master the system, then you'lle see which games have better graphics.