Ps3 and Xbox 360, a war to come..
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16. December 2005 @ 12:52 |
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guys guys guys, wot is going on here? i take it you've all played final fantasy games yeah? because i am a huge fan and i can tell you those ARE FMVs, not in game.. FMVs are produces on the developers computer like some one said, cant remember name(sorry).. and they then save tht FMV file seperate onto the disc as a movie not playable in game.. thats why theres a slight pause to wait for the FMV to play.. this is true, i downloaded a CD cracker from kazaa ageees ago and put in FF7, FF8, FF9 and watched all the FMVs from them, when the crack program opened the disc contents there were files everywhere but, all the FMVs registered as a movie and played, I tried the other files and they wouldnt open.. there ya go.. FMVs are not the consoles graphics, just movies loaded onto the disc, jus a movie that uses the consoles processor and produces an audio video image on the T.V screen.. The quaity of the FMV is dependable on how much space it use on a disc, PSX would play PS2 FMV graphics say FFX if it could play DVDs!
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16. December 2005 @ 13:22 |
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You still dont get it, im not saying that it uses the ps2 power, i am saying that it was produced on a ps2 engine, then converted to a FVM. This is not the point I'm trying to prove though. Since yu wont exept the ff12 graphics. Take the xbox images from black and compair the xbox game to the xbox360 games, you will not see it graphically change. PS:JuBei87, Do you have ff7 on your computeR? i keep trying to download it using bittorrent, but non of them are downloading, all 0% health, do you know where i can get a good one from? Or do i have to use a torrent downloader to download it. Nothing seems to work.
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16. December 2005 @ 13:43 |
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na na bro i do, i was agreein with you n tellin anyone else who was arguing that it did use ps2 power, but saved on disc as a movie.. i was agruin wiv ya lol.. and i totally agree wiv black, those graphics i think in ways are better than 360s..
oh n na i borrowed the pc version off a friend ageees ago n copied the disc.. i've bin tryin t find a descent download sit for sum1 else on the net, cnt find one.. all dud, sorry!
Senior Member
16. December 2005 @ 14:05 |
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I still cant see how the PSX can produce those kind of graphics as FMV but regardles of that it doesnt really matter because you cant play FMV, so games that look as good as this (see below) that you can play are the images that I am interested in.
Mass Effect
Gears of War
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16. December 2005 @ 17:26 |
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FMV was produced on the ps1 engine. Thats smart because it would take no time to load. You can tell its ps1 aswell. You notice the little shading, no tectures and different color, the face is the same color, mabey if you noticed. its not that detailed as those pictures. believe it.
Why did you posts those images?
AfterDawn Addict
16. December 2005 @ 20:21 |
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ok. i had a thught today talking to some shipping people at the store today and looking around.
i believe microshaft made only a seldom amount of systems and distributed them as spread as possible, just so they could be all "omg we sold out in the first day almost everywhere!!!! that means people love us!! everyone buy one now since so many people did to make it sell out!!" its all an over-hype scam.
also, the upfrount set of games for the 360 is not tool great. alost of them are just ports and should be excluded. the ps3 already has over 150+ games in plan or development. also, my 2 favorite game companies, free radical (timeplitters dev team) and ubisoft (if you dont them them go die), are teaming together on a currently untitled game. i cannot wait.
also, the 360 rep guy i had a fight with said the 360 is water cooled. would that work well lying down and standing up? plus doesnt that liquid have to be replaced every year or two or so?
Senior Member
16. December 2005 @ 20:46 |
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First in Response to Kookoo67
I posted those pictures up to get away from the point of this stupid FMV argument. It wont matter what you say to me, you will not convince me about FF FMV being made on PS1 or PS2 for that matter. Those pictures I have posted are in game shots of two of the most anticapated games on Xbox 360, I am showing you these to give you an in game graphical image to prove what can be done with the 360 in the next year and I am not showing pointless FMV clips like Killzone 2 to demonstrate the games coming to the console.
Second in Resonse to anubis66
1)Yes Microsoft did ship those few consoles to as many locations as possible to give a false illsuion of high demand. This is called buisness and happened with the PS2 and is happening now with the PS3 giving false video footage like Killzone2.
2)More games coming to the 360 are new games and not ports compared to the PS3. For example there are two pictures I have posted above of two awsome games coming to the 360 that are new and fresh. If you research on the 360 games and then research on the PS3 games I think you will find out for yourself.
3)The water cooling thing isnt what you think it is. I have read up on the 360 components on Its a new technique. You have a heat sink on the CPU's but sloted between the heat sink are panels filled with water. What happens is that the CPU's get very hot which then heats up the water to boiling point. The hot water travels up wards (as heat does) taking the heat away from the CPU and closer to the two fans for easier extraction and faster cooling.
AfterDawn Addict
16. December 2005 @ 20:59 |
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what if the water breaks? and why would it boil? that is a hazard. the wanter cooling was a lame idea cuz if the console is at a bad angle it will improperly function and cause damage. my mos anticipated game right now is ut2007. tho i am pi$$es off that there is no bombing run!! i'll miss it... : (
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16. December 2005 @ 21:21 |
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Zelda, do you mind like making those images smaller? i dont like scrolling left and right. There to obig anyways, i think thers a picture size limit.
Senior Member
16. December 2005 @ 21:34 |
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I wil sort those pictures out. its getting on my nerves this scrolling left to right. Moving onto the water cooling. I dont know if the water reaches boling point for sure but I would presume it does. Dont be stupid with it messing up. Its contained in metal coils muck lika a radiator. Its an intelligent idea. I garantee it will not mess up like you suggest it will, there are alot of PC's using the technology but in a differnt way which is more likely to leak than the 360 version.
AfterDawn Addict
16. December 2005 @ 21:34 |
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yeah cuz i'm on an ibook g4 at 1024x768 and sidescrolling sucks
Senior Member
16. December 2005 @ 21:41 |
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Wow! thats alot better.
Sorry about that guys. It was getting on my nerves too. I have an old Sony laptop computer and using the touch pad to scroll all the time was getting on my nerves I dont know why I didnt change it earlier.
The pictures are still there but now we dont have to scroll right and left and I must say the new ones I found are better quality than the origional one i had
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AfterDawn Addict
16. December 2005 @ 21:50 |
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i heard ps3 may go for 450 due to its intensity and computer abilities. i for one would be willing for the extra cash. ps3 better pwn h4rdc0r3!!
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16. December 2005 @ 22:14 |
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zelda, change that ff12 pic gameplay, it was taken on a widescreen tv. If you havnt noticed. This one is better, but its ffx2. Dont expect the from ff12 lol.
Omg, it takes such a long tim eto find a non distorted ff pic.
I dont know why these screenshts are soo messed, it look snothing like that on my tv.
You can find some very clear images from gamespot, but make sure that it is x-2 or x. I've seen the videos for the ff12 ones, and they were all taken from a plasma 42 intv.
I know that was really off topic, but that pic distubs me, thats not how its goign to look like with a tv the ps2 is compatable with.
It disturbs me that thers actuall screenshots like that on ff12. That looks like worse than n64. Thats why i posted those images.
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16. December 2005 @ 22:37 |
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And now goign back on topic...
I think one main reason why there is so many ps2's sold is because when the people who had a ps1 saw the ps2 and what it can produce compairing to the ps1, they were wowd. If you compair psx graphics with ps2 graphics when ps2 came out, you were wowed i would expect.
But, lots of people arn't that wowed with the 360. That game called black for xbox looks just or almost better than 360 in some images.
The poeple werent wowed with the 360. While people are wowed witht he ps1 to ps2 and ps2 to ps3. While you will see a great graphic difference between ps2 and ps3.
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17. December 2005 @ 01:07 |
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well yeah, its like the dreamcast, i bought won of them and thought it was a good machine, and some of the game graphics on it beats ps2 hands down, i mean resident evil code verionic ooked mint compared to the ps2 version..
its seems irrelivant but my point is xbox gave everyone these specs sayin look at this its amazin, but so far it looks like theres power wasted, graphics arnt tht stunning, i played a demo console in GAME (EB over with you) and they had a top quality hi def T.V set up wiv project gothem 3, i thought it was gd but was jus just a smoother running more responsive version of the other 2 titles.
Black on xbox looks mint, reviews said why on xbox and not xbox 360? a good graphics game on xbox youd think WOW for xbox, but if they released it on 360, people would be like.. 'oh mediocor for 360'
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17. December 2005 @ 01:12 |
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as for ps3, the grapics jump from ps2 to ps3 is huge really, a bigger jump than the graphics for xbox to 360, thats why people are wowed by the ps3 graphics, because you couldnt get anywhere near its graphics usin ps2, apart from FFX & FFX-2, sayin tht, they are FMVs so they're irrelivant..
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17. December 2005 @ 07:51 |
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Well, finally glad someone agrees with me. Square enix/square soft probably has the best games looking graphically. They got tuns of experience. Did you see the movie? Thats how the games for the next gen consols are goign to look like. And even the non fmv's look great if you look at my images. And those graphics looking 35x better. It would be like real and people wil go "wow". lol
In comopairison with the xbox360 and xbox, that games will only look 10x better when 360 uses full potential is not that much of an improvment between the two consols.
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17. December 2005 @ 11:08 |
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well final fantasy was the only reason for me ever getting into games, i played final fantasy 7 n thought wow look at that, definately grphically better than jumping flash! lol.. then 8, big improvement on graphics, but more 'realistic' gameplay, 9 comes out, back to the fantasy rots of final fantasy it was very similar to 7 but wiv a tudor feel about it.. 10, graphically stunning but we loose ATB n i thought hmmm??? but was totally blown away.. the characters have voices! 10-2, wahay ATBs back! and with some old gameplay spheres similar to the jobs! nice to non tidus and yuna end up together and wakka n lulu stop bitchin n av a babby aww.. 11 for me was a big flop, same for CC.. now i've seen 12 im like YEAH! back to their roots once again, to me its 10 cross 9.. one perfect combo!
As for the film, i really liked it, but not many did.. i think its because i was the only one who understood it.. jus a 3D manga for me, brill!
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17. December 2005 @ 11:28 |
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Do you know if ff12 will be on the ps3 aswell? Or will it continue to ff13. Any way imma get all the ff games untill they stop making them lol.
than for making the images smaller.
Junior Member
17. December 2005 @ 12:50 |
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Why o why would anybody buy a $ony product? Even if the PS3 lives up to the hype, you will never know what info it is sending home to the mother server. All you are doing is putting financial support behind a company which openly sues their customers, use draconian copy protection methods, and generally show little or no moral fiber. It isn't whether they have a better hardware product it is that they can't be trusted.
Senior Member
17. December 2005 @ 13:14 |
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Look guys dont believe the hype Sony are giving you. Yes I was amazed at the PS3 demonstration and wasnt that frilled with the 360 demonstration. The graphics shown on the 360 where not that great but they showed you the truth. The games you would be getting a launch. Remember that Code Veronica didnt come out when the Dreamcast was released.
Just take a look at my in game pics on this thread of what the 360 can do after its 1st year. Take a look at the video footage.
I was going to get a PS3 until I saw through the hype. Dont fall for it again like you did with the PS2.
17. December 2005 @ 13:32 |
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Ime sorry but ime having a look here at in game video's of gears of war, huxley, too human, alan wake, resi evil 5 which I urge pple to look at before commenting on graphics of the 360. If you aren't wow'd by these then you've got a case of fanboy disease, Zelda has shown some pics of the graphics and kookoo says
Quote: In comopairison with the xbox360 and xbox, that games will only look 10x better when 360 uses full potential is not that much of an improvment between the two consols.
well I have an xbox and I think that is "much of an improvement between the two consoles" and if you see the video's of the games I mentioned then it will further reinforce my point, how can you not say that is not much of an improvement? As for ps3, yes it will be gr8 but there won't be some big void between 360 and ps3 when it comes to graphical capability. Of all the companies, we are talking about microsoft here, they have more than enough resources to compete against sony,so do you truly believe they would let their console be at such a disadvantage that its only 10 times more powerfull whereas the ps3 is 35 times? no don't think so.
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17. December 2005 @ 14:44 |
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Nono, look, ps3 is as powerfull as 35 ps2's. Not 35 xbox's. Xbox360 is only 10x better than xbox. People who have a ps2 will be wowed to see the ps3 compairing it to the ps2. Xbox owners wont be that much wowed.
Quote: Look guys dont believe the hype Sony are giving you.
What you mean the system specs? I'm only using system specs. You shouddnt believe everything you hear with anything. unless its proven already. I just use the specs and beyond the specs.
Everyone im introducing here Zerxez, the xbox360 fanboy.
Quote: Even if the PS3 lives up to the hype, you will never know what info it is sending home to the mother server.
Mother serer? It's a gaming and entertainment consol, not a robot that gives you information.
Quote: The graphics shown on the 360 where not that great but they showed you the truth.
No, the graphics are suppose to be better with that gpu they have.
Quote: All you are doing is putting financial support behind a company which openly sues their customers,
You were sued by Sony? no, all they are trying to do is sell you a entertainment consol. There even goign to sell it less than they make it. People need money. You can say the same thing about the 360. I dont know what you are trying to imply. Sony is trying to make profit and sell people a consol made for good. Not harm. Nothing more.
Quote: use draconian copy protection methods, and generally show little or no moral fiber.
Ok.....what are you talking about? The ps3 or Sony.
Quote: It isn't whether they have a better hardware product it is that they can't be trusted.
They cant be trusted? It's a huge company, ofcorc they can be trusted. And what do you mean by trusted? What are they going to steal your ps3 back after you buyt it or somthing? I dont quite get what you are talking about.. It just sounds like you a imature xbox360 fanboy who is trying to make the media not buy the ps3. Its like saying ....dont buy the cant be trusted.. What are you trying to imply here?
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17. December 2005 @ 14:51 |
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next up
Quote: Ime sorry but ime having a look here at in game video's of gears of war, huxley, too human, alan wake, resi evil 5 which I urge pple to look at before commenting on graphics of the 360. If you aren't wow'd by these then you've got a case of fanboy disease, Zelda has shown some pics of the graphics and kookoo says
Huh? I seriosly dont know what you are saying. Your just another sony hater. If yo dont see a difference between ps2 and ps3, you are blind, or you need thicker glasses. note to note all those images were taken at e3 off a computer that was way weaker than the ps3, you should be ashamed for saying that.
Why is there so many m$ fanboys in this thread?
why are you guys compairing games? My god, ps3's games arnt even out, other hand 360's games are.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. December 2005 @ 14:59