Ps3 and Xbox 360, a war to come..
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18. December 2005 @ 13:52 |
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yes i no, i've read all the specs for both consoles.. but wot im sayin is 360 was relativaly very fast compared to xbox.. but we cant sayin anything about ps3 yet because it hasnt been released, im on the fence about both consoles, but 360 i sthe only one we can sure about yet, because we can see it in the flesh or metal so to speak..
Senior Member
18. December 2005 @ 14:37 |
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First just to point out that the 360 does have the ethernet built in. What it doesnt have built in is the wirless internet adapter like the PS3 will have.
I must comment on the launch line up of games that came to the 360. I thought it was the best launch line up so far. I remember the PS2 PS1, N64 and game cube laucnh line up and they where pritty poor. At least with 360 you have three very good games being PGR3, Kameo, PDZ and some other good games like Call of duty 2.
I thought Halo 2 wasnt as good as Halo. It was a very good game but I found Halo to be better gameplay and I prefered the rifle in the first Halo as well as staying as Master Chief. I thought the new Elite character was good but Master chief is better.
With regards to the 360's graphical power. I have posted two pictures on this thread or it might be on xbox360 versus PS3, cant remember. The pictures are from in game shots of two very anticipated games coming to the 360 within the next year and show you what kind of graphics its capable of at the beggining of its life. They are very impresive just like the PS3 pictures.
To answer one of your questions. I live in Australia at the moment but I have only been here for 5 months so far but Iam from England.
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AfterDawn Addict
18. December 2005 @ 17:28 |
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heh everyone that's white in austrailia is brit.
i enjoyed halo 2 more than halo, halo was too repetative. it was odd that i could throw a grenade 2 or 3 football fields..
back to the systems. my friend is get a revolution for the oldschool value and so he can be different. i'm getting a ps3 because its the more powerful system in most game related positions. general performance is just for things like reading the disk, music, and video. the cell with 7 spe's at 3.2ghz all basically separete processors doing certain things to get the data out faster. the 360 is ment for media moreover, and the ps3 is most for games with extra features when you get bored. i like the built in wireless because i dont wanna pay like 60 bucks for something the ps3 comes with. even if the ps3 is 450 and i guess it would still overall be worth it compared to the 360 and all the thing you have to buy for it.
and i think the 360 feux rep i had a fight with at that store needs to be re-educated, anyone in? he thinks the 360 is all for games with the other stuff there for little use and its ment for gaming only. he thinks the ps3 is being said its a super computer and thats it, not designed for games since it has linux, but more of a thing to game on and do everything else more. brainwashed mother f***er.
and wow, i never thought a thread i made would grow this big
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18. December 2005 @ 17:45 |
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You just gave an example on how someone misinterpeted the e3 sony ps3 presentation. Thanks
The ps3 will have super computer like atributes. It is not a super computer. LOL.
Ps, your thread is oging to be bigger.
Everyone, who doesnt know that ps3's ram is better than 360's go to my thread in my signiture. It's The one with -ram
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AfterDawn Addict
18. December 2005 @ 18:36 |
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it is alot better. it is one, split to increase speeds and direct transport, and two the clock speeds are insanity on the xdr and gddr3
Senior Member
18. December 2005 @ 19:26 |
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I would have to disagree on the value for money discused. With the $400 360 you get the 20gb hardrive, wireless controler, headset, dvd remote and ethernet cable. Thats good value for money. If you add the wirless adapter it comes to $450. If the PS3 turnes out to be $450 then you will lose out on a 20gb hardrive, headset and dvd remote. Sony has always been very basic when it comes to buying thier console only giving you the console, game pad and demo disc.
I can see how the PS3 ram is better in terms of 256mb being such a high speed. (you wont like what I am going to say here Kookoo) However when I talked about the 360 ram having 512mb to be shared with the CPU and GPU so developers have a choice for how much ram they desired for either the CPU or GPU you gave an explanation of how that was wrong. But Truthman gave an explanation that sounded plausable to how the ram in the 360 can be devided between the CPU and GPU in accourdance to what the developer desires. If this is true doesnt the 360 have an advantage over the PS3 in that aspect?
In reply to someone's very dumb answer I just want to say that I was born in England and have only just come to Australia to live about 5 months ago. I said this in reply to someone's question asking if we where from America.
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AfterDawn Addict
18. December 2005 @ 21:59 |
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haha i know it was dumb. but austrailia was a prison island originally for england.
and you know, maybe sony will step up to compete wit the extras for 360. like i said, a war to come.
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18. December 2005 @ 23:47 |
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well personally i think, which ya gonna argue bout anyway.. that judging by xox, m$ always think about online multiplayer and putting media on ya hard drive etc.. so isnt al the tech for that bein wasted and so the graphics slack?
with ps2 it didnt go online at first, it was all ased on the gaming experience, not playin with mass people like you do on a PC.. then it went online for socom and resi outbreak.. so will they be designing ps3 for gaming experience and not online multi? yes i think so.. it'll still go online dont get me wrong, but the quality of the games and console are the first thing sony think about.. noyt how 'big' its gonna be?
AfterDawn Addict
19. December 2005 @ 01:19 |
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jubie i think you and me are on some of the same levels. i agree with what you said there basically completely. the xbox is an all around thinger. in doing so it will lack in other spots. like say you cant have your kicker be your quaterback. sony is the originator of modern gaming. i would same n64 but with the cartrige nuh uh. that was nintendos biggest flaw. sony has always thought about the best gaming experience, not the smallest basic computer in a box such as the xbox is. look at the psp, its there only media depot, where they just wanted more gaming out there. it had video and music but i really had no space for that with mem card being an ungodly fortune.
Senior Member
19. December 2005 @ 01:28 |
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Your both wrong. Very very wrong. You both have a one track mind.
Sony isnt just about gaming? Sony is as much about gaming as M$.
The 360 will have some of the best games you will ever see in terms of game play and graphics with good developers like Square Enix and Rare. The internet side of things adds to the gaming. You can play against people of your standard on the internet. Have you ever played counter strike or world of warcraft before? If you have then you will know what I am talking about, if you havent then dont even bother argueing back.
Microsoft beat Sony to the online funcionality and unfortunatly for Sony they lost in that area. To prove how important online gaming is you wait until January when Sony give you the details on thier new console and you will see how much emphasis they put in the online area of gaming in this generation.
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AfterDawn Addict
19. December 2005 @ 01:38 |
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zelda i dont have a one track mind so much as you say. i have played online games but you see the thing that always gets in my way is someone always kicks ass. be it by themselves or there is some aimbotter. i dont sit there 23.9547 hours a day playing a game so im not godlike at it. if i dont have the time to devote my life to one game then i will never be able to beat these people. and these people cannot be filtered out. dont even say "on xbox live they have levels" cuz ive played so many small level people who own everything, even the walls. they creat new acounts to pwn n00bz. sony announce decentralized online recently to allow personalization of games online abilities. there is a one track set with xbox live of which you pay for. why pay for it? the game devs are already paying m$ to be a server and then we pay them more? sony understand the devs need that money to continue dev'ing and it increases morale and support with them toward sony. and dont even say it with have the best games ever because only time can tell. alot of companies are split in the middle right now waiting for each console to prove themselves, which will take untill fall of next year.
Senior Member
19. December 2005 @ 01:56 |
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I didnt say it will have the best games ever. The 360 will have some very good games and if time will tell then why are you so adamnt on buying a PS3?
Next I will say that you just dug your own hole. You really havent read or looked at the facilities that Microsoft have done with the internet gaming have you? You havent got the slightest clue. I am not going to talk to you on this point anymore because you dont know anything when it comes to the 360's xbox live.
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19. December 2005 @ 02:01 |
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annubis is right we are along the same lines..
and no zelda I DO NOT HAVE A ONE TRACK MIND.. i own xbox, ps3 and gamecube because i like to play games, and i no that all consoles have gd games and bad games, thats why i i buy games i like for the diff consoles instead of jus bein a 'fanboy' and kissin one consoles a$$..
i will e buyin a 360 soon for one thing PDZ because its only on the 360, and i will buy a ps3 for mgs, final fantasy etc.. and probably the revolution if its any gd, otherwise no..
and yes i have played counter strike and WOW, but i found they were both controlling my life, so i decided t stop subscriptions and jus play console games..
but still my opinion stays the same, i like 360 yes but i think ps3 will be better..
AfterDawn Addict
19. December 2005 @ 02:20 |
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same here, i like the 360 but i think it will be the lesser of the great 2. it plays ok and it can
keep me busy, and sure its the best console ever released. as soon as the ps3
comes out and people see what it can do that may surly change.
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19. December 2005 @ 02:28 |
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too true mate too true.. one more not t zelda.. your callin us fanboys n dissin sony n ps3 etc.. but i think the truth is your a 360 fanboy.. either that or your an m$ bloke tryin t get more sales..
Senior Member
19. December 2005 @ 02:36 |
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Last time. I am not a 360 fan boy i own a PS1 and PS2 and wanted to buy a PS3 just 2 months ago. I want to get the good points accros of the 360 into your thick skulls because you lot belive hype which is why you all thought PS2 was the most powerful console ever to be made when Sony had their last big conference.
I am getting very tired. I will finish with one last thing. You will see for yourselves when the PS3 comes out it will not be as powerful as Sony claim. The 360 will be near equal in power and from what I have seen will have a very good catalog of games that might turn the tables around on Sony.
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AfterDawn Addict
19. December 2005 @ 02:48 |
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sony's gaming cabinet look to be pretty sweet to if you look. killzone 2, ut2007, mgs4, etc. i know the good points of 360. but its not anything to be proud of or to compare to untill its compitition comes out. whats a fight without atleast 2 competitors?
and i knew as of the xbox release it was more powerful. i mean i came out 2 years later, durrrr its more powerful. when i broke my first ps2 by deconstructing it to see what made it up, the xbox had been out a month or 2 and my mom gave me the choice of it and a new ps2 and i got the ps2. i already had several games for it, and it proved very reliable for the games i liked and the things i wished to do.
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19. December 2005 @ 02:50 |
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no bro for my last time.. i do no the full potential of the 360 and think its great so dnt bracket me! say i will be gettin one.. i no how good it is! you dnt have t tell me! im not a resistant customer! i jus personally think the ps3 will be slightly better.. MY OPINION!
AfterDawn Addict
19. December 2005 @ 02:54 |
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if i were rich i'd get them both, yes. but you see, i am not. so i go with the console i think i'll never regret investing into. i dont have a job at the moment which makes it harder aswell. i have 105 dollars on me.
Senior Member
19. December 2005 @ 03:06 |
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You obviously dont know the capabilities of 360 and PS3 if you where impressed with those thechnical demonstrations at the Sony conference. Are you lot truely that blind. Cant you lot see the tricks Sony are pulling again for the third time! Killzone2 was CGI for goodness sake. Have you lot even seen in game demonstrations of Gears of War or Mass Effect?
I knew too well you was going to come out with that one. Xbox came out one year later than PS2, derrr. What I was trying to say is that if PS2 was really as powerful as Sony suggested it to be then it shouldnt have been two times less powerful than the xbox. If power is so much of a prospect like you lot suggest then why did you stay with your PS2? and finaly, one minute you say how can you comare the 360 functions to the PS3 when nothing has been finalised but then in the same breath you say PS3 will be the better console, how can this be when you dont know the finalised version yet like you keep on about.
19. December 2005 @ 05:49 |
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We will not truly know until perhaps a year after each competing system has been available which one has been more 'successful', but even then we will still be looking at it from varying perspectives. Be it a fan, a fanboy.. a convert, or someone who owns them all, we all have different needs.
Some people may have once been put-off by a company so they embraced the competition. More likely, some people were so impressed and satisfied by a company that they didn't have the time or the need for another. Many people are unable to afford more than one system so must pick extra carefully, while some are able to afford multiple systems and enjoy the rewards of each.
It has been interesting reading this thread and seeing the different angles presented here. Technology, history, price, game genres, as well as suspected loyalty. All of these and the different combinations are the weapons of this war. Speculation is entertaining and the forecasts that have been laid down are interesting, but there still is no fact here. There cannot be. We have not seen the amount of power that is to be the PS3 at an affordable price. We do not yet know if the 360 will be a justifiable purchase, able to supply a massive volume in a variety of games with graphics that are exceptionally better than yesterdays.
The Neo-Geo was a powerful gaming machine that suffered particularly due to its price. Mighty Nintendo, the king of the land watched as some guys from Sony came in and remodeled the landscape for them. Some time after that, this Microsoft bunch put out a system that was the new racecar on the block, but all that horsepower alone couldn't help them get enough wins to claim the championship. They are currently tuning their new car, though. Some times the things that are supposed to happen do not, and sometimes the things that are not, do. This thread should be very entertaining a year or two from now in reflection.
BTW .. TY all for sharing your opinions here. Everyone is entitled to one, right? :) I haven't been this absorbed with a thread in some time!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. December 2005 @ 05:53
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19. December 2005 @ 05:58 |
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no i said, i think it will be slghtly better.. WILL being the key word because it hasnt bein released yet.. WILL for god sake meaning later, overtime.. ya no?? didnt you learn english tenses?! but lets see, anyway// ps2 came out before xbox and xbox was better.. 360 rushed and released first and ps3 is still in the making.. i am sayin on antithesis terms, its a PREDICTION!!!!! AN OPINIONATED PREDICTION!!!!! if ps3 comes out and i can see 360 is better then im ok with that im a man, and admit 360 is better..
as for killzone 2 etc.. yes i no they were streamed hi res videos, even if the game graphics arnt as textured or woteva.. doest it matter that much?? we've played on lower res consoles for decades, and the playabilit is wot counts, graphics play a part too mind..
oh and in case anyone cares i watched GAMER TV and nintendo are goin through negotiations to try and buy rights to develop PDZ onto revolution.. another matter to argue about, which one will be better if it happens ey?
19. December 2005 @ 08:45 |
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Quote: i own xbox, ps3 and gamecube because i like to play games
Where did you got your PS3 JuBei? You probably got it at a giveaway from a soda company. I've heard you can have it before anyone that way.

AfterDawn Addict
19. December 2005 @ 09:00 |
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zelda, if you mean what you say, what gives you the right to critisize a system still in development? why are you so insistant tha thee ps3 will bne worse. i think sony knows what they are in for, and if they lie about something like this again than they will start to fall. i believe it will be the better system, maybe not in al ways, but in quite a few. the ps3 will be grapically better you cannot deny that. with is fewer but more powerful pipelines and 1080p, its looks will be as amazing to us as a siren to a sailor. dont get me wrong, the 360 is great all around, but in the graphical terms ps3 should have this contest even by a bit. and even if its a bit, it will still have one.
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19. December 2005 @ 13:10 |
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lol yeah nice one razengan.. jus a slight error there, or major the way this threads going lol.. i ment ps2.. well 2 is nxt t 3 easy mistake t make right??
anyway told ya before i like all consoles really, they av gd n bad traits.. buy certain games on each one, like exclusive etc..