Ps3 and Xbox 360, a war to come..
Senior Member
15. December 2005 @ 11:49 |
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15. December 2005 @ 11:56 |
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I cant see those pictures. what were u trying to do? show gameplay scenes compairing to the scens where they spent hours and hours doing?
I'll say this. Square spent hours on those scenes and spent little time on the gameplay scenes. If they spent that much time to make it look that good.
And just to prove you mroe wrong, there was a gameplay scene where they spent time on it, and you moved arround. Not a cutscene. It was the part after defeating yunaleska and going outside seeing sin with the airship flying arround it.
Aand just to let you know that i am more right, xbox360 uses one core and a small % of what the full xenos can do, therefore it would look like 100% of what the ps2 can produce.
Senior Member
15. December 2005 @ 11:58 |
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15. December 2005 @ 12:02 |
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Sorry those picture's are a little small. This is the first time I have done this so bear with me.
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15. December 2005 @ 12:09 |
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You will notice an in game shot of 'Gears of War' and a shot of what should hopefully be in game of 'Metal Gear Solid 4'. With regards to the cut scene's that is rubbish what you say. I know you know your stuff when it comes to specs and I dont doubt your knoledge when it comes to computer games but a cut scene is a cut scene. I have a cut scene on the PSX of the Final Fantasy (cant remember what number, think it was nine) and the graphics far suparse anything the PS2 or Xbox can do and are pritty equal to todays graphical standards. The reason why the cut scenes are equal to todays graphical standards is because the high end developer computers back then are equal to the power of the 360 and PS3 now.
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15. December 2005 @ 12:15 |
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Senior Member
15. December 2005 @ 12:26 |
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Its the same? I think both pictures loose there quality when you post them on this site but if they have both lost thier quality then they are both still equal in quality (if you catch my drift). None the less they both look graphicaly good. Which is my point.
Now dont get me wrong on what I am about to say because I love Metal Gear its one of my all time favourite games. Let's presume Gears of War turns out to be an awsome game and that bit better than Metal Gear, now because they are both pritty similar in graphic quality what one would you choose? Forget about genre (i know Metal Gear is stealth and Gears of War is tactical action) but you cant go slagging off Gears of War because its a new game you havnt played before. Besides you would have had to have given Metal Gear a chance too see how good it was back in the past so give the new 360 games a chance before making up your minds.
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15. December 2005 @ 12:30 |
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I dont know about Devil may cry but I am not accepting Killzone because it is definatly CGI. For that matter you shouldnt post Devil May cry because it wasnt played. Meaning, there was no camera movement to prove it was real time, the footage was shown like a cut scene.
Senior Member
15. December 2005 @ 12:42 |
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Just a quick reply to your final fantasy subject. I dont know the names of the characters but the scene where it zooms into the city and you see that girl with the basket in her hands then walks out onto a street with loads of vehicals driving by is in game footage, FACT.
This in game footage is very different to the picture's you have shown becuase they are cut scene's FACT.
It is a a step or two down from those pictures you shown.
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15. December 2005 @ 14:44 |
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Quote: This in game footage is very different to the picture's you have shown becuase they are cut scene's FACT.
Made on the ps2fact, already proven. It doesnt go game mode dvd mode then game mode.fact
Quote: This in game footage is very different to the picture's you have shown becuase they are cut scene's FACT
Not the killzone. And yours looks is a cutscene, if it wasnt yit would of been like a first person shooter game. fact
Senior Member
15. December 2005 @ 15:26 |
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Are you trying to have a laugh with me?
Are you seriouse with everything your telling me?
Are you telling me Killzone 2 is in game?
Are you telling me Devil May cry is real?
You really dont know your stuff when it comes to the 360 games so how can you be argueing with me on this. Gears of war is not first person, the picture you see is not a cutscene but of in game where the camera angle was ajusted so you can see the characters face.
All these questions I ask I can back up with facts. I can quote from the developers that Killzone 2 is not in game, I can quote that Gears of War is in game and give you a link to see the video of in game footage.
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15. December 2005 @ 15:57 |
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1)At times.
3)I didnt say its in game. Dont know where you got that from.
4)Real or realtime? I dindt say anythign about devil may cry, i just put it in an image. Nothing more.
Quote: All these questions I ask I can back up with facts
Do you mean that mini quiz you asked me?
Quote: I can quote from the developers that Killzone 2 is not in game,
Thats nice i dont care, i said that ff12 at 100% is what the graphics look for ps3 and xbox360 currently. So you can't compair games yett. I dont quite know why you are bringing this up. I didnt say anything about what each game is because i never playd them yett, and i dont think you have either, but you say that 360 games look better. games are not to compair in graphics yett because the consols havnt been mastered by game developers. This is my point and your just saying whcih game is realtime and which game is better. Which i dont know why you are because i just told you you cant because the consols hav'nt been mastered yett.
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15. December 2005 @ 16:14 |
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there is little differences between graphics at the moment. wait and see how games for ps3 and 360 will look like in three years from now, you will see great differences, youd probably not be able to tell if what you are seeing is realife, your graphics.
and killzone
In graphic terms. FF12 was produced with a ps2. Not a dvd, proved already when i said they made a scene in ff10 gameplay and had the same amount of detail. You can't judge the games graphics now!wait and see what will happen later on with games
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AfterDawn Addict
15. December 2005 @ 18:56 |
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i wish microshaft would have waited so it would be a fair battle, and we could discus all at the same time with real comparison. i think the death of the 360 will me the exclusion of new-gen disks in gaming. developers are alredy complaining. with graphics, you need space. alot of the new games may not even come of for pc cuz it will use so much space on the hdd.
Senior Member
15. December 2005 @ 19:58 |
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Just to say that I didnt say the 360 games look better, I pointed out that the 360 games look grphicaly the same as the PS3 games.
I still dont get what you guys are saying with these cut scene's your showing me. Are you telling me that those cut scene's are what the PS3 might be able to do in te future? I dont get this 100% stuff your telling me. As far as I am conserned a game which uses 100% of the consoles power is a game like 'Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater' or 'Halo 2' not some pre-rendered stuff which is done on the developers high powered computer equipment.
I do agree with you both that it is slightly difficult to compare graphical quality until developers know how to program for the console. If that is the case then we wont be able to compare graphical quality because it isnt until the end of a console's life that it's true real maximum potential is shown like with Price of Persia 3 on the PS2.
I was showing those pictures as proof to the power of which the 360 has. If we just show any picture like you lot have it proves nothing.
Senior Member
15. December 2005 @ 20:36 |
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Ps2 Cut scene
Developers computers are more powerful to produce better quality cut scene's
Ps2 in game
The actual Ps2 working to produce the graphics you see here
Ps1 in game
The actual Ps1 working to produce the graphics you see here
Ps1 cut scnene
Not as good quality graphics as the cut scene from the PS2 version. The reason why is because the devlopers computers where less powerfull. This image has nothing to do with the PS1, it was all generated through the power of the developers computer. The Ps1 reads the disc (regardless of wether it is a DVD or not) and plays whats on it. Remember the real video footage you would see on a PS1. I remember one, it was a music video on a demo disc. All the PS1 does is read the information and plays it back just like it is doing with the cut scene. The PS2 does not use any of its GPU or CPU (a little to actualy get the film running but not like it does in a game) thus the image before your eyes is an image of what the developer produced on his computer much like Toy Story or Final Fantasy the film.
Senior Member
15. December 2005 @ 20:39 |
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All in all its down to the in game and 360 is proving to be equal to PS3.
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16. December 2005 @ 02:37 |
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Believe what you want to believe. I can even show you with xbox graphics that the games dont look that different right now.
And that ff8 picture the last one isnt from the game...its too blury if you cant notice, it should look crisp clear. Both games were generated on a ps2 or a psx, and iv already told you why thats not a cutscene made from another computer. theres even a scene in ffx where you get to play with that graphics for a while,
16. December 2005 @ 05:52 |
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Two sites that discriminate between the system-rendered and FMV.
'The Guy Game' has some "incredibly realistic looking" graphics on the Xbox, but a movie is hardly a gauge for the systems ability. It's just FMV. If the PS2 can pull these excellent graphics in game under a controlled situation for a short time, that's cool. But the next Gen systems will do that in-game all day and justifies the move as an evolution. The 360 games do look similar for the most part to current abilities, but not all of them, this is because they are made by the same people who have spent the last few years making the older games. As they learn the new they will bring it's ability forth. Xbox 360 has a jump on PS3, but PS3 has an incredible fanbase. I'm even gonna throw Nintendo in, deservingly. Everything is in order.
You are correct, it is too early to compare. The only problem is for people who can only afford one system. That is a decision they will make based on the games they want to play. The needs are different for everyone. If you are waiting, make sure to do yourself a favor and look at each system with a fair eye.
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Senior Member
16. December 2005 @ 10:53 |
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Thats what I am talking about. Those priity images are FMV not in game. If they where what the PS2 could produce then why on earth would anyone buy a 360 or a PS3 for that matter.
All I ask is that dont jump into a boat simply because you know what it's like. What do I mean by this? Well I didnt buy a Sega Saturn becuase I had a Megadrive. I not buying a PS3 becuase I had a PS2. Thats the reason why those who are buying a PS3 are buying it. In thier mind they are thinking 'My PS2 was great, I didnt give the xbox a try or I did give the xbox a try but didnt like it. That automaticaly means the 360 is crap and PS3 I know is good because I had a PS2'.
'I dont want a 360 because most the games on it are new and I dont like change I want the same FF or Metal Gear.'
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16. December 2005 @ 11:01 |
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Quote: Thats what I am talking about. Those priity images are FMV not in game. If they where what the PS2 could produce then why on earth would anyone buy a 360 or a PS3 for that matter.
I Think i've explained this a million times.
For the ps2 to produce those graphics constantly will take to much time to develope the game. As you already know, ps3 is 35x more powerfull than the ps2. That means that you would most likeley to see games with 35x better graphics on the ps3. Thats why you will buy it. I'm sure you already know that xbox360 only uses one core, which can affe t it graphically. That means the xbox360 wont be able to send that much info to the gpu because its only using 1 core. Expect to see 10x better graphics in 4 years from now.
And I've already explained this too.
Thats what ps1 at 100% can produce, that looks better than most ps2 games. And dont say that was dvd and a different computer produced it. psx cant play dvd's.
Quote: I not buying a PS3 becuase I had a PS2. Thats the reason why those who are buying a PS3 are buying it. In thier mind they are thinking 'My PS2 was great, I didnt give the xbox a try or I did give the xbox a try but didnt like it. That automaticaly means the 360 is crap and PS3 I know is good because I had a PS2'.
WTF? I've played xbox plenty of times. I just dont like there games, nd i've played alote of them. I liked my ps2 more simply beccause of the games. And i dont only play only ff and mgs, infact i dotn even have a mgs game. Your being steriotypical. Xbox players will think the same of ps3 if you say that. That statment is pointless. People know what they are going to get what they want.
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Senior Member
16. December 2005 @ 11:13 |
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Look PSX cant play DVD's I know that but the differnce between a DVD and CD is simply just storage just like blue ray over a DVD. That means you can still code FMV or films onto a cd.
Those pictures are not in game graphics, I refuse to belive it. There is no way on this Earth that those grphics are on the PSX. I know your not going to like what I say but those are what the developer created on the computer then it went to the manufactorer where they burnt the information onto a CD. You place the CD into your PSX. The lasser reads the information and then just like a V-CD plays it back on your TV. Once it is over the PSX then decodes the information on the CD where it will go through all its techical components to creat a game before your eyes wich surpisingly look like all the other PSX games where the characters look like they are made from lego and are really pixly and grainy.
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16. December 2005 @ 11:27 |
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Thats imposable. It just like saying that if you put a video, or like an n64 rom on a disk, the psx will play it. Thats what psx can produce 100%, thats what ps2 can produce at 100%, and you dont know how ps3 or xbox360 will look at 100%
Senior Member
16. December 2005 @ 12:12 |
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What are you talking about impossible? If thats the case then the music video i watched on the PSX must have been CGI but I could have been sure it was real. If it was CGI then its the best I have ever seen which is why I believe it wasnt but an actual video like the one you saw on FF.
Look, somthing like Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater is a game that uses near to 100% of the PS2's power. The Final Fantasy 12 images you have showed me are 100% FMV they use none of the consoles power. I cant believe we are having this arguement. I thought you knew your stuff. Well you have proven me wrong you dont know your stuff if you think that the PSX can produce images like that.
I just rememberd! I know somthing that used close to 100% of the PSX's power. Remeber the demo disc? Remember the dinosour you could move the camera around and open its jaw? Well that was somthing that used 100% of its power.
I even have more proof. I have a old rubbish laptop that can just about play Warcraft 3. First I would like to say that the game is on CD. Secondly if you have played the game you will notice the FMV sequences. My computer is just barely above the PSX standard if that and the FMV sequences are equal in graphic quality to Final Fantasy 12 FMV. So you see if my laptop is around the same power as the PSX then how on earth can it play the FMV sequences that are as good as Final Fantasy 12?
Like I said I cant believe we are having this debate. Who in thier right mind thinks those FMV sequences are produced with the console.
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16. December 2005 @ 12:46 |
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