Ps3 and Xbox 360, a war to come..
Senior Member
17. December 2005 @ 15:45 |
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I hope you are not referining to me Kookoo when you say 360 fan boy.
I am trying my hardest here to not look like a Microsoft representative but when I see such a good console with exceleent potentail with a superb line up of new games made buy well know developers I cant understand when people slate off the console. Other than the fact they love there Sony products and hype.
What puts you guys off the 360?
I can kind of figure this one out. You will nit pick at anything and give negative views on things which have no negative points. i.e. the controler.
Then you will say stuff like Final Fantasy. What if I said I am buying a 360 for Lost Odessy. You would all say Lost Odessy? whats that? we dont know it we will keep to the same thing called Final Fantasy because we are really boring people.
And please Kookoo67 what is this thing you keep on going on about with 35 times more powerfull and 10 times more powerfull. You should work for Sony because you are good at makeing numbers look good.
Remeber one thing xbox was about the twice the power of PS2 which means (if we went by Kookoo) that 360 is 20 times more powerfull than PS2 while PS3 is 35 times more powerful.
But this is a big load of rubbish and Kookoo knows it. The PS3 isnt out yet and no hardware testing has been made so how can anyone give these numbers of 35 times more powerfull? This is false speculation.
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17. December 2005 @ 15:51 |
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They said that at e3, and m$ said that xbox360 is 10x more powerfull than xbox. No i didnt imply you are a fanboy. Just lots of fanboys here. And majority is m$ fanboys.
And i dont dislike m$, i just like sony over it. Not for the reasons you say. Im probably goign to buy all three systems.
the numbers are probably at fault, but probably close to right. As in the 10 and 35x
Quote: no hardware testing has been made
Yea they have, they probably have for the revolution aswell, the specs are probably right. In inspeculation is probably wrong by a bit when it comes to 35x and 10 w.e
Senior Member
17. December 2005 @ 16:00 |
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That wasnt specificaly aimed at you Kookoo67.
I havent seen anything on this hardware testing? where did you get the information from?
The biggest problem is as J' Allard say's the 360 is the first of the next generation of console's. The big disadvantage is that thier console is put under the microsope from media and competition. When Microsoft unvield thier 360 at MTV, Sony took into account averything they said. They then found the better points of thier system to give false manipultaion of statistics (I do this all the time in my job). Is the PS3 really 35 times more powerfull than the PS2? If so is there any proof to back this up in the form of a written conformation taken by a non-biased sourse that carried out tests on both consoles?
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17. December 2005 @ 16:03 |
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Alright zelda, ill do testings of my own, ill compair the specs of ps2 and the current specs of the ps3. Then that should solve all of our problems.
Senior Member
17. December 2005 @ 16:11 |
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No dont do that. If you did I couldnt take your word for it. We will have to wait for a offical documentation. Just like I would want an officail documentation of the comaprison in power between the 360 and PS3.
I am just so adamant that the 360 is equal in power to the PS3 and if not will only be slightly less powerful. If i could bet money on it I would.
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17. December 2005 @ 16:19 |
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Well i wont, because no websites show the exact specs of the GS the ps2 has, but this.
Actually technically it's right in terms of power.
Ps2's CPU is 3.2 GFLOPS
ps3's CPU is 218 GFLOPS
Since you dont want the rest of the info, im not oging to post it.
And i just want to mention this.
People are overexagerating that e3 said that the ps3 is equivelent to a supercomputer, or some bull like that.
What they said is that the gpu total floating point performance is 1.8tflops. Tflops is a term used with Supercomputers. Onlt super computers usually use these terms. So technically the 360 cpu and the ps3 cpu is messured in tflops, Tflops being the way supercomputers are measured tech wize.
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Senior Member
17. December 2005 @ 16:28 |
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Gflops is the representation of one aspect and does not prove its overall power. Dont paste the rest of the stuff I am going to wait for the official word.
PS3 will be a good console and I will miss out on some of my favourite games like Metal Gear. There looks to be some good games to Like Motor Storm and Warhawk. The new 360 games though persuaded me to go the path of 360. I am sound in my mind the 360 is near or the same a PS3 in power so I am not to bothered about it. I think the biggest thing for me though is the online aspect of 360 with all those arcade games that can be downloaded from new to classic like Robotron and the excellent online multiplayer features to prvent people cheating and to give those who are not as good at gaming to play those of equal ability. These kind of this swayed me from buying the PS3 to now buying the 360.
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17. December 2005 @ 16:34 |
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Gflops is a measurment unit for system performance.
The CPU overall performance for the ps2 is 6.2Gflops
the Cpu overall performance for the ps3 is 218 Gfops
Divide them you get 35.
The ps3 performs 35x better in overall performance than the ps2
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Senior Member
17. December 2005 @ 22:20 |
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Exactly my point. It takes into consideration only one factor CPU not everything else.e.g. GPU, ram .etc
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17. December 2005 @ 22:24 |
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It still performs 35x better.
I'm goign to watch e3 presentation again to see exactly what they say.
Its overall performance Zelda64. The power of the console to me means the overall performance aswell. GPU wouldnt be included in the overall performance, all it does is produce graphics. The gamespot e3 presentation isnt working, but ill get back at it soon.
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Senior Member
17. December 2005 @ 22:34 |
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Ok. your going to listen to a Sony spoksman tell you what the PS3 can do. Thats like me saying J' Allard said Xbox 360 is tne best console ever made.
What you are telling me is that the CPU of the PS3 is 35x faster than the PS2. This does not tell me the PS3 is 35x more powerfull.
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17. December 2005 @ 22:37 |
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No im gogin to listen to that exact part when he says the ps3 is going to be 35x more powerfull than the ps2. I want to know exactly what he said, maybe he said the ps3 will perform 35x better than the ps2, or have 35x more floating performance.
PS:What i am telling you that the ps3 will perform 35x better than ps2.
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17. December 2005 @ 22:45 |
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One thing i've observed so far, he said that the ps3 will have super computer atributes, like the tflops i've said earlier before, many people said that e3 stated that the cell will be a super computer.
Ill be back with more.
Bandwith he said the ps3 will have 8x better bandwith than ps2.
He said the ps3 will be 35x faster than the ps2 Fast being the key word, speed being the GFLOPS.
he said "supercomputer like" performance. He does not say the cell is a super computer.
People misinterpret what he says at e3. Such as you zelda, and many other people thaught he said something he didnt say. He said somthing about super computers and he relates it to the cell processor. People say, oh he lies when he says that a super computer is as fast as the cell processor, when he clearly didnt say that. He said supercomputer atributes.
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Senior Member
18. December 2005 @ 00:21 |
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No i dont misinterparate the E3 presentations. Remember I am a sales man. I know how do word stuff to make it sound better than it is without saying it if tha makes any sense.
Thank you for watching the presentation. Watch the Xbox one as well. The xbox one isnt as good in terms of hype and getting excited. So he says the PS3 is 35x faster not 35x more powerful. very clever wording dont you think?
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18. December 2005 @ 11:15 |
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Can you sell me a link to the 360 presentation? I cant find it anywhere lol.
Yea it's clever wording. Technically they didnt lie. They just made it sound like the system is 35x powerfull, not faster. W.e, many got confuesed, and you know. I've seen people post the the cell is a super computer. When they said that it has supercomputer atributes. W.e i dotn care any ways, its good for sony, they know how to advertise a product, unlike the 360. If 360 did there presentation like sony, people will be wowed with the 360 aswell. 360 failed in that. Sony can make there products apeal good, m$ cant.
18. December 2005 @ 11:47 |
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I agree with that, sony had a better e3 conference and wowed me initialy, they are very good with advertisment. Why microsoft isn't as good with the media in that way is beyond me but hopefully with the 360's early launch it will give pple the chance to see what it can do.
Senior Member
18. December 2005 @ 11:51 |
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Kookoo I couldnt agree more. Oh my goodness we actualy agree on somthing!!!lol
Here is a link to the xbox360 press conference at E3
If Microsoft was able to do the type of presentation that Sony can it would do well for it's self, unfotunatly this is not the case.
Did you know that the Sony confernece convinced me so much to buy the PS3 for the first 4 months that I sold my PS2 with some games I would never play again for some money and kept my xbox. Now I have seen into all the hype and words and see the 360 is a better choice, so now I cant play my PS2 games anymore and I feel like crying.
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18. December 2005 @ 12:28 |
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Now why would you do that? Just work for the money to buy the ps3 or 360, dont sell the ps2 or its games. LOL what wer you thinking?
Senior Member
18. December 2005 @ 12:48 |
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The money wasnt towards the 360. Its a long story but none the less my PS2 is gone and I am left with just my best PS2 games like Metal Gear 1+2, Soul Calibour 2, GTA, etc.
I have my xbox which I like more but there is no point in having it when I will be able to play all my old xbox games on the 360.
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18. December 2005 @ 13:06 |
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Hmm, zelda now, both presentations seam fake. I seriosly dont know what you are talking about. The e3 ps3 is mostly what the ps3 can do, the xbox360 is talking about what the 360 will have. Both pointless to me. THe dead or alive part took forever. I guess i ahve to wait and see.
Senior Member
18. December 2005 @ 13:18 |
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Thats what I am saying. Both presentations are fake but I have looked past the hype and say what features the 360 has. I know the PS3 features have been introduced yet but Microsoft have the upper hand having windows and experiance with the internet and is functionalities. I think the PS3 internet and other functions wont be as good as the 360's when it is introduced in January.
The 360 conference was bad. They showed games that where imports or made on very low spec dev kits so the games didnt look any better than the xbox. They aslo dont give full details on the specs like Sony do and they dont give any graphical demonstations like Sony do.
When I read the features and specs then saw games like Gears of War I was sold. There presentation didnt do anything for me, infact it did the opposite. It was through my own time and effort that I found out how good the 360 is.
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18. December 2005 @ 13:26 |
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Man you guys its like kookoo,zelda, kookoo zelda,kookoo,
Yeah tell me about the low dev kits they used for some of the games like pdz, when i first saw images of that it was pics from it being played on a low dev kit and the graphics looked crap, I was like why did they bother showing pdz on a low dev kit, who they trying to impress. I can't w8 to play the 360 over the net, pdz multiplayer looks so good, I can't w8 till they release an online role playing game like WOW except better graphics and gameplay that will be aewsome! Playing the old retro games over the net should be interesting too.
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18. December 2005 @ 13:32 |
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Quote: I think the PS3 internet and other functions wont be as good as the 360's when it is introduced in January.
Trust me, sony is doing alote to make ps3's online play really good. They are even having the enthernet connection built in. 360 you have to pay extra.
Quote: dont give any graphical demonstations like Sony do.
Well that dead or alive game graphics, i think it was the game, took like a long long time, and it showed what the 360 can do. Pretty impressive, ps3 didnt do any demenstrations like that. But they did a very good presentation with Luna, to show what the rsx can accomplish, and how the shader ops work. Anyways you have to wait til the consols come out. Sony showed us what ps3 can produce, 360 was al into the media, they made it look superficial, It kind of was like movie or music awards. Lol.
Quote: Man you guys its like kookoo,zelda, kookoo zelda,kookoo,
And then you pop in! lol
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18. December 2005 @ 13:35 |
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GIRLS! first of all i'd like to apologise for not replyin for ages, but because me living in the UK our time frames are different.. i am assuming u live in america of course, please tell me if ya dnt.. anyhow, so i've missed you two b!tch!n t each other about which is best and wot is wot and GFLOPs n all this.. but lets face it.. we cant go on wot eva anyone says about ps3, it hasnt been released yet and specs on the net are specs, some of them are ages old, as much as i love sony, things could have changed.. but sayin that i love m$ too, because i love to play games na look at the differences, wot makes a gd game a gd game and bad a bad one etc.. i have to say tho i was disapointed bout the 360s graphics, thought it would be better, but sayin that i read countless reviews about both consoles and the main aspect about these consoles were SPEED, and thats how i saw 360, the games seemed speedy and quick responsive which they wanted (i cant comment on ps3 sorry, ent been released) plus the games arnt usin all the power of the consoles yet so we'll av t wait for new up comig games to see the true power of the 360.. i do think it had a poor release line up tho, apart from perfect dark, amazin game i love it..
but.. wot im tryin to say is.. both consoles have their unique games, some t compare to each other halo 2 vs killzone, i think graphics halo 2 was stunning but gameplay of halo 1 was better.. as for kilzone, its gd in its own way, i saw it more as a rpg fps..
anyway, y isnt anyone moanin about revolution and its spec and dodgy controller?
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18. December 2005 @ 13:42 |
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Sorry, just have to break it to you.
ps3 got 218 GFLOPS,
xbox360 got GFLOPS in the hundreds.
XBox360 has better General performance,
ps3 has the speed.
Apples and oranges
This is somthing old butQuote: Exactly my point. It takes into consideration only one factor CPU not everything else.e.g. GPU, ram .etc
Im bringing up the ram in this one. PS probably has more than 35x ram. It has the new XDR ram at 3.2ghz. for its cpu. Its goign to be the fastest ram out there next year. 12x faster than the fastest out right now.
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