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Upgrading HD on Softmodded Xbox Tutorial
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6. September 2007 @ 15:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
AfterDawn Addict
6. September 2007 @ 18:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My tutorials will explain any possible way.

Technically if you have a complete softmod 'Image' you can copy that across. But that is hard and complicated and not very stable!

6. September 2007 @ 19:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by chunkhead:
My tutorials will explain any possible way.

Technically if you have a complete softmod 'Image' you can copy that across. But that is hard and complicated and not very stable!
??? Was that explaining my question, "Don't you need a new EEPROM for the xbox hard drive when using this tutorial since the EEPROM and the ORIGINAL (not new) hard drive are married? thanks"?
6. September 2007 @ 20:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by dan72588:
Don't you need a new EEPROM for the xbox hard drive when using this tutorial since the EEPROM and the ORIGINAL (not new) hard drive are married? thanks
This guide uses the original xbox eeprom binary (saved as a file: eeprom.bin) to create a key for the new drive that will only be unlocked by that specific xbox, "marrying" the new drive to the xbox. The eeprom.bin should be obtained from your soft-modded xbox prior to the upgrade procedure.

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. September 2007 @ 20:17

6. September 2007 @ 20:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by glowbox:
first of all, this helped me more than i could ever explain...

Glad to hear you found this guide useful!

my question...
since my dvd drive doesnt seem to want to read any more discs is there ANY way to load the MA gamesave without the disc? i also have my entire softmodded xbox hdd backed up. could i put that on my new drive and just turn the xbox on and boot evox?

it's not working that way now, but i hoping there was a way hidden behind someones eager-to-help lips.


Question 1> Without a soft-modded xbox, you cannot boot the MA game any way except from dvd, sux if you can't read it in the dvd-rom drive. You might find a replacement on ebay or other online resellers - that would likely fix the dvd-rom issue, you might also check your cables and try cleaning the laser.

Question 2> While it is possible to copy the entire contents of your xbox drive to a new drive using xboxhdm. The problem for most users lies in the fact that most people do not understand how their softmod actually works. EvoX (and I believe other dashboards) utilize a shadowed C partition (I believe it's actually a folder on the real C partition) to allow a modded xbox to boot into an unmodded environment, free from homebrew software / dashboards, etc. This shadowing occurs at the base level and leaves the impression that the C drive presented to the user is the only C drive.

If you copied only this Shadowed drive, you will immediately notice the lack of all softmods upon boot, typically rectified by simply reinstalling.

Unfortunately, if you do not have a copy of the real partition, your softmod is lost. If you still do have a copy of the real C drive or the original drive, it is possible to backup this real partition and perform a new install which includes all softmods, etc. Sorry to say, I am unsure of the exact instructions to do this (I reinstalled my softmods and never looked back). I believe it was covered in this thread, or a google search may yield some results as well. If anybody else would care to fill in my blanks, feel free!!!

Best of luck,

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. September 2007 @ 20:47

7. September 2007 @ 02:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by slaeyer:
Originally posted by dan72588:
Don't you need a new EEPROM for the xbox hard drive when using this tutorial since the EEPROM and the ORIGINAL (not new) hard drive are married? thanks
This guide uses the original xbox eeprom binary (saved as a file: eeprom.bin) to create a key for the new drive that will only be unlocked by that specific xbox, "marrying" the new drive to the xbox. The eeprom.bin should be obtained from your soft-modded xbox prior to the upgrade procedure.
So basically if I was unbanned from xbox live on the 8gb drive, when i make the new 160gb drive, I should still be unbanned?
Suspended permanently
7. September 2007 @ 07:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
wtf is "error 13"????
i was playing halo2 on my softmodded 250gb xbox last week, and the game froze....
i restarted, i got the green goo, then BANG.."ERROR 13"...i even reformatted, repartitioned, unlocked and locked yet to no avail...i keep getting ERROR 13..
PS...also , i believe i heard a lil clicking when drives running...
hope thats enough detail.
7. September 2007 @ 09:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by dan72588:

So basically if I was unbanned from xbox live on the 8gb drive, when i make the new 160gb drive, I should still be unbanned?
I am unsure how the banning system works, in theory you should remain unbanned. When completed, your new drive will have a new key made using a combination of the drives serial number (and possibly other drive info) and your xbox's eeprom. It will be unique to the combination of your hardware.

I personally do not use modded xboxes on xbox live to avoid the banning risk!

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
7. September 2007 @ 09:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey Jezzy 101
"13 - kernel - Dashboard launch fail (due to missing/bad key, or anything else that would prevent it from running) and the dashboard didn't specify why it failed."

I had this error before. i was trying to make xbmc my default dashboard and mispelled the default.xbe(so i change evoxdash.xbe to
defult.xbe and got error 13). i fix it by putting splintercell in,(the game i use to exploit my xbox)loaded the linux save to get to the unleased x screen and restaored my dashborad form the back up i had made.

I just thought of something you say that you reinstall the softmod so the files your Hdm cd must be curruted in your e:/ folder. Well i dont know man, i can email you my origanal dashboard files then you can reburn hdm using my dashboard files but to tell you the truth i dont where all the files are located on the cd.
7. September 2007 @ 10:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jeezy103:
wtf is "error 13"????
i was playing halo2 on my softmodded 250gb xbox last week, and the game froze....
i restarted, i got the green goo, then BANG.."ERROR 13"...i even reformatted, repartitioned, unlocked and locked yet to no avail...i keep getting ERROR 13..
PS...also , i believe i heard a lil clicking when drives running...
hope thats enough detail.
I have a copy of a virgin C drive on divshare but they seem to be having connection problems (they appear to be performing maintenance on the site) so I can't give you a link at the moment..... maybe they'll get it fixed soon..... Otherwise, you can lookup a copy elsewhere and try using that to restore your xbox, then reinstall all softmods, apps, etc.

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
Suspended permanently
7. September 2007 @ 11:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Much respect folks..keep the feedback coming...
@ Craiggg..
My hdm is definetely not the problem given im using the same cd i burned 4 months ago when upgrading hds..........
Furthermore, i get the "success" notice after locking the drive....which leads me to assume the problem may reside within the hd itself..(and i hope im wrong)

@ slaeyer...
Do hook me up with the link will getting desperate.....thanks btw ..;)
just for the still in need of help....this issue isn't solved.. :)
Suspended permanently
7. September 2007 @ 11:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Much respect folks..keep the feedback coming...
@ Craiggg..
My hdm is definetely not the problem given im using the same cd i burned 4 months ago when upgrading hds..........
Furthermore, i get the "success" notice after locking the drive....which leads me to assume the problem may reside within the hd itself..(and i hope im wrong)

@ slaeyer...
Do hook me up with the link will getting desperate.....thanks btw ..;)
just for the still in need of help....this issue isn't solved.. :)
Suspended permanently
7. September 2007 @ 11:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jeezy103:
Much respect folks..keep the feedback coming...
@ Craiggg..
My hdm is definetely not the problem given im using the same cd i burned 4 months ago when upgrading hds..........
Furthermore, i get the "success" notice after locking the drive....which leads me to assume the problem may reside within the hd itself..(and i hope im wrong)

@ slaeyer...
Do hook me up with the link will getting desperate.....thanks btw ..;)
just for the still in need of help....this issue isn't
solved.. :)
crap..didnt mean to bad..
PS....should there be a delete button somewhere here incase someone does a similar error??
Junior Member
7. September 2007 @ 15:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@SlaeYer -
Unfortunately, if you do not have a copy of the real partition, your softmod is lost. If you still do have a copy of the real C drive or the original drive, it is possible to backup this real partition and perform a new install which includes all softmods, etc.
i copied every folder and file on my softmodded xbox to my pc before removing the retail hdd. so i have the 'actual' c drive.
what i just realized is that when i prepped my new hdd with xboxhdm it worked and my xbox booted to evox with the new hdd. no dvd drive needed. then i replaced evox with unleashx because i couldnt figure out how to get the use of my new f drive and g drive. upon first boot of unleashx it said my config had an error in userdata something about empty line 0. NOT GUISETTTINGS as all my google searches resulted in. so i tried avalaunch and upon reboot i got whatever error code it is that says the dashboard is corrupt. i reverted back to xboxhdm and re-did the c drive and put 'er back in the xbox and booted. up comes m$ dash.

so now you see my problem.
i guess something happened when i re-did the c drive in xbhdm. maybe it used the shadowc? i dunno. it worked the first time, so why not give it another go as if i was jsut starting out from square one.

i will. and i will post the results.

thank you.
Junior Member
8. September 2007 @ 14:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
it didnt work. i wiped the drive and started from scratch. i used someone elses dvd drive to access gamesave. thanks for the USEFULL input slaeyer.
8. September 2007 @ 16:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
jeezy103 - Here's that link for ya

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
8. September 2007 @ 16:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by glowbox:
it didnt work. i wiped the drive and started from scratch. i used someone elses dvd drive to access gamesave. thanks for the USEFULL input slaeyer.
Not a problem... sorry you couldn't get things goin...

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
AfterDawn Addict
8. September 2007 @ 19:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a link for the clean MS Dash 5960 in my Software section!

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9. September 2007 @ 11:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
..gracias chunk and slaeyer.....
i dl from both links just incase....
lets now see where this goes.
15. October 2007 @ 15:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
When I try to run the cd containing the linux.iso I get a message reading "A disk read error has occured" or something alongs those lines. Now I tried to reburn make and reburn the cd with the same problem. Does this mean the harddrive is bad?

Press any key to continue, where's the any key, ahh there is no any key, ahhhhh!¡!
15. October 2007 @ 17:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by kmssd:
When I try to run the cd containing the linux.iso I get a message reading "A disk read error has occured" or something alongs those lines. Now I tried to reburn make and reburn the cd with the same problem. Does this mean the harddrive is bad?
It's doubtful your hd is bad based on this error. You may have a motherboard revision that is incompatible with XboxHDM. Try another pc if you can.

Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
15. October 2007 @ 22:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
kmssd:I never received a a:/ disk error but my pc did reject the hdm cd so i ran a failsafe hdm cd google for it. It might help

You can also try to disable the a:drive in your system bios/setup before your system boot. F1 or something like that

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. October 2007 @ 03:03

AfterDawn Addict
16. October 2007 @ 03:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The CD doesn't contain the linux.iso, the iso contains the CD.

You've burned it wrong!

Read my HDD upgrade tutorial!

16. October 2007 @ 11:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I can try another computer sometime.

I can't disable A drive without disabling C drive aswell, so I will check google.

@I followed instructions from this site but another poster, and the directions seem the same, but is there a way to check if I burned the cd right, being that I burned it with DVD Decrypter.

I keep all you guys up to date when I try things by how they work.

Press any key to continue, where's the any key, ahh there is no any key, ahhhhh!¡!
16. October 2007 @ 14:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by kmssd:
... but is there a way to check if I burned the cd right, being that I burned it with DVD Decrypter.
Mount the cd in a PC. The cd should contain a bunch of files. If the CD only contains a single file with .iso extension, you burned the image incorrectly. The .iso file should be burnt to cd as an image, there should be an option to burn image to disc in your recording program of choice.

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