Upgrading HD on Softmodded Xbox Tutorial
29. December 2007 @ 15:02 |
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Hey i've got a quick question, would this method work using a mac, i've got a G4 sitting in my room and it would be easier to open it up then my PC. If set up the disc and everything on my PC then set the mac to boot from disc would it work?
30. December 2007 @ 01:59 |
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No, the xboxhdm software hasn't been compiled to run on a PPC Macintosh and Intel Macs lack IDE drive ports.
Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
30. December 2007 @ 21:49 |
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k, thanks for the help
7. January 2008 @ 17:19 |
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My Xbox appears to be on it's last legs. HDD is making ticking/grinding noises so I have decided to make a backup using the tutorial in this thread.
I have built two HDD now and neither work. I am using a Hitachi drive and Maxtor drive both are compatible with the Xbox.
I am using xboxhdm. I have a 1.6 Xbox / Pal. The drive has been locked using the eeprom file. I keep getting Xbox service code 13. I have read up on this and the solution I feel doesn't apply to me as I have followed all of those steps. My dash is also up to date.
I used the Krazie Ndure softmod (http://www.productwiki.com/microsoft-xbox/article/how-to-go-from-xbox-to-xbox-media-center-in-30-minutes.html). Could I be using the wrong eeprom backup file? What files must I have in C and E partitions? When using xboxhdm I created a F partition is this ok? Any help would be much appreciated its starting to drive me bonkers.
Many Thanks,
7. January 2008 @ 17:37 |
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7. January 2008 @ 17:53 |
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Originally posted by silent714: Make sure you got the eeprom from here E:\Udata\2xxxxxxxxxx\0000000000000\Backup.
and you can get a fresh ms dash here
When using xboxhdm E data can be empty with two folders named TDATA & UDATA
Thanks, getting both of those files now. I was copying my eeprom file from C:\backup or it may have been E:\backup. What are those backup eeprom files then?
My current C:\ looks like this:
XBox Book.xtf
My current E:\ looks like this:
Under the Dashboard folder is my Unlesh X dash. Is this ok? From the above partitions what can be deleted and what do I need to keep. Thank you for your quick reply.
7. January 2008 @ 20:20 |
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I made the same mistake copying the eeprom from C:\back up thats why you couldnt get the hdd to work you had the wrong eeprom the real eeprom is from E:\Udata\2xxxxxxxxxx\0000000000000\Backup like i wrote before. I did my hard drive with my correct eeprom the clean ms dash (c folder) and the E folder with just the TDATA & UDATA inside. Then I softmodded again.
Your gonna have to unlock the drive with the eeprom that didnt work because thats what you locked it with. Then you would have to make another xbox hdmn disk with the correct eeprom to lock the drive again with it after you installed c and e folders yes you would have to make a f partion I think xbox hdmn tells you to do it if you need to.After that it should boot up Good Luck and remember to keep a backup of your eeprom.
8. January 2008 @ 02:22 |
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Originally posted by silent714: I made the same mistake copying the eeprom from C:\back up thats why you couldnt get the hdd to work you had the wrong eeprom the real eeprom is from E:\Udata\2xxxxxxxxxx\0000000000000\Backup like i wrote before. I did my hard drive with my correct eeprom the clean ms dash (c folder) and the E folder with just the TDATA & UDATA inside. Then I softmodded again.
Your gonna have to unlock the drive with the eeprom that didnt work because thats what you locked it with. Then you would have to make another xbox hdmn disk with the correct eeprom to lock the drive again with it after you installed c and e folders yes you would have to make a f partion I think xbox hdmn tells you to do it if you need to.After that it should boot up Good Luck and remember to keep a backup of your eeprom.
Ok sounds good. I looked in that folder and I couldn't see the eeprom folder there were loads of other files that look like the the softmod. I ran a program last night called config magic and got a backup of the epprom is this ok?
8. January 2008 @ 18:13 |
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I never used configure magic. I backed up my eeprom with my evox dash board. You can try the eeprom you got from confiq magic. The eeprom basically locks the hdd to the xbox mobo. If its the right eeprom then it will boot. Thats why the eeprom is so important and thats why you need your true eeprom. Any other eeprom that isnt yours wont work.
9. January 2008 @ 03:58 |
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Originally posted by silent714: I never used configure magic. I backed up my eeprom with my evox dash board. You can try the eeprom you got from confiq magic. The eeprom basically locks the hdd to the xbox mobo. If its the right eeprom then it will boot. Thats why the eeprom is so important and thats why you need your true eeprom. Any other eeprom that isnt yours wont work.
The eeprom from config magic worked! I'm so happy. Thank you for all the help!!!!
9. January 2008 @ 15:03 |
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Glad to hear that it worked. You're welcome
20. January 2008 @ 11:22 |
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First of all I want to thank everybody for the great info shared in this tutorial.
I wanted to replace are noisy harddrive in one of my softmodded Xboxes. I followed the tutorial and everything worked like it should. The only thing is that I get the original M$ dash again when I put my new HD in the XBox. Is it normal to loose your softmod after replacing the harddrive or did I do something wrong?
I didn't expect this to happen. Is there a way to fix this? Unfortunately I didn't softmod the XBox myself, so I can use some advice.
20. January 2008 @ 20:01 |
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Originally posted by gurbo: First of all I want to thank everybody for the great info shared in this tutorial.
Glad to hear you found this thread useful.
Quote: I wanted to replace are noisy harddrive in one of my softmodded Xboxes. I followed the tutorial and everything worked like it should. The only thing is that I get the original M$ dash again when I put my new HD in the XBox. Is it normal to loose your softmod after replacing the harddrive or did I do something wrong?
I didn't expect this to happen. Is there a way to fix this? Unfortunately I didn't softmod the XBox myself, so I can use some advice.
Surprisingly, this calamity happens routinely enough it has been covered in this thread before.
The most likely culprit is that the C drive doesn't contain the softmod files. This is typically because the files aren't (all) there due to a copy problem or because you copied the shadowed C partition (shadowed C partition doesn't contain the soft-mod files) used by your dashboard.
You can try recreating the drive with the softmod files in place or simply re-mod the xbox.
Hope this helps,
Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
29. January 2008 @ 11:09 |
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Thanks SlaeYer,
Your were right, the problem was described in this topic as well. I should have read it over there. However your tips were very useful. I decided not to apply a softmod again after reading a simple procedure at http://www.biline.ca/xbox_uxe_hd.htm
I thing it can be useful to other as well. Here's the solution if you have a shadowed C drive and you want to extract this to copy it to a replacement drive (it's a copy 'paste from the sit I mentioned) :
1 There is a shadow partition, So unlock the factory drive (you should already have the eeprom.bin ).
2 Mount /dev/hda50 (drive E) to /mnt and /dev/hda51 (drive C) to /c. And then: tar cf /mnt/actualc.tar /c/* After a while it creates a copy of the files on drive E, in a single archive.
3 Lock the drive and put it back on xbox.
4 Take new hard drive (previously prepared) and mount /dev/hda50 (drive E) to /mnt, /dev/hda51 to /c
5 FTP to the Xbox and retrieve from drive E "actualc.tar"
6 Decompress (tar xvf actualc.tar) and place the files in the proper partition
7 lock the drive, swap old for new, and your're done it should work fine!
31. January 2008 @ 21:33 |
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ok i have an old 200gb pc hard drive and I checked and it is lockable but it says that I need a 1.6 xbox and I am not sure if my xbox is 1.6 cause i checked on the xbox versions how to thing but it skips mine. I have one thats from poduction line 1, from 2004, week 32, from china. i would really appreciate it if someone could help
1. February 2008 @ 10:47 |
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Originally posted by ignahtsce: ok i have an old 200gb pc hard drive and I checked and it is lockable but it says that I need a 1.6 xbox and I am not sure if my xbox is 1.6 cause i checked on the xbox versions how to thing but it skips mine. I have one thats from poduction line 1, from 2004, week 32, from china. i would really appreciate it if someone could help
I'm no expert, but I don't think you need a v 1.6 xbox to use a 200 gb HD, you will however need to create multiple partitions to use it (you'll likely have both an F and a G partition after xboxhdm is finished) as well as use the latest softmod installers to setup an LBA-48 aware dashboard. I'd suggest trying out the drive and seeing if it works. The worst thing that is likely to happen is that your xbox won't boot using the new HD or won't show the full drive size after install. Who knows, it might just work!
Hope this helps, SlaeYer
Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
1. February 2008 @ 13:08 |
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Hey guys, I burned the iso file to dvd it works up to the point of having to type "xboxhd".....I type it and it says can't find linux cd???? Any help?
1. February 2008 @ 13:21 |
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Originally posted by Seabeast1: Hey guys, I burned the iso file to dvd it works up to the point of having to type "xboxhd".....I type it and it says can't find linux cd???? Any help?
Try another PC or try burning at a slower speed - I find 4x or less typically resolves burn issues
Over The Modem, Down The Fiber, Through The Switch, Nuttin' But Net!
1. February 2008 @ 13:39 |
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It says something along the lines of Mounting,it can't mount or something.
1. February 2008 @ 13:49 |
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mount: Mounting /dev/hdb on /xboxhdm failed: No such device or address
Looking for CD-ROM in /dev/hdc...Linux CD not found! Insert it and try again...
2. February 2008 @ 08:56 |
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Can anyone give me some advice re: Krayzie Ndure mod 1.1.1 hard drive upgrade I am doing for a friend.
I successfully installed the mod and copied the eeprom.bin over to my PC with the plan of upgrading the hard drive. However, in the process of cloning the drive, I got the "click of death" from the original Xbox Western Digital drive, which will no longer boot.
No problem I thought, I'll create a XboxHDM boot disk using the C: and E: drive from my own softmodded drive, and but replace the eeprom.bin backup I had made from my freinds drive. The new drive and partitions were created fine, and I can lock the drive with the password generated from the original eeprom.bin. I have confirmed that the eeprom.bin I am using has the same serial number as the Xbox I am upgrading.
The problem is that I am still getting Error 6, and the Xbox won't boot.
Any suggestions?
9. February 2008 @ 22:52 |
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Can someone please help me I Dled xboxhdm v1.9 followed the tutorial and made the iso with my c and e from my xbox installed my new drive in my pc and booted from the cd it booted fine i pressed 1 and enter got to the screen where it said to enter xboxhd and pressed enter and got the message
looking for cd-rom in /dev/hda
mount: mounting /dev/hda on /xboxhdm failed: invalid argument
looking for cd-rom in /dev/hdb
mount: mounting /dev/hdb on /xboxhdm failed: invalid argument
I forget what the rest said for /dev/hdc,hdd,hde... but it was somthing like they dont exist which was expected since i disconnected everything but my cd-drive and the new hard drive and at the end of the message it said it couldnt find the linux cd insret it and try again or somthing like that
any help would be much appreciated
Thank You
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10. February 2008 @ 20:14 |
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After boot VGA mine dont ask for the password or what ever.
I type 1 then hit enter then I get taken to the one that says welcome to a fatx enabled live linux.
Its the one that asks you if you want to buiuld a xbox hd from scratch.
After this point is where I get problems.
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10. February 2008 @ 20:43 |
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Originally posted by Kenadein: Can someone please help me I Dled xboxhdm v1.9 followed the tutorial and made the iso with my c and e from my xbox installed my new drive in my pc and booted from the cd it booted fine i pressed 1 and enter got to the screen where it said to enter xboxhd and pressed enter and got the message
looking for cd-rom in /dev/hda
mount: mounting /dev/hda on /xboxhdm failed: invalid argument
looking for cd-rom in /dev/hdb
mount: mounting /dev/hdb on /xboxhdm failed: invalid argument
I forget what the rest said for /dev/hdc,hdd,hde... but it was somthing like they dont exist which was expected since i disconnected everything but my cd-drive and the new hard drive and at the end of the message it said it couldnt find the linux cd insret it and try again or somthing like that
any help would be much appreciated
Thank You
Pretty much what I got. I think the software has become BS and got messed up cause I have did everything and I get nothing.
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10. February 2008 @ 20:47 |
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Quote: become BS and got messed up cause I have did everything and I get nothing.
nope everything is inorder you probably did some mistake along the way, dont blame the firmware/software the creator(s) of the tut and firmware/software worked hard to minimize error!
am sure if you look back you'll see what you did wrong;)