PS3 vs 360 is not a contest
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12. May 2006 @ 00:55 |
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Its not even fair how Sony did 360.They took the entertainment approch which was a smart idea.360 is a game console the PS3 is a entertainment center its not a contest PS3 is by far a better machine.
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12. May 2006 @ 02:45 |
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i have been watching loads of interviews grom different people at e3 and they all say that they can not see a difference in graphics and that xbox has wone the show with nintendo close behind, ans sony in third, and the reason for them saying this is not only b/c the graphics are the same for both consolers but b/c they want a playstation 3 not a blue ray player, they do not want to pay soo much for it and also sony has taken a lot of things out from insdie from which it used to say it was ahead of xbox 360.
so basically ps3 is not way ahead in graphics or anyhting else.
12. May 2006 @ 02:52 |
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agreed. i really hope sony loses the home console market the way they're losing the handheld market. they've gotten too smug, its time for them to be put in their place.
I cover my bases...
1)Xbox w/xecuter 2.6 solderless
2)Ps2 (slim) w/DMS4 Lite
3)Ps2 V7 w/DMS4 Lite and 200 Gig Maxtor HDD
4)GC w/qoob pro
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12. May 2006 @ 03:37 |
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yup extremely smug, i mean look at ps1 it was great, it was slightly better then irt competition at the time, but what made it sell i think was that it was going for less then both the saga console out at the time and N64. but now all sony do is seem to make the console look shiny from the outside with numbers and features and make the price an amount that the average person can not afford. i see the playstaion 3 in graphical terms the same as the xbox 360, i see that xbox live is something xbox 360 has already set up but sony are getting their feet in that one aswell, but i still no reason why we have to pay so much especially for a blue ray player which i do not want, i am very ahppy with my dvd player, so i will most probably buy a ps3 but only after a couple of years when the price is more decent, the funny thing is i can probably afford it, b/c i plan to buy to hd tv and dual link them together for my pc and xbox 360, its just that i do not want sony to think that whatever they do the will sell, also wii is looking much more interest8ing to me at the momment.
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12. May 2006 @ 04:22 |
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You right the Graphics would look the same because all the games for the PS3 was not a finish product thats the scarie part about it wait til you have them running at fulltime.Sony mayde sure everyone knew this thats why if you watched the press conference they let everyone know that the Games they had was not a finish product.
12. May 2006 @ 05:45 |
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Quote: You right the Graphics would look the same because all the games for the PS3 was not a finish product thats the scarie part about it wait til you have them running at fulltime.Sony mayde sure everyone knew this thats why if you watched the press conference they let everyone know that the Games they had was not a finish product.
Yeah, Sony don't tell lies....
I think it's safe to say that you can comment on what you can SEE, not a percentage that Sony made up to once again try and look better without delivering.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who know binary, and those who don't
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12. May 2006 @ 05:45 |
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The games that Sony produces exclusively for the PS3 may look better than the 360. However they are closer in specs than you think. All other games will look the same on both systems. I have a distant cousin working for EA as a programmer and he had told me that they do not make different versions of games for each system.
In graphical terms they are pretty equal. Where the PS3 has an edge in one area the 360 has an edge in the other.
The real thing here is price. Sony is using the PS3 to push their blueray technology and it shows in the price. Unless your a sony fanboy your not going to purchase a PS3 at $599 and why would you buy the lesser version with no HDMI? That defeats the purpose of the Blueray drive as content provides can down grade the video if your not connected via HDMI.
Lets be smart here. $599 is a lot for anything. Especially a game system with no games and one controller. Those are extra. A PS3 with a few games and extra controller is getting very expensive for the average consumer.
Sony is sacrificing there Playstation on the success or failure of blueray and the price reflects that.
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12. May 2006 @ 16:40 |
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DamonDash i supose you correct that ps3 games are not finished but the same could be said about the xbox 360 ones, as they are also soming out later this year. i mean look at huxley, for me personally i have not yet seen anything apart from mgs4 whcih looks better than that game, and that game is several mounths away from beta.
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Junior Member
12. May 2006 @ 19:17 |
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quit you whining if you cant aford it buy a nintendo wii i had to buy a gamecube because i could not aford a ps3 or xbox back when i was 11 but its just pathetic if 16 year old people or above are saying they cant afford it its going to be like 1 grand if you plan on buying second contorler and a couple of games and some cords come on thats less than what most part time working teens are making in a month. the bottom line is that if you want it you can get it its not priced extremely high its like the price diference between a corolla and a civic not a corola and a buggati.
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12. May 2006 @ 20:29 |
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Just because you have the money for it doesnt mean its not expensive. I can easily afford a ps3, but for that money i dont think its worth it. That and i dont like the fact that sony is forcing Blu-ray on everyone. Do i really need a Blu-ray player to play kickass games? NO. I mean hell, look at 360 or the wii. No Blu-ray and no prob can still enjoy the system.
We dont even know if Blu-ray is gonna win the format wars, so have fun wasting money on it now.
Junior Member
12. May 2006 @ 20:53 |
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even if it dosent win theres no harm in having it.
and i never said it was cheap. its just not expensive
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12. May 2006 @ 23:15 |
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@ woopz: Sony not forceing anything on you you dont have to buy it go with the cheaper ver 360 no HD-DVD drive.People bash Sony rightfully so when they lauched the PS2 because it had no HDD.Plus they was saleing everthing in pieces to make a butt load of money which did sucked.Now they tryin to inprove in area in the PS2 where they went wrong & people still i find this funny because Microsoft has took the same path as PS2 did people dont see anything wrong with them selling you just a core system & everthing else in pieces.
Senior Member
12. May 2006 @ 23:22 |
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jorgemarr, i'm 19 and I don't have the money for a ps3. i have car payments, insurance, gas, and college to try to pay for. i don't know how spoiled you are, but the fact is most kids I know my age don't have 600 bucks to fork out on a whim. you came off looking like a spoiled brat, and i hope that's not your point, but come on dude - 600 is a lot, and that's not even considering tax and a couple games. plus the Blu-ray movies...
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12. May 2006 @ 23:41 |
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lol, make payments you can do this during a preorder.From what i hear from ebgames they might start takeing preorders as soon as Monday/15/06.Plus Preordering it will save you alot of time trust me because when PS2 lauched i was one of those fools who waited in line for 11hrs before i was turned alway after the store had soldout.11hrs for nothing.I will not do this again.
Senior Member
12. May 2006 @ 23:45 |
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Quote: lol, make payments
hahahah... I make payments on shit I actually need. I'm not about to stoop so fucking low that I make monthly payments on a video game machine.
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13. May 2006 @ 00:50 |
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oofRome you got him all wrong, all he trying to say is just not pay for your college, let your life go down the drian but whatever you do get the ps3 b/c its like nothing we have ever seen before, it has not got as good a graphics card as xbox 360, its harder to develope for, crappy controllers, not yet proven online system, oh and how could i forget blue ray player whcih is actually a dvd player with more space really really revelutionary (oh by the way deamondash just b/c sony want to win the war against hd dvd, does not mean we have to be a pert of it and by doing this sony are forcing us, whereas M$ as giving you an option).
yeah so oofRome i think you should re read you posts and say sorry.
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13. May 2006 @ 01:13 |
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theyre not forcing it on you? last time i checked there is no option for a ps3 with no blu-ray. I didnt say they are forcing you to buy a ps3 but they are forcing the blu-ray on you by purchasing a ps3.
you dont care if it wins? good to have either way? whats it good for then, they will stop making movies for it if it loses the format wars. Then you can have fun with your $600 paperweight
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AfterDawn Addict
13. May 2006 @ 01:31 |
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most ppl our age wont buy a wii, nintendo wont win trying to get the same gamers that are fueding over 360 and ps3, so they are trying to get gamers that are 30 y/o+
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13. May 2006 @ 02:06 |
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e3 is really wierd this time around, b/c last time when sony showed all that cgi stuff everyone in the world got to see it and it basically put sony is good stead. but this year from watching ign reviews, with all the guys even the editors for ps3 at ign, the guys a g4tv, and i have heard only one thing whcih is wii and xbox 360 are tied for winning the show and ps3 is a distant 3rd. but none of these vids are that easy to get hold of and people seem to think xbox 360 and wii are getting pawned by sony, well if you really want to here it by people who are actually at e3 then check out those vids.
AfterDawn Addict
13. May 2006 @ 07:18 |
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well i guess on november 17th we will start to see for ourselves.. cause mind you the vids of sony werent finished products.
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13. May 2006 @ 07:56 |
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but niether were the games for xbox 360 that were also shown.
13. May 2006 @ 08:53 |
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Hello. Basically it's like this people so take note. IF you don't want to get a X360, then don't. If you want to get a X360 then do. The same applies for every thing else that you buy in life. Bashing or putting down a console is ridiculous. It seems to me that the reason for bashing the X360 could be that the system is on the same level as the PS3.
In terms of grafx, the programmers already stated that 85% of the games will be crossplatform. Meaning that they would basically look exactly the same on either the (X360 or PS3). Sorry Wii, I know you're going to be a good system but no HDTV support. Not even 720p.. sigh... I might still get a Wii. Whoohoo Blu-ray. Think about this : The X360/PS3 have these thing in common.
1. They both have a total of 512MB of ram.
1. IBM designed Both of the Processors. Even though the chips are designed differently.
1. Both have a HDD.
1. Both can output High-DeF
1. Both have an ethernet port.
1. Nvidia & ATI Grafx are basically on par with each other. Not much difference there.
So the only things that would seperate the two are the features & exclusive games.
Features meaning the Xbox Live service. Currenlty, XBL is the BEST online service period. That's a fact. The universal gamertag is awesome. & now since E3, M$ has upgraded the live service to live anywhere. Check it out Does sony have anything that can currently compete with that? No. Will they? Maybe, maybe not. The same applies to Nintendo.
The price. When the regular consumer sees the same game side by side on different consoles & they can't tell the difference between them, From that point what would sway a consumer to buy that product? The price. Why would I pay more for the same game & or system if there's no relative difference (in hardware). The price will make an impact in this country (USA).
I could go on and on about this.. but i'm not.. Again it boils down to "What do you want ?" what features & games do you like ? And above all, the COST.
AfterDawn Addict
14. May 2006 @ 06:30 |
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Why is everything in your list with a 1?
1. One is 720p another 1080p
2. One is backwards compatible fully without any 8 month old patch and one isnt.
3. One company manufactures the chips themselves.
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14. May 2006 @ 06:36 |
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no of those are major factors
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AfterDawn Addict
14. May 2006 @ 06:43 |
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# 3 actually is, because when u maufacture the chip yourself, you speed up the manufacturing speed. Which means you lessen your chances of bluffing of selling what u actually don't have yet. See you say those aren't big choices, cause they aren't on the side you want them to be. If they were, you would have said it already.