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PS3 vs 360 is not a contest
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16. May 2006 @ 07:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i Personally think that if sony had not combined the Blu-ray player with the ps3 console and released the console at the same price of the 360 it wouldnt even have been a contest due to the plethera of loyal sony fans
I agree. I am one of those loyal Sony gamers and I don't want a Blu-ray player.
Sony have got themselves so wrapped up in Blu-ray that they can't see beyond it. PS3's games will be no-bigger than a DVD9 for a LONG LONG time.
But even saying that - I don't want second best and that is what the 360 will always be so it looks like I'll have to bite the PS3 Blu-ray bullet.

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16. May 2006 @ 08:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Not to stir up anything but i dont see how its second best.It has graphics that you wont be able to distinguish the differnce of the two if you tried.Game developers said that games released on both systems will look and play identical.Xbox-live will dominate anything sony has to offer and i can say that with 100% certainty,thats MS's baby and they have nutured it for over 3yrs now.To think that sony came just come out and slap a service together better than xbox live on their first real attemp is acenine.I surely dont think the ps3 will be a dissapointment and i think it will be a great system but thats the way i feel about the 360 i paid 200dollars less for.

I keep hearing the discs arent big enough and oblivion proved that wrong,then people go on to say that becasue they crammed it onto one disc it had poor loading times but thats clearly not true because their was over half the discs left and if the space affected the loading times they would have used more of it up.I havent heard one solid argument that can be launched against the 360,problems of overheating...all ssytems experience that in the first run such has ps2 and so on. They had apair of ps3's freeze at e3 do you guys see 360 fans filling this forum up with discussion of that?All i ask is to address both systems as equal then play them and make a decision.Its like school,you essentially start the class out with a score of 100% then anything you score less than that lowers your grade.Most people look at it the other way and thats how the 360 is being judged becasue it doesnt have the sony label on it.

loading times=same
internet service=360 wins(please dont be naive on this one)
controllers=personal prefernce but for arguments sake give the nod to the vet so sony wins(even though the 360 has been ranked online in reviews as the best controller design ever)
games=sony wins but is loosing exclusives like its their job
price=clearly the 360 wins
risk factor=sony blew the big one on htis they have way more at stake

i could go on with catergories but it would be a little crazy,all in all said theres just not clear consices evidence to spend the extra cash.but in the end this is just my personal opinion,buy the one you like

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. May 2006 @ 08:14

16. May 2006 @ 08:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
loaidng times=same
internet service=360 wins(please dont be naive on this one)
controllers=personal prefernce but for arguments sake give the nod to the vet so sony wins(even though the 360 has been ranked online in reviews as the best controller design ever)
games=sony wins but is loosing exclusives like its their job
price=clearly the 360 wins
risk factor=sony blew the big one on htis they have way more at stake

So true, you can read it again...

1 product review
16. May 2006 @ 08:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

If you could have one console sitting under your TV right now, PS3 or 360 irrespective of price which would it be?

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16. May 2006 @ 08:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oh god when will it end. 360's better.... Just that i'd through that in there.
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16. May 2006 @ 08:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i think your estimate of 25% market share kids make up is a bit high. i say this because CNN this past week broke down the share and the majority were people 18-35, and younger kids did not fair too well. the best way to explain this is to look at all the major titles on either system. DMC series, socom, halos, mgs, gta, god of war, gears of war...etc etc, they all have one major similarity... they are mature rated games. both these consoles are marketed and directed for upper teens to young adults. this is primarily one of the major reasons why i think nintendo is still around and manages to do quite well. it is fair to say nintendo is well known for making child games and the success of the DS explains it. im not too sure its so much parents doing the flocking to stores but actually the game players themselves. im not saying you dont have a point because im certain sony will lose some fanbase because of its price, but there is also another huge factor sony has working in their favor.

the ps2 is still in production and looks to have a continued life for a few more years. games are still being made and the price is only getting lower. i think some of the loyal fans or parents who cant or dont want to upfront the $$$ for these systems would be more than content with the ps2 and its continued game lineups. they ironically enough may actually wait out a year or two for a price drop. not everyone is an early adopter, especially those who have dependents... everyone says why buy at launch??? its full of bugs etc, so with the continued production and support of ps2, im not too sure there is going to be any damper in sony's fan base. remember microsoft is switching its processors in the first quarter of 2007, so it would seem there is not a major rush to the stores yet. the ps2 did outsell the 360 last xmas.... be that it may have been due to the shortage of 360s, either way it still continued to sell.

Microsoft has only but one advantage, and its simply the fact that their system has been out for a longer period of time, and the initial bugs/flaws are being handled. games are going to start being released with the craftiness and quality most expected out of this next gen console, but sony is releasing some few million at launch (forgot the actual amount), and believe me im sure they will sell everyone...$600 or not. both these systems are not what we typically think game consoles to be, like in the early days of nintendo and sega, there just soo much more...

think of a younger kid who has a ps2 in his bedroom. not only does he have a ps2, but he also has a ps1/cdplayer/dvdplayer... i think thats more appealing to parents today than the 360 would be considering the ps2's vast array of games. how many games to date for the 360 are actually suitable, or were made for kids??? most are atleast T ratings. the ps2 still today is the 360s number 1 competitor...
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16. May 2006 @ 09:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Cant judge the ps3 completely because it isnt out yet but if i'll go along with the scenario and i would say the 360 because of my gaming preference.I like sports games and fps or you could just say more mautre games than sony makes on the whole.I loved God of war for ps2 but other than that no ther game peaked my interest.God of war deficated on devil may cry in my eyes so i see no need to play that.Metal gear solid series has gotten old and played out just as gta has to me but hey thats just me.Outdside of that sony has lost multiple exclusives and it seems to be getting worse.

List of exclusives lost to be multiplatform:

1.smackdown vs raw(now gives xbox a solid wrestling game)
3.Madden(correct me if im wrong be when xbox came out they had nfl fever which had peyton manning on the cover and didnt have madden til their 2nd or 3rd yr)

unfortunatly im goat-thinking right now or i would name some others but those alone are a crazy powerful gaming frachises.BUti will be on later to update this list.360 is on a upswing in the only catergory that made ps2 beat the xbox in the last gen console war which is games and sonys going the oppsoite way.
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16. May 2006 @ 11:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well im not too sure what you mean by going the oppositie way, but the fact that the exclussive titles you mentioned are no longer exclussive isnt hurting sony one bit, and i also dont think it really jump starts microsoft either. now if halo or mgs went the otherway...then, i think it may have an impact. have you ever wondered why developers work both sides??? kinda has a little to do with that tiny reason why their in business...i mean what company after a period of time wants to miss out on a market that consists of MILLIONS of potential customers?

also a lot is being said about blu ray disk size and there being an abundant amount of empty space on disks. well in the early go i can see that happening, but whose to say down the road for example, those titles you mentioned earlier as lost exclussive companys dont make similar but different versions for the two consoles. whose to say that sony's version of the game may incorporate more levels, extended play, extra characterics etc. we have no idea what is in store for us 3+ years from now. what if companys did what they do for pc sequals and include prequals. why not have a sequal on ps3 include the prequal to it on the same damn disc. offer two versions of newer games..for example someone can buy socom 8 for ps3 for 60$, or you can buy socom 8 that includes 7 for 85$. similar to what madden did couple years ago with the collectors edition. there are a lot of creative people out there, and i would like to think someone some where will find a way to utilize the space.

im only curious but am i the only one who is actually pleased to see graphical the ps3 is on par with the 360... throw out the arguments of specs and capabilities for a minute, but for me the ps2 was always inferior to xbox, and now there just about on the same page... so combine that with their strong game line up, the fact unless it changed that its backwards cap, and i think its a pretty good place to be for sony atm
16. May 2006 @ 13:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

If you could have one console sitting under your TV right now, PS3 or 360 irrespective of price which would it be?
easy, PS3, then, i'd go sell it and use the $ to get a 360 and wait for the wii :-P

I cover my bases...
1)Xbox w/xecuter 2.6 solderless
2)Ps2 (slim) w/DMS4 Lite
3)Ps2 V7 w/DMS4 Lite and 200 Gig Maxtor HDD
4)GC w/qoob pro
Junior Member
16. May 2006 @ 15:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dude it was fun at first now its anoying. buy whatever the hell you want be it 360 or ps3 as long as its not the wii. right now i see no diference in ps2 and xbox wich might be the same thing with 360 and ps3. you never know wich one will pull ahead in a year.

hardcore gamers will buy their system no matter the price so stop discussing that. by hard core i mean its your main hobbie not if your going to play madden when some friends come over.And this is extremely true for example all the people that are into rc cars or airplains they spend aton of hours putting together their vehicles and an insane amount (to the people that arent into it) to modifi it.

if i have made my point clear
ill leave your debate with one last question

everyone says that the developers say that the graphics will look the same on both systems why havent any of you proven it?

some one post a video of a developer saying this or give us a link to an official developers web site that says this
16. May 2006 @ 15:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ps3 has no chance of outdoing xbox 360.
the 360 is cheaper (price) and way better. The only good thing about the ps3 is its blue-ray dvd drive. BUT WHO CARES!!!

the dvd tray isn't what matters. Even a bum off the street would know that. Graphics and games determine the real outcome. Might I add: HALO 3. point stated clearly!

XBOX 360 will win the war (BY A LONGSHOT)
Junior Member
16. May 2006 @ 15:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dude it was fun at first now its anoying. buy whatever the hell you want be it 360 or ps3 as long as its not the wii. right now i see no diference in ps2 and xbox wich might be the same thing with 360 and ps3. you never know wich one will pull ahead in a year.

hardcore gamers will buy their system no matter the price so stop discussing that. by hard core i mean its your main hobbie not if your going to play madden when some friends come over.And this is extremely true for example all the people that are into rc cars or airplains they spend aton of hours putting together their vehicles and an insane amount (to the people that arent into it) to modifi it.

if i have made my point clear
ill leave your debate with one last question

everyone says that the developers say that the graphics will look the same on both systems why havent any of you proven it?

some one post a video of a developer saying this or give us a link to an official developers web site that says this
16. May 2006 @ 16:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
most of the under informed, IE those that got PS1/PS2 just for madden or something, will probably get PS3, unless they are told madden is so much better for one of the other two. But just by virtue of its name, good or not, PS3 will move some units. It may be a while before wind of Ps3 not being "the ultimate game machine for the next-generation cycle" actually puts a dent in their foothold though (if it isn't really the best, not saying it isn't). Its like with anything else, proven reliability and perceived superiority, (because they hear ppl say, "yo did u get dat new madden jaunts on da playstation that mess is tight yo WERD!") (excuse my vast generalization but its true), and you will have an indominable platform for success. So MS and yes..even nintendo who most of you are just simply casting off (yes i know they said they don't want to compete but whatever, consoles are consoles and they are part of the big 3) really need to make sure they become that new household name. Nintendo's advantage is that they had it for 10 years before PS1 arrived.

Man..if they hadn't dicked sony out of that cd drive add-on for the snes then things would be really different right now...

I cover my bases...
1)Xbox w/xecuter 2.6 solderless
2)Ps2 (slim) w/DMS4 Lite
3)Ps2 V7 w/DMS4 Lite and 200 Gig Maxtor HDD
4)GC w/qoob pro

1 product review
17. May 2006 @ 00:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if i have made my point clear
ill leave your debate with one last question

everyone says that the developers say that the graphics will look the same on both systems why havent any of you proven it?
LOL - Yeah its great when a Noob comes in and puts us all to rights. Why did you join this thread if its so beneath your mentality?
Forums like this are made for people to thrash out ideas and just to let off steam, we don't need all the Attitude.

Nice bit of double posting by the way. Real slick.

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17. May 2006 @ 15:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lol omg here goes. Back then it was Halo, Halo 3 apparently makes the Xbox360 *untouchable*. Omg just us all a favor...and go drown yourselves.

May I also note that PS3 graphics are superior. Not much faster(even tho it still is) but the structure is far more efficient and productive than that of 360's unified structure. I believe KooKoo(67?) posted about that. go read it.

AMD Athlon 64 3700+ @2.8Ghz ///1.5GB Corsair XMS
Radeon X800PRO///ASRock939-DualSATAII Motherboard
PowerLiner 400Watt PSU///Logitech X-530 5.1 Surround Sound///NEC Double Layer DVD Burner///Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 PRO

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. May 2006 @ 15:34

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17. May 2006 @ 16:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have read many interviews with developers that all say that the xbox 360 graphics chip is sightly better than the ps3 chip

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17. May 2006 @ 18:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Point taken about why games are made for more than one system and its cause they are a business. Essentially your saying the games that were taken from being exclusives for sony and now are with MS as well was just a business move but that alone shows MS progression. if that was solely the case exclusives wouldnt exist
17. May 2006 @ 19:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sony is banking that Blueray becomes the standard. 360 can utilize whatever media it wants as an addon while ps3 just sits there with a useless blueray player. I do however think that blueray has an extremely good chance of becomming universal game media, but Hd-dvd will probably the universal new movie media.

Just my 2-cents


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. May 2006 @ 19:05

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17. May 2006 @ 19:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Who cares... It's too expensive..and there is a 360 price drop announced for the ps3 launch date... And it's your money.. buy whatever you want!
(personally if I had enough money for a ps3 I am more likely to spend it on a half decent car so I don't have to get the train to work..something far more important than a toy..because believe me that's what it is, a very expensive toy. lol
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17. May 2006 @ 21:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
haha...half decent car??? ps3 = 600$... thats not even enough for me to buy 4 new tires on my car. wish i could take the train to work...price of gas SUCKS
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17. May 2006 @ 23:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ps3 = 600
3 games = 210 (games are predicted to be aroud 70)
2 controllers = 100

well that comes to around 900 but when i bought my xbox 360 i got 4 games, 3 controlles, so if someone was to do that then it would go well over 1000. and even in the uk where everything is so much more expensive then america you would still be able to get a 2nd hand car.

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18. May 2006 @ 02:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
price isnt a factor when the product is good , good example ipod ,if you asked me 4 years ago so yeah people are going to be spending about 300$ in a little thing that plays musik in the future? what 300? dude a cd player is 50 bucks and that sounds very expensive(4 years ago=2002).

once the average joe knows about the ps3 and all the features it has people are going to drop a little more for the best choice and im sure they will all know before it get realesed this november.

people dont want the cheapest they want the best with the latest technology(again ipod) no matter if they have to paid a little extra.

so here goes again once ps3 and high def. movies are out

would you rather spend 20$ on lets say spider man 3 on dvd or spend a little more 25$ and have it on high def. Blu-ray. need i say more? nuff said.

so yeah again '' people dont want the cheapest they want the best''
price isnt a factor here.

so far everything is looking wonderfull for sony and ps3.

and when you have ps2 behind your back a console that has sold over 100M wolrd wide how can you go wrong?

the allmighty mudearies...

79% Sony Fanboy , 10% xbox fanboy , 11% Kidtendo fanboy.
18. May 2006 @ 02:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yea i'm glad we're talking price, even though i've looked like a MS/Nintendo fanboy for this thread and another I started, the $600 price tag isn't lookin so bad, but that is prolly cuz I am seriously considering getting a Nokia N80 which is upwards of $600 for a CELL PHONE. So compared to that...haha PS3 is a great deal. Besides looking at it more and more I like it. I will be buying one of the first ones likely, maybe after the bugs get ironed out but it'll probably still be $600 when i pick one up. Of all 3 I still like Wii best b.c its different, but i do see the potential for greatness in PS3 and 360 so i'll get them too. I hope that the final PS3 we get comes in black like the one pictured at the gamestop site. I think black is a much better color for it than like grey/silver. Maybe you will get a choice.

The way I see it, is now these consoles are approaching what computers can do, and if you see a $600 computer, its probably decent, but not like absolutely top of the line. I wouldn't know i just build mine b/c i want certain things in it, plus newegg is cheaper then But looking at it from that perspective and PS3/360 are a bargain because you can play high-powered games you might need a really awesome and more expensive than $600 computer for, for a cheap and user friendly experience. Plus with wifi, and PS3 having linux I am sure that there will be some development for them to use it for other things, I don't know if PS3 has a media center like Xbox but i'm sure one is in the works b/c its damn handy, I am glad I put XBMC on my xbox. And with the wifi/ethernet connections you can get online maybe for more than just gaming. So while if you look at PS3 as "just" a console, then yea $600 is a lot, but if you look at it for more than that which is what i think they are saying it is to justify the price, then its not so bad.

I cover my bases...
1)Xbox w/xecuter 2.6 solderless
2)Ps2 (slim) w/DMS4 Lite
3)Ps2 V7 w/DMS4 Lite and 200 Gig Maxtor HDD
4)GC w/qoob pro
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18. May 2006 @ 04:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Average Joe has heard about the features the ps3 will have when the 360 came out.Their online is a mock of xbox live a couple yrs ago with some of its current features,bluetooth,hd-movies and thats where the buck stops.Only thing it has above the 360 is hi-def movie will be equal as will loading times and all other things like that.People keep calling it an entertainment center just because it can play blu-ray movies and that is so lame.SOny has done well to plant the seed cause they have their fans out their spreading the "gospel" and its sort of pathetic.Blu-ray this blu-ray that and so on and so on.Tyr as u may try as u might u just cant justify the price tag at this point in the game,the hd-movie formats should be an option and thats why MS isnt getting raped in the media and by EVERY analyst that isnt a sony one.If MS sells the hd-dvd format at 100bucks which isnt far fetched considering how sony made the blu-ray player with the ps3 then MS fans can have hi-def movie playback,better online,same graphics and loading times,Great lineup of games and all for cheaper.I cant complain about that either way sony shouldnt have piedgeo holed its customers into getting the more expensive package!

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18. May 2006 @ 07:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"price isnt a factor when the product is good , good example ipod ,if you asked me 4 years ago so yeah people are going to be spending about 300$ in a little thing that plays musik in the future? what 300? dude a cd player is 50 bucks and that sounds very expensive(4 years ago=2002)."

i am not saying that ps3 is not good, but its not something new to gaming that xbox 360 does not hvae, although the features it has are great, but when the average joe asks if these features will help the game and the shop assistant says no then what do you think they will do.

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