PS3 vs 360 is not a contest
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14. May 2006 @ 07:47 |
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well you have to take into account the ps3's
xdr ram
gigabit ethernet
so theyre not the same
this makes the ps3 more of an entertainment machine
currently have these consoles
14. May 2006 @ 08:15 |
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i dont think the ps3 is a rip off.Look at the hdtv's u can only get a decent one for £2000 and the ps3 is one third of that
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14. May 2006 @ 08:57 |
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Joeva i would never in a million years have put that as one of xbox 360 strong points. do not just asumme something.
14. May 2006 @ 09:27 |
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and no, both dont have an HDD.
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14. May 2006 @ 12:27 |
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I have a question to everybody on this board
How come everyday you come here to argue in which one is superior
"PS3 VS Xbox 360" "PS3 is expensive" "Xbox360 is better"
blah blah blaah
Shut the Fuck Up
Get a life and stop whining
If your a real gamer you wouldn't care which one is better and you would probably get all three
Explain to me how you can argue which one is better unless they are playing side by side in FRONT OF YOU!!!!
PS3 is coming out November 17 and on that day you can begin your comparison!!
14. May 2006 @ 15:20 |
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ali4real, you are right, I will bash PS3 all day long, but the fact is, I am a hardcore gamer, and wouldn't dream of missing out on one of the next gens, even if i DO think the other two, or one of them are better. We just banter back and forth because for all of us that get all three, usually we have a favorite we are "rooting" for. But in the afterdawn crowd, it is safe to say 99% of the posters here will have all 3 at some point if not the day they come out, and I am part of that 99%, but I still like Wii and 360 a lot more than the PS3, unless they actually make a game I want. Hell as dumb as this sounds, I only bought PS1 for megaman 8. Thats it, not for tekken, final fantasy 7, or any of the other "greats" (you can bet your ass I bought them all though, I just didn't buy it for them at the time). The fan boys will always have their own set opinion and I'll always be a fan boy of the Big N no matter what.
I cover my bases...
1)Xbox w/xecuter 2.6 solderless
2)Ps2 (slim) w/DMS4 Lite
3)Ps2 V7 w/DMS4 Lite and 200 Gig Maxtor HDD
4)GC w/qoob pro
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14. May 2006 @ 15:44 |
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yup i am getting al three aswell.
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14. May 2006 @ 17:52 |
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Xbox 360 is just an upgraded xbox. Same technolgy, but improved. PS3 on the other hand has brand new technology that we have not seen yet, but it looks damn good on paper(Rambus XDR RAM at ***3.2Ghz*** compared to 360s 700Mhz RAM)
That's why the PS3 costs so damn much. So yes, lets wait and compare thse systems when they both come out.
BTW, PS3 isnt aimed at 11 year olds. Thats where the Wii comes in at a mere $150.
P.S.-All the people who think Sony stole the Wii controllers design....STFU.
AMD Athlon 64 3700+ @2.8Ghz ///1.5GB Corsair XMS
Radeon X800PRO///ASRock939-DualSATAII Motherboard
PowerLiner 400Watt PSU///Logitech X-530 5.1 Surround Sound///NEC Double Layer DVD Burner///Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 PRO
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. May 2006 @ 17:56
Senior Member
14. May 2006 @ 20:11 |
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if what this article says is in fact true, then there really isnt too much of a contest this year because who in their normal state of mind would still go out, and buy a 360 Today knowing this.....Argue all you want that new versions of systems come out, and this is "normal," of which i am not arguing here, but on the brink of a competitors launch this is not something you want to be doing in my opinion. i think w/e sony rep said 'the console war starts when we say it does' was right. i still feel pretty strong M$ rushed prematurally into releasing the 360, and havn't quite fully recovered.
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Senior Member
14. May 2006 @ 21:45 |
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actually, modifying hardware isn't that uncommon. You can't fit the same stuff of the original ps2 into a ps2 slim.
I'm pretty sure there won't be a speed difference. If there is, that sucks for existing 360 owners (unless they can take it in a get a free upgrade). Otherwise, MS just shat on some of their most loyal consumers.
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14. May 2006 @ 22:57 |
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no its the same chip only improved for overheating or somthing like that, i can not remember i read this like 4 mounths ago.
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15. May 2006 @ 00:46 |
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right, basically im sure most of the original 360 owners would agree that the 360 ran laud...i remember going over a friends house and the damn thing was lauder than my vacuum. Basically this redesign is not uncommon and allows for a less power hungry chip. However i did read some where, but cant find the site that stated the original xbox did not undergo this kind of adjustment. so again take this how you please, but of course it does pose the question, atleast to me, why would anyone want to buy the 360 this year knowing that it will be changed for the better, next year???
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15. May 2006 @ 00:55 |
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yes, but i have not had one problem with my xbox 360 after i got it fixed the first time, and i have dropped it nearly three times now, while taking it to friends houses. it never freezes, the games always work.
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15. May 2006 @ 01:25 |
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well ps3 is far superior in everyway to the xbox 360.
games,tehcnology,graphics,physics,free online,multi media,bigger hd,play psx-ps2 games in high def. not just some 20 list game,linux OS, high def. movie player,firmware update, ect.
so yeah price is not a factor PS3 will outCELL the competition in no time mostly beacuase it will have the best games.
theres no 1 game im interested in the xbox 360 except for ridge racer 6.
so yeah ps3,ps2,psp cant stop wont stop. buddy.
the allmighty mudearies...
79% Sony Fanboy , 10% xbox fanboy , 11% Kidtendo fanboy.
15. May 2006 @ 01:46 |
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Anyone saying that no 360 game appeals to them is biased to the point of madness. Out of 160 games covering all categories only a single game appeals?
(personally I think RIdge Racer is pretty rubbish for a 'next-gen' game)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who know binary, and those who don't
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15. May 2006 @ 02:34 |
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"well ps3 is far superior in everyway to the xbox 360."
maybe it is supierior but not by much other wise xbox 360 would not have better looking games at the momment.
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15. May 2006 @ 03:42 |
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the xbox 360 was rushed ,beacuase microsoft knows if they get on pair with the ps3 ,the ps3 and ps2 will totally destroy them.
the allmighty mudearies...
79% Sony Fanboy , 10% xbox fanboy , 11% Kidtendo fanboy.
15. May 2006 @ 14:09 |
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I think sony will be the one who is rushing come november. They didn't have anything more than a bunch of fancy CGI movies at E3, just like last time. And it was a kick in the teeth to find out the E3 05' game shots were just CGI because they tooted them to be real time game play. I saw MGS4, it looks just as good as MGS3 does, with just slightly sharper graphics. The next gen consoles have the power to be next gen, but most of the games coming out are not taking full advantage because the developers aren't used to having this much to work with. Say what you will about it, but the 360 is still impressive spec-wise compared to a PC, which is usually where it is all supposed to start. Its only now we're seeing consoles that are better than most affordable super-gaming machines. And I can't think of a reason I would need 2 or 3 dual core processors to run any game on a PC, so they're both pretty damn good. And i'll bash sony all day long, but i'll definitely have a PS3. Sony is a necessary evil.
I cover my bases...
1)Xbox w/xecuter 2.6 solderless
2)Ps2 (slim) w/DMS4 Lite
3)Ps2 V7 w/DMS4 Lite and 200 Gig Maxtor HDD
4)GC w/qoob pro
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15. May 2006 @ 14:53 |
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Pressed: what are you talking about just about all PS3 games was real time ex:Metalgear4,eightdays,Assassin Creed,& The GetAway.Check out to see for yourself.
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15. May 2006 @ 21:33 |
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pressed.. do your self a favor and watch this video of the interview with Insomniac games and the expected launch title. IMO it doenst seem that they are rushing things. next gen to me is exactly what he says when physics are going to play key parts. interactions with environments are going resemble life like situations, like the breaking of glass. i think everyone would agree graphics are going to only get better, but personally i'd take the inferior ps2 graphics any day for improved AI and realism. having to hide dead bodys from guards, blood stains on walls/floors that dont just disapear, rocks or debris being kicked up by tires, bullet casings/fragmentation..etc those are next gen steps that i am most interested in. overall im pretty impressed
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. May 2006 @ 21:34
16. May 2006 @ 02:36 |
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except for the AI of your own team often running into your bullets occasionally, i think i counted that happen like 3 times, it looks aight, for an fps. I won't say its miles beyond 360 though. The textures are nice and sharp on there too. But its not like gonna make me go OMG I MUST HAVE THIS! If the video of what they showed of Assassin was in game, that would make me say that though. But it looked like CGI to me.
I cover my bases...
1)Xbox w/xecuter 2.6 solderless
2)Ps2 (slim) w/DMS4 Lite
3)Ps2 V7 w/DMS4 Lite and 200 Gig Maxtor HDD
4)GC w/qoob pro
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16. May 2006 @ 04:11 |
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Yeh i must say the video wasnt bad by no means but it surely wasnt nothing to write home about.You have to be asking yourself this one question when you like at anything ps3 and thats is it worth the 200bucks more than the xbox 360.Are the graphics,loading times,physics,AI. and etc. that much better to spend the the extra money?Granted it has a whole slew of new technology like Blu-ray and so on but unless u have an HDTV thats worthless if u own a standard dvd player.
I personally like that MS gives you the choice to spend the extra money if you want on the HD-DVD player and gives u an opton,its not for everyone.MAny people believe it or not buy gaming consoles to play games.i Personally think that if sony had not combined the Blu-ray player with the ps3 console and released the console at the same price of the 360 it wouldnt even have been a contest due to the plethera of loyal sony fans. Now its going to be a lot more difficult for sony to maintain its dominance of the market.iI know a the gaming community isnt made up of kids anymore and hasnt been for a while but i would say that atleast kids make up25% of the gaming community.Pricing the console so high could have parents flocking ot the two lower priced consoles (360,wii) which losing even 15% of your sales to something like that could be detrimental
16. May 2006 @ 04:19 |
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^^so true^^
At least it'll make next-gen 'console wars' moe interesting. It's better when nobody dominates, stronger competition = more effort to haver better games, accessories and competitive pricing (depending how the PS3 fares at first).
It so IS a contest.
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16. May 2006 @ 05:48 |
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then theres this
games beng produced on the xbox have stopped
ps2 games continue
this is more like a tagteam battle
currently have these consoles
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16. May 2006 @ 05:48 |
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then theres this
games beng produced on the xbox have stopped
ps2 games continue
this is more like a tagteam battle
currently have these consoles