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How do u make BitTorrent download faster? i have been searching the answer for days.
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2. November 2005 @ 03:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well i will see further by my own.
THANKS for all the help redscorpi =D
I think i've opened correctly, my downloads are faster now, and my modem says now that i'v the 500 series :P
but he now says it is 'Open'

So i think this is all what i can do.


The best...

lolbol ;)
2. November 2005 @ 09:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
cool, im glad to hear that.

there is actually one more thing you CAN do to make sure you maximize your download speed and get the best out of your internet connection speed. and that thing is to set the "global upload speed" option of your bittorrent program to 80% of your real upload capacity. let me know if you wanna know about this and probably get even faster download speeds.
3. November 2005 @ 08:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well i want to hear that! =P
3. November 2005 @ 09:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
aight, im going to try to make it as easy and straightforward as i can.

setting the "global upload speed" option of your bittorrent program too low can decrease your download speed and setting it too high is can also decrease your download speed.
-----setting it too low can decrease download speeds because the bittorrent system is made in a way such that you have to upload to other people in order to download. if you don't upload, you can't download. this is to prevent stupid people from just downloading a lot of stuff and not sharing sh*t.
-----now, setting this option too high can also decrease download speeds because when you set it too high your torrent upload speeds will reach your internet connection's maximum. when you reach or exceed your internet connection's maximum upload you "flood" your download speed. flooding your download speed means (according to the bittorrent FAQs) that your are sending out, or uploading, too much data and not leaving enough room for recieving data, or download. so you see, uploading too much decreases download speeds.

so how the hell do you know when you have that option set too low or too high??? well, it depends on you internet connection speed. it depends on how much your internet connection can upload. so do you know how much your internet connection can upload? if you know it because you saw it in the manual or because it says it somewhere else, then all you do is take 80% of that and put the result in the "global upload speed" option.
NOTE: your internet connection's upload can be given to you in kilobits (kb) or kilobytes (KB). there is a big diff between these two.
-----if you don't know your internet connection's upload, well guess what, there are tons of speed tests you can do online that tell you your internet connection's speed (including upload). just go to google and type "speed test" and you will get a lot of these tests. however, not all of these test tell you your upload. they sometimes only tell you your download.
this site allows you to test your connection speed and gives you your upload speed as well.
click on the site and scroll down a little bit until you see links with U.S. states on them. click on one of the links to start the test. DONT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING WHILE TAKING THE FREAKING TEST BECAUSE YOU WILL NOT GET AN ACCURATE RESULT OF YOUR CONNECTION SPEEDS. AND THEN YOU WILL F*CK EVERYTHING UP.
once you get your results you will get an upload result. the result is in kilobits, but bittorrent programs use kilobytes. so you have to convert the upload result that's in kilobits to kilobytes. to do that divide the result in kilobits by 8. the quotient is your internet connection's upload in kilobytes (KB). now, take 80% of that and put it in your "global upload speed" option of your bittorrent program.
NOTE: to get 80% of something multiply by .8

P.S. if you dont get something let me know.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. November 2005 @ 09:21

4. November 2005 @ 00:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well i think it worked man =D
they're both now on 70 % of the 6 GB!!!! =P

thx MAN(love u almost) =P

cheers mate! ;)
4. November 2005 @ 04:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Posted this further down but received no help, not sure if people read it. I know this is a repetitive topic but I have followed all the tips and still no joy. Please help!

I have a 2MB broadband connection, a BT Voyager 2000 Wireless Network Adapter (there is another computer on the network but not using BT on it) and Azureus.

-I have opened (through windows network settings) and forwarded (through voyager.home) 5 ports (49152 upwards) according to online guides including the one on this forum. The first is open, the rest closed (none are stealth).
-I have opened the ports through the Windows XP firewall.
-I have created a static ip address.
-I have followed the Azureus Wiki tips on getting fast downloads (good settings, no NAT problem, right Java version).
-The smile is always green.
-I have limited my upload speed to 21.9kB.
Yet my download speeds are under 5kB.

I'm at a loss for what to do - can't find any more help on the web. Can anyone help? I will be eternally grateful!
4. November 2005 @ 05:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lolbol (Newbie) wrote: Well i think it worked man =D. they're both now on 70 % of the 6 GB!!!! =P . thx MAN(love u almost) =P . cheers mate! ;)
I haven't followed this particualr thread lolbol, but if you are indicating by "they're both now on 70% of" that you are grabbing 2 separate torrents at the same time, this is generally a no-no because you're splitting you upload speed in half, and especailly if it is limited.

Occasionally 2 at once is warrented - I'd do it only if each torrent was minimally joined in - if there was not a whole bunch you can upload to others in each torrent.
4. November 2005 @ 06:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Katie it sounds like you know what you are doing. Here are a few things to try out. I am speaking only from the point of view of BitTornado experience. redscorpi uses Azureas though.

(1) How did you arrive at 21.9kB ? is that 75% to 80% of you max upload speed you were told you have by your ISP or you tested for? I'd not use anything with a decimal point in it. Enter 22 in this case. (22 KB/s = 176 Kbps, so if your max upload is 220 Kbps then 176 Kbps is 20% of that and in torrent programs 176 Kbps needs to be entered as 22 as max upload speed (22 KB/s). redscorpi says "global upload speed" is what Azureas calls what I call "max upload speed" to use.

(2) I tried creating a static IP address once and it messed things up (Netgear Router). I can permanently assign my computer the same home network address so it never changes, that's not the same thing.

(3) Try turning off UPnP in both your torrent program and in your router.

(4) Instead of port forwarding in the Windows XP firewall, control-panel/windows-firewall - then choose "Exceptions" and add in the exe file that Azureas uses to start (browse to it so it adds in the path). This will let Azureas run unblocked but still work for Internet surfing and other stuff. You might see listed in there stuff like Yahoo Messenger. (but your light is green indicating no firewall problems, so try this last)

(5) If you are wireless connected in the network, run a speed test. I do not think it's this because the Internet is very slow compared to wireless speeds..

(6) You are waiting for quite a bit of time I hope before deciding you can't go any faster? - Is your uploading going well, just not your downloading?

(7) if all else fails, try a different torrent program just for the heck of it. BitTornado has the same colored light warning system.

(By the way most people would call your Voyager Network Adapter a "router".)
Katie23 (Newbie) wrote: Hiya, Posted this further down but received no help, not sure if people read it. I know this is a repetitive topic but I have followed all the tips and still no joy. Please help!

I have a 2MB broadband connection, a BT Voyager 2000 Wireless Network Adapter (there is another computer on the network but not using BT on it) and Azureus.

-I have opened (through windows network settings) and forwarded (through voyager.home) 5 ports (49152 upwards) according to online guides including the one on this forum. The first is open, the rest closed (none are stealth).
-I have opened the ports through the Windows XP firewall.
-I have created a static ip address.
-I have followed the Azureus Wiki tips on getting fast downloads (good settings, no NAT problem, right Java version).
-The smile is always green.
-I have limited my upload speed to 21.9kB.
Yet my download speeds are under 5kB.

I'm at a loss for what to do - can't find any more help on the web. Can anyone help? I will be eternally grateful!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. November 2005 @ 06:06

4. November 2005 @ 09:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Posted this further down but received no help, not sure if people read it. I know this is a repetitive topic but I have followed all the tips and still no joy. Please help!

I have a 2MB broadband connection, a BT Voyager 2000 Wireless Network Adapter (there is another computer on the network but not using BT on it) and Azureus.

-I have opened (through windows network settings) and forwarded (through voyager.home) 5 ports (49152 upwards) according to online guides including the one on this forum. The first is open, the rest closed (none are stealth).
-I have opened the ports through the Windows XP firewall.
-I have created a static ip address.
-I have followed the Azureus Wiki tips on getting fast downloads (good settings, no NAT problem, right Java version).
-The smile is always green.
-I have limited my upload speed to 21.9kB.
Yet my download speeds are under 5kB.

I'm at a loss for what to do - can't find any more help on the web. Can anyone help? I will be eternally grateful!
dang, you have done almost all you can do to maximize your download speeds haven't ya.

well, you get green faces. that means you have completed one thing out of the two most important things you can do to maximize download speeds. the other thing you can do is set the "global upload speed" option in Azureus to 80% of your internet connection's max upload. based on all the stuff you have done, i bet you probably know your connection's max upload. well just take 80% of it and put that in your "global upload speed" option.

like i said before this two things are the only things you can do to maximize your download speeds:get the green light or face and set the "upload" option correctly. i havent found anything else that can increase download speeds further.

if you do these two things right and still get slow download speeds, it is not your fault. it is the fault of the torrent tracker (the person who provides the inital file). or it could be that there arent a lot of peers and seeds to download from. there is nothing else you can do about this. you just have to suck it up and you are allowed say "this torrent is really slow".

you can check a couple of things in Azureus to see if you should be getting faster downloads.
----one is to double click on the torrent you are downloading, on the new tab window that appears look at the part that says "Swarm Speed", in parenthesis it says an average speed. if your download is going slower than that, then it is possible that you should be getting faster downloads, that is if you have a fast connection.
----the other thing you can do is to click on the "Peers" tab in that same window, right-click on one of the people listed there and click Column Setup, check the Colume Name that says "Overall Download Speed", and click ok. this will create a new column on the list that tells you how fast other people are downloading this torrent. compare it to yours.
4. November 2005 @ 09:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dam, right now im downloading some that has literally thousands of peers and seeds, and my download speed is averaging 5 KB/s. i think i can say there is nothing i can do about it cuz i've checked everything i have taught here.

biggermac, can you help me get faster download speeds? lol
4. November 2005 @ 10:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

First thanks for the help.

In response to biggermac:

The global max upload speed that I have set is 22kB, about 80% of my max upload speed of 230 that I tested for, as advised by the AzBot in the IRC channel.

The bit limited to 21.9kB is when downloading the actual torrent under the ?Max Upload Speed?. This has set numbers by Azureus (when you right click on the torrent), chose it as it is nearest to 22. However have fiddled with this bit and makes no difference.

I put my static ip as the one found under the ipconfig command ? is that right? I could still get on the internet when doing it, and it didn?t make a difference to the dl speed.

How do I turn off UPnP? Is this ok to do?


Done a speed test ? is around 1MB unfortunately ? but my ISP claims ?up to 2MB? so not much I can do!

As an example ? am currently trying to dl a 350MB video file. It has been dl for 32 hours straight now, and is 89.4% done. I think this is pretty slow! Uploading is also poor.

This has been my conclusion so far, just wanted to try everything else first.

(By the way most people would call your Voyager Network Adapter a "router".)
- Yep I know, just calling it what BT call it.

In response to redscorpi:

Done the global upload speed, see above.

I have tried a few different trackers. The file I want is about a month old (but I?m still connected to around 32 (57) seeds and 16 (36) leechers). Would this affect the dl speed?

As for the Swarm Speed ? the average speed is about 21kB average, not particularly fast but faster than me!

Re Peers tab ? other peoples speed varies from 7-140kB.

Based on all this, what more can I do? Again, thanks!
4. November 2005 @ 11:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
> Done a speed test ? is around 1MB unfortunately
> ? but my ISP claims ?up to 2MB? so not much I can do!

I was looking for a precise upload speed. Download speed even at 1/2 of what you thought being 1 Mbps is almost as good as you can expect even with the best networked torrent.

> dam, right now im downloading some that has literally thousands of
> peers and seeds, and my download speed is averaging 5 KB/s. I
> think I can say there is nothing I can do about it cuz i've
> checked everything I have taught here.
> biggermac, can you help me get faster download speeds? lol

You know you joke, but yesterday I was getting a 1.4 gig 2 week old torrent. Very popular about 25 seeds and 60 peers. I was going along at a slow 350 - 400 Kbps about 1/4th of the way in (50 KB/s). I say slow for a popular torrent.

Then I noticed somehow UPnP was on in BitTornado. I shut it off, then closed out the torrent because some settings in BitTornado you have to close and open for them to take effect. I then logged into my router and wasn't sure if UPnP was off, so I turned it on and off. I clicked on the torrent file and joined the group again, and in about 10 minutes I was at 1.3 to 1.4 Mbps. it might just have been a coincidence that I was into the torrent a good chunk. I also ticked up to 5 max uploads from 4 (connections I think that represents). (36 KB/s up set in BitTornado).

Basically (all I know id basics) UPnP if you don't know means Universal Plug And Play. More for the future of programs working with other programs. Windows 98 doesn't have the capability and I believe if I run my P3 it must be turned off both in my router and in BitTornado for me to be able to download with it (don't quote me on this I could be wrong). I have no idea if it helps or hurts or doesn't matter with a Win XP machine and torrents.
4. November 2005 @ 13:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Katie23, you have done everything there is to do to try to speed up downloads. there is nothing else you can do.
4. November 2005 @ 13:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry thought you meant speed of broadband connection. My upload speed is on average 230kB.

Re: UPnP - thanks for the info. I turned it off both in the router and Azureus. Initially it made no difference then the dl and ul speeds went to 0. So I have now turned it back on, and back to poor dl.

As a last resort will try switching clients - any you recommend (apart from Azureus, obviously)?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. November 2005 @ 13:28

Junior Member
4. November 2005 @ 14:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey does anyone know this site?
4. November 2005 @ 14:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Katie23 (Newbie) wrote: Sorry thought you meant speed of broadband connection. My upload speed is on average 230kB.

Re: UPnP - thanks for the info. I turned it off both in the router and Azureus. Initially it made no difference then the dl and ul speeds went to 0. So I have now turned it back on, and back to poor dl.

As a last resort will try switching clients - any you recommend (apart from Azureus, obviously)?[
Since I probably mentioned me using BitTornado in every other paragraph (??) I think you can guess what I'd recommend - not that it is any better than another but I know it well and it seems pretty easy to use.

If you do use BitTornado then "automatic" will be selected as your max upload speed by default - nix that, tick either "slow or fast DSL/cable, which will put a number in the "max upload speed" field at which point you can adjust (change) the number. This change will take effect immediately.

This probably will not help of course but let me be more clear - As far as you turning off UPnP, the same thing happens to me (to 0) using BitTornado (shut it off in BitTornado & in my router). But did you pay attention when I said I closed out the download then started it up again? Who knows - maybe because the circle you were in were getting UpnP signals then not...

Also I mentioned some settings (in BitTornado anyway) do not take effect until your next download, which means stopping the download by closing the torrent program then of course you can start it up again.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. November 2005 @ 14:47

4. November 2005 @ 16:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Katie23 you can try out Bitcomet along with its Bitcomet Acceleration Patch to see if it works for you. i am currently in the process of evaluating it myself. lol
Junior Member
4. November 2005 @ 17:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Biggermac you know modding is simple i just modded my xbox like 2 yrs ago)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. November 2005 @ 06:20

4. November 2005 @ 18:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what the hell! biggermac what the hell you been doing to make ppl get pissed at you like dawg? lol
4. November 2005 @ 18:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
BaNaKa (Junior Member) wrote: Biggermac(DeuscheBag)is a realy dumb person that does not know what the fuck hes saying and needs a little more confidence into clicking on the "X" on the top right of the page so he can shut the hell up and make some underfucknstandable quotes so katie(newbie) can actually understand BiggerMacs geekieness,and who in this damn world would make an account called BiggerMac his dick is probably smaller than katies even thogh shes a girl with a dick h probably has a vagina under his fake pineus and he undercoverly has sex with his dad (A.K.A homosexual michael jackson lover)
Hehehehehehhhehehehh.. lol..

Yep.. As i said last time to you or whoever it was with the attack on me - any time someone brings up the ol' homosexual routine, & especially with such force, it always means they are homosexuals, and to mask it they attack others with this fear they have. They pick on gays at school, and I'm pretty sure you are in school, just trying to figure out if you're old enough to hav e made high school or not...

Not that it matters, your still no less of a person because of being gay. It doesn't matter to me if you are gay or straight.

I forget who it was and I am too lazy to look back - are you the same person that called me gay a while back? Did I make you feel inadequate by saying something like "post more information we aren't mind readers you know"? Or maybe you couldn't understand me explaining something to you? Hey don't get all riled up I am far far from being perfect. I am no expert on anything..

Hey, you have a wonderful life.. In a few years when you break into the teen ranks, it's not going to get easier. Every little thing said will seem to be aimed at you. Like now, you'll care so darned much what others think - instead of just being cool, you'll try to convince them you are cool.. You'll want a nice car so bad because you want others to see you in it.. You won't care if you ever change the oil, just as long as it looks good on the outside.. This by the way this is how sociopaths think. As long as outward appearances look good, they don't care about the inside. It starts with torturing animals - tortured any animals lately? I'm concerned about you..

Look man, it doesn't bother me - really.. Go ahead blast away. I'm sitting here chuckling and typing..
Junior Member
4. November 2005 @ 18:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. November 2005 @ 06:17

4. November 2005 @ 20:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
BaNaKa (Junior Member) wrote: hey you know theres no fuckn way of being sarcastic on replys but i should of put im being sarcastic so your ass would understand
That was sarcasm? So then you really love me.. Great. Kind of like the 5 year old boy who hits a girl because he likes her...

Sarcasm is used to attempt to mock and cause mental pain to another. Anyway you look at it, you tried to hurt my feelins.. However i must point out that in order for it to work the recipient must 1st give a fuck about it..

In special circumstances sarcasm can be used in a friendly manner but you've 1st got to have a good relationship with that other person 1st. ...Who are you ??


(1) Sarcasm is sneering, jesting, or mocking a person, a situation or thing. It is often used in a humorous manner and sometimes expressed through particular vocal intonations. Sarcasm is often expressed in ironical statements. It can sometimes be the sincerest form of discourse for the emotionally fragile. This is often done by simply over-emphasizing the actual statement, or particular words of it.

(2) A form of verbal irony, expressing sneering, personal disapproval in the guise of praise. (Oddly enough, sarcastic remarks are often used between friends, perhaps as a somewhat perverse demonstration of the strength of the bond--only a good friend could say this without hurting the other's feelings, or at least without excessively damaging the relationship, since feelings are often hurt in spite of a close relationship.

(3) A verbal tone in which it is obvious from context that the speaker means the opposite of what he or she says. ?Mom, I?d love to see Howard the Duck with you? is probably a phrase you would say sarcastically.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. November 2005 @ 20:37

5. November 2005 @ 00:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ignoring all that....

Yes - I did turn off the torrent whilst changing the UPnP settings.

Thanks for the recommendations. One question - do BitTornado/BitComet also show the coloured smiles so you know if there is a NAT problem or not?

Thanks for all the help!
5. November 2005 @ 08:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
bitcomet does not have the nat signaling thing, but i think if it can not accept incoming connections it will give you some kind of message.

bittornado does have a light signaling thing.
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12. November 2005 @ 14:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i am in a college dorm and my bt download speed is horrible its like 2kb usually. i went to shields up .com and checkd and all my port from 6881 to 6889 were all opened. i dont know why is it so slow. i went to several test bandwidth and it said my bandwidth and speed were pretty good. i did everything i could turing off firewall and disbaling anit virus softwares but it still doesn't help. can anyone help me bt download worked for me last semester where i got to something like 30kb per second but this semester i never seen anything go up to even 5kb per second. I mean there was lot of source but the problem is that each of the source is only giving me like 200bytes or 300 bytes not one of them can even give me 1kb. does anyone know what might be the problem? I have tried using sharzaa and bit comet but all seem pretty slow. I have an window xp sp2 and i have everything updated.
Related links
Download BitTorrent from here.
Read our BitTorrent guides.
Read's guide to Azureus BitTorrent client
Brief explanation on what BitTorrent is and how it works.
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