Sony announces new PS3 launch date
The following comments relate to this news article:
article published on 6 September, 2006
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) has announced delay for its next-generation console. The revision of PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system launch will affect the PAL territories of Europe, Russia, Middle East, Africa and Australasia. The new launch date is set for March 2007 and won't change those of Japan and North America.
The revision is caused by the delay in mass ... [ read the full article ]
Please read the original article before posting your comments.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
8. September 2006 @ 14:02 |
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Seriously, take your dirty rants elsewhere!
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8. September 2006 @ 14:09 |
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Ahhh... I'm going to sound a little paranoid here but sammorris that post was for vgaddict8 right?
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
8. September 2006 @ 14:13 |
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Yes. apologies, your post hadnt appeared when I wrote that.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
8. September 2006 @ 14:14 |
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I agree with your statement pretty much totally. Well argued.
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8. September 2006 @ 20:16 |
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vgaddict8 cant probly even afford a system and pirates video games .... , i dont recall ps3 beeing annouced 5 years ago 21Q : 500 version is cheapest and yes 100 dollars more for the BLUE RAY is worth it , that blue ray cost $1,000 dollars so for 100 bucks not only u get blue ray but a sh%* load of more stuff such as a 60 gb (instd of 20) hdmi ports and more stuff i forgot jutsu : well not really if you think of the blue ray player alone cost 1,000 but having a video game and a super compter is a bonus!!! , anything is possible especially with new tech... but again theirs warrantys for a few bucks have 5 years warranty OR BE SMART and buy this ps3 AT COSTCO and have lifetime reuturn cash
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
8. September 2006 @ 20:41 |
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ouch,and yes alot of people will buy,frist off the fan boys and 2ndly the rich 3rdly the brain dead,everyone else will wait or know what they are doing when they buy a new gen over priced system hopefully with a 2+ year warranty.
Mmmmmmm yes and no,the 600 PS3 will be worth it when it drops 100-200$
And even buying the low end pay for the extra warranty another 50 or so will be well worth it.
At last Sony is doing some beta work on the hardware!
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8. September 2006 @ 21:20 |
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I keep hearing " its Blu-ray, Blu-ray dvd players cost £1000 so paying £600 is a bargain. Remember when PS2 first came out? You played a dvd and it was green! Then why do you think its called blu - ray? stick it together as one word sounds like blurry! Nice sales pitch! We have a xbox 360 here for Less than £300 with games and a soon to be released High Definition DVD Player and over here you have the £600 sony blurry...Customer says" Im sorry what? Blurry my arse my eye sight is fine I can see how much that thing costs!
Im not a sony hater! I had a PS & PS2 but when my Xbox died one day (18 months old) I phoned up Microsoft and asked how much will it cost to have repaired? Nothing - Thats right I paid for it to be sent off. Microsoft fixed it and returned it FREE! even though it was over a year old and been played to death. Sony on the other hand - Had to go and buy a new console. Thats how they claim to sell so many!
Junior Member
8. September 2006 @ 21:53 |
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*Sniff, Sniff
What's that I smell? Deep trouble for Sony?
So production problems will hurt unit production. That means that the increased labour cost will also increase the hardware cost of the system.
Nintendo is ahead of schedule in production of Wii hardware components, and is going full steam ahead to final production.
I will be buying a Wii this Christmas, but I'll be laughing at the people who plunk down more than twice the dough for a PS3. For $700 I could get a Wii, extra controllers, and 4 games... Or a sinlge PS3 module with one controller, no games.
If a PS3 will be potentially harder to come by, how many parents / average gamers will put up with the hassle? Sony will lose market share to Nintendo if they don't come out full steam.
Senior Member
8. September 2006 @ 22:16 |
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i stand by all my earlier posts
@nnptwenty your right m$ has probably the best aftersales care in the buisness for legitimate customers, thats because they want to keep your custom.
maybe waiting for the second gen of games for the ps3 would be a wise move as the release batch usaly suk, but wait the uk is only getting it late so they will almost be out anyway.
the big problem i see with the late release is that it is going up against halo 3 and thats one of the few box exculsive that i wanted, oh my head hurts
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
9. September 2006 @ 01:46 |
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gus738: Both versions have bluray, the cheaper version has a smaller hard disk.
nptwenty: Sony are guilty of poor after-sales support, you're right, but your Blu-ray blurry talk is just complete rubbish, I have no idea what you're on about.
Thonor: I looked into a Wii, but for something that still only outputs a standard definition signal (480p, the same as an old style DVD player) it's like something from the dark ages compared to its competitors.
9. September 2006 @ 01:48 |
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to the microsoft ppl, there have been hints to the pricing of the HD-DVD and if u buy it you'll be spending jus a lil bit more than the ps3.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
9. September 2006 @ 02:16 |
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But the Xbox HD-DVD drive won't be running games though will it?
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9. September 2006 @ 02:54 |
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No only movies thats all
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9. September 2006 @ 03:15 |
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Had heard that PS3 would be Region free,Does anyone know if this is true
9. September 2006 @ 04:48 |
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No....the PS3 won't still be available because so many retarded and rich basta*ds will be bought it all...............Rich basta*d parents who are probably too stupid to even know a damn thing about videogames...but are buying it to spoil their retarded kids and whatnot........... Parent's who gave their kids thousands of dollars for just behaving well for the day........should rot in h*ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am NOT rich BUT I will buy like 5-10 PS3s and sell them on EBAY to those rich Bastards who have more money than time to wait in line. Sell all but 1 and get mine FREE and pocket like $5000 cash. I did it with the 360 Bought 5 sold 4 and made $2500 cash
This is how you can get a PS3 for FREE I use Credit Cards to buy the systems and then have cash before the bill comes in WWWEEEEEE
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
9. September 2006 @ 05:25 |
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Of course you need to have quite a lot of initial capital to do that! Can we tone down this conversation a bit? I know people feel strongly about this subject, but young people read and contribute to these forums.
9. September 2006 @ 05:25 |
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I don't know where everyone lives, I'm in the USA/ sub. of Chicago and we cannot reserve a Ps3 anywhere because there is no solid launch date as of 9/8/2006
gamestop, gamecrazy none of them will take a reserve. My point is,don't hold your breath for the release of the Ps3 because you will not see it until 2007. Go out and try to reserve a Ps3 you will see what I am saying.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
9. September 2006 @ 05:28 |
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| in the UK seem to accept pre-orders and just dispatch it "whenever the release date happens to end up"
Senior Member
9. September 2006 @ 05:31 |
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Quote: I am NOT rich BUT I will buy like 5-10 PS3s and sell them on EBAY to those rich Bastards who have more money than time to wait in line. Sell all but 1 and get mine FREE and pocket like $5000 cash. I did it with the 360 Bought 5 sold 4 and made $2500 cash
This is how you can get a PS3 for FREE I use Credit Cards to buy the systems and then have cash before the bill comes in WWWEEEEEE
Sounds a bit risky lol, Wouldnt it suck if you didnt sell them as planned?
9. September 2006 @ 05:51 |
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Consoles, why bother tbh. Im gonna stick with my PC. Its faster, more powerfull, and i dont have to buy a whole new PC to upgrade it.
Consoles are a kids/early-teens toy.
But at the end of the day, if someone wants to buy a PS3,xbos360 let them. Its a free planet. No need to get shitty about it like somewhove posted
9. September 2006 @ 05:52 |
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Not risky, Did you hear that there is only 500,000 on the launch date. BUT timeing IS everything, The max price is not just before christmas, Its the day for the launch about 3-6pm when people find out everywhere is already SOLD OUT
History has proven that there WILL be a MASSIVE shortage for ANY new system and resale value of a new system JUST before x-mas AAAAHHHHH
I feel a new 32"HDTV for me this christmas
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
9. September 2006 @ 06:08 |
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That's true, when systems first appear, prices are through the roof. PS2s were £500 when first available because everywhere sold out. Now look at how much they cost!
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9. September 2006 @ 06:40 |
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Quote: Not risky, Did you hear that there is only 500,000 on the launch date. BUT timeing IS everything, The max price is not just before christmas, Its the day for the launch about 3-6pm when people find out everywhere is already SOLD OUT
History has proven that there WILL be a MASSIVE shortage for ANY new system and resale value of a new system JUST before x-mas AAAAHHHHH
I feel a new 32"HDTV for me this christmas
But what is also true is that RICH people don't shop on Ebay....They can afford to buy from a store and will probubley get it first if they wanted to.......
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
9. September 2006 @ 06:42 |
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Not all people that spend hours queuing to get a console are rich.
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9. September 2006 @ 09:05 |
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the ps3 is still worth it , spending 600 bucks for a blue ray plus the best video game system and not to metioned one of the best super compter , and your 600 bucks is insured with costco life timme return cash policy!...
i myself own a x360 ,, and paying for the HD-DVD drive not only its external and you'll lag but for what the price is going to be i'd rather buy a ps3 ... and idont have to worry since i bought my x360 in costco i return it tell its broken and get my cash back and buy a new ps3!