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How do u make BitTorrent download faster? i have been searching the answer for days.
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25. January 2006 @ 20:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I'm kind of desperate for an answer..

I've got a few questions.. If you could do your best to answer them, that would be great!

1. When I type in IPCONFIG and go to DNS servers.. it only comes up with 1.. while everyone else's computer comes up with 2.

2. My bittorrent is ridiculously slow - downloading at 500bytes a second at 512/256 internet connection.

3. My ports are all closed.. and my bittorrent stays on yellow.

I have a Dynalink rta100+.. could someone help me out?

All help would be appreciated..

On the NAT test.. it says all of my ports are closed.. Could someone tell me how to open the ports? (on a dynalink rta100+)



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25. January 2006 @ 21:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
> Could someone tell me how to open the ports? (on a dynalink
> rta100+)

Jeeezuz KRIST are you people getting lazy! Some of you won't even check out posts just posted up, and now this..

lilazn7, You can't be that desparate, I Googled "Dynalink rta100+" and found a perfect page for you on the 1st page, 4th resulting website listed...

"Port Forwarding" is the terminology used to open a port or ports in a firewall..

Dynalink rta100+ and an example of what to do to optimize Bittorrent too here:


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. January 2006 @ 21:30

Junior Member
25. January 2006 @ 22:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You see.. It says:

"You must have a static IP before you go further"

I only have 1 DNS server, not like the guide says..

Do i just leave it blank?

btw i already checked that site hehe

When i check my dns server.. It turns up as ... not a different number like everyone elses.. is this a problem with where i live.. or is this a problem with my router.. I just don't know...

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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. January 2006 @ 22:34

26. January 2006 @ 05:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lilazn7 (Junior Member) writes:

You see.. It says:
"You must have a static IP before you go further"
I only have 1 DNS server, not like the guide says..
Do i just leave it blank?
btw i already checked that site hehe
When i check my dns server.. It turns up as ... not a different number like everyone elses.. is this a problem with where i live.. or is this a problem with my router.. I just don't know...
> btw i already checked that site hehe

See? This is what pisses me off. Some people come on here asking for help. yet are too lazy-butted to post things they have already tried, or how torrent savvy they already are (what they know and their settings used). ...So I just end up wasting my time half the time replying..,


That is the address of your computer on your home network. The router is on the home network. Other computers on your network might be, etc.

> It says: "You must have a static IP before you go further"

Who is "it"? What telling you that you need a static IP? BitTorrent? Get BitTornado then.. I don't have a static IP. I tried it once, it was suggested, I was told how to do it, and it didn't work.. actually messed things up. I can OTOH, with my Netgear router, permanently assign a home network address to a specific computer(s), like is always my Windows XP computer.

I don't even know what a DNS server is.. "Short for Domain Name System (or Service), an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses. Because domain names are alphabetic, they're easier to remember. The Internet however, is really based on IP addresses. Every time you use a domain name, therefore, a DNS service must translate the name into the corresponding IP address. For example, the domain name might translate to The DNS system is, in fact, its own network". So it is a server on your ISP? Jeezzuz, I don't know.. Or is it the number assigned to you?:

If you can't log into your router and easily see a menu item for things like "Port Forward", I don't know what to tell you. It should be as straight forward as that. Toss it out the window and buy a Netgear...

That yellow light you are getting means a firewall issue 99% of the time (probably 100%). Your router is a hardware firwewall and you run a software firewall too most likely.

==> Netgear Routers are so easy to understand the menu when you log in. And even if you are very green, if you mouseover something, it further breaks it down and explains it in a column on the right side. A Netgear 54 Mbps wireless G is less than $30 these days, and though installation is very simple, you get to call them when setting it up if you need to (have your questins ready). (and besides they're the best looking routers too).

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. January 2006 @ 05:17

26. January 2006 @ 08:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The service provider says 4Mbps download (is this what you mean by down?) and 512kbps up (upload?). and the light is yellow.
um my upload speed is mostly in the 100 s somwtimes it goes to 30-40 whenim not downloading anything (0kB/s)
tell me if you need more info.

oh yea i just jioned so yes thoese r all my posts. y?
26. January 2006 @ 11:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
whazzup (Newbie)

The service provider says 4Mbps download (is this what you mean by down?) and 512kbps up (upload?). and the light is yellow.
um my upload speed is mostly in the 100 s somwtimes it goes to 30-40 whenim not downloading anything (0kB/s)
tell me if you need more info.
oh yea i just jioned so yes thoese r all my posts. y?
Page: First ... 40 41 42 43 44 45
You know there are a lot of little posts lately, you guys can quote a previous thread.. I forget what anyone said 3 seconds after I leave the forums.

Yellow light = firewall problem. Zone alarm is either blocking the ports for incoming to you, or you have another firewall, like a router if you are on a network.

Solution: In your firewall program or router, "Port Forward" those ports your torrent program uses.. In a software firewall you can "exclude" or "exempt" the whole exe program that runs the torrent.

Otherwise, I have heard of a few DSL modems that need to be reconfigured (port forwarding).

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. January 2006 @ 11:44

26. January 2006 @ 15:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well i really am confused on all this. my friend says he doesnt get a connection at all with Azureus. i told him to open his ports and he still doent get much he says that it's at less than 5K most of the time(which is an improvement from nothing. but i get a lot of stuff and my connetions reach 100 K most of the time i really have little idea on why stuff like that happens. it might just be crappy competabilty with ones computer after all every computer out there has different software
of course this is coming from a person that know his computer as well as a squirrel knows the bottom of the sea.
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27. January 2006 @ 02:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i just d/l bit torrent and is there anyone who knows of a guide to fort porting and maybe some help doing the set up sorry guys all new to this. its way to slow i'm at 3kb and wont go any faster i have 3mg of cable internet
27. January 2006 @ 06:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
d_rock_29 (Newbie) writes:
i just d/l bit torrent and is there anyone who knows of a guide to fort porting and maybe some help doing the set up sorry guys all new to this. its way to slow i'm at 3kb and wont go any faster i have 3mg of cable internet
Though all torrent-getting programs have the same basics in how they work, if you want my help, download and install BitTornado here, because I know it well, not that it might be better than any other. (get the "stable" release):

After you install it, come back and post in this forum. Tell me in that post - what your cable or DSL max upload speed is, and your max download speed is. Also mention (if you aren't in the United states) where? And tell me if you are on a home network (or other network - a router is used and people share the Internet connection through one modem)

You can also text your up & down speeds here:

Try the test at a major site there if you can, twice - one close and one far away. Rememeber to be careful about reporting speed as Kbps or KB/s = a large B and a small b means a difference of x8. and that place gives you both sets of numbers..
mexicouno (Newbie) writes:
my friend says he doesnt get a connection at all with Azureus. i told him to open his ports and he still doent get much he |snipped out|
it might just be crappy competabilty with ones computer after all every computer out there has different software of course this is coming from a person that know his computer as well as a squirrel knows the bottom of the sea
Azureus I believe operates a little differently in that when you GOOGle, the site says: "Azureus : Java BitTorrent Client".. So it uses Java, and I have no idea if this could cause problems - I have seen more people report p[toblems with Azereus than any other, but that just might be because more people are using it. ==> so to this i say something pretty obvious - tell you friend to try another torrent program!! I like BitTornado for it's simplicity, but there are a lot or other torrent programs too..

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. January 2006 @ 06:37

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27. January 2006 @ 10:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
biggermac i downloaded BitTornado ,now im stuck on the download and upload i think my max upload is 7 and max download is 16384 if i looked at it right when i opened it up it asked me which torrent to use , when i clicked out of that it showed Arguments are:

--max_uploads <arg>
the maximum number of uploads to allow at once. (defaults to 7)

--keepalive_interval <arg>
number of seconds to pause between sending keepalives (defaults to 120.0)

--download_slice_size <arg>
How many bytes to query for per request. (defaults to 16384)

--upload_unit_size <arg>
when limiting upload rate, how many bytes to send at a time (defaults to 1460)

--request_backlog <arg>
maximum number of requests to keep in a single pipe at once. (defaults to 10)

--max_message_length <arg>
maximum length prefix encoding you'll accept over the wire - larger values get the
connection dropped. (defaults to 8388608)
27. January 2006 @ 10:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well i figured out that i had a firewall in my wireless router now its going to 20 kB/s, so it sppeded up a little agian do u think my cable modem has a firewall?
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27. January 2006 @ 13:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi this is my first posting on this forum and I react because I'm totally confused now.
Being new to the torrent-thing I went through all the guides on port forwarding and tips to make your downloads faster.
Everywhere I read that port forwarding doesn't make much sense if you don't have a static IP adress. I have difficulties doing that, so I searched on this site and this thread was the first to come up.
I read all pages and came across your reply:

"Who is "it"? What telling you that you need a static IP? BitTorrent? Get BitTornado then.. I don't have a static IP. I tried it once, it was suggested, I was told how to do it, and it didn't work.. actually messed things up. I can OTOH, with my Netgear router, permanently assign a home network address to a specific computer(s), like is always my Windows XP computer. "

The guides on the topic of torrents are telling us newbies to make a static IP address. And now you're saying that's nonsense???
I'm really confused now.
27. January 2006 @ 15:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
d_rock_29 (Newbie) wrote):
biggermac i downloaded BitTornado ,now im stuck on the download and upload i think my max upload is 7 and max download is 16384 if i looked at it right when i opened it up it asked me which torrent to use , when i clicked out of that it showed Arguments are:

--max_uploads <arg>
the maximum number of uploads to allow at once. (defaults to 7)

--keepalive_interval <arg>
number of seconds to pause between sending keepalives (defaults to 120.0)

--download_slice_size <arg>
How many bytes to query for per request. (defaults to 16384)

--upload_unit_size <arg>
when limiting upload rate, how many bytes to send at a time (defaults to 1460)

--request_backlog <arg>
maximum number of requests to keep in a single pipe at once. (defaults to 10)

--max_message_length <arg>
maximum length prefix encoding you'll accept over the wire - larger values get the
connection dropped. (defaults to 8388608)
Holy bjeezuz!! Where is that coming from? Did you downl;ad the stable version or some experimental version?

Too much to mess with there. Stick with the Main page of BitTornado (at least for now anyway). Only 3 fields of settings to mess with. The rest on the other pages, forget about at least for now.

unchoose "automatic" on left and then choose either slow or fast DSL/cable (never use automatic settings if you can help it). From this point it ads in numbers in the two boxes on the right. You can change them now.

2 boxes on the right:

- "upload rate (max upload speed) on top, set this to 75% to 80% of what you know your upload max is. If your ISP says yu have 400 Kbps upload or you tested and got this, 400 Kbps = 50 KB/s. Torrent programs use KB/s. So, 40% of 50 KB/s = 40 KB/s - so you would add in 40 for upload rate.

- "max connections" (or uploads) under that.. 4 is minimum and for 25 KB/s upload rate or below, but you could make it 4 for now, experiment later once you know you are going well (I use 5 for 32 to 35 KB/s).

That's it. Try that. If you change the port or port range on another page, then you'll need to close the program and start it up again for the new settings to take effect - it is like this with most other settings..

THe light should change to green after a little while or else if it stays yellow then you have ports being blocked (firewall).

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. January 2006 @ 16:23

Suspended permanently
27. January 2006 @ 15:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have bitcomet and i cant seem to d/l ne faster than 40kb/s, but i know on things like limewire i can d/l @ about 150kb/s. i have a dlink router and i have sbc dsl. sum1 help plz

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27. January 2006 @ 16:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
BLeiss (Newbie)writes:
I have bitcomet and i cant seem to d/l ne faster than 40kb/s, but i know on things like limewire i can d/l @ about 150kb/s. i have a dlink router and i have sbc dsl. sum1 help plz
40 KB/s = 320 Kbps. That would be normal for a pretty small number of participants, like 1 or 2 seeds and 8 peers. Or might be normal if a larger circle yo're in but only have been downloading for 25 minutes on a large file (700 MBs). Or normal if you're upload rate is low because you must upload well or it rstricts your download speed, like if you only can upload at 15 KB/s (same as 120 Kbps).

Rememeber when you report speed, a small letter b = bits, and a large letter = Bytes. It takes 8 bits to = 1 Byte. 150 kb/s as you wrote it, is the same thing as 150 Kbps (large or small K is OK in here though it shouldn't be, but acceptable).

Your Router = a firewall and you have to port forward the ports in it that your torrent program is using.. Plus make sure your software firewall isn't blocking your torrent program and the ports used either..

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. January 2006 @ 16:09

27. January 2006 @ 16:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
marleenjg (Newbie) wrote:
Hi this is my first posting on this forum and I react because I'm totally confused now.
Being new to the torrent-thing I went through all the guides on port forwarding and tips to make your downloads faster.
Everywhere I read that port forwarding doesn't make much sense if you don't have a static IP adress. I have difficulties doing that, so I searched on this site and this thread was the first to come up.
I read all pages and came across your reply:

"Who is "it"? What telling you that you need a static IP? BitTorrent? Get BitTornado then.. I don't have a static IP. I tried it once, it was suggested, I was told how to do it, and it didn't work.. actually messed things up. I can OTOH, with my Netgear router, permanently assign a home network address to a specific computer(s), like is always my Windows XP computer. "

The guides on the topic of torrents are telling us newbies to make a static IP address. And now you're saying that's nonsense???
I'm really confused now.
Web definitions for "static IP" say an address that doesn't change. With Comcast cable, it stays the same even if I shut off the modem.. Maybe Yahoo DSL it changes if you shut off your modem. Internal to my hom network, in my router I have assignd the same home netowrk address to the computers attached to it..

I don't think it matters - if you download a file from a torrent and you do not stop until it is over.. But my particular router, a Netgear, assigns ports forwarded to specific home network addresses (not normal Internet IP addresses), so by assigning particular computers the same number each time the port vforward always works..

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. January 2006 @ 02:55

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28. January 2006 @ 01:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok bigbermac i found that what you are talking about , how do you view what you d/l , i just tried to view a file i d/l and dont know where its at
28. January 2006 @ 02:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
d_rock_29 (Newbie) writes:
ok bigbermac i found that what you are talking about , how do you view what you d/l , i just tried to view a file i d/l and dont know where its at
Look in the "Pref" page or the next little page (not "advanced") where there are a lot more settings. Left side near the bottom is a path - it is probably either going to your desktop (main screen when you turn on the computer) or somewhere in Program Files\BitTornado. You can change this there. Anything you change on these other pages might not take effect until the next time you open the program.

The only other thing I'd change besides the path where it deposits the download, if the port range it uses.. Something over ports 50000 (ports exist up to 65000).. But rememeber, you really only need one port used - if you do one download at a time. Or a port range of two ports will work if you might do 2 a time sometime (not recommended - only certain circumstances might be better). If you have a router, rememeber the "port forwards" (holes punched) you do in the router, with each port you forward puts a slight dent in the router's firewall power for when you go on the Internet, but of course you are running a software firewall too so this is double extra protection..
29. January 2006 @ 12:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
biggermac, you're a genius! Thank you so much for posting the FAQ (again) for us newbies. I'm downloading at 90kB/s as I type due to your bit of advice, especially the thing about the 80% upload availability. I truly appreciate it!

Another great program is The wee footprint allows you to access the rest of your computer functions, instead of being paralyzed during downloads! :)
29. January 2006 @ 15:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sum1 sed sumthing about a patch for xp and sumthing else that helps the download....

um, cud sum1 plz explain wat it is and how to get it, and use it, and im a noob about most of this
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30. January 2006 @ 05:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok biggermac , think i had a brain fart but with bit tornado there is a way to speed up the process rifgt, instead of 5kb/s like very slow i see thay talking that got a download to hit 80kb/s

scullygrl what are you using and how did you do it im still at 5 maybe high 15kb/s
30. January 2006 @ 07:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
d_rock_29 (Newbie) writes:

30. January 2006 @ 10:25 Report an offensive post
ok biggermac , think i had a brain fart but with bit tornado there is a way to speed up the process rifgt, instead of 5kb/s like very slow i see thay talking that got a download to hit 80kb/s
OK d_rock, since there has been a lot posted by you, and I don't see where you told me what your upload speed is told to you by your Internet Service Provider (and wqhat your download speed is too), lets start over.

Tell me:

(1) Are you on a Home network, or other secondary network (a router would be used usually),

(1)(a) or does your computer plug right into the modem and you are the only comupter in your house that is using the modem?

(1)(b) If you are on a home Network using a router then what port range does it say is used in "Prefs" (I beleive) and have you also added those ports to be "portForwarded" in the router?

(2) DSL or Cable modem?

(2)(a) What is your upload speed? (You can test here, do a couple of different places:

(2)(a)(1) and what is your upload speed going at in the torrent program when you are getting such crappy downloads?

(2)(b) What is your download speed?

(2)(c) Remember Kbps anf KB/s are vastly different ways to post your speed - that test site will tell you both - remember to that using a large letter "B" vs a small letter "b" is very significant, not the formula I posted with or without thwe slash "/" character.. Both formulas signify "One thousand = K (large K or small k OK here) + (B)ytes or (b)its + Per + Second".

(3) Are you in the United States? If not, where and who is the ISP?


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. January 2006 @ 07:57

30. January 2006 @ 11:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok biggermac i think i fixed the problem, i downloaded BitTornado and now my dl speed is much better than 20KB/s it now sits around 250KB/s which is what i expect, hopin for 300 but the file im dling now has a 128 seeds and 1028 peers so the seeds are abit overloaded. on this file i sit around 80KB/s to 150KB/s no more crappy download speeds. anyone who is going slow download bittorando.
azurues suxxorz
30. January 2006 @ 19:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have been having a problem with my bittorent for quite a few months now and I'm getting a bit frustrated. I've read all the forums I can find to figure out what is wrong. Here is my situation...

Rogers Ultra High Speed (I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.)
Wireless Connection
Linksys WRT54G wireless router.

So firstly, I have tried opening ports, and they are open according to Shields UP and many other port testing sites. Then I tried changing the default ports used to a different set (does that make it worse?) and they are still open and verified to be open.

Then after that didn't work, I was reading maybe it was the firmware, so I tried upgrading the official firmware. Tried that for a couple weeks, (linksys firmware for this router is crap...always reseting the modem) and then changed to a 3rd party firmware. (works MUCH better for stability, no real change for P2P).

My Internet speed is a 5MB cable connection, and i regularly download from HTTP sites at well over 700-800 kb/s. (thats real conditions, not speed test sites).

My IP is not static, but, it hasn't changed in probably about 2 weeks, even though I check just about every day to ensure the ports are forwarded to the proper IP.

I use Azureus, or ABC, but neither one shows any significant improvement over the other.

I tried to do my homework on this matter, and like I said, I've read countless forum threads. I'm sorry if I am missing something obvious, but please, please PLEASE point it out.

Thanks for any help in advance,

EDIT: Forgot to add, doesn't matter what torrent im downloading (from super mainstream teevee show like family guy with 1000+ seeds and leachers or some small torrent) that my speed is almost never over 10kb/s. I saw it go up to 40 kb/s at one time, almost peed my pants... thanks again.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. January 2006 @ 19:18

30. January 2006 @ 21:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mr_drew (Newbie) wrote:
I have been having a problem with my bittorent for quite a few months now and I'm getting a bit frustrated. I've read all the forums I can find to figure out what is wrong. Here is my situation...

Rogers Ultra High Speed (I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.)
<snip snip>

OK.. I didn't see you mention this. So I'll re-post the obvious that's come up before and been posted - hopefully this is your problem:

> u from Canada and using rogers high speed?.
> use port 1720, I do and I get great speeds.
Related links
Download BitTorrent from here.
Read our BitTorrent guides.
Read's guide to Azureus BitTorrent client
Brief explanation on what BitTorrent is and how it works.
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