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How do u make BitTorrent download faster? i have been searching the answer for days.
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20. February 2006 @ 13:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
arvinJbhandhoo and lilyd123 ....For Krrist's Sake you two, spend 3 minutes and scan up about 3 posts from where you guys posted and Read the FRIGGIN giant help post.. Try and educate yourselves a teeny bit and perhaps figure out a little bit on your own before asking.

Same questions over and over again: How do I go faster"? Where the heck to start? Give us a starting point! Jeeeeeeez..

1st question: Is your ethernet cable bent funny ??? Oh.. Ok it's not and you know a bit more than that.

Do you understand anything "torrent" or Peer to peer files sharing at all or not? What have you already tried, Settings? Operating system? Router? Firewall program?

Read that help file - espeically about Upload Speed..

SchwarZZ Maybe this is something - I heard (in a post in this forum) that Rogers in Canada needs to use a certain port to work right.. Start searching back using your browser looking for a key word on every page ("rogers").

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. February 2006 @ 13:19

20. February 2006 @ 13:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks, that sounds like a possible problem because i am in canada ill look into it on this forum and google

EDIT: did a quick google search and saw this article

Rogers Bit Torrent Cat & Mouse
Now clamping down on ports 1720, 1750
Posted on 2006-02-09 10:53:56
Instead of upgrading their networks, Canadian providers Shaw and Rogers have been using packet shaping technology to throttle Bit Torrent users. Worse, when confronted with the tactic, they've often denied such technology is in play. The decision has resulted in a game of cat & mouse between users and the ISP.

Users in our Rogers forum had discovered they could get around the company's efforts to muzzle Bit Torrent traffic by changing their BitTorrent client port to 1720. Rogers has apparently discovered that tactic and has started throttling ports 1720 and 1755 as well. At least one person in the thread says they've found success by using the latest beta of ”Torrent, which features end-to-end encryption.

Rogers next tactic will likely mirror that of American overbuilder RCN, who has restricted the number of Bit Torrent connections that can be made. An RCN executive recently stopped by our forums and addressed their tactic directly with our users.


ok i set my azerus to port 1720 and its already performing much better than it previously was, again thanks for the info this worked incredibly well for me i went from an average of 1.5kb/s with a top speed of 50kb/s to an average of 50kb/s to a top ive seen so far of 534kb/s

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. February 2006 @ 16:33

20. February 2006 @ 17:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am having slow DL problem too. I'm using Azureus and I always have the green light from the get go but only getting 15-25 kb/s but I've seen it as high as 60 at times. It jumps a lot. I've went into my modem (Westell 6100) and configured the port forwarding. I've ran a stealth test on port 65535 and it came back "open." I use Verizon DSL and I ran a personal speed test and it came back 491.3 kilobits per second. Is that a good speed? Could that be causing my lack of high DL speed? Should I try a diffent port? Can anyone with better knowledge give me any more tips to try. I'm really frustrated. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
21. February 2006 @ 00:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
BP22 (Newbie) writes:
I am having slow DL problem too. I'm using Azureus and I always have the green light from the get go but only getting 15-25 kb/s but I've seen it as high as 60 at times. It jumps a lot. I've went into my modem (Westell 6100) and configured the port forwarding. I've ran a stealth test on port 65535 and it came back "open." I use Verizon DSL and I ran a personal speed test and it came back 491.3 kilobits per second. Is that a good speed? Could that be causing my lack of high DL speed? Should I try a diffent port? Can anyone with better knowledge give me any more tips to try. I'm really frustrated. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
BP22, it's important you understand the way modem speeds are displayed. In the old days it was always Kbps - as in, My modem does 56 Kbps (that is dial-up speed). k=kilo or 1000, b=bits, p=per, s=second. So your 491 is 491 kbps.

But later on, some wise-ass somewhere thought using not "bits" to report speed, but instead use "Bytes". Notice bits and Bytes start with a letter "B" which is where the stupid idiocy comes in. Saying 1000 kbps is not the same as 1000 kBps - see? The capital letter B means Bytes and the small letter b means bits. it takes 8 bits to make one Byte. Usually though people write Bytes with a slash instead of the "p", as in 125 KB/s = 1000 kbps.. (and a capital letter K or small k doesn't matter, but actually they could be said to represent a different term.

So, torrent programs use Bytes to report speed. You said as high as 60. Well, 60 KB/s = 480 kbps (60 x 8), and 480 kbps is right there at your maximum limit. So the answer is your download speed right now by today's broadband standards kind of sucks at speed, and if you are getting 60 KB/s download consistently you can't do any better.

If it's important to you to go faster, then contact your ISP and ask for the "Pro" package, but it will cost you more (if it's available). If you can get cable Internet instead of DSL, cable speeds usually fall in at download speeds of 2000 kbps to 4000 kbps (or more for a "pro" package), but cable usually cost more than DSL too. The average in USA for cable is probably $45 a month, but I pay for my son's DSL and he has the higher speed DSL like 2000 kbps at $32.

Also in case 60 KB/s is not usual to you as a download speed, go back to the last page and look for a general purpose torrent help post and look at the "Upload Speed" section especially, because for best and most consistent download speeds, your upload speed you set in the torrent program is very important (you can set it too high as well as too low and either will hurt your download speed).
21. February 2006 @ 10:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey Biggermac thx for the help i got very good speed now and best beleave ill be back to ask some more ?'s
22. February 2006 @ 09:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi there i am using bit comet and have tried opening ports for months. what i cant understand is when i download an album of say 60mb to 120mb i can get dload speeds of over 130kbs. but if i try something bigger lets say an AVI file of 300mb up to dvd files of lets say 4 gig, im lucky to get speeds of 20kbs. please help someone

i use bt voyger 2091 router with 2mb broadband connection
i am based in england
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22. February 2006 @ 13:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Where are you getting you're torrents from?

-Mike - Guides written by me. - Join us Live on IRC!

(Kudos to Ripper For The Beautiful Sig!)

22. February 2006 @ 14:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
leerob000 (Newbie) writes:
hi there i am using bit comet and have tried opening ports for months. what i cant understand is when i download an album of say 60mb to 120mb i can get dload speeds of over 130kbs. but if i try something bigger lets say an AVI file of 300mb up to dvd files of lets say 4 gig, im lucky to get speeds of 20kbs. please help someone

i use bt voyger 2091 router with 2mb broadband connection
i am based in england

leerob000, I don't know any specifics as to the two types of files. You would think a bit is a bit and a byte is a byte, wouldn't you?

My observations are that if I download music I've normally grabbed it from the old style P2P networks. And on those networks I've noticed the same thing as you have.

A wild guess, and this certainly is a wild guess, is that the video files are more tightly packed than audio files (depending on the different types of movie or music files of course). So movie clips might be squeezing every empty spot out of every space when compiled, as say an AVI. Zip an AVI and it gets you no more reduced byte size.

In the old days there was lots of blank spaces in files and when you ZIPed up a file (or ARCed or a bunch of other types of software compressing) you could really reduce the files size.

And I want to say (not sure) that a dial-up speed modem saying it does 56 kbps is actually not going that fast but instead is hardware compressing on one end (sending) and decompressing when received. So 56 kbps is only possible with, lets say, a manual with all text in it - all of the empty spaces in between the letters and paragraphs get compressed and then decompressed when received. In other words the speed claims are really only "simulated" when you count hardware compression.. And I've never seen a dial-up modem go 56 kbps, the averages were really 45 or 46 kbps. - but I'll bet if you sent out to a friend a 1000 page text manual your speed would be almost 56 kbps..

Don't quote me out of context if I am completely wrong - I've stated it's a guess, so please include that part of it too...

By the way guys - ZIP Genius is freeware and besides ZIP and unZIP and a bunch of other compression types, it also will unRAR..

Disclaimer: Any music files or movie files I referred to as my part of a file-sharing was un-copyrighted material.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. February 2006 @ 14:14

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23. February 2006 @ 01:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
how do i extract r files i have winrar but it says i need a password anyone know how to do this , i have the files on my computer but wont open but they are in the form of R001 and so on also what are some good torrents to d/l from

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. February 2006 @ 01:52

23. February 2006 @ 03:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
d_rock_29, it is usually smart to view comments made by others about the torrent you are thinking of grabbing. There are not always comments but often there are. It would have probably said it was password protected. Study the comments carefully there might be the password posted by someone. or it might say possible passwords are: blabla, blablabla, etc.

If I were you I'd go back to where you got it from and looksee for comments. Me, I only use torrentspy or isohunt, and since they're public search engines and your not logged into any site you've got to look at stuff like that. Probably at least 1/3rd of the time you can't even begin a download...
23. February 2006 @ 07:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi ther mik3h in responce to your question i get my downloads from torrentspy using bitcomet to download
28. February 2006 @ 06:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok i getting a headache with the setup but listen i am using a zte zxdsl 831 with a 1mbps speed but weird thing is my bitcomet dl speed is onli 30kbps with upload speed 15 to 20 kbps(i put 20 to max) but my frens can get up to 100kbps download speed i tried and i have to log in when i tried to go in without putting anything or i even tried my internet username and pass but it says restricted. so how can i forward my ports and i tried shield up it said my ports range 6881 to 6889 is all closed with a mute now how do i forward my port and make my speed up pls inform me by email as i fear many new post covers them up heres my email
28. February 2006 @ 12:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
moomikki (Newbie) writes:
ok i getting a headache with the setup but listen i am using a zte zxdsl 831 with a 1mbps speed but weird thing is my bitcomet dl speed is onli 30kbps with upload speed 15 to 20 kbps(i put 20 to max) but my frens can get up to 100kbps download speed i tried and i have to log in when i tried to go in without putting anything or i even tried my internet username and pass but it says restricted. so how can i forward my ports and i tried shield up it said my ports range 6881 to 6889 is all closed with a mute now how do i forward my port and make my speed up pls inform me by email as i fear many new post covers them up heres my email
You want private door to door email service? I'd be happy to answer your question privately (if I can) for a fee.. (grin).. But of course if all was left as is when you sent off your post the box to send you an email notification if a reply occurred in this thread was still ticked.

Basics are this:

- you should never add in all of your upload speed into the Upload Speed field of a torrent program. Do 80% of your max.

- Download speed is tied into how well you can upload (written this way so people have to share). If you have a crappy maximum upload speed, like 120 Kbps (15 KB/s) then you won't do well downloading. (When you say "with upload speed 15 to 20 kbps(I put 20 to max)" - what in the heck does this mean "I put 20 to max"?

- What the heck is a "zte zxdsl 831".. Oh yea I have every router model name and every DSL and cable model name in memory. Routers are hardware Firewalls. Some DSL modems are hardware Firewalls these days too. I have no experience with DSL modems that are Firewalls, but to log into my router like you mention and port forward- Yep - you need the log-in ID and Password. Default is probably simple if it was never changed. But you need to find out, call your ISP if it's their modem or contact the manufacturer. If someone else installed it and changed it then I don't know what to do.

- Make sure you use a torrent program that gives out a colored light system telling you of your status. Make sure you do have a firewall problem - a continuous yellow light means a firewall problem.

- Don't use the ports 6881 to 6889 because everyone knows what they're used for these days. There are about 65000 ports use some way up high.

***This is page 49 of this thread "'How do u make BitTorrent download faster". Do a little research - go back to the last page (Page 48) and a little more than halfway down is a post by me with I think 11 "help" points. Highlighted in the message is the term "General Torrent Programs guideline".

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. February 2006 @ 12:03

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28. February 2006 @ 15:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I also got another problem too, when I started DLing, my internet speed went down like 56k, and when I closed it, everything went back to normal, so can anyone tell me what's goin on? btw i'm using BitComet 0.61

b X
28. February 2006 @ 15:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
MrWind0 (Newbie) writes:
I also got another problem too, when I started DLing, my internet speed went down like 56k, and when I closed it, everything went back to normal, so can anyone tell me what's goin on? btw i'm using BitComet 0.61
The faster you upload the faster you'll download (in theory).

That means you must be uploading well to get good download speeds. You're telling me "when I started DLing".. OK I take it that you actually mean that. So, when you start downloading, you're lucky to even get 56 - what is 56k?? kbps or KB/s? 56 KB/s = 408 kbps. OK so I guess you mean 56 kbps even though torrent programs use KB/s.

What it breaks down to is you must build up speed. When you start you having nothing to share with the rest. So you're not uploading hardly at all. And so according to the formula you're not going to be able to download much at all either.. Give it about 10 minutes to start goinf faster and it'll gradually build up speed..

and you are MrWind0 - what do you mean "I also got another problem too" - when did you post the 1st problem?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. February 2006 @ 15:57

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28. February 2006 @ 18:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
56k, i meant 56k modem dial-up speed lol. For some reasons when I use bitcomet, my interest speed goes down, takes seconds to open google home page and so on. And the DN speed is always low eventho I set both DN&UP speed to 250 KB/s

b X

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. February 2006 @ 18:03

28. February 2006 @ 22:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes but what is your actual up speed? - What is your max upload speed (not what you put in BitComet)? I know you said download speed is 1 Mbps (1000 kbps or 125 KB/s) didn't you?

Yes but what is your actual up speed? - What is your max upload speed (not what you put in BitComet)? I know you said download speed is 1 Mbps (1000 kbps or 125 KB/s) didn't you?

Don't forget - if you are sticking 250 in an upload box in BitComet, I thought all torrent programs use KB/s not kbps in which case that 250 = 2000 kbps. (I don't have BitComet, I use BitTornado). But I am trying to read your mind here you are not very informative about things and what's been mentioned on this whole page and if you understand the whole torrent issue or not.. Karnac says that you've got to say more about what's going on - yes or no, do understand what Upload speed tov use? Do you understand KB/s and kbps and even mbps?

Don't worry about what you put as download speed. Also I shouldn't have to mention this but heck, you are multi-tasking your computer you know, and slowdowns can be because of that too. I have 385 kbps upload max and 4000 download speed and a halfway decent computer (Athlon 3200+ with 1.5 GBs RAM) and I have major slowdowns opening up more Windows and connecting to websites just because I'm multitasking those times, especially opening new windows use 100% CPU for a second or two.

Try BitTornado then I might can help you out more....

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. February 2006 @ 22:20

4. March 2006 @ 22:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
just a couple of questions. i'm obviously a newbie hear and i'm wondering y when i load a torrent to download it takes forever to start and when it does it tells me its going to take 8-58 days to download. i'm using bittorrent and torrent storm only becuase i can't figure out how to use bit tornado like u suggested biggermac. i hope someone can help me
thanks Drizzt
6. March 2006 @ 03:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
look here nice tweaks for bittorrent speeds going better
this is for u windows users rather u have SP2 or not it will help u out a lot

Red X slicing and dicing a new path for justice in this corrupt world, the question u want to ask yourself is are u as pissed off as i am?
~Red X~
6. March 2006 @ 03:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thats funny cuz my stufff said it would take 2 days but then like 45 - 2 hours later it completely downloaded but it might be telling somewhat of truth but u can always resume the downloaad by clicking on resume downloadm so if u downlaod 50% lets say click downlaod later if u have to go off the net and itll resume form there to do this u right click on the green upwards arrow on the left.

Red X slicing and dicing a new path for justice in this corrupt world, the question u want to ask yourself is are u as pissed off as i am?
~Red X~
6. March 2006 @ 04:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Drizzt5 (Newbie) said:
just a couple of questions. i'm obviously a newbie hear and i'm wondering y when i load a torrent to download it takes forever to start and when it does it tells me its going to take 8-58 days to download. i'm using bittorrent and torrent storm only becuase i can't figure out how to use bit tornado like u suggested biggermac. i hope someone can help me

BitTornado has two field boxes to change on the main page is all you to do. The other settings fields/boxes elsewhere on other pagesyou can just leave alone at least in the majority of cases.

All you are concerned with in BitTornado is to not use "Automatic" on the main page, but instead choose either Slow or choose Fast (DSL/Cable). Either of those two settings will then place a "suggested" number in the two boxes, but you probably will have to change those numbers to fit your situation.

The two boxes are "Upload Speed" and "Max Uploads".

For "Max Uploads" (this is not max upload speed) just try "4" for now, later on and if you have a fast upload speed then you can try 5 or 6.

For "Upload Speed" enter in 75% to 80% of your known Maximum upload speed that your ISP told you that you have or that you have tested at a place like . Now, if you know your speed only in terms of kbps, torrent programs are using KB/s. This is bits vs Bytes (small letter b vs a large letter B). To get KB/s from kbps, divide the kbps speed by 8. So 400 kbps upload speed is the same as 50 KB/s. (If you use more than 80% here you are going to choke the torrent process and loae speed because the torrent programs need the 20% to operate in.)

-- Now the reason it says 75 days or whatever - it is seeing what speed you are downloading at and figuring it out. This download time estimate will change as your speed increases. It doesn't know you are going to go faster and doesn 't know how fast you'll end up being at. The speed is always fluctuating, but rememeber it takes about 5 miinutes of crawling speeds to then start to build up little by little - this is because torrents are all about sharing and your download speed depends on your upload speed - if you have crappy upload speeds tough luck. So at 1st you don't have anything to share with others thus your upload speed is crap and so too that makes your download speed crap. It can take 1/2 hour and more to build up to a healthy speed on the larger files.

Remember that you are sharing, not downloading a single stream from a source - you are limited to what others in your circle can put out to you - they all have limited upload speed too and are splitting that up with others as well.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. March 2006 @ 04:08

6. March 2006 @ 10:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey, my torrent downloading has totally messed up, i was downloading fine a couple of weeks ago, now its all broken.
I use Azureus, it says my nat is ok, and everything is fine, it says my port is 'OK!'
When im downloading it says how im connected to about 5(78) seeders, but i dont get a download at all,
sometimes it goes to like 220b/s!, but thats only for a couple of seconds.
How can i fix this???

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18. March 2006 @ 00:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello everyone,

I have a Cable modem and a wireless router US Robotics USR8054 (ok but not the greatest) I have been downloading a game for almost day and the percent is on 2.3 % done. I am using bitlord to download but the damn thing wont download. How do i make the downloading faster.

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18. March 2006 @ 00:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I meant


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18. March 2006 @ 00:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey guys...i just forgot to mention sumting...when i am highest is 20kb/s which really i also downloaded the bittorrent accelerator but dun know how to use it....sorri im a newb (do u just let it run?) I was wondering if sumone can help me download faster

I have a hi speed cable modem, US Robotics wireless router (USR8054), Bitlord program, and again the Bittorrent Accelerator
Related links
Download BitTorrent from here.
Read our BitTorrent guides.
Read's guide to Azureus BitTorrent client
Brief explanation on what BitTorrent is and how it works.
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