TUTORIAL: How to play backups w/o mod chip, only Max Drive Pro Memcard
8. March 2006 @ 15:43 |
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LOL!!! Thanks for the heads up NJJackals. ;)
My bad. This thread is so long I overlooked who the OP was.
Back to my question, brucedlx, did you have to pay any brokerage fees/duties with UPS shipping from the UK? Thanks!
8. March 2006 @ 16:02 |
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Nope! Although it did take a bit over 2 weeks, it just arrived in my mailbox. No duties, no customs taxes.
8. March 2006 @ 16:04 |
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Awesome. Thanks for the info. Gonna give this a try. This thread is on Digg and it's going nuts there. TY!
8. March 2006 @ 16:17 |
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I can't find it on digg. Link??
8. March 2006 @ 16:21 |
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9. March 2006 @ 06:52 |
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ordered my max pro the other day. curently backordered of course.
Junior Member
9. March 2006 @ 11:06 |
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Anyone know if it works with imports like Naruto?
9. March 2006 @ 18:44 |
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i found out a few things today bought office depot mini's burnt at 4x fine burn at lower speed get media error ....now games will play but every now and then get hardware error is it a laser adjustment or just a bad burn would love seemless no error play as on my xbox ps2 what is you exp...thanks for all the help...
9. March 2006 @ 22:49 |
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Can I Burn Emulators on a Mini-CD
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10. March 2006 @ 02:11 |
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Quote: about my call of duty 2 not working, that was just the iso I read the comments about that iso and other people say they get a lot of DRE's
I also have a linux media player on my max drive pro.
Here is what you do
download mfe-bo20.dol from
Put that on you max drive pro,
then download mfe-distro-1.0.tar.bz2
extract mfe-distro-1.0.tar.bz2 and open it
you will see a file named mfe-fs.bz2 (do NOT extract it) burn that to a DVD-R, make sure that file is in the root directory. you can put media on that disk or another and swap disks.
Once the max drive software is loaded put in you media player disk and start the .dol
I have some questions to ask as i would like to play some multimedia stuff on my cube.
First, what formats are supported by linux media player i.e. .wmv, .AVI and .mp3 etc.?
Second, i need to burn the multimedia files on the root directory of mini DVD-R along with mfe-fs.bz2 or just the mfe-fs.bz2 on root?
Third, do i need to burn the mini as an ISO?
10. March 2006 @ 08:17 |
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I don't think anyone has asked this yet, does max drive pro work w/ 2-disk games?
11. March 2006 @ 04:17 |
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Sorry if this was mentioned before.I have a problem with MaxDrive Pro PC software.How do i transfer GCoS.dol to the MDPro card, i get only this far-->
How can i get to this file's(e:\GCoS 1.5\GCoS 1.5 (PSO).dol)location?
Could you please help me.Thanks.
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11. March 2006 @ 04:36 |
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Just open the window with the .dol file, and click and drag it onto the part that says "Cube" (the box on the right) in the MDP program.
Junior Member
11. March 2006 @ 04:38 |
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Just pull up the directory in exploror or put the .dol on your desktop. Then, just drag the file onto the right pane of the max drive application. Select yes when it asks you if you want to change it to the correct format. Done!
11. March 2006 @ 05:38 |
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Thanks a lot guys!
11. March 2006 @ 07:29 |
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Ugh, the gamecube has recognized my MDP as corrupted for like the 5th time now.. this is driving me crazy. It works some, I save some games, then it will decide to be corupt...
Junior Member
11. March 2006 @ 10:53 |
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I've also come to the conclusion the the MDP memory card is a piece of crap. I have actually emailed them and have gotten them to agree to send me a replacement but I'm not too confident that a new one will fix the reliability issues. Here's what I've resorted to for gamesaves that I won't risk losing: With no disc in the gcube, turn it on with MDP in memory slot A and another card in Memory slot B. Copy the .dol to one of your reliable memory cards. Use your reliable mem card to boot your backups and store your saves. I have 3 mem cards and have put the .dol on all 3 so it doesn't matter which mem card I happen to be using at the time.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. March 2006 @ 10:55
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11. March 2006 @ 11:52 |
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OK....this is like juggling plates at the moment for me!
1) I saw this thread, ordered a Max Drive Pro, a replacement case, a gamebit screwdriver thingy and waited patiently.
2) Max Pro arrives first. Wahey!
3) Replacement case out of stock. Had to order from somewhere else. Gamebit screwdriver item on same order delayed until next tuesday because of the case delay. eff.
4) Tested getting the GCOS .dol file onto the Max Drive. No. The software doesn't seem to work properly (completely blank 'CUBE' window, and a new 'Q' drive in the 'LOCAL' window. That's not supposed to happen according to the manual.)
5) Downloaded the updated software from the codejunkies site. It completely effed up my USB settings on my win98 PC. Spent an hour repairing that mess.
6) Got the new software working on the Wife's XP pc but the Max Pro keeps erroring at the end of the progress bar that appears on the 'CUBE' window header. 'Error reading hardware' or something like that.
7) Testing with the Gamecube I get the more or less the same error:
"Hardware read error. Please reinsert the max drive pro card"
whichever slot the card is in (on it's own - no other cards used at the same time) on the Preparation screen. Never got past this point after about 20 re-inserts/restarts.
8) I 'phone the support line (documentation states 9am-3pm Saturdays) - only they don't go to work on Saturdays anymore. It'll have to wait until Monday now to get a returns number and order a replacement. Since they're also OUT OF STOCK at the moment I don't expect to get up and running anytime soon.
In my opinion, this card will be great if you get a well manufactured one, but it may take a few attempts for us unlucky ones.
Does ANYONE know where else it's possible to buy one of these? I'd rather buy another now and get started, and get a refund for the first card later. If I can only get a replacement instead of a refund, at least I could eBay it or something.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. March 2006 @ 11:56
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11. March 2006 @ 12:18 |
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@ komakino2: thats exactly wats happens to me on WinXP while it does not give that error if u try it on Win98...
Wat i do is that i have to format the card wheneva i need to update my card with new stuff, i have all the .dol etc. on the drive so it does not take more than few seconds to get them back on the card.
I would recommend u to move your .savs from mdp card to normal cards so when u format the card you won't lose your saves.
Hope it helps
Junior Member
11. March 2006 @ 12:20 |
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Would anyone like to answer my question as to if they work with imports?
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11. March 2006 @ 12:41 |
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Quote: Would anyone like to answer my question as to if they work with imports?
If i understand your question, then yes because if you want i can send you the freeloader .dol which will let you play your imports as i do with my RE4(NTSC) copy. (PM if you want me to u .dol)
You just drag & drop that .dol into your mdp card.
Hope it helps
11. March 2006 @ 12:47 |
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Uh..Can anyone answer my question about Burning Rom's on a Mini CD
11. March 2006 @ 14:27 |
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yes u can burn SNES roms on a cd and boot em up w/ maxdrivepro. I have 800+ snes roms that i play on the gamecube. works perfectly.
Everyone else: Sorry to hear that. Here is my suggestion:
Use the MDPro only when playing backups to save your games. When playin original games, just use a standard memory card. This works for me.
Also, when going from PC->GC->PC, don't forget to press "A" when it's in your GC to prepare it for computer usage. NOT doing this will cause hardware errors that may LEAD you to believe your card is busted, when really, all you have to do is put the card in your cube, put in the MDPro disc, and press "A" to prepare the drive for usage on your comp. This happened to me at first too, but once I figured out the formatting thing well it has worked flawlessly ever since. Don't be so quick to call in for repairs/replacements.
Also, it is yet to be tested whether full size DVDs + replacement top will work with this MDPro method. Someone in this thread said it didn't for him. Others have said it does. It seems there is enough trouble with MINI-DVD's.
I VERY STRONGLY suggest just buying a mod-chip if your gonna buy a replacement case, since your opening your gamecube anyways. This is supposed to be for people who don't want a modchip!!! IE don't want to unscrew their gamecube!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. March 2006 @ 14:29
Junior Member
11. March 2006 @ 15:18 |
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Quote: If i understand your question, then yes because if you want i can send you the freeloader .dol which will let you play your imports as i do with my RE4(NTSC) copy. (PM if you want me to u .dol)
You just drag & drop that .dol into your mdp card.
Hope it helps
So how would the work? would you put the burned freeloading in then put the burned game in and it would work? is there a way to just use the GSO file (or what ever name of it its) to do it? Im confused as to how it would work.
11. March 2006 @ 19:06 |
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Quote: I've also come to the conclusion the the MDP memory card is a piece of crap. I have actually emailed them and have gotten them to agree to send me a replacement but I'm not too confident that a new one will fix the reliability issues. Here's what I've resorted to for gamesaves that I won't risk losing: With no disc in the gcube, turn it on with MDP in memory slot A and another card in Memory slot B. Copy the .dol to one of your reliable memory cards. Use your reliable mem card to boot your backups and store your saves. I have 3 mem cards and have put the .dol on all 3 so it doesn't matter which mem card I happen to be using at the time.
I definitely agree and may try... I've gotten way too many of corruptions for no reasons. My normal memory card is really small and I don't care to have to purchase a new one just for that... but oh well I may have to.