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TUTORIAL: How to play backups w/o mod chip, only Max Drive Pro Memcard
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11. March 2006 @ 21:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So how would the work? would you put the burned freeloading in then put the burned game in and it would work? is there a way to just use the GSO file (or what ever name of it its) to do it? Im confused as to how it would work.
Sorry but you have got me confused too, whatever i was saying, it was based on me thinking that you own a Max Drive Pro and an real Imported game.

All you have to do is, drag & drop GCoS, GCoM and Ninja Mod .dols onto your max drive pro card when connected to the pc.

Then take that card back to the cube and insert it, launch GCoS etc. and back-up or something and then replace the disks.

Here's a better tutorial on how to put files onto your card:
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12. March 2006 @ 00:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Right, got it working at last. The 'hardware' errors are mostly misleading and are just complaints from both the PC and Gamecube software that the card isn't formatted correctly. The only thing I don't understand now is this:

I have the Max Drive Pro screen on my TV successfully and I can see save files and the GCOS file. I can get to the GCOS menu no problem. However, none of my original gamecube games can see my Max Drive Pro as a memory card and all say it need to be formatted. This is going to remove the GCOS file surely and then I'm back to square one??

How do I use the MDP card as a disk booter AND a memory card?

(Oh and by the way, I still get the occasional grumble from the Gamecube software that I need to re-insert the card, but doing so seems to be OK now...still a bit annoying)

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12. March 2006 @ 08:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Right, got it working at last. The 'hardware' errors are mostly misleading and are just complaints from both the PC and Gamecube software that the card isn't formatted correctly. The only thing I don't understand now is this:

I have the Max Drive Pro screen on my TV successfully and I can see save files and the GCOS file. I can get to the GCOS menu no problem. However, none of my original gamecube games can see my Max Drive Pro as a memory card and all say it need to be formatted. This is going to remove the GCOS file surely and then I'm back to square one??

How do I use the MDP card as a disk booter AND a memory card?

(Oh and by the way, I still get the occasional grumble from the Gamecube software that I need to re-insert the card, but doing so seems to be OK now...still a bit annoying)
The MDP seems to be really crappily built... I have had to format mine many times. You can't do anything but format it now, I tried other ways but it just won't work until you format. You have to format, put your MDP cd in the gamecube and press A to have it export the file system back onto the mad drive pro, then attatch the MDP back to the computer and drag GCoS onto it again.

Apparently some MDPs are built worse than others. I have to reinsert mine into the gamecube almost every time because it claims there's a hardware error, but apparently some don't have this problem. You can use it as a memory card, but chance's are it will get corrupted. The last time it did that to me, I hooked the drive to my computer, and copied my save files to the computer, then hooked it up to gamecube and reformatted and restored the file system, then put the save files back on so I didn't lose them... but that doesnt always work. If you'd read the thread, the best advice is to buy another memory card for saving games, and just use MDP for a backup booter.
12. March 2006 @ 09:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can someone please send me the freeloader.dol....been searching cant find may be the answer for the problems im having booting PAL games..tia
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12. March 2006 @ 14:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry but you have got me confused too, whatever i was saying, it was based on me thinking that you own a Max Drive Pro and an real Imported game.

All you have to do is, drag & drop GCoS, GCoM and Ninja Mod .dols onto your max drive pro card when connected to the pc.

Then take that card back to the cube and insert it, launch GCoS etc. and back-up or something and then replace the disks.

Here's a better tutorial on how to put files onto your card:
I have nothing right now, except a burner of course I want to do all this crazy stuff to play backed up copy of games, but will it play a backed up copy of an import game?
12. March 2006 @ 15:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yes it will bakuryu.
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12. March 2006 @ 16:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is there a way to garentee that it will work with my gamecube because I don't think im going to be able to switch with anyone and wouldnt readjesting the laser mean opening it?
12. March 2006 @ 16:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nope. No real way to guarantee it will work, although it does 90% of the time. Yes, readjusting the POT would mean having to open your gamecube. Remember, the most of the ppl who post here are those who have problems, you usually don't hear from those that got it to work. They just go on their way. DRE's as ppl have described are usually caused for user-related reasons, like burning at a speed too slow, cheap media or cheap dvdwriter. Readjusting the laser is a last ditch effort.
12. March 2006 @ 18:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I would have to say it all about the gamecube.Example this weekend my gf took my MDP and some backup to her moms house.She tired to play them on her little bros Gamecube and some worked and some didnt she got errors while playing.I would have to say the issue seems to be with age he has had the gamecube sence it was released.But these games work just fine on our gamecube.Ive also has some games work on other media and not on other..example i got rally pro and burned it to the same media as all my other games are burned to and GCoS reads the game but when i go to play it blackscreen.Now i got some memorex mini dvds burned the iso onto it and it plays just fine same drive same iso same gamecube and MDP and GCoS just diffrent media so i see no method to the maddness..
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12. March 2006 @ 19:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Another variable that could affect compatibility is the BIOS. GCoS is not the only one out there. NinjaShell, GCOM, Ananconda, and others should work also (although I haven't tested). I've only ever received 1 DRE and a second attempt after a reboot worked fine so I have no plans to change. If GCoS isn't working for you, you may wan't to experiment with another BIOS. Just a suggestion.
12. March 2006 @ 21:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

It seems like I don't need a Pot readjustment after all!

The simplest little thing is what went wrong.....I was burning at 1x speed, but tthen I just saw you say people got DRE's from burning too slow so I did 4x speed, and now my games work perfectly!!!!!!!!!
You never mentioned the burn speed earlier, and I burn all my ps2 games at 1x, so I just assumed it would be best to do the same with GC games.

Maybe j9990 is doing the same thing as me?
12. March 2006 @ 21:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I did mention burning speed several times before and also there is a link to the DRE FAQ on the first post which also states that burning too slow can cause errors. Read Read read!
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13. March 2006 @ 12:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You never mentioned the burn speed earlier, and I burn all my ps2 games at 1x, so I just assumed it would be best to do the same with GC games.

Maybe j9990 is doing the same thing as me?
lol, thanks for thinking of me :).

Well, my burn speeds are really wierd. When I'm burning these Mini-DVD's, it only let's me choose from x2, x1, and x1.5 (???), I think (Can't check, not at that computer right now). But I'm pretty sure it's my pot anyways, because the games work flawlessly on all my friends 'Cubes. I can see why though - got my cube soon after they came out, and it was refurbished when I got it, so it's turnin' into a lil' grandpa gamecube :P.

P.S. The screwdriver bit just came in the mail! Gonna open up the gamecube tonight...
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13. March 2006 @ 19:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello Everyone. Just have a question using fstfix. Would this be the correct command to use?? .................... FSTFIX gamename.gcm f

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13. March 2006 @ 23:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes that's right m8. The f switch pads the iso out to full size to keep GCOS happy as far as I understand it. When the program is finished (about 5 mins if it needs to pad a lot), rename the .gcm file to .iso
14. March 2006 @ 02:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok, just found this thread and thinking about getting a Max Drive Pro.

Was wanting to know if there is any way of finding out wether I will need POT recalibration before I buy the memcard.

I have a recent gamecube (white model bundled with Mario Soccer).
Is there any way of finding out wether laser requireds adjustment first ?

Thanks in advance.
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14. March 2006 @ 08:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OMG!!! I'm screwed o_O. Finally got my GameCube open following that guide, got to the VERY LAST SCREW I NEED TO UNSCREW, and it's STRIPPED! There's no freaking way it's coming out. I tried melting a Bic pen to it's shape, didn't work. Tried everything.

Well, guess I'm done for now o_O.
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14. March 2006 @ 09:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OMG!!! I'm screwed o_O. Finally got my GameCube open following that guide, got to the VERY LAST SCREW I NEED TO UNSCREW, and it's STRIPPED! There's no freaking way it's coming out. I tried melting a Bic pen to it's shape, didn't work. Tried everything.

Well, guess I'm done for now o_O.
I did the same thing, since then i have got myself a new gc.

Good if you can get the pen out or better still if u can fix it.
14. March 2006 @ 10:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok, so I'be had this gamecube for like a week... and im getting kind of pissed... i burned like 5 games and none of them worked, so i then tried different media... and even a different burner... it then started booting up... i would see the begining of the games... then it would go to the error. I then bought the screwdriver... did the whole pot thing... have it set to 199... i messed with the pot all day yesterday, but everywhere from 90-270, the same thing would happen. It would play the first 5 seconds, then it would shut off. I am using max drive pro and gcos 1.5 .... any suggestions would be helpful!! PLEASE!! thanks again guys, yall are amazing!
14. March 2006 @ 11:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
copy files from the MDP mem card to your reg card and that clears up alot of the probs with hardware error..Most of the complaints about the MDP is the mem card its great to transfer files but to use it as your regular mem card forget it..i have read alot of probs about it on this thread...
14. March 2006 @ 11:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hmmm... so how am i suppose to transfer it... i would have both cards plugged into the gamecube and then transfer them over via what? Is there a forum or something i can go to... i thought running it straight from the max drive pro was the smart way to do / only way to do it... thanks!
14. March 2006 @ 11:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you transfer the files from pc to the MDP then put in the GC left slot run dvd then after importing all the files(dvd to card ) restart GC plug non MDP mem card into right slot turn gc on with nothing in it...look where it says mem card choose that then copy the gcos1.5 file from left slot(MDP) to right slot(non MDP card)then after that is done take out your MDP and use other card you just copied gcos 1.5 to....

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14. March 2006 @ 16:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok, so since i have gcos on mdp already... all i have to do is transfer it over to the other card? whats all this about transfering stuff from dvd?
14. March 2006 @ 16:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
when you first put the MDP in and start the mini disk(gamecube disk) that comes with it it imports file from the dvd to the MDP if you dont MDP will get card not recoginized...after you do that just transfer the gcos to other card thats it :)
14. March 2006 @ 16:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sweetness! so thats also why my game saves haven't worked!!! i feel smart once again! lol, off to wal-mart to get a card! > forums > archived forums > nintendo gamecube - general discussion > tutorial: how to play backups w/o mod chip, only max drive pro memcard

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