TUTORIAL: How to play backups w/o mod chip, only Max Drive Pro Memcard
Junior Member
21. March 2006 @ 18:03 |
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brucedlx: It was released in the US(you live in the US right?)in 2002, so if you mean three years from now then you purchesed your a year after me. Wonder if it will make a difference I'd hate to buy it and not be able to use it, can anyone think of anything else you can use it for?
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22. March 2006 @ 14:45 |
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Is there another peripheral we can use besides Max pro?? Codejunkies is a horrible company and I would like to go with something else. Anyone know of another softmod other than having your cube hooked up to a pc the whole time or usingg janky quality products like the max pro drive?
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22. March 2006 @ 16:13 |
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Will a 2-disc backup like Resident Evil 4 work with Max Drive Pro. I've read that softmods don't work with 2-disc titles. Is Max Drive Pro different?
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23. March 2006 @ 01:10 |
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can you burn games online for free? can you tell me what site to go to burn gc games?
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23. March 2006 @ 04:49 |
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Jack, you have to own the game to make a backup of it
23. March 2006 @ 09:43 |
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tried so many different bios... but to no avail! im dying over here and feel that i wasted so much money since it doesnt work!
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23. March 2006 @ 14:16 |
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I went the soft mod route but it gets real old to swap out discs everytime you want to play a game and having to deal with cheap quality memory card that gets corrupted all the time is a real hassle as well. I just sold my gamcube on ebay for 70 bucks and sold the max pro drive for 50 bucks and just went with a premodded NEW gamecube from OTB Mods for about 160 shipped! No worries about adjusting any lasers either, they guarantee their work for 30 days. And they shipped within 24 hours of my order date. You can also send them your cube and they will install and ship for free for about 60 bucks which is only 10 more than buying the max pro drive itself and waiting forever to get it. Code junkers are based in UK and are always out of stock and they have terrible customer service. They are almost impossible to get ahold of over the phone. OTB can also install you a custom box so you can play full size dvds but I didn't get that service since I have a boat load of minis. Just something for you guys to think about if you want to play backups hassle free
24. March 2006 @ 12:07 |
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A while ago Mr- Cube wrote how to use action replay with GcoS 1.5 and you needed Quote: What you will need:
Action replay 108
Darkakuma/softdev action replay patches
A way to boot homebrew code (1.5mb~ file)
Could someone tell me were to get d0lz3.0, Darkakuma/softdev action replay patches. And if Action replay 108 is just an iso of AR.
If you cant post links here then email me at markman219@gmail.com
or pm me...
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. March 2006 @ 12:08
Junior Member
25. March 2006 @ 20:02 |
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bruce, first of all, thanks for this guide, i just ordered my MDP and ritedek disks. i have a couple questions though. when i am burning a game, they have to be in an .iso form right? the reason im asking is because i have a macintosh, and so far the games i have downloaded, um for my "backing up" , have all been .rar and so i need to uncompress them. anyways, this is a lot harder for a macintosh boy, than a windows, so i have to use my bro's computer at his house to put the gcos ont he memory card.
also with these games that i downloaded, sometime they have like 10 different files in them, so what do i do with all these different files?
number 3, how do you use emulators on your gamecube? i read all the pages, all 11, and i got some lil bit of info on emulators, but im not sure what it meant. any help would be great. thanks again.
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25. March 2006 @ 20:58 |
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Yes, the games should be in .iso format when u burn them. If you get a .gcm file which is less than 1.3GB in size, run the Wiped GCM Fixer (I'm not sure if this is mac compatible sry) and then rename it to .iso and burn away w/ Nero.
The 10 different files are probably just archive splits, i.e. ___.part01.rar + ____.part02.rar etc. these all hold 1 .iso file. If your different files aren't .rar, .r__, .ace, .c__ or .001, .002 etc, post them here
So far, NES and SNES can be Emulated perfectly on the Gamecube. For NES I'm not too sure (I use dreamcast for this purpose plus I don't play too much NES anyways) but for SNES it's as ez as putting 1 file in the root dir and all ur roms in a folder and burning the DVD. Ofcourse it's not exactly so simple, but check out these sites for more info:
NES: http://gcemu.dcemu.co.uk/fceultragc.shtml SNES: http://gcemu.dcemu.co.uk/snes9xgx.shtml
GBA and N64 emulation are also possible but they are not as good as the NES/SNES. Most GBA games will run, but u can't just dump ur games into a folder you have to convert them 1 by 1. N64 is the same, but only a handful of games work and u need the Zelda Gamecube ISO to use it (some guys managed to hack it so you can use N64 games other than Ocarina of Time etc. on the gamecube). For more info:
GBA: http://gcemu.dcemu.co.uk/gbaemuplus.shtml N64: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/1/163215
Good Luck and don't hesitate to ask any more questions!
Junior Member
27. March 2006 @ 15:41 |
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Can you play roms directly rom the device or do you still have to burn them? Are there any other uses for the device?
Junior Member
27. March 2006 @ 17:10 |
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thanks man, i really appreciate you getting back to me so fast. I am still waiting on my stuff to arrive, but once it comes back, i may have a few more questions...lol
1 product review
29. March 2006 @ 08:41 |
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Thanks brucedlx for this awesome guide. I just ordered my MAX Drive Pro this morning as well as some Ritek G04 mini DVD-Rs. Once I get everything, I'll post back what happens and make sure to mention everything I used and what version everything is so other people can learn from my experiences too. Thanks again for the guide and for taking your time to help everyone on here!
29. March 2006 @ 10:46 |
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anyone have anything to say about mine? I have used good media... and it plays the first 3 seconds of the game... but after that its a disc error.. i have pot set to 199... i have moved up and down with no avail... any ideas? anyone?
1 product review
29. March 2006 @ 11:14 |
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playajcc I've been reading up on here some (haven't tried this out yet, but will soon) and if I were in your situation (or at least the one you will be at before long) where nothing is working, I'd prolly wanna sell the gamecube on ebay and get a different one.
Perhaps some people on here or elsewhere will know what to do though, who knows?
Good luck with whatever happens!
29. March 2006 @ 17:19 |
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Bruce, Thanks for nice guide.
I got all the hardware and started today. I am having problem with copying Gcos file in the right CUBE panel. I tried formatting the card on pc and the cube, no luck. I am using Windows XP, it dos recognize the card in the windows, but i cannot copy any file on
this card.
PROBLEM solved: Downloded new version software V1.1 from codejunkies, works fine
Second problem with .rar files. I got the GAme rar file, extracted to the folder. Now i have like 24 files named XXXX.r00 to XXXX.r23 and one file XXXX.rar
What file i need to burn as .iso file
I am confused, please advise.
Thanks in advance
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29. March 2006 @ 20:28 |
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playajcc if you've set your POT and your using good media only thing left could be the Burner you are using. HP and Sony I hear are notoriosly bad for Gamecube.
Comi1: If you have a load of .rar, .r01 etc, you have to extract again. Double click the .rar file, it should have the .iso in it. Extract to a folder and burn the .iso file w/ Nero. Also, don't forget to install your software from the MiniDVD onto your comp before putting GcoS onto the max drive. After you do, you just drag and drop the GcoS(PSO).dol file into the right window.
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1 product review
30. March 2006 @ 02:14 |
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brucedlx question here from me... I'm seeing most everyone say they use Nero to burn the .iso. Is that the only program that works? I use DVD Decrypter for .iso files for my PS2, so would it work with the Gamecube as well?
30. March 2006 @ 09:45 |
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Will this boot method work with games that are 2 cds? what happens when i need to change disc?
31. March 2006 @ 01:16 |
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Hello, i've got a question about DVD burners concerning the GameCube softmod thing, I wan't to buy a burner, yet unsure if it supports miniDVDs, a NEC or a Pioneer. Please reply it doesn't say anywhere that it does/does not support it. Thanks in Advance
Edit: Nevermind, i asked the people at Blankmedia.ca and they said they(DVD burners) ALL support 8cm disks, thanks anyways, i hope this information would be useful in the future, if anyone thinks this is untrue, please tell me.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. March 2006 @ 04:34
1 product review
31. March 2006 @ 06:42 |
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ZCxCZ, yeah I had that question at first as well. Then I read through this thread and noticed everyone was using regular DVD burners so I figured all of them support mini discs (that and all of the cd/dvd drives I have right now have slots to hold mini discs too).
Glad you were able to figure it out though and thanks for letting others know incase they weren't sure either.
31. March 2006 @ 10:05 |
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Nealio: I have personally only ever used Nero 7 and I haven't had any problems. I have DVDDecrypter which I use for movies but for Gamecube I don't want to stray from what I know, so I stick to Nero. You can try DVDDecrypter and tell us if it works.
ZC: All dvdburners can handle MiniDVD's (they are just like normal DVD's but smaller) but NEC and Pioneer have shown statistically the best results for backing up gamecube games.
Rogerz: Not sure if it will work with 2 disc games, never tried it myself nor heard anything about it.
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1 product review
31. March 2006 @ 11:14 |
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brucedlx: Thanks for the reply! As soon as everything arrives in the mail, I'll let everyone know if DVD Decrypter works for me.
BTW does anyone have any idea how many Gamecube games are actually 2 discs?
31. March 2006 @ 18:46 |
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Anyone know if there are any problems playing a backup of an imported japanese game using Max drive pro?
and am i correct is stating that japanese games are NTSC?
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31. March 2006 @ 20:07 |
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Quote: Anyone know if there are any problems playing a backup of an imported japanese game using Max drive pro?
and am i correct is stating that japanese games are NTSC?
JAP games will work in the same way as it would to play PAL/NTSC.