Using DVDremake and Other Tools with DVDrebuilder And CCE
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6. July 2004 @ 06:51 |
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Basically it reduces the resolution by half. That sounds bad, but think of it this way. While higher resolution is nice, if you don't have enough bitrate to give to every pixel you can get blocky output. Reducing the video to Half D1 allows you to give each individual pixel a higher bitrate, and therefore ensure that when the pixels need to change, there's sufficient bitrate to do it. On most normal TVs this will often look better at lower bitrates than full resolution.
6. July 2004 @ 06:54 |
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@5thfloor, I joined Pearl Harbour using this guide ages ago. Worked quite well
@vurbal, lol so many people say DVDStripper was a front end for Ifoedit and it was in a way but only to automate the updating of the sectors :). DS was just filled in the gap between ripping and rebuilding which was the removal of unwanted video as Ifoedit cannot strip anything apart from VOB ID's. We were hoping to get rid of Ifoedit due to certain issues but development died off when we got all of 3 donations yet over 40,000 downloads I suppose
You can actually command line DVDDecrypter to strip the DVD direct and I tried to talk to Lightning UK to see if he was interested in making some sort of stripping feature but I hit a brick wall as I did when talking to the other guru's to try to get them to work on something. It's a shame really as decent stripping tools could have been around over a year ago yet DRM is the only one to come near to the tool I visualised back at Doom9 in March last year in points 1 & 2
Everybody's lose I suppose :(
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6. July 2004 @ 07:02 |
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So do you do this on all movies? Or is this only for movies that are a certain size? The reason that I drop the menus and extras is because I have a 50" Samsung DLP widescreen and it is very particular so I try to avoid compression at all cost. Is the 'Reducing the video to Half D1' what I need to do for the best picture with my digital tv?
Also have you ever converted 4:3 ratio to 16:9 with DVD-RB? If so what is the quality?
AfterDawn Addict
6. July 2004 @ 07:12 |
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5th floor, I have a mitsibishi 56" HDTV and I can assure you that with DVD-RB/CCE you can keep your menus and still have quality that will pass muster.(also, 2 other programs of note, Pinnacle InstantCopy 8 and Intervideo DVDCopy 2 are excellent for movies of lesser size which don't require the time rbldr/cce does.) So, if you want menus and some extras( personally, I like to keep alternate endings, outtakes, and deleted scenes), you can, and still have the quality you desire. If that's the case, then you ought to get DVDRemake to re-author.
6. July 2004 @ 07:25 |
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bigorange, That is good to know. I thought that my results in the past were due to compression but I am coming to the reality that it was the software. I used recode and dvdxcopy before and have not had so great of results. I keep hearing about the Pinnacle and InterVideo software, what file size do you stop at when using these softwares? Which is better in your opinion?
6. July 2004 @ 07:29 |
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MackemX, thanks for the link. Looks like a good way for joining all of the 2 disc movies, if space permits..
6. July 2004 @ 07:43 |
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no probs 5thfloor
Pinnacle's IC was better quality than most transcoders at lower level compressions according to most. IC seems to have died off now
I wrote numerous guides on this software (one old link is along with a sizing calculator and could get some good sizing results but getting the magic 4.37Gb is a nightmare especially with 2.35:1 movie only's as it's virtually impossible unless it's a real long movie and even then it's sizing is out by a mile
create some mini DVD's by using DVDShrink's reauthor at no compression and grabbing a few scenes of a DVD. Now stick this mini DVD through all the tools you have, reducing them to a certain level (the more the better) and make a note of which is which. Get DVDShrink again using reauthor and no compression and stick them all in one project and then burn the output onto a DVD-RW to playback on your system
if you have your notes then you will know which titles are which and what made them and at what %
it may be something like this
Title 1 = Scene 1 Recode@60%
Title 2 = Scene 1 DVDRB@60%
Title 3 = Scene 1 Instantcopy@60%
Title 4 = Scene 2 Recode@70%
Title 5 = Scene 2 DVDRB@70%
Title 6 = Scene 2 Instantcopy@70%
Title 7 = Scene 3 Recode@80%
Title 8 = Scene 3 DVDRB@80%
Title 9 = Scene 3 Instantcopy@80%
I say this as it's best to make your own tests if you can and use your own eyes on your own system as people's perceptions of quality etc vary wildly no matter what ;)
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Staff Member
2 product reviews
6. July 2004 @ 07:46 |
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I don't normally use Half D1 for anything besides extras (and not even then most of the time). Whenever possible it's better to keep full resolution, but if you have a blocky picture it's time to consider modifying the default DVD-RB process. Depending on how much experimenting you want to do, one of the best options is actually using additional AviSynth plugins to smooth the picture. This can help CCE encode at higher quality because it eliminates a lot of sharp edges, which are one of the biggest reasons for high bitrates. My latest guide updates have more information on this (plus I've divided the single guide into Basic and Advanced guides). As soon as Ketola has time to get them up you can read more there. Until then, you can read this thread: to get an idea what I'm talking about.
AfterDawn Addict
6. July 2004 @ 08:49 |
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5th floor, Hard to say which is better. Re-authoring is not so hot in IC8, but I use DVDRemake 1st and then open IC8 using DRM's files, and results are excellent. In all of the comparison tests I have seen, IC8 always seems to be in the top 3. DVDCopy 2 is fast, I mean really fast(burning @ 4x, a 2 hr. movie in 30 min.). It re-authors better than IC8, and again quality is way up there. Some people have had pixelation problems in Copy2, it has only happened to me a couple of times and even then it was just at a couple of very fleeting spots in the movie. It does really well in some comparison tests(no.1 in a lot) and in some others, 5th or 6th. The speed is amazing for what you get in return. Copy 2 costs 79.00 while IC8 costs 25.00. If you add DRM to the mix, another 25.00. I would like to add that I have all of these and many more(sigh) and have used all quite extensively. Of the twenty or so progs I rate them as follows; 1-rebuilder/CCE, but only for long movies w/wo extras. 2 & 3-dvdcopy 2 and InstantCopy 8 with the edge only slightly to copy2 because of speed and re-authoring. You really can't go wrong with any of these 3, they will ALL pass your standards on your 50" TV. Good luck
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
6. July 2004 @ 09:14 |
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I've personally given up on test comparisons because I've seen really good software get lower ratings on one site and higher on another. I can show you a comparison where one reviewer gave IC8 a 1 out of 10. I know that's wrong because I did my own tests and I would've rated it an easy 8 of 10. I have one application for speed and one for quallity (CCE).
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AfterDawn Addict
6. July 2004 @ 09:26 |
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I totally agree sophocles, I am suggesting these 3 from my own personal use of them, and the fact that all do well in comparison tests which would suggest that across the board they are quality, dependable softwares for video backups. I , however use more than one or two apps. I still use nero's recode from time to time, another excellent program, depending on the situation. Different apps for different applications. 5thfloor was asking for input, and I was supplying my personal use with these apps and results I have seen in researching them.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
6. July 2004 @ 09:29 |
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Did you follow the link I gave you to DVD2DVD-R? I'm going to put it through the DareDevil test tonight and see how it handles interleaves.
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AfterDawn Addict
6. July 2004 @ 09:35 |
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Sophocles, yeah, I downloaded it last nite, haven't had time to do anything else yet. Do you have to use IFOEdit with it(I have it). Is there a way to use remake with it? I studied on it for about an hour looking at various guides and articles, but haven't tried to use it yet. What is your recipe, in a nutshell?
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
6. July 2004 @ 09:57 |
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It uses DVD2AVI and IFOEdit but it uses them automatically. All you have to do is point the application to CCE. It won't work with CCE 2.69 so you'll need a copy of CCE 2.67. The way it seems to work is tha it makes a fake AVI file with DVD2AVI which allows it to use IFOEdit as the frame server. You will also need to use a bitrate calculator to get the file size right.
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AfterDawn Addict
6. July 2004 @ 10:18 |
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I was afraid of that. I have 2.67, it seems to work with rebuilder(we talked about this), anyway will DVDcalculator work?
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
6. July 2004 @ 10:31 |
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It might I downloaded dozens of the da-n things looking for the right one. They all seem to be geared toware S/VCD and DiVx. I already did a succesful backup of Forrest Gump but I miscalculated the bitrate and the movie came at 3.26 gigs. What's amazing is that my wife and I watched and it played all the way through with excellent pciture quality.
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AfterDawn Addict
6. July 2004 @ 10:35 |
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I think dvd Calculator is geared to work with IFOEdit, and since that's what dvd2dvd uses, I figured it would suffice.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
6. July 2004 @ 10:38 |
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AfterDawn Addict
6. July 2004 @ 11:39 |
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Sophocles,I may give it a try with decrypter/dvd2dvdr/cce/dvdlab. It requires 30g's of HD space! Good thing I added another 200. I may be able to use DRM in place of dvdlab. I'll let ya know how it turns out.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
6. July 2004 @ 11:42 |
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I used DVDremake on the Forrest Gump backup I made. I don't think that this app keeps the menus, I think its a movie only backup. Let us know how it works.
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6. July 2004 @ 16:13 |
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thanks bigorange, i guess that i will run some tests to see what is the best quality through my eyes.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
8. July 2004 @ 11:27 |
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Dimad has released a new version of DVDremake, he's says that he's fixed the strip all angles feature. I tried it on DareDevil and it seems to work or at least it no longer crashes.
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AfterDawn Addict
8. July 2004 @ 12:56 |
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LOL, sophocles, did you watch it ALL the way through? BTW, for the rest of the forum, I used dvd2dvdr with dvdlab/cce and decrypter in file mode, it turned out fine quality wise, but is movie only. Not near as user friendly as rebuilder. So I will be staying with RB/CCE and remake since I like my menus, which is as it should be since that is what the thread is about anyway. Sophocles, now that remake seems to be working with rebuilder and CCE v.2.67, I'm almost afraid to upgrade.
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AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
8. July 2004 @ 13:09 |
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Yes I watched it all the way through for the nth number of times if we're talking about DareDevil. The new version of DVDremake is an improvement it now easily strips angles without having to hide all blocks or crashing. I won't post any information on this site regarding DVD2DVD-R because it is off topic, and any discussions regarding it really should remain on the 1 click transcoder site.
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AfterDawn Addict
8. July 2004 @ 13:19 |
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sophocles, tsk, tsk, I was only responding to your earlier posts since the the rest of the thread had already seen them. bigorange
Did you follow the link I gave you to DVD2DVD-R? I'm going to put it through the DareDevil test tonight and see how it handles interleaves. and I think its a movie only backup. Let us know how it works. Now that they've been informed, I do not plan to bring it up anymore.