TUTORIAL: How to play backups w/o mod chip, only Max Drive Pro Memcard
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5. April 2006 @ 01:12 |
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has anyone used verbatim 4x ones or tuffdisc
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5. April 2006 @ 01:48 |
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i thought stacy was a girls name?????
1 product review
5. April 2006 @ 05:29 |
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Yeah don't listen to Nelson... I ordered mine a week ago today and this morning I received a tracking number for them and it's out for delivery in my town via UPS. I haven't received any spam email since I signed up either. The company is legit.
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5. April 2006 @ 05:48 |
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So one guy is still waiting a month for his, yet you ordered yours a week ago and it shipped. Oh yeah...that sounds REAL legit. I am just trying to warn others of the problems they probably will experience with this company. They have put me through hell trying to get money refunded back to me.
1 product review
5. April 2006 @ 11:40 |
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I just wanted to post my experience today...
I received my Max Drive Pro card today. I live in USA and it took exactly 1 week to arrive from the time I placed my order. I got it setup and working in about 5 minutes. Everything worked great for the first 2-3 times I used it, then I started getting the hardware errors as others have gotten. I tried it about 3 times and kept getting that error, so then I tried accessing the card via GameCube's memory card browser. It said the card had to be formatted before it could be read, so I went ahead and formatted it, plugged the memory card back up to the PC and then the program stopped recogizing it--the same thing that happened with GrayScar with the "Error reading card - Remove and restart the application" junk.
I then proceeded in downloading version 1.1 of the Max Drive Pro program, but kept getting the same errors. Thanks to komakino2's post though, I was able to load GCos 1.5 back onto the memory card and then I put it back on my GameCube and tried to use the system browser to get into the memory card (at this time I was ready to stop using the Max Drive Pro memory card and use a reliable one I have). When I tried accessing the card, I got the same thing as before... saying that it needed to be formatted. This time I hit no and decided to try to load up the MDP disc on my Cube. Lo and behold, it recognized the MDP card and said something like "Importing Files". That took a minute and then I saw that GCost 1.5 was on there. I then powered off my GC, powered it back on, went into the Cube's memory card browser and it actually recognized it this time! So then I transferred the GCoS file onto my reliable memory card and everything has worked just fine since then (I am no longer using the MDP card).
Most of what I have said has already been stated throughout this thread, but I figured that I would write up what all happened to me incase someone else goes through this same experience. It was like a roller-Coaster ride for me cause it would work one time and I'd be super happy, then it would stop working and I'd get super mad, lol. Thanks to this forum, however, I was able to get everything up and running again.
Hope this info helps someone!
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5. April 2006 @ 11:50 |
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You had to put files on a "reliable" memory card because the max pro is piece of garbage that will give you alls kinds of problems in the future. For the price you paid for that garbage, you could have gotten a mod chip installed in your gamecube. Then you wouldn't have to swap discs everytime you wanted to play a game. That gets real old after awhile, trust me
1 product review
5. April 2006 @ 14:26 |
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Nelson419: To me it is very well worth it. $47 (including shipping) is cheaper than getting a chip, then getting it installed. I will say that from what I've used the Max Drive Pro card itslef is pretty crappy... however it worked for what it needed to do.
I don't trust you at all about swapping games... I've been swapping with my PS2 for a long time and it has never once bothered me, so I seriously doubt that swapping with GC will get on my nerves. You just have to be a little patient using this method is all.
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5. April 2006 @ 14:39 |
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Mod chips are now like 20-25.00. You could take it in to any computer shop and I am sure they would solder it for you for next to nothing. Or you can send in to have soldered. OTB Mods will provide, install and ship back cube to you for like 50 bucks. It maybe will cost you 5 bucks or so to ship to them. SO for any extra 10 bucks, I think that would be a much better deal
Senior Member
5. April 2006 @ 16:48 |
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Wow; I am so looking forward to using this; I've spent a lot of time wishing I could do something like it. This is really perfect; thanks a lot for the wonderfully detailed tut!

"Its not stupid, its advanced!" - The Almighty Tallest, Invader Zim
5. April 2006 @ 20:24 |
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i just got the max drive, 1st, the pc didnt recognized the memory card, then an error appeared, i formated the memory card in the pc, drag the gcos to the memory, now the gamecube wants 2 format the memory card, i wasnt able to even try it, this is a piece of crap
5. April 2006 @ 21:24 |
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i finally made the memory card work, but now my backups dont work, i will get better quality dvds and burn them with nero
5. April 2006 @ 22:02 |
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For future reference: Don't expect anyone to help you when u come and say something like "My card won't read" or "There is an error". There is no way anyone could possibly know what you mean by this, and the question has also probably been asked 100 times alrdy in this thread. For example, I never ever had a problem with my MDPro itself, no corruption, never formatted it, I don't know why you guys are doing these things. It's your own fault you can't follow simple instructions, and when something goes wrong you try and fix it yourself but mess it up even worse.
Whatever, I try to help everyone but a lot of these complaints are quite childish and impossible to answer reasonably.
1 product review
6. April 2006 @ 06:56 |
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brucedlx: I followed this guide super closely. I almost have it memorized word for word :P
However I am one of the ones that received the errors on the memory card. I don't know what went wrong because it worked great the first few times.
My suggestion for those with the cards that are popping up errors is to do what most of us are already doing and as soon as you can access your MDP card, transfer GCoS to a different memory card and use it instead.
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6. April 2006 @ 07:30 |
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i just wanna tell all of u, it works, thanks a lot
6. April 2006 @ 08:05 |
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Yea Nealio my comments were not directed @ you but some other posters.
6. April 2006 @ 17:59 |
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so i got the max drive pro, but its missing the minidvd for the gamecube to boot off of. i have everything but that. so whats the deal there? i know its the pro, the pc cd and manuals all say so. how lame is that?
ive emailed code junkies right now, and commin here for some other answers while i wait for theirs..
is there any recourse for this? how can i get another dvd i mean we cant burn em and say hey just use this burned dvd, if its that simple can someone make an iso of the dvd i need, and get it to me, i have an ftp to upload to, and the like, yahoo email account as well...
am i screwed?
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6. April 2006 @ 18:47 |
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yea if you don't have the gamecube disc there is nothing you can do. Wierd that they wouldn't include that as it is key for the whole operation to work....
1 product review
6. April 2006 @ 19:05 |
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Yeah that is very strange that it didn't come with the GC disc... and yeah it's not that easy, the disc must be a pressed one.
If they don't email you back soon, I'd give them a phone call. I did email them a few days ago and they sent a message back in just two days, so you should get a reply soon.
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6. April 2006 @ 21:32 |
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when i contacted them about the delays they were prompt in replying
and yes, in the order everything it says the PRO version.
1 key difference, the top corner of yours it has a yellow logo saying pro o think, mine doesnt, but everything else indicates a pro...therefore its a pro the mini dvd should be included....
the packates are identical except for the pro label. in the corner, but damnit its all the packaging identical, and the labels say PRO on the cd, on the program on the order receipt website....fun :) im goin to bed now, work early in the morning. ill keep in touch!
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7. April 2006 @ 11:24 |
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well, i got an email from them, and they said the following
I apologize for the inconvenience. We will have the missing disc
shipped out to you right away.
-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 9:51 PM
To: Tech Support
Subject: RE: my order, and stock
So my max Drive Pro arrived, and im missing the mini
dvd that goes for the gamecube to boot off of. it only
came with the mini cd for the pc, with the drivers and
max drive pro software. why am i missing a dvd? the
package was sealed, and unopened when it arrived, as
well as the plastic casing that held the max drive
card and install cd...
so how do i go about getting this cd now?
AfterDawn Addict
7. April 2006 @ 14:37 |
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brucedlx Perfect TUT. It only took the MDP about 5-6 business days to arrive in the US. I followed the instructions to a T and the thing did not work the first time. I then downloaded the new version of PC software for MDP (v1.1) and it worked just fine after going through the process again. I will have to agree with Nealio the card is somewhat unreliable but it does get the job done w/o modding your GameCube (which is what I wanted for fear of ruining the GC console). I haven't tried to transfer the BIOS to a different card yet (no need really at this point). As far as switching discs it is not a big deal and my 5 1/2 year old can do it so the MDP is working fine for me. BTW I used IMGBURN to burn my games and it does a great job. I thought it would be better than DVDDecrypter because it can be updated. For everyone else that may read this thread I have learned that reading an entire thread is worth it and may save time in the end and definitely saves embarrassing questions that have already been asked. You can also learn where to get useful information if you read the small print and between the lines. Thanks for all that posted on this thread and good luck to all that buy/try the MDP.
7. April 2006 @ 18:24 |
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Hey everybody I have a huge problem with my max pro drive memory card I can't seem to drag any saves to the cube window, I don't if its my card or not, any help would be appreciated.
7. April 2006 @ 22:25 |
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I just wanted to thank everyone for the great info in this thread. I do have one question though. Is it possible to load other bioses other then GCOS? And if so how?
I wanted to try out qoob mainly due to some of the fixes it has in terms of multi-disk game compatibility. Anyone done this before? Any ideas how if no one has already?
I do want to say that I have the GCOS working from an official gamecube memory card and it works great like that. Thanks.
7. April 2006 @ 23:37 |
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you can use any bios in .dol format. Just drag it over to the MDPro as you would GcoS.
1 product review
8. April 2006 @ 06:24 |
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p3n1x: That is strange that it was missing the DVD, but I'd say you are pretty lucky that they are willing to ship you out another DVD just like that. Let us know how everything goes once it arrives.
greensman: Thanks for posting your comments. I'm sure they will help others. I've never tried IMGBURN before, but glad it works.
Oh and just to let everyone know... I did try loading GC .iso files with DVD Decrypter, but it gives me an invalid image error, so I'll just stick with what is working for me (Nero 6).