I have tried four times to burn .wav files to CD using Nero.
Each burn has been unsatisfactory. Each skips, albeit, in different places.
I have used FxVTS om .vob's with some success, so I started looking for something similar for wav or cda, but, I stumbled across Mez's reply to "Data Stutters when burning music."
Maybe, a new CD burner is a more direct solution. I looked at the MediaMonkey, but, I'm not looking for a media manager. Ideally, I would like to find an Img for making audio CDs.
Then burrn or imgburn. However, some persons have been confused or have had problems with those 2 and never Media Monkey. The complaints have been as bad as having loud artifacts such as breaking glass appear in their audios. Nero and WMP top the list for most complaints.
Again, don't create CDas then burn them to your CD. Let the application do that for you.
You music is not screwed up it is your process that is screwed up. That is why I suggested an idiot proof method.
If you really want to use CDas then buy dbPowerAmp Reference addition. Then you can rip to CDas then burn them with the burner that comes it. That burn app is made to burn from CDas. That will produce as close a duplicate as technically possible. Maybe that is your solution. If so it is an excellent choice.
You can use MM just for burning. You can select the files from file explorer and send the to play then send them to burn. You are not forced to use it for your audio manager. I state again, no one as ever complained about MM's burning routine for the life of this forum or at least close to the life of this forum. I have been with AD since the forums were about 6 months old.