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Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
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29. October 2009 @ 13:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
any chance static build up is the main cause? because I'm not even re-flowing my ps3 I just put it in a box stick a hair dryer in for 20 minutes & it works again
29. October 2009 @ 18:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi all
First post on this GREAT forum.
My 60 gig ps3 had ylod couple of weeks ago,followed GILKSY,s guide
and fixed it.It lasted about a week then reflowed again with the aid of worked but there was a problem ps3 lost standby and eject
fuction as this could only be done via controller.
then after a week while playing cod4 it froze and on standby
no controler will work.opened and checked ribben etc and now
lost all power no standby light. disc still in ...
Any Help please....
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5. November 2009 @ 11:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi all,

First off, possibly premature thanks for everyone on this forum for all the ideas! Mammoth task to read this thread, but hopefully worth it.

My story .. Launch day PS3, 60gig, bought in Hong Kong (I reside in the UK) so even pre UK launch.

Been on basically 12 hours a day every day since PlayTV came out, and of course has had a mighty thrashing with games.

Last night, I started up Operation Flashpoint, went out of room for minute and came back to see flashing red lights. Dirtied my pants a little, and promptly googled and found this site.

I stripped it down, which I had done before but not THIS much, and then second guessed myself and thought I best get someone else to do the reflow. After calling many places and figuring it was pretty expensive, I figured I would have a crack. Just got back from B&Q with a heat gun and have done the first side. It's sitting there cracking away, hopefully not in a bad way!

Thought I would join up here and post my halfway story while I waited :)

Fingers crossed, because I simply cannot live without my PS3.

ONE MASSIVE QUESTION THOUGH .. in the guide, the two small chips that you heat up have a pad on them, mine doesn't! Has anyone else come across this before? Should I be putting some on there and assuming that this was left out in the Hong Kong factory?!?!?!?!

If I should be putting some on there (or even some thermal compound maybe?) where do I get such pads?

Thanks in advance .. and fingers are well and truly crossed.
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5. November 2009 @ 15:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
IT LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope this lasts!!!!

After putting it all back together, I turned it on, did a jig, started rining my mates to brag, and while on the phone, it switched off again saying it was overheated :(

Thought for a millisecond and realised I followed 2 guides. 1 to pull it apart, 1 to put it together. The one to put it together was gilsky's guide. Unfortunately, the first one I followed removed the fan which was good to clean it all out (lots of dust in the heat sync's!!) but forgot to plug the power back in when I re-assembled! HAHA!

Anyway .. being a pro now, took me about 5 minutes to strip back down to fan level (all out of plastic) and 5 minutes to put it back together. WOOHOO. It's working, fan working on startup, haven't heard it after that yet .. FINGERS CROSSED AND TOUCH WOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My advice on this whole thing? TRY IT. Don't be scared if you have any sort of know how. I am a noob when it comes to this stuff, have pulled a few computers apart as a kid, but ribbon cable connections had me stumped for a while ;) I was literally PETRIFIED while applying the heat gun to my precious playstation gizzards, was shaking for about 10 minutes after .. but I guess as long as you don't touch it while hot, there isn't much that can go wrong!

DO IT .. awesome fun. Even if it busts again I'm selling it on ebay and buying a slimline .. just don't like the feeling it could YLOD at any time again, but who is to say a new one wont!
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5. November 2009 @ 15:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ahhh yes, another pleased "Do it your self-er"! Glad you were brave enough to give this a try.

Hats off again to Gilsky, and the rest of the AfterDawners keeping hope alive.

"...I don't know everything cause every-thing's to hard to know..." Aceyalone
5. November 2009 @ 17:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jwc2tha3:
Ahhh yes, another pleased "Do it your self-er"! Glad you were brave enough to give this a try.

Hats off again to Gilsky, and the rest of the AfterDawners keeping hope alive.

cheers for the heads up!

i will be releasing a dvd version of my guide soon for sale!
it will be from the original source material so there will be no audio loss between chapters also because its a dvd it will be in four parts.

it will be a mixed mode dvd so it will also include a pdf copy of my guide and many extra pics and thoughts!
also included on the disc is an error code data base and a frequently asked questions with answers just to try and cut down the amount of emails i am getting!!!!!lol

there will be a charge for this but i will try and keep the cost down!
i may even supply each purchase with an identity number for priority email answering! as i have been doing for people who have donated to the cause!

and one last thing my name is GILKSY not gilsky lol

5. November 2009 @ 21:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just a heads up - no selling the dvd via the forums. Putting details in your profile (you'd need to create one) is fine but no advertising via the forums unless of course you've paid and went this route - advertise w/ aD.
Just a friendly fyi :)

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6. November 2009 @ 11:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

and one last thing my name is GILKSY not gilsky lol

My bad on that...I knew it didn't look right when I typed it.

Bad news, after a few months of my PS3 being back up and running, I received a call from my wife while I'm here at work, telling me that the good ol' YLOD has reared it's ugly head once again. I will trouble shoot it once I get home for lunch (in about an hour), then bring it back to work to preform the Re-flow once again.

It is once again a dark day in the JWC2Tha3 household...I will keep you posted as to my findings and progress.

One quick question...when it comes to applying flux, what is the proper procedure. I keep on reading that it may be a necessary step after a couple of re-flow attempts, but I have yet to read, or see how EXACTLY it should be applied. I don't want to speculate here so an outline of the proper steps would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

"...I don't know everything cause every-thing's to hard to know..." Aceyalone
6. November 2009 @ 14:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jwc2tha3:

and one last thing my name is GILKSY not gilsky lol

My bad on that...I knew it didn't look right when I typed it.

Bad news, after a few months of my PS3 being back up and running, I received a call from my wife while I'm here at work, telling me that the good ol' YLOD has reared it's ugly head once again. I will trouble shoot it once I get home for lunch (in about an hour), then bring it back to work to preform the Re-flow once again.

It is once again a dark day in the JWC2Tha3 household...I will keep you posted as to my findings and progress.

One quick question...when it comes to applying flux, what is the proper procedure. I keep on reading that it may be a necessary step after a couple of re-flow attempts, but I have yet to read, or see how EXACTLY it should be applied. I don't want to speculate here so an outline of the proper steps would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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6. November 2009 @ 15:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Alright cool.

Thanks again!

"...I don't know everything cause every-thing's to hard to know..." Aceyalone
8. November 2009 @ 00:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey everyone, just signed up.

Was reading through the forum and saw this thread. I had the YLOD a couple months ago.

Sent it in to Sony and they fixed it, giving a 2 month warranty. 2 months to the day, got the YLOD again. Sent it back to Sony and they refused to touch it. They sent it back to me and that's when I surfed the net and found the video on how to fix it.

Did it last night. It worked! Console turned on, had the HDD data no problem.

BUT turns out: I can't turn it on by the controller and I can't get online!

Had no internet problem b4 this. My computer works fine on the net. I tried wireless and wired connection.

Had all my data to re-hook up internet connection, even bought a new LAN cable, bcz I saw a tear in the old one and NOTHING.

It keeps giving me a connection error message with this number 80010201.

Anyone else have this problem? I'm not tech savvy, so any help here would be much appreciated. I bought mine in Japan and I'm still here, so there's no compatibility issue.

Thanks, guys.
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8. November 2009 @ 05:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Not entirely sure, but usually if the "remote" things on the PS3 aren't working (Wifi, Bluetooth etc) after you put it back together, it's because you haven't reconnected the ribbon cables properly.

Luckily they are all on the top layer so it's just a matter of whipping the top off and checking the connections again. Make sure they are pushed as far in (without damaging them) to their slots and the clips are closed again.

I had this the first time I had the top of my PS3 off to get the dust out of it, and yeah .. just hadn't pushed the cable in far enough so control (bluetooth) wouldn't work.
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8. November 2009 @ 13:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I did the re flow two days ago. My PS3 is fully functional again!!!! I have sort of stressed tested it. 5 hours of continuous play and no problems at all. I will buy an intercooler and find a better suited place to store the ps3 due to ventilation concerns. I also did the reflow longer than posted on the net. I wanted to make sure that I was successful. This is not as hard as it looks. I was scared to strip my PS3 all the way apart, but it only takes like 10 minutes to take apart. The longest part of the whole reflow process was letting the board cool afterwards.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. November 2009 @ 13:59

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8. November 2009 @ 17:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Guys,

Im new to this forum but have been doing Gilksy heatgun method to repair my PS3, however I have had the YLOD reapprear on 3 machines that I have repaired sometimes it would not come back until 2 months other times, crumble when a high res graphics game has been played (COD4, Metal Gear Solid 4 etc).

Has anyone had a pernimate fix?? Has anyone had there console last for more than 3-6 months?? If so what method did you use? Im going to attempt the Flux + Clampbending but im worried of how much heat the chips themself can take...

Let me know, im interested to here the stories.

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9. November 2009 @ 04:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I too am very keen to hear how long the longest YLOD fix has lasted :)

I did the clamp bending, happened to see that before I did the fix and since it's not in the video it's easily missed I guess. Don't know how much difference it will make, but meh .. anything is worth a try.

I don't mind doing it a few times to be honest as long as it's not hurting anything. Next time would obviously be with flux ..
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9. November 2009 @ 05:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
How long have you loasted so far? Me, just doing the basic heatgun at 400deg for 15sec would last 1 month on my 60gb, the 40gb seems to last about 8 hours to 2 days. They seem to fail under COD4 metal gear solid 4 etc. Im interested to see, any people out there used flux? And if so, how long has it lasted so far??
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9. November 2009 @ 05:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just did it at 350 for about 15-20 secs per chip. Maybe 25secs for the big ones :)

I then left PlayTV on for the rest of the afternoon / evening, and it was on all the next day till I went out and bought a Slim PS3 250GB, I'm just too scared of how temporary the fix is ..

Haven't turned it on since getting the Slim ..
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9. November 2009 @ 05:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DVD's seem to last for a long time but big games seem to kill it. Im curious if flux is a pernimate fix as the said pernimate fixes with the BGA ovens seem to do the same thing.
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9. November 2009 @ 06:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm certainly no pro, but flux sounds like it "should" fix it if you have tried a reflow a couple of times. The joints will now be dry as the flux has been burnt away, so I would try it with flux before you bin it ;) Looks very straight forward, and theoretically it should work and possibly be even more permanent. If the joint's stay soldered then there should never be a YLOD!

I would imagine if you do it properly, it would last as long again, if not longer than how it came out of the factory. No reason it shouldn't really!

Sounds like the only REAL fix is to get the chips reballed with lead solder .. stupid lead free world we live in :)
9. November 2009 @ 07:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by WallyHale:
I'm certainly no pro, but flux sounds like it "should" fix it if you have tried a reflow a couple of times. The joints will now be dry as the flux has been burnt away, so I would try it with flux before you bin it ;) Looks very straight forward, and theoretically it should work and possibly be even more permanent. If the joint's stay soldered then there should never be a YLOD!

I would imagine if you do it properly, it would last as long again, if not longer than how it came out of the factory. No reason it shouldn't really!

Sounds like the only REAL fix is to get the chips reballed with lead solder .. stupid lead free world we live in :)

100% correct my friend!

if you want to eradicate this problem for good then reball using good old leaded solder!!!!!!!!

and for all info my ps3 is still going strong also boomonts is too

and ive just completed drakes fortune 2 so that should have tested it to the max!lol!!!!!



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9. November 2009 @ 08:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Did you use flux on that repair you mentioned? Because i have followed your guide 15 sec at 400deg and havent had much luck, i mean will only last a little bit, 1 DAY to 2 MONTHS, may I ask, when did you do the repair?

Reballing is my very last option. Im hoping flux will fix it much better. However, a guy doing repairs for the PS3 is using a special BGA re-flow oven, however it seems to do the same job as fluxing.. I dont know why my ylod seems to reoccure on 3 different machines...

9. November 2009 @ 14:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by XTrez:

Did you use flux on that repair you mentioned? Because i have followed your guide 15 sec at 400deg and havent had much luck, i mean will only last a little bit, 1 DAY to 2 MONTHS, may I ask, when did you do the repair?

Reballing is my very last option. Im hoping flux will fix it much better. However, a guy doing repairs for the PS3 is using a special BGA re-flow oven, however it seems to do the same job as fluxing.. I dont know why my ylod seems to reoccure on 3 different machines...



early February was when i repaired my first one!! (pdf)

then i did the y tube video on another one!
and did the fluxing video on ace jay's!

as for reflow ovens there are basically the same as reflowing with a heat gun accept there are designed for the job!

flux is added separately!

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9. November 2009 @ 14:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I could have sworn I had already reported my status after being notified by the wife that my System YLODed again.

Well I was able to tear it down and re-flow the PS3 again (2nd time). I did not use flux this time but provided I need to do this again, (no doubt I will), I will attempt a this fix with Flux, and then if I get the YLOD a 4th time then i will reluctantly turn it over to Sony for replacement.

This makes tonight a night to once again look forward to, as I will be participating in the MW2 Midnight release, for a night/morning to be filled with oodles of MDK!

This thread comes to the rescue again!

Gilksy...Hats off to you!

"...I don't know everything cause every-thing's to hard to know..." Aceyalone
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10. November 2009 @ 18:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Anyone have any other success stories?

Heatgun Success from ??? till ???
Heatgun + Flux from ???? till ??? or still going?

10. November 2009 @ 19:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wally, thanks for the message.

I opened up the console again just to check and it turns out I forgot to connect a wire. Re-connected it and it works beautifully.

Thanks, man.
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