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Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
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26. November 2009 @ 18:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
abms, if the thermal paste didn't look correctly applied, then the YLOD would most likely be caused by broken solder joints. The damage has already been done so reassmbling with thermal paste won't achieve anything.

While it's in bits, get a heat gun to it as per gilksy's guide and bob should be your uncle :P
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26. November 2009 @ 18:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah I agree, where's the pic you were gonna post?
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26. November 2009 @ 20:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
srry guys. i cant get my camera running so i can upload a pic. here is a pic of a motherboard. If you can see the C0K-001 on the top of the pic is is the tiny component right above the O.

it seems as though sony used some cheap thermal paste and it separated. i should have a heat gun by tonight so i will try the gilksy method. i'm contemplating getting some flux first though. what do you guys think?
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26. November 2009 @ 20:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
here is a better pic. it is the tiny component below the dash(-).
Junior Member
27. November 2009 @ 01:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by select127:
Originally posted by mmayhemm:
Does it switch off no matter which option you choose? Does it yellow light when it turns off?
yes, no matter which one it shuts off, no yellow light just green to red.
Disconnect the HD and try the recovery menu again. If you get a different result try a HD formatted in NTFS, I know this sounds crazy but it has worked for me. Try and borrow a drive from someone if you haven't backed up your stuff.
Can't think of anything else. Any ideas guys?
Junior Member
27. November 2009 @ 02:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by abms:
i'm contemplating getting some flux first though. what do you guys think?
Won't hurt to use flux. The only times my repairs have been permanent is when flux has been used.
28. November 2009 @ 08:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay so, I managed to follow the instructions and fixed the YLOD on my ps3 twice now.

It lasts about a week, then I get it again.

Just got it tonight, and when I took my ps3 apart, to fix it again, the cell broadband chip stuck to the top board (where the thermal compound goes) and disconnected from the bottom square.

Anyone out there have any advice on how to 'glue' it again?? Can't use crazy glue, bcz that's flammable and have no idea what they use to stick the chip to the bottom 'board/square'.

Have no idea what to do.

28. November 2009 @ 11:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by abms:
srry guys. i cant get my camera running so i can upload a pic. here is a pic of a motherboard. If you can see the C0K-001 on the top of the pic is is the tiny component right above the O.

it seems as though sony used some cheap thermal paste and it separated. i should have a heat gun by tonight so i will try the gilksy method. i'm contemplating getting some flux first though. what do you guys think?

I say go with the flux. I did and my 60gb has been running strong for over a month and even cooler than when I first got it. No wifi though, I guess if the wifi is down so is the ethernet which means it won't pass firmware update =(
28. November 2009 @ 11:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by mbazzer:
Originally posted by b3mike:
Originally posted by AlexBR:
Wally, thanks for the message.

I opened up the console again just to check and it turns out I forgot to connect a wire. Re-connected it and it works beautifully.

Thanks, man.

Alex what wire did you forget to connect? For the life of me I cannot get the wifi to work. I've checked the ribbon that connects the wifi card to the motherboard, I've cleaned everything and I've even replaced the entire wifi board but all I get is bluetooth and no wifi! Anyone please help. It's just terrible that I managed to revive my ps3 but I can't get online

i had this problem, fixed the ps3 but couldnt get online! i found because this ribbon get moved and bent alot that if you look into the of the ribbon the tiny wires were snapped. i chopped the end off with scissors while waiting for my new ribbon and it worked first time! im not sayin this is whats wrong with yours but its worth a look

Yup tried cutting the ribbon from the original wifi board. Tried using the new ribbon from a new 40gb board with no success either. Looks like my ps3 will now be an upscaled ps2 =(

thank you though
29. November 2009 @ 02:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay, I figured I should get registered. I first looked at this site to see if there's a permanent fix to YLOD. Doesn't seem to be so. And so far, no pro reballing service around my area I could find. So here's the unique problem with my PS3.

The problem: The PS3 turns on but does not boot up. There is no video and audio signal. The Wifi light doesn't light up. The USB ports are not working (I have a USB port connected). Even when the HDD is removed, it doesn't give an error. The PS3 powers on and the light stays green for hours but doesn't boot up.

When turned on, I can hear the fan go for a low spin for the first few seconds, but it then powers down. Obviously it's a sign that the system tries to boot but doesn't.

Repair history: My sixth YLOD repair worked the best, lasting for a little over two months. The repair consisted of liberal application of no-clean flux around the memory chips, the RSX and the Cell, proceeded by a heat gun reflow at 400°C. I also used 1mm washers on the two clips that fastens to the heat sink. Unfortunately the YLOD didn't stick long.

The seventh YLOD repair worked for about a week, with the same method as above. And then it YLOD again.

The eight YLOD repair gave me the GLON - the Green Light Of Nothing. :lol:

Tried using two washers (totalling 2mm) per screw on the clips but it didn't work; I figure this would be the same idea of shimming, as it would force the heatsink on the other side to stay pretty tight to the chips.

Symptoms prior to GLON:
1) The first boot up after the seventh repair, there was a hiccup at bootup where the flowing background just stopped for about one second. After that, the bootup hiccup never happens.

2) The demo for Infamous could not be played. The first attempt at playing, the PS3 crashed halfway through the opening sequence. The second attempt, it crashed at the end of the sequence before I could play. I DELETED THE DEMO as well as the demo for Uncharted. I figured it could be a HDD issue.

3) On the last weekend (the last two days) of the PS3 working, it was fine until I tried to access trailers from my external 1TB HDD (with its own power supply). The PS3 crashed. Hard SWITCH OFF would be the only way to reboot. Every time I logged back in and tried to access the trailers on the external HDD, it crashed. The trailers stored internally played without a hitch. The HDD itself is fine (I can access it on my computer). The other USB ports worked too (to charge and to power the USB hub, which the PS Eye is connected to).

THE OTHER DAY, I showed my problem to a friend. Turned it on, then turned it off by pressing on the front power button. Upon turning it on again, the PS3 YLOD! Turned it off to stop the blinking red light then turned it back on again and I get the GLON. It seems I get the YLOD occasionally but the GLON is still there.

My PS3 is the first gen 60GB with original HDD. It's been about a month since it worked. Help needed to get it back to working condition. I can accept fixing the YLOD but nobody has yet to provide a tutorial for fixing the GLON.

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29. November 2009 @ 03:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
maybe try a ps3 hdd reformat on the . my friend had a similar symptoms but he reformatted before he got a GLON, sooooo i dont know if that will help but maybe give it a shot.
Junior Member
29. November 2009 @ 04:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by write_ps3:

The eight YLOD repair gave me the GLON - the Green Light Of Nothing. :lol:


Have you tried replacing the internal power supply?
29. November 2009 @ 13:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by abms:
maybe try a ps3 hdd reformat on the . my friend had a similar symptoms but he reformatted before he got a GLON, sooooo i dont know if that will help but maybe give it a shot.

That won't work.

A PS3 without a HDD would still boot. You can see the logo and everything but then it'll tell you there's no HDD.

With my GLON, I got nothing for video or audio. This is the same whether I attach the BD drive, the Wifi/BT card or the HDD. The biggest clue I think is that the USB ports (all four of them) gave no power to a USB device.

Originally posted by mmayhemm:
Originally posted by write_ps3:

The eight YLOD repair gave me the GLON - the Green Light Of Nothing. :lol:


Have you tried replacing the internal power supply?
Nope. I can't find one around here. Why do you think it's the power supply?

Junior Member
29. November 2009 @ 15:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
A faulty power supply can give YLOD. It sounds possible that your power supply isn't giving enough electrical output to power anything more than the green led and the fan on a low speed.
Junior Member
29. November 2009 @ 15:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just a thought: With the bluray drive connected, does it accept a disc? If so does the blue led at the front come on?
Junior Member
29. November 2009 @ 16:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Does anyone know how to repair the powersupply? A fuse or anything like that?
29. November 2009 @ 23:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by mmayhemm:
Just a thought: With the bluray drive connected, does it accept a disc? If so does the blue led at the front come on?
The disc mechanism on the BD drive does work with the GLON. I can insert and eject discs with no problem. When the disc is in, the blue LED will light. The drive will attempt to find what kind of disc has been inserted and, because there's no CPU activity, will return back to its rest position as the GLON continues.

With the disc in the drive and the system off, when I press eject, the system turns on to GLON but doesn't eject the disc. This is because the system doesn't remember if there's a disc in there or not, even though the eject button triggers the drive to turn on the system.

Because of the drive, I don't believe the PSU is the problem. But prove me wrong with solid arguments. :)

Junior Member
30. November 2009 @ 02:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No. reading that it doesn't sound like there's a PSU problem. I'll have a think about it.
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30. November 2009 @ 21:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by write_ps3:
Originally posted by abms:
maybe try a ps3 hdd reformat on the . my friend had a similar symptoms but he reformatted before he got a GLON, sooooo i dont know if that will help but maybe give it a shot.

That won't work.

A PS3 without a HDD would still boot. You can see the logo and everything but then it'll tell you there's no HDD.

With my GLON, I got nothing for video or audio. This is the same whether I attach the BD drive, the Wifi/BT card or the HDD. The biggest clue I think is that the USB ports (all four of them) gave no power to a USB device.

Originally posted by mmayhemm:

srry i missed the first part of your original post. when my ps3 is started up with no hdd it will boot into the wavy background but no logo or anything. took a while to conclude that there was no hdd. It is possible that one of the capacitors has blown but i doubt it cause the power supply feeds power to the motherboard only via the 2 "power poles" or whatever you want to call it, and through the connector on the front. all the other components gets power off the motherboard if i recall correctly. swapping a power supply with a friend is not an option just to 100% confirm it is not the problem. it is probably a bad mobo. i would imagine after heating 8 times it may be feeling the strain. any other thoughts anyone...........

also how are you connecting to tv.... hdmi or normal a/v rca cable?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. November 2009 @ 21:49

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30. November 2009 @ 21:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
and btw... i couldn't find the flux on short notice and tried reflowing with out it. ps3 worked for about 6 hours then ylod again. i'm in canada so sofar i havent found any local retailers. might have to buy online and wait a while. anyone know a good local shop i could grab some from?
Junior Member
30. November 2009 @ 22:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Tucker001

I used this FLUX for my PS3 60gb model. So far its working like a dream been using it every night playing Metal Gear Solid 4 and Assassin's Creed for about 4 hours to 8 hours. So far so good. Id like to know if anyone else has had a long success rate with flux after the 3rd or 4th heatgun fix?
2. December 2009 @ 13:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi, I just repaired my sons PS3 with the heat gun fix, and using flux is something I haven't heard of before. Is there any instructions on how to apply it before heating? You must just sprinkle it on the backside I'm guessing. I had to do it twice, first time it locked up trying to play, second time it seems to be working good, but since the MoBo battery has been removed do I have to reset the BIOS somehow? Any other tips to get it back up and running after a complete disassembly? Controllers not linking properly either.

Thanks k2skier

Originally posted by XTrez:
Hi Tucker001

I used this FLUX for my PS3 60gb model. So far its working like a dream been using it every night playing Metal Gear Solid 4 and Assassin's Creed for about 4 hours to 8 hours. So far so good. Id like to know if anyone else has had a long success rate with flux after the 3rd or 4th heatgun fix?
2. December 2009 @ 17:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I also have the dreaded YLOD on my 60gb uk ps3,heard i may be able to fix myself has anybody got any tips
Junior Member
2. December 2009 @ 17:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I also have the dreaded YLOD on my 60gb uk ps3,heard i may be able to fix myself has anybody got any tips
If you need tips on how to POSSIBLY get rid of your YLOD issue you have indeed come to the right place...for tips however, you need only read the subsequent 30+ pages in this thread to find all the "Tips" you need.

Good Luck & Keep Us Posted

"...I don't know everything cause every-thing's to hard to know..." Aceyalone
2. December 2009 @ 18:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by k2skier:
Hi, I just repaired my sons PS3 with the heat gun fix, and using flux is something I haven't heard of before. Is there any instructions on how to apply it before heating? You must just sprinkle it on the backside I'm guessing. I had to do it twice, first time it locked up trying to play, second time it seems to be working good, but since the MoBo battery has been removed do I have to reset the BIOS somehow? Any other tips to get it back up and running after a complete disassembly? Controllers not linking properly either.

Thanks k2skier

Originally posted by XTrez:
Hi Tucker001

I used this FLUX for my PS3 60gb model. So far its working like a dream been using it every night playing Metal Gear Solid 4 and Assassin's Creed for about 4 hours to 8 hours. So far so good. Id like to know if anyone else has had a long success rate with flux after the 3rd or 4th heatgun fix?

no need to reset the bios!!!!!!

as for the controllers not connecting that will be the wirless ribbon or black wire not connected properly!!!!

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