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Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
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24. August 2009 @ 09:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have repaired three I use what I call the counting message. Depending on how fast you get the lights tells what is the problem. The system goes threw the same sequence of checks every time by figuring out the sequence you can figure out the problem. I know first two seconds is blur-ray, instantly is hard drive corruption, and 3 seconds is a power problem.

24. August 2009 @ 11:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Decodem:
I have repaired three I use what I call the counting message. Depending on how fast you get the lights tells what is the problem. The system goes threw the same sequence of checks every time by figuring out the sequence you can figure out the problem. I know first two seconds is blur-ray, instantly is hard drive corruption, and 3 seconds is a power problem.
What would cpu/gpu be then?
25. August 2009 @ 02:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well last week my ps3 was doing the Yellow light. Today I had some free time to fix it and NO I DID NOT TAKE IT APART. I was going to follow Gilskys guide on youtube, its the same thing I did on my Xbox but I didn't have the tools for the PS3. So I thought of other way to get it to work. First I tried to clean it out with a compressor and that showed a lot of dust but didn't fix it. My best idea that worked was using the ps3 box and a blow dryer to simulate a convection oven. I used a cheap conair supreme 1500 I put the ps3 in the box turned the blow dryer onto the back of the ps3 about 2 to 3 inches away from the plastic. I let it sit and heat up one heatsink at a time, them after 5 mins i moved it to the other. I did this for about 15 mins. This is still with all the parts in the ps3 you can see the two heatsinks on the ps3 when you look through the back near the hdmi connection.(you can see the heatsink fins)

I thought of this idea because of the Xbox towel trick. Its the same concept but the ps3 is unplugged and the extremely warm air is heating up the internals to melt the solder. Gilskys guide says not to use a blow dryer but in this case with my Xbox and PS3 it worked fine. I then let the ps3 cool near my AC vent because if you just try to power it on the red light blinks no yellow light ( I think the red blinking light means over heated) not sure thought. So after a good 10 mins being near the AC I plug it in and it came right up I was amazed.

Now yall can say im lying or what ever you believe but it really works. Why else would i write this long thing.
25. August 2009 @ 16:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I believe it worked for you. But this method can't be as effective as reflowing. A hairdryer normal has a temparature between 100-150 degree celsius. For reflowing you need something between 300-400 degrees celsius.

One YLOD isnt like another one. The main cause for any YLOD is a bit different. Some people reported that a few seconds with the heatgun were enought. Others "baked" the chip for minutes. You can only find out the size of the problem by trying out. There is no 100% guide for a fix.
26. August 2009 @ 21:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi I have A Solution , Posting It On Youtube soon
Email me Ill Tell You More . Im a Victom of the soab YLOD :(
Fixing In Progress
27. August 2009 @ 14:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by perry07:
As like some people, i was 1 of the unlucky 1's to get a yellow light of death on the ps3 :(
these are the things iv tryed to get it working egen:

1. push n hold the power button for 5 second to do that reset trick
2. hold the ps3 upside down then turn it on to do that fan trick
3. tryed cleaning the dust out of it
4. tryed removing the hard drive
5. took it apart a little bit(took out the blu-ray & power box) & put it back

there might av bin a thew others i tryed but they all failed.
at the weekend im taking it to my mums boyfriend for a complete strip down of all the parts & see if we can find out the problem to this. he fix's computers on a regular basis & hes pretty good so he should be of some use. even tho the ps3 isnt a pc but its close to 1.

iv seen a video on youtube where some 1 did get it running but without video or sound. chack it out: part 1 part 2

Anyway if you think of any other ideas feel free to share them here =)
10. September 2009 @ 12:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I Followed the instructions and removed the YLOD.

My machine started up and took me to the main XMB. I thought "good job" and went ahead and proceeded to update my firmware to 3.00.

It downloaded ok however upon installation of it, it failed at 57%. The machine then rebooted and immediately tried to restart the failed installation. The same happened with it again failing at 57% and restarting restarted it.

I tried downloading the firmware to USB to see if it would automatically detect that, however it didn't. At this point I thought I'd try and access the recovery menu however it simply came back to the restarting firmware update.

I then decided to format my HDD to see if I could get access to the recovery menu, and i managed this successfully. I was unable to install the firmware with it again crashing so I then zero'd the HDD to see if that would help.

I'm now at the stage whereby when I try to do anything from the recovery menu - update firmware, restore the ps3 etc. I get a error code along with a message along the lines of "serious system error please contact support" with the code 8002F281.

Basically I'm wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar and/or know the best work around? Is it possible that when I reflowed that I didn't do it for long enough?

Before finding this thread I only reflowed the 2 chips and only on the chip side. I also did it on a low heat setting.

I wondering if I could perhaps give it another go with both chips (cell and RSX) and the smaller chips below on both sides.

I'm awaiting the flux to try this but thought I'd try and gain some info first.

Thanks in advance.
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10. September 2009 @ 17:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It is clear from both users and Sony that the fault is heat. I wonder if reflow is actually required in every case. Could it be that the paste has broken down with time and was of poor quality to start with ? So when the machines are turned on there is NO heat sink so the chips go straight into over temp mode.
Has anybody tried recoating the chips in a YLOD machine without reflow ? Clearly if the problem has been left for some time the extra heat will cause dry joints on the chips and reflow will be necessary. I'm thinking of metal/graphite filled pastes used on cpu's which have a proven track record as a remedy. I appreciate the time to take apart and reassemble only to find reflow is needed will mean most users won't have tried the proposal, just interested for those with experience as to if this is a viable fix ?
Junior Member
15. September 2009 @ 17:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i used this fourm to fix my ps3 but my brother has the error 074 on his xbox 360 would someone please recommend a good link or site for the fixing guide thanks
15. September 2009 @ 17:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user and

Both good sites with lots of info.

Oh, and that fixing guide I think you're talking about is garbage. Just search for it on google and DL the torrent and you'll see(I hope).

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. September 2009 @ 17:39

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16. September 2009 @ 01:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by XXJ450NXX:
Could it be that the paste has broken down with time and was of poor quality to start with ? So when the machines are turned on there is NO heat sink so the chips go straight into over temp mode.

10 times out of 10 not the case

I recommend you do the four black chips, its system memory as well. In my case those are what keeps loosing connection causing me to have to reflow again.
Contemplating getting a slim with the longest warranty i can find.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. September 2009 @ 01:13

16. September 2009 @ 04:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hello everyone!!!!

i have some news!

me and boomont on Tuesday went down to London to be part of the audience for watchdog!

they are doing a piece on Sony's dreaded YLOD!

But from what it seems Sony are sticking to there guns and are unwilling to accept the FACT that there console has flaws in it!!!!!

in the show there will be a funny song written about the whole mess!!!!!

catch it this Thursday @ 8 o'clock!!!!!!!!

the more people phone in and tell them about there ylod the better!!
also if you do phone please mention my name and guide!!! cheers guys and gals lets bring sony down!!!!

16. September 2009 @ 11:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Teckniec:
Originally posted by XXJ450NXX:
Could it be that the paste has broken down with time and was of poor quality to start with ? So when the machines are turned on there is NO heat sink so the chips go straight into over temp mode.

10 times out of 10 not the case

I recommend you do the four black chips, its system memory as well. In my case those are what keeps loosing connection causing me to have to reflow again.
Contemplating getting a slim with the longest warranty i can find.
Cheers I've done those too now and fluxed however when I try to retore the ps3 it's giving me an "unable to access dark disk" error message or if i just try and update the firmware it gives me the 8002F281 error.

Looks like I'm trying a new hdd.
16. September 2009 @ 15:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Originally posted by ahernand:
I had the same problem, But I cooked it in the oven... And its been 1 1/2 and still working... Look at my video at you tube...

Originally posted by chris2029:

I have also encountered this, on the 60gb and early 40gb models

I bought the new intercooler TS "its a bit LOUD" but has stopped it from YLOD after rework.

My rework consists of the following.

BGA flux the piss yellow stuff, This is the best for rework,
you need to let this flow under the two BGA's,

Obviously you need to apply a thin layer of compound on each BGA before you fasten the clamps down, as per guide.

Center presure from the heat brackets needs to be quite strong, so bend the brackets and then use 6.4 mm c washers on top of the brackets before screwing them back down, you need to screw them as far as they will go.

I reflow at around but nomore than 500c bottom first and then top for 20 seconds and cool as per guide.

The overall problem is that the ps3 gets hot and the sensor tollerance is too low the internal fan just cant move the hot air away quick enough,
I belive that if the ps3 internal fan ran at stage three after 2 minutes from boot and than stages 4-5 in game we would not YLOD,


17. September 2009 @ 11:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Tried the reflow again with flux. Yet I still have the problem with the menus not performing the tasks they should. Either they result in errors or shut down the ps3.

I've tried my hard disk in another ps3 and it asks to to format it and works ok so that rules out my drive although i have received "cannot access hard disk" messages.

I'm wondering if a combination of being to cautious and not using a high enough temperature is the root of my problem? Its an old heatgun with 2 temps 300 and 500 and I've not really reflowed for a great deal of time.

I think it might be time to up the temp to 500 and go a bit longer?

The YLOD has gone but now the machine only switches on and then eventually huts down to a red light on a normal start up. If I access the recovery menu I get errors upon choosing options.

All recommendations welcome (bar buying a new one! haha)
Junior Member
17. September 2009 @ 12:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by kingdev:

Tried the reflow again with flux. Yet I still have the problem with the menus not performing the tasks they should. Either they result in errors or shut down the ps3.

I've tried my hard disk in another ps3 and it asks to to format it and works ok so that rules out my drive although i have received "cannot access hard disk" messages.

I'm wondering if a combination of being to cautious and not using a high enough temperature is the root of my problem? Its an old heatgun with 2 temps 300 and 500 and I've not really reflowed for a great deal of time.

I think it might be time to up the temp to 500 and go a bit longer?

The YLOD has gone but now the machine only switches on and then eventually huts down to a red light on a normal start up. If I access the recovery menu I get errors upon choosing options.

All recommendations welcome (bar buying a new one! haha)

I don't think you need a reflow. Try formating the HD to NTFS, pop it back in and let the PS3 do the rest.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. September 2009 @ 12:40

17. September 2009 @ 13:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'll give it a go. I'm wondering if it will be any help though as if I try to start up without a hdd installed I don't get the main start up screen followed by the message along the lines of "no hard drive detected".

After I initially reflowed and got rid of the YLOD it started perfect, i've encountered problems since trying to update the firmware after managing to fix the YLOD. It failed at 57%. I've wiped the hdd but not formatted it in ntfs... I'll give that a go.
Junior Member
17. September 2009 @ 13:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I threw in the towel I got a slim w/ a 3 year warranty. I'm gonna try to fix my 60GB again but for now its to the closet with it. Sony got one on me.
17. September 2009 @ 20:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
nice to see this thread is still goin :) well done gilksy! i aint fixed my ylod with ur guid yet but will do very soon :D
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18. September 2009 @ 05:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
prob sony with its many firmware updates fried it . and sony thinks you go out and buy a new sim ps3 . to boost sales so it can catch up with nintendo wii and xbox 360 lol you never know sony are crafty gits

pal ps3 slim 120gb hdd version great
Junior Member
18. September 2009 @ 17:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by kewlblue: and

Both good sites with lots of info.

Oh, and that fixing guide I think you're talking about is garbage. Just search for it on google and DL the torrent and you'll see(I hope).

Thanks again for your and everyones help i fixed my brothers xbox360 error 074
Junior Member
18. September 2009 @ 18:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by colinjest:
hello everyone!!!!

i have some news!

me and boomont on Tuesday went down to London to be part of the audience for watchdog!

they are doing a piece on Sony's dreaded YLOD!

But from what it seems Sony are sticking to there guns and are unwilling to accept the FACT that there console has flaws in it!!!!!

in the show there will be a funny song written about the whole mess!!!!!

catch it this Thursday @ 8 o'clock!!!!!!!!

the more people phone in and tell them about there ylod the better!!
also if you do phone please mention my name and guide!!! cheers guys and gals lets bring sony down!!!!

yes i watched watchdog on thursday and as we all know nothing will come of this,Sony will always get away with their ylod on their ps3 machines that every one who spend a lot of money for a crock of a games console, they know they are in fault but to recall the machines would be too costly for them. Keep it up everyone anoy sony anyway you can with the ylod problems someday they might change.
Junior Member
21. September 2009 @ 12:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Colinjest / Gilksy and the rest of you brave souls that have followed the guide and followed up with feed back, I greatly appreciate your efforts.

Like most everyone on this thread I was presented with the YLOD; here are the details.

Sept. 4th 2009: Friday night I am watching a movie with the wife, streaming through my media server, the movie ends I shut down the system and switch over to regular T.V. for a bit. Harmless enough I would think.

In the morning I wake up ready to put in a few hours on COD and as I push the power button on the machine, it tries to start up (1 beep), I even hear the fan come on, but almost immediately I get 2 additional beeps, and I go from Green to Red to YLOD.

I never knew this was a problem, but I have had to deal with my son putting multiple games in the Blu-ray drive so I started questioning and trouble shooting based on that assumption...(of course I got some minor cussing out of the way as well...but lets continue).

After closer inspection it was clear that the drive was not the issue. I figured I'd take it apart and try disconnecting the dive cause I just knew this was the problem...did that, no change. At this point since I had already had it opened I figured I'd clean the fan and all the surrounding areas, (leaving the heat sync intact and not messing with the MB). I slapped everything back together and tried to power on again...still no luck. At this point I decided to do some reading, and that lead me to this wonderful thread/community.

The following week was devoted to reading this forum, and procuring the products needed to perform the Re-Flow process. I was able to confirm that the local Radio Shack did indeed have in stock Artic Silver, and I was able to borrow a heat gun (rated @ 300→500c) from my place of employment. Now all I needed was to get to it.

I followed Gilksy's YouTube guide to a tee. I reassembled, and when I plugged in the unit...powered it on...and hit the power button...all was right with the world...or at least so I though. The YLOD was indeed corrected, I was taken to the latest Firmware's splash screen...I even put my HDD back in and my Mini Ninjas theme was back in effect. My fan was running at level 1, no issue there and the air being expelled wasn't too terribly hot. I was ecstatic!

At this point it was already 3:30am on Friday morning and I had to be at work by 7am, but I was determined to play just one round of Hardcore Team Death-match. I inserted the COD Disk, and the games started up no problem. I went to login to play online and that is where my problems began to arise. I got an error 80010382 I figured it was just a network error so I tried again. That is when I noticed that I was not getting any activity on the front of the PS3. Normally I would get a flashing LED on the front of the PS3 when it would Search for Media Servers, or try to get online...honestly I think it would even flash during regular start-up...I was getting nothing. I recalled reading on here that there was a possibility that upon putting everything back together you could possibly cover up one of the LED's so I was hoping that was the case. I tried going into Network Settings and scanning for a signal, but I got nothing, constantly failed. I trouble shot until around 4:15am then called it a night/morning.

Later that day I returned home for lunch and decided to try a wired connection, but that was a no go either. Once plugged in, I didn't even get the LED on the back LAN connector to light up. This I though was a problem. At this point I noticed that my controllers would not continue to communicate with the system if they were not plugged into the USB port...and this is where I am turning to you guys for some help. ( I know this is long winded, but I had to set up my situation...thanks for bearing with me)

Have any of you experienced this issue? (Please tell me there is an easy fix)
Are there specific components on the MB that need to be checked?
Where is the LAN specific areas located on the MB?
Could I possibly heated an area that effected this? (I Only heated the 6 chips outlined on Gilksy's video)
Where is the Receiver / Transceiver for the wireless capabilities located?
Is it possible that I don't have something connected correctly?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been very careful in following all directions...or so I have thought. At this point I had already contacted Sony and registered my complaint and they offered me a replacement for $149, however that was based on my YLOD, it's not YLODing anymore, so I don't know if I can continue with my same claim. I did not give them my Credit Card information, but they do have my my full description of issues and my contact info...what are your thoughts?

"...I don't know everything cause every-thing's to hard to know..." Aceyalone
21. September 2009 @ 15:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
for the faults described please check all ribbons especially the one that connects to the wirless board!!!

make sure there in square and all the way before locking the tab down!!

also make sure the black wire with the minature bnc connector is plugged properly onto its socket of the wirless board!!!!!


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21. September 2009 @ 16:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the quick response. I will try these suggestions. I did notice that the 2 ribbons you disconnected underneath the card reader I took mine off the opposite way and the shorter of the 2 was more difficult to replace.

I'll let you know how things go after the check/fix.

Thanks for the help!

"...I don't know everything cause every-thing's to hard to know..." Aceyalone
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