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Revolution offers more than X360 and PS3???
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14. March 2006 @ 04:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Xbox can, but using emulators. And when a console uses an emulator, the games usually don't run at 100%.
you are wrong, xbox runs the nes and snes games fine.. the n64 run pretty smooth with a few exceptions.. get your facts straight..
as for you guys hyping the rev..
since its going to be cheaper and have old nintendo games that is going to equal dominance over the console market?
Playing the older games wont be a commodity to most.
I have been playing oldies on my psp and on xbox, nothing new there.
If price was that much of an issue, gamecube would have kept up.
Even If it had graphics that could compete with ms and sonys upcoming that wouldnt mean squat.
X box was better ps2 hardware wise and didn't sell more systems nor did it sell them at a faster rate(very important stat).
Or maybe the fact that psp hasn't come out with games matching ds's games quality and yet it surging as a contendor in the handheld market.
By the way Nintendo's best seller for 2005, wasn't the gamecube or the ds.
It was the gameboy advance.

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20. March 2006 @ 13:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Joeva I have no idea what the point of your post was. No one in the last couple pages have said that Nintendo would "dominate" the next-gen race. Not even close.
So what's you're point on the PSP? That it is selling fine or that it doesn't have any quality games?
How about graphics? You claim that don't matter, So i don't see how you would imply that the revolution will sell so badly.
And neither the GameCube or the Xbox "kept up" with the PS2, despite being more powerful systems.
1. May 2006 @ 18:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you are wrong, xbox runs the nes and snes games fine.. the n64 run pretty smooth with a few exceptions.. get your facts straight..
So does my computer. But Computer or Xbox, it is still ILLEGAL and WRONG. That's why the industries ( not just gaming ) are going to crap. Because everyone is taking the easy way out. OOOHHH why should i buy a Ps2 when I can just download the emulator and play it on my computer!! Because you are ripping them off and that means that almost everyone can rip them off, they lose money and the gaming world crashes. SPEND THE EXTRA MONEY! JUST BUY THE SYSTEMS! I'm sure that the Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and N64 don't cost a fortune anymore SO YOU CAN AFFORD IT unless you are still too poor to even buy that in which case I don't know how you could afford the Xbox or modern day games.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. May 2006 @ 18:05

Junior Member
2. May 2006 @ 06:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i love the ps2 eyetoy its very revolutionary...
the eyetoy is crap. the technology for that has been out for a decade and sony's version wasnt advanced at all, it is shamed by the potential of nintendo's revolution with complete motion sensing and extra peripherals like shotguns and swords.

_im not in denial. im just very selective about which reality i choose_
2. May 2006 @ 16:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I agree with Wavedash
Senior Member
2. May 2006 @ 16:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Not everyone is rich and dumb enough to go out and buy Snes and N64 games. Emus are the way to go... only does everything(that Sony allows it to)
3. May 2006 @ 18:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
How come you have to be rich? I'm sure you guys have a place like Game Stop where you can go and buy old games like that for like 2-5 dollars.
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4. May 2006 @ 08:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I need 2 new snes controllers...

4. May 2006 @ 15:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lol I need a new NES controller.
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5. May 2006 @ 03:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
' ' the eyetoy is crap. the technology for that has been out for a decade and sony's version wasnt advanced at all, it is shamed by the potential of nintendo's revolution with complete motion sensing and extra peripherals like shotguns and swords. ' '

and the differnce between eyetoy and revomote is ???

1.the technology for that has been out for a decade and sony's version wasnt advanced at all.

oh so a montion censor tv remote is actually a new idead ??
touch screen is a new idead ??????

funny i been going to the bank for years and when im going to pop out some money they have touch screens in there. hehe.

so yeah i agree with the part that the revomote is just a gimmick like a shotgun or a sword.nothing really new or innovative.

the allmighty mudearies...

79% Sony Fanboy , 10% xbox fanboy , 11% Kidtendo fanboy.
5. May 2006 @ 11:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Have you seen a hand held video game system do that before?
How about you stop being so ignorant of the truth. They didn't
mean it like that, you are soo stupid. They meant it as that it was
something new that nobody has done before. The controller is
meant to break away from the norm, not be something new
completely. DUH their has been technology like that but there
hasn't been anyone that has used the technology like Nintendo
is using it. Be more in depth when you read and stop telling us
the obvious.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. May 2006 @ 11:31

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5. May 2006 @ 17:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yea ofcourse its not new technology... touch screen is old and so is the remote controller = shotgun and swords. BUt Nintendo is acting like arcades and guncon never exsisted. Sure they may be the first to put all that into their system but doesnt it bother u when Nintendo keeps saying that everything new they make is sooo innovative and brilliant and genius when its obviously not.

Whoooo DS has a touch screen... lets touch dogs and tickle their balls so they can bark and roll around. Graphics look like crap but as long as you can touch it then its awsome!!!

Dont get me wrong i like nintendo I love Nes and Snes and GC but Nintendo needs to stop saying everything new they make is innovative and sophisticated. DS is innovative?? It aint shiz compared to the PSP. And dont gimme that lame excuse of PSP having crap games and cost too much and doesnt sell as much in Japan, cuz thats basicly all the DS fanboys can use to put down the PSP. Oh yea cant forget the battery life!!!!!
PSP should be called innovative instead of DS cuz it has better technology and u know im right. BUt u dont see Sony prancin around saying their handheld is innovative/sophisticated with break throught technology and better than all do u?????

NO!!!! so there... only does everything(that Sony allows it to)
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5. May 2006 @ 17:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
' ' Have you seen a hand held video game system do that before? ' '

are you serious ,remenber the palm hand held devices of those PDA touch screen please !,mm yeah they are touch screen with the little black stick thing ,how long have they been in the game ??? 5 years atleast.

so nintendo copies something from a palm pc touch screen ,and put it into their new hand help and now nintendo its all about innovation all of the sudden ?

nintendo has never cared about inovation ,you can tell from their old products. nes, snes ,n64 ,gameboy ,none of them had nothing innovative at all only cared about better graphics.

you are totally right ,it's nice to see some people with common sence around here for once.

the allmighty mudearies...

79% Sony Fanboy , 10% xbox fanboy , 11% Kidtendo fanboy.
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5. May 2006 @ 18:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The controller is innovative. It has completely broken away from the standard controller design pioneered by the NES that eventually evolved into the dualshock and 360 controllers. It isn't a light gun, nor does it work like a light gun.
It is completely different from any mainstream controller.

The utilization of a touchscreen in a handheld video game was introduced with the DS. Thus, it's innovation is touted and praised.
Whoooo DS has a touch screen... lets touch dogs and tickle their balls so they can bark and roll around. Graphics look like crap but as long as you can touch it then its awsome!!!
Nice. A good way to win any argument is to act as obnoxious and immature as possible.
DS is innovative?? It aint shiz compared to the PSP.

If the PSP was superior to the DS than explain to me how the DS is selling just as well, if not better, than the PSP.
And dont gimme that lame excuse of PSP having crap games
Dude, what are you on? Games make the console. Games are the reason people buy any video game machine, and games are the determining factor in the success of said machine.

I'm not going to tell you which system is better because they aren't the same, and that's the entire fucking point. That's what Nintendo is trying to do with the new controller, and that's what Nintendo tried to do with the DS.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. May 2006 @ 18:14

Senior Member
5. May 2006 @ 18:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
nintendo has never cared about inovation

Jesus people. Come on.
5. May 2006 @ 23:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you oofRome, you said what I couldn't. I didn't mean any kind of touch screen. I meant a mainstream video game system that does that. Nintendo is the only one.

And people talking about how they already had the technology a long time ago, if you put a black paper infront of the screen when playing Duck Hunter or any kind of shooting video game ( like in arcades), you will always get your shot. The Wii will not do this because it is not based on the same technology.
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6. May 2006 @ 00:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nintendo was the king of consoles oringally...i hope they take back the crown ;)

all the new consoles are just offering the same thing as the eailer console;same gameplay game controllers more or less with HD graphics....

why are they so hung up on graphics?! graphics is the icing on the cake..its the gaming experience that counts which is what Nintendo has gone for: a brand new experience

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7. May 2006 @ 17:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
' ' all the new consoles are just offering the same thing as the eailer console;same gameplay game controllers more or less with HD graphics....

why are they so hung up on graphics?! graphics is the icing on the cake..its the gaming experience that counts which is what Nintendo has gone for: a brand new experience ' '

better graphics are also a very important part of the experience, and gamers know that ,if it wasnt then companies like nvidia and ati, wouldnt exist beacuase they focus only on making new video cards for pc's so that games look better and better.

nintendo i dont need new experience from you.
i need NEW good games.

dont let the nintendo hype eat you up.

the allmighty mudearies...

79% Sony Fanboy , 10% xbox fanboy , 11% Kidtendo fanboy.
8. May 2006 @ 12:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
People probably shouldn't have let the Microsoft hype eat them up. Nothing is new with the Xbox360 except for the Live market place ( which some people won't beable to access anyways because not everyone has the internet or at least broadband ). Same old games, just updated graphics and a wireless controller.
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8. May 2006 @ 13:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
THe Xbox 360 is a decent system, heavily underrated by Nintendo and Sony fans alike. If I had money, than I wouldn't hesitate to purchase an Xbox 360 (with the new chip, of course).

Next semester I'll have the Wii and PS3, because my rich roommate prefers Sony and will have the finances for a good ps3 setup, so I'll have a little diversity. If the Wii sucks ass then I'll have the PS3, and if the PS3 sucks ass too then I'll just give up on video games for another 5 years and stick with Starcraft.
8. May 2006 @ 16:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well what got me to not like them was the fact that they would rush everything so they could be out before the holidays when they had to know that it still had some glitches ( though not many but enough to get alot of public attention).

When the Ps3 comes out and it isnt too expensive, I will probably buy it because it is the best of both worlds ( great technology and looks like a good game line up too ). If it is too expensive though I will by the Wii hands down.
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8. May 2006 @ 18:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
wow ppl here are so contradicting...

Offrome...U prove me right when i say DS fans will always use the sales as an excuse to say DS is better.

Seriuosly how blind do u have to be to say that DS has better technology than the PSP. Did Xbox sold more than Ps2, hell no but it had better technology didnt it?? Did Mac sell more than Windows, hell no but does that mean windows is better? Common... quit tryin to say DS is better cuz it has more games for lil kids thats why it sells. Im not even talking about games anyway im saying that Nintendo is dumb for saying that the DS is innovative cuz its not. U know the PSP should be the one called innovative. Can DS go on the internet? Can it harbor as much homebrew as the PSP? Can it be used to upload content from ur PC anywhere in the world using the location free player and Rss Channels? HELL NO! The PSP came out too early for its time thats what i think. Ppl are still old fashioned and are intimidated by new technology so they will always hate.
I'm not going to tell you which system is better because they aren't the same, and that's the entire fucking point. That's what Nintendo is trying to do with the new controller, and that's what Nintendo tried to do with the DS.
All Nintendo did with the DS is slap on a touch screen on a GBA and changed the name to DS. Dont get mad cuz Nintendo has been making handhelds forever and Sony came with their first handheld that is more powerful than all of Nintendo's combined. And the PSP is comin out with so many new great games u cant really use that excuse of PSP having crap games anymore. Its only been out barely a year and ppl are saying it sucks cuz there are no good games.

Lets all say that 360 sucks cuz the first year of its release has crap games. Same with PS2 and GC and every other console. only does everything(that Sony allows it to)
Senior Member
8. May 2006 @ 22:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Seriuosly how blind do u have to be to say that DS has better technology than the PSP.
When did I state the DS has superior technology than the PSP?
Did Xbox sold more than Ps2, hell no but it had better technology didnt it??
exactly. Hence my repeated claim that graphics don't define the success of a gaming machine.
Did Mac sell more than Windows, hell no but does that mean windows is better? Common... quit tryin to say DS is better cuz it has more games for lil kids thats why it sells.
I didn't say it was better. You even quoted me. And I'm the blind one?
Im not even talking about games anyway im saying that Nintendo is dumb for saying that the DS is innovative cuz its not.
I believe it's the general public, as well as developers praising Nintendo for it's "Innovation". I guess everyone is full of shit except those that share your opinions.
U know the PSP should be the one called innovative.
A valid point, but come back when you learn how to back yourself up with relevant information and appropriate arguments.
Can DS go on the internet?
Well, there is the Nintendo Wi-Fi network. A web browser was announced to be released in Japan this June. So, to answer your question; Yes. Yes it can.
Can it harbor as much homebrew as the PSP? Can it be used to upload content from ur PC anywhere in the world using the location free player and Rss Channels?
As suprising as this may sound, the DS wasn't intended to be a media center. It was a handheld video game device. Furthermore, homebrew and utilizing xhtml feeds are, thus far, very tech-savvy oriented.
The PSP came out too early for its time thats what i think.
Again, this could very well be a valid point. I wouln't know, and I don't think there's any way to prove this without being able to predict the future.
Ppl are still old fashioned and are intimidated by new technology so they will always hate.
That's fine, but I was never "hating" on the psp. Check your facts before you go lashing out at people.

All Nintendo did with the DS is slap on a touch screen on a GBA and changed the name to DS.
I'm not going to bother spending my time rebuting a statement like that. You and I both know it's more complicated, and I'm sure someone can overgeneralize the psp in a similar manner. I hope no one does, because it's a silly game that has no civility or intellegence within it.
Dont get mad cuz Nintendo has been making handhelds forever and Sony came with their first handheld that is more powerful than all of Nintendo's combined.
I'm certainly not mad. Someone illogically attacked Nintendo's DS, so I stepped in to defend.
While the DS graphics are an upgrade from GBA, that certainly wasn't the main emphasis of the system. I don't think anyone will try to argue which system has superior graphics.
And the PSP is comin out with so many new great games u cant really use that excuse of PSP having crap games anymore.
I never accused the psp of having "crap games". The closest I got was emphasizing the importance of a gaming library any system's success.
Its only been out barely a year and ppl are saying it sucks cuz there are no good games.
people can say whatever the hell they want, but I'm not one to go shouting out "PSP sucks". Not even remotely close.
Lets all say that 360 sucks cuz the first year of its release has crap games. Same with PS2 and GC and every other console.
I havn't said the 360 sucks, but there is certainly public dialogue concerning the lack of solid 360 launch titles. In case you forgot, Halo was a launch title for the Xbox, and I don't think anyone is going to call Halo a "crap game".
Offrome...U prove me right when i say DS fans will always use the sales as an excuse to say DS is better.
Just to reiterate, I still am bewildered that you accuse me of being blind, even though I definately emphasized the fact that I wasn't trying to say the DS is "better".
On that topic, though, I'd like to hear who you believe "won" the previous home console war, and what your basis of comparison is for the 3 (4 including dreamcast) consoles. Obviously it can't be "sales" because, as you say, that's just an excuse.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. May 2006 @ 22:15

9. May 2006 @ 09:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can it harbor as much homebrew as the PSP? Can it be used to upload content from ur PC anywhere in the world using the location free player and Rss Channels?
I believe that Nintendo isn't about adding that kind of technological capablities. They have always been about the pure gaming aspect of consoles and their handhelds.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. May 2006 @ 09:36

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9. May 2006 @ 18:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
wow offrome u are trying too hard.
All im trying to say is that nintendo is not innovative but they keep saying they are. Thats it...stop taking my sarcasm so seriously.

I'll end on that note. only does everything(that Sony allows it to) > forums > consoles > nintendo wii - general discussion > revolution offers more than x360 and ps3???

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