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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!
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1. July 2004 @ 04:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Poor Praetor, always trying to keep things nice and clean and on topic, and look what's happening! lol Anyway, I'll get things back on OCing. I have quite an intersting motherboard, MSI K8T Neo I believe, and the thing I like the most is that you can overclock within windows. It's an app called "core" center, and you can adjuct voltages, and the FSB. I have a AMD 64 3000+ chip. I've got a nice, loud, volcano 12 heatsink and fan for cooling. Now for the part I don't understand. When I overclock with the corecenter app, I'm able to get 230 FSB, and the default is 200. So I beef up from 2 GHz to 2.3 GHz. (I test it out by playing a demanding game for awhile, if nothing freezes, I assume it's good.) I don't like OCing this way because everytime you reboot, the settings aren't saved, and the FSB returns to 200. So, I go into the BIOS and see what I can do. In the BIOS they are several choices for performance, there's "general" which would increase everything by 5%, etc. etc. with different titles and different percentages. I'm assuming EVERYTHING is increased, because even when I change the slightest percent, my system hangs. This would not make sense, as my processor can clearly handle more. Maybe the ram can't handle it? ideas?

AMD Athlon 64 3000+
512MB PC2100 OC'ed to 2700
340 GB Samsung Hard Drives
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro
MSI K8T Neo Motherboard
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1. July 2004 @ 06:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I haven't used the board, perhaps Praetor can provide you with better information, but I have looked at the board because I was considering going to a 64 bit AMD system. I think MSI's Dynamic overclocking technology will only allow overclocking to a maximum of 7%. Perhaps that's why they included the Corecenter Technology to compensate for what can't be done in your Cmos. There are other software overclocking applications but I would stick with Corecenter because it (was made by MSI for the board) also monitors your voltage and I seem to recall that it shifts the voltage and clock when it needs to for the protection of your system.

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1. July 2004 @ 08:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
when I saved and exited cmos my pc rebooted but my monitor will not come on.
SOunds like you've deviated a tad too far from the AGP 66Mhz spec. :)
Poor Praetor, always trying to keep things nice and clean and on topic, and look what's happening! lol Anyway, I'll get things back on OCing.
Much appreciated :D
I'm assuming EVERYTHING is increased, because even when I change the slightest percent, my system hangs. This would not make sense, as my processor can clearly handle more. Maybe the ram can't handle it? ideas?
Hmmm perhaps with that windows-technique it also adjusts the voltages to keep things stable? You might want to look intot hat ... and what do you mean by "hangs"
There are other software overclocking applications but I would stick with Corecenter because it also monitors your voltage and I seem to recall that it shifts the voltage and clock when it needs to for the protection of your system.
I figured as much.....interesting thing about these "non-cmos" OC techniques.... why on earth would they do that? LOL, what about people running Linux?

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
1GB KingMax PC3700
640GB [4x160GB, 7200, 8MB]
XFX 6800GT 256MB
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3. July 2004 @ 22:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi...i'm new to this thread...i've never really used any forums so excuse me if i make any dumb mistakes. I came across this thread a few days ago. I read through it and decided i would join in. I've working with computers for awhile and found this place while looking for info on OCing. I don't have the nicest computer but i've tried with my limited funds. To me there is no better choice than to build your own computer...i've been there and seen crap computers from gateway, dell, compaq, hp, and so on. I guess only PC builder i still have respect for (besides some small time shops) is Alienware. I just got my Radeon 9200 which was a step up from my Nvidia Geforce 256 DDR 32mb. hehe...i couldn't really afford anything...i had planned on a 9600pro since it was a good price but now after seeing the 9500pro and how you can change a few things to make it a 9700pro i might get one of those next or just let technology pass me by for a few years lol. I felt really dumb after i realized that i should have ordered 2 sticks of memory for the dual channel memory setup...but nope i ordered one. Recently i've been able to get my clock speed up a little more since the room my computer is in is a little cooler with the addition of ac unit in the window lol. Best i can get to is 2056mhz on my 2500xp. I tried adding a little voltage at a time and still everytime i tried to run a game it would blue screen. I have the 400 memory running at 100% so i know it's not heating the memory up any. I also have my agp bus locked at 66. I just figured that i would be able to go higher when i bought it. I don't have the multiplier unlocked but i plan on doing it sometime. I have a Gigabyte 3D PC Cooler that is huge. It did drop my temp quite a bit from the stock AMD heatsink/fan.
4. July 2004 @ 07:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i had planned on a 9600pro since it was a good price but now after seeing the 9500pro and how you can change a few things to make it a 9700pro I might get one of those next or just let technology pass me by for a few years lol.
That wont be happening (i dont think at least), because they've stopped selling the Radeon9500.
Best I can get to is 2056mhz on my 2500xp
Not bad. I would think the limitation would be more from your mobo rather than your chip.
I have the 400 memory running at 100% so I know it's not heating the memory up any
How do you know this? Overheating memory is a common cause of BSODs.

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
1GB KingMax PC3700
640GB [4x160GB, 7200, 8MB]
XFX 6800GT 256MB
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4. July 2004 @ 07:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

A 9500 Pro can't be flashed or modded to a 9700 Pro or to anything else. But some 9500 non pro cards can be modded to a 9700 non pro. The problem is getting the right card with the right PCB and memory which is at best a crap shoot. Get one with hynix memory and you can forget modding and any overclocking with it will be at best marginal.

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4. July 2004 @ 09:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Damn and I thought the GeForce line was complicated! ;-)

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
1GB KingMax PC3700
640GB [4x160GB, 7200, 8MB]
XFX 6800GT 256MB
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4. July 2004 @ 09:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ATI has a history of screwing around with their boards. If you bought an OEM version of the 9500/9700 series you're almost guaranteed to get hynix memory, if you bought retail you have a fair chance to get one with Samsung memory. If you are lucky enough to get a 9500 series standard with the L shaped memory layout then you have essentially bought a 9700 standard which is still faster than a 9500 pro.

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4. July 2004 @ 14:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well i have a Gigabyte 7N400 Pro 2 mobo w/ the nforce 2 chipset so i don't really know how well it overclocks. When i got it i had seen a lot of good things about nforce 2. I used to be a hardcore Nvidia fan up until ATI caught up and gave them something to work towards. The first ATI i ever had was in a Sony VAIO in 1996 with a 1mb ATI videocard which was a pile of crap to me...but hey that was 96 it was right at top of the line then. My DDR 400 corsair memory is only running at 372mhz or so since its had 100% of the FSB. I don't understand how it wouldn't run fine. It runs fine at 400mhz when i have it more than 100% of the fsb. For instance when i have the FSB at 333 (regular) and the mem is at 400 which is like 120%. Should i just continue to be happy with my results or do you guys think it would be better to unlock the multiplier? I've seen people go pretty far w/ the mp unlocked but they might have watercooling or something else i don't have. I've considered watercooling. My last boss at the computer shop i worked at had a P4 2.8C up to i think 3.6 with watercooling b4 i left. He he had already ordered a college size fridge so put a small radiator in and drill holes thru the fridge to get even better results. Which in turn probably caused me not to get paid what i was owed when i left :(

AMD Athlon XP 2500 @ 2.05
Gigabyte 3D Pro Cooler
Gigabyte 7N400 Pro 2
512MB Corsair ValueSelect DDR400
SB Audigy LS
AOpen 52x DVD/CDRW Combo
ATI PowerColor Radeon 9200SE 128MB
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7. July 2004 @ 17:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
look at sig for current setup...been running (cpu, mobo,ram,hardrive, and GPU all new) for about 2 months. hopefully getting 9800 PRO soon. can hit 2.6Ghz but coolermaster aeor 7+ cooler is limited and it heats up 2.4 runs a nice cool 34 idle. good for air i suppose.

[COLOR=Green]AMD[/COLOR] Athlon XP-M 2600+ (2535MHz) 1.74V IQYHA
ABIT NF7-S Rev 2.0 (241*10.5) 1.8V - Pencil Mod
[COLOR=DimGray]OCZ[/COLOR]-EL 512MB PC-3200 DC-Platinum (483MHz) 2.85V 2.5-2-2-11

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7. July 2004 @ 17:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
runs a nice cool 34 idle. good for air I suppose
Yeah that's damn good for forced air cooling! (Welcome to the forums btw)

What are the timings on the RAM

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
1GB KingMax PC3700
640GB [4x160GB, 7200, 8MB]
XFX 6800GT 256MB
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8. July 2004 @ 07:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
right now there 2-2-2-5(stock is 2-3-2-5 so its not that big of a diff)...the best i can get them. but if i want to go 460MHz i imagine i'll have to loosen them up a bit. but for 440 they work fine at those timings. 2.75V takes care of it.

[COLOR=Green]AMD[/COLOR] Athlon XP-M 2600+ (2535MHz) 1.74V IQYHA
ABIT NF7-S Rev 2.0 (241*10.5) 1.8V - Pencil Mod
[COLOR=DimGray]OCZ[/COLOR]-EL 512MB PC-3200 DC-Platinum (483MHz) 2.85V 2.5-2-2-11

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8. July 2004 @ 13:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
just got RMA ram back and its at 460MHz 2.5-2-2-5. not real good but its CH-5 and may require a week or so to burn in. im hoping i can get 460 2-2-2-5 by then. runs perfectly stable in benchmarks all the way up to 46C(wont go any higher than 46...weird)

[COLOR=Green]AMD[/COLOR] Athlon XP-M 2600+ (2535MHz) 1.74V IQYHA
ABIT NF7-S Rev 2.0 (241*10.5) 1.8V - Pencil Mod
[COLOR=DimGray]OCZ[/COLOR]-EL 512MB PC-3200 DC-Platinum (483MHz) 2.85V 2.5-2-2-11
8. July 2004 @ 17:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Running any spreaders/active on the memory?

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
1GB KingMax PC3700
640GB [4x160GB, 7200, 8MB]
XFX 6800GT 256MB
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8. July 2004 @ 18:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user thats what im running right now..and look at sig..i got it a lil higher and stilll 34C:) weird temp..never changes lmao. getting colder though cuz its dark outside now

[COLOR=Green]AMD[/COLOR] Athlon XP-M 2600+ (2535MHz) 1.74V IQYHA
ABIT NF7-S Rev 2.0 (241*10.5) 1.8V - Pencil Mod
[COLOR=DimGray]OCZ[/COLOR]-EL 512MB PC-3200 DC-Platinum (483MHz) 2.85V 2.5-2-2-11

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10. July 2004 @ 07:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You going after low timings or high clocks?

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
1GB KingMax PC3700
640GB [4x160GB, 7200, 8MB]
XFX 6800GT 256MB
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10. July 2004 @ 07:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mostly high clocks...with as low timings as possible. if i want to volt mod my board i can go with 250+ fsb...but timings will be very loose. as for now i think 235 is my limit without mod and i can run 2.5-2-2-5. i have to decide whether or not i want to mod or i can just up multi and keep 230fsb...

[COLOR=Green]AMD[/COLOR] Athlon XP-M 2600+ (2535MHz) 1.74V IQYHA
ABIT NF7-S Rev 2.0 (241*10.5) 1.8V - Pencil Mod
[COLOR=DimGray]OCZ[/COLOR]-EL 512MB PC-3200 DC-Platinum (483MHz) 2.85V 2.5-2-2-11
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12. July 2004 @ 04:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey guys,i have a xp 2000+ 266fsb with 2100 memory running at 1.75 i increased the frequency up a liltle to 140 to get it there, am goin to get 2700 soon so i can OC a liltle more...i was wondering if i sohuld get 3200 or just 2700 because ill be running at 333 even if i get 3200 i don't think the xp 2000+ can get a 400fsb anyone? what the most anyone seen this chip OC to ? i know it might be better off getting the 3200 just for future Proc upgrade But then the 3200 will be running at 333 will that slow the memory odwn or will it jsut act jsut liek a 2700 ?i have a volcano 11+ running at 39c - 40c curently.
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12. July 2004 @ 08:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if you get PC3200 you can keep it and use it if you ever get a better processor. it will act like PC2700...but with better timings i imagine. i would go ahead nad get the PC3200 and run processor as high as you can.

[COLOR=Green]AMD[/COLOR] Athlon XP-M 2600+ (2535MHz) 1.74V IQYHA
ABIT NF7-S Rev 2.0 (241*10.5) 1.8V - Pencil Mod
[COLOR=DimGray]OCZ[/COLOR]-EL 512MB PC-3200 DC-Platinum (483MHz) 2.85V 2.5-2-2-11
12. July 2004 @ 10:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What core is the cpu: Palomino or Thoroughbred? If its a Palo, odds are you'll run into a wall at 1.9Ghz or so, a Thoroughbred might make it to 2Ghz

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
1GB KingMax PC3700
640GB [4x160GB, 7200, 8MB]
XFX 6800GT 256MB
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13. July 2004 @ 03:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
to tell you the truth am not sure if its palomino or TB
i tryed sandra but it woulnt tell me n this other diag programs but all it saids is Xp 2000+ (tm) how can i check?
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13. July 2004 @ 04:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You can use a program called belarc. Tells you everything about your pc including what hotfixes you have and what software. It will tell you your processor also. to download it then it will run in a internet explorer type window.

-Xbox v1.0, X-ecuter2 lite, EVO-X DASHBOARD,
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-BARTON 3200+, wInDoWs XP(sp2),
asus A7V600-X,120GB
13. July 2004 @ 04:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That looks pretty kewl! Another program you might be interested in is CPUz (free from )

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
1GB KingMax PC3700
640GB [4x160GB, 7200, 8MB]
XFX 6800GT 256MB
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AfterDawn Addict

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13. July 2004 @ 15:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I use Belarc sometimes when I'm trying to help folks but you also might want to remind people that it also provides information you don't want to be posted. Such as some serial numbers and computers name.

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13. July 2004 @ 16:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ya i figured there was something like that... runs ok but i still prefer CPUz/PCWizard any day of the week. The developer's a pretty kewl guy :)

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
1GB KingMax PC3700
640GB [4x160GB, 7200, 8MB]
XFX 6800GT 256MB
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