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17. December 2005 @ 23:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
tis true...halo 2 is noobified....

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18. December 2005 @ 11:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thats true tou can't play halo 2 without some fag delaying the game

currently have these consoles

18. December 2005 @ 11:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Kain x, off topic but whats the phantom like? Its that small box where you download games off the net isn't it?
18. December 2005 @ 13:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey OK were not fanboys, i'm going to get a PS3 also, but anyways, KooKoo, how did u become a junior member before i ddi lol?
18. December 2005 @ 13:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
KainX-i read about teh phantoms, i figured why would any1 want a xbox 360 or ps3 when they can get this, can you tell me aobut it, and how much are they.
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18. December 2005 @ 13:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
bit late, but i have to agree wiv zelda here.. concerning conrollers.. off set analogue sticks n that..
i do think that the new 360 controller is actually near the best layout you can have for all games, its perfect for fps, cus lates face it most games for xbox are fps which ient complainin about!..
i say this becuse when i played moh and killzone on ps2, i found it really uncomfortable to use, but ever other game amazin, platform, sport, racing, fighting and rpg..
but saying that, why are we discussin ps3 conroler?!! it hasnt been finalised yet!!!! the images are really old! i read EDGE magazine and the interview with sony said they havent realed any new material concerning ps3 for 3 months!!! and that image we're talkin about is their first finalised draft of the console, their stil going through making up mock controller layouts etc..
oh and i found halo 2 worse than halo.. so lets hope they make halo3 with halo 2 graphics with the better graphics added from 360 and halo 1 gameplay!
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18. December 2005 @ 15:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's true that we can not discuse the PS3's controler because 1) it hasnt been finalised yet like you said and 2) no one has actualy held it yet.

The reason why I was discusing this issue is because anubis66 desides on giving the controler negative feedback and sugesting it as rubbish when he knows it isnt. He said it out of spite against the 360 because he thinks the PS3 is the ultimate console and wants to give everything else negative views when he knows there is none to give.
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18. December 2005 @ 15:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's true that we can not discuse the PS3's controler because 1) it hasnt been finalised yet like you said and 2) no one has actualy held it yet.

The reason why I was discusing this issue is because anubis66 desides on giving the controler negative feedback and sugesting it as rubbish when he knows it isnt. He said it out of spite against the 360 because he thinks the PS3 is the ultimate console and wants to give everything else negative views when he knows there is none to give.
18. December 2005 @ 17:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think the controller will work fine for the PS3, the design is jsut somthing new that people haven't seen yet so that's why there is so many questions.
18. December 2005 @ 19:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I too found that halo 2 even though it was a good game was worse than halo, I think it may have had something to do with the introduction of playing as a covenant. Anyway as for controlers at this stage they can't really be compared.
AfterDawn Addict
18. December 2005 @ 22:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hmm i replyed awhile back but its not on here...

anyways to zelda again.

even tho i listed fps. games like tony hawk pro skater use the buttons right? most people use the dpad in any game that uses button for precision resons. also in driving games i and my friend also use the dpad to control the car alot easier. that are not many games that are ofset normally on ps2
AfterDawn Addict
18. December 2005 @ 22:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
and why the H E double hockey sticks does no-one like playing as an elite? it was the coolest addon. master chief is g4y looking. the elite is all original and streamlined. they looks sweet. yet everyone is all "gawd i hate playing as elite cuz i'm g4y with master chief's a$$"
AfterDawn Addict
18. December 2005 @ 22:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
and why the H E double hockey sticks does no-one like playing as an elite? it was the coolest addon. master chief is g4y looking. the elite is all original and streamlined. they looks sweet. yet everyone is all "gawd i hate playing as elite cuz i'm g4y with master chief's a$$"
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18. December 2005 @ 23:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ha ha. anubis66 that was very funny. honestly that was funny about the master chief's a$$. Before I go further with the little Halo discusion here I just want to say stop with your very very bad reasons. Please dont tell me that people use the D pad when playing games that primerly use the face buttons that is very dumb like your last Australian answer. Just like we all know that Australians came from England as convicts do we also know that everyone uses the left analog joystick when playing games with only the very few using the D pad on specific games.

Just to prove my point to end this stupid statement I have the perfect example. The SONY PSP! Yes the Sony PSP has one analog joystick on the left and I am currently playing GTA and gues what... it doesnt let you use the D pad for directional movment. It uses the D-pad for other things like changing radio station. If everyone used the D pad like you suggest wouldnt Rock Star have made the D-pad in use as directional movement? Its not only with this game but with Crash Team racing as well.

Anyway just to say that I thought the Elite character as good but Master Chief had the cool weapons and a certain feel about him that wasnt Thats what suprises me because if you think about Master Chief as g4y I thought you would have really like him?
AfterDawn Addict
18. December 2005 @ 23:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oh jethus cristh, do i come off that way?

ha, no. but i want my new mp3 player now and ups will have it to me today. yey! m:robe!
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18. December 2005 @ 23:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
replying to zelda's previous answer to anubis (i think, not gd memory, must be becuase im a brit lol) um anyway, i agre wiv ya, the 360s conrtroller is truly amazin, you cant point out anything really wrong with it.. but i do think ps3 will be the better machine.. sony's took more time on it for a start and havent got the millions like m$ to make a mistake, because m$ are greedy, if they make mistakes, they can make another console.. i gotta question too, why are they making ENTERTAINMENT CONSOLES be like PCs? cant a console just play games to amazing quality and not have all this online multi rubbish, i mean yeah still have it, but not jus base your console around it..
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19. December 2005 @ 00:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just to prove my point to end this stupid statement I have the perfect example. The SONY PSP! Yes the Sony PSP has one analog joystick on the left and I am currently playing GTA and gues what... it doesnt let you use the D pad for directional movment. It uses the D-pad for other things like changing radio station. If everyone used the D pad like you suggest wouldnt Rock Star have made the D-pad in use as directional movement?
umm... actually you can use the d-pad for directional movements if you go to the configuration settings and change it. dont make retarded comments before knowing what is what.
AfterDawn Addict
19. December 2005 @ 01:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
god jubie why, as i said in the other forum, do we share so many views..cept about the 360 controller.

anyways yeah you can change config settings, durrrr zelda.. i wish i still had my psp but this tyler kid jacked it.
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19. December 2005 @ 01:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I was hopeing none of you lot would have the game. Oh well.

Thats avoiding the point. A big question to all those that like to answer my questions when I dont direct it at them.

When your playing Final Fantasy or Grand Tourismo do you use the left analog joystick for movement or the old D-pad?
AfterDawn Addict
19. December 2005 @ 01:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
GTwith dpad, and ff9 and back with dpad. ff 10 for the most part analog, and 11 mostly one handed, right hand on the keyboard.
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19. December 2005 @ 01:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
personally im used to the d-pad for everything like grand turismo its easier for me to control. But thats just me. Ha ha zelda64 u know i like to push ur buttons(the GTA d-pad comment) just to keep things interesting. U usually have a good come back tho.
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19. December 2005 @ 02:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The day I believe you lot use the D-pad is the day that I believe little piggys can fly. I know you lot are winding me up so I am going to stop with this.

Just to say if the D-pad is really that special with you guys then send a letter to Sony which will look somthing like this

Dear Mr Multi Billion Dollar Sony

When I bought my PS1 why did you re-release your controler with these two sticks coming out of it? Is it because Nintendo thought of a really good idea that worked so you desided to copy it? if so can you change the design of the new PS3 pad with no analog joysticks because I dont use them and they just get in the way.
Thank you Sony.

P.S. I love you Sony, you can't do anything wrong in my eye's. Lots of love and kisses
anubis66 CrisKahn2
AfterDawn Addict
19. December 2005 @ 02:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i think you should write a letter to bill gates stating

dear mr 40 billion dollar man,

i just love to lick your nutz as i down the other system as your lakey. everything about your system is the greatest. i love the crashes and all the bugs that came with it. i think your system is better than ps3 because i have so played the ps3 so much al the time and seen it live and everything. i really love you, and thank you for letting me tell everyone about your system and how much you say its better than it is. please dominate me more tonight ok baby?

i love you gatey,

many people still use the dpad for its precision. the analog is not always where it is, as in some games if down is brake or sharp turn then on an analog stick if i accedently move my finger down too far i'll eff up. in thps, its alot easier to nail the moves correctly when you can tap the right direction in an instant quickly.
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19. December 2005 @ 02:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i use the d-pad in gran turismo, besause i think the analougue isnt repsonisive enough, i the old ff's i use the d-pad and have it set on run in the menu for ff8 and 9.. for 10 i use analogue yes..
if you dont believe me your jus kiddin yaself mate..
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19. December 2005 @ 02:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay I give up.

The xbox 360 controler is the worst thing ever. The analog stick being symetrical to the face buttons is rubbish. The right analog stick cripples my thumb so much i cant move it for a weak. the new shoulder buttons are pathetic and dont even get me started on the D-pad.

I have seen the PS3 controler and from looking I know it will be the best controler ever. The boomerang design will fit my hands like a glove. The symetrical analog sticks are good but I dont use them much so its better to have a D-pad symetrical to the face buttons.

And Bill Gates who I love so much is just a greedy billionair unlike the people at Sony who are kind and considerate and have just a small normal wage.
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