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13. April 2006 @ 06:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
not asians just japanease.

13. April 2006 @ 08:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

My three strikes days are over - they got me nothing but more frustration. Troublemakers should consider themselves lucky if they just get a suspension.

All the regulars of this thread can help keep it open by NOT getting into squabbles with the trouble makers. Its much easier for me to do what I need to do when the problem is clearly one sided. When I start seeing the regulars getting into it with either newcomers or each other is when this one will get shut down.

My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
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"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. April 2006 @ 08:30

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13. April 2006 @ 08:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
moderators are going to be kept very busy through may, lol (e3)

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13. April 2006 @ 12:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ATI is Canadain??!!??!?!?!
lol i thought it was American Technologies INC or somthing

I dont think ATI is beating NVidia , or vice versa, they both seem rather REALLY good.
+ geforce has the strongest cards out right now..erm...ge7900

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13. April 2006 @ 14:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
check this out

its basically something you stick between your hard drive and xbox 360, you save everythihng you do not want from your hard drive on to it and then save it onto your pc, you never have to delete anything, so there is an endless amount of memory.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. April 2006 @ 14:12

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13. April 2006 @ 14:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks truthman and rabbity for the feedback. CrisKahn2 I can see where you are coming from, and thats your opinion. But before you jump to your conclusion please understand that Xbox 360 was selling poorly without the PS3 in Japan. Secondly Japanese really only care about the games, so if for example PS3 (this will not happen, its just an example) came out with only western games like GTA I would be quite confident to say PS3 would sell very poorly in Japan (does this sound familiar to you, 'Xbox' was this exact example). It makes sense really, most western gamers like American football, Football (Soccer), Halo, Half-life, so if you got a console with mainly obscure Japanese title's (please dont get me wrong, Japanese do make excellent western games like Metal Gear Solid but minus these games for this example), most western gamers wouldnt buy the console.

Anyway the point is that games in the Japanese market sell console's, and evidense of this was the release of Rumble roses xx. Now to some extent you are right where Japanese like to buy products from thier own companies, which is why I believe PS3 will out perform 360 in terms of sales in Japan, hense my figure's I give earlier where I predict PS3 will win by about 10-20 million (mainly from the Japanese market) but as you know the Japanese market isnt the only market. Europe, America, Australia, Korea, Middle East, are to name but a few more regions where I belive PS3 and Xbox 360 will be quite equal in terms of sale's.

One final thing, has anyone read the news on the PS3's OS? I can give the link if you wish, but Sony's Linix OS will consume 25% of the PS3's prossessing power. Microsoft's OS only consumes 4% of the 360's power, which makes sense considering Microsoft's main product is Windows OS for the past 20+ years, so they know what thier doing.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. April 2006 @ 14:16

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13. April 2006 @ 15:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah i already read that article a few days ago.

i also think you are correct when you say japanease people go on games, like people from europe and america onece they have made up their minds that they do not like that console they do not like it and they become fanboys of the other company, but with japanease people as soon a japanease game comes to xbox 360 those same people who did not want to buy it, endd up getting one, therefore making sales triple in just one week of the game release, just thin what will happen when DOAX volyball, nintynine night, lost odessy, final fantasy and blue dragon release.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. April 2006 @ 17:41

14. April 2006 @ 10:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yup, ok neph. i didnt know that. we will try and keep topic but-inners out of the Q (non-topic regulars who but in an cause trouble).

and kookoo, the 7900's series isnt quite as advanced as ATI X19k series. and ATI flagship card is faster than Nvidias 7900GTX, (the X1900XTX), every review ive read of the card against the 7900GTX, it has beaten it in. and the custom PC magasine discovered that aswell. and a X1900XTX costs £370, when some 7900GTX's cost between £430 and £499.

i am extremely unbiased with GPU's aswell. ive just purchased a new 7800GS for my AGP system, the one with my 3.84 Ghz P4 socket 478. (a high end AGP system). i purchased a bog standard 375 Mhz one from america (even cheaper there these cards) and overclocked it to a staggering 490Mhz and its well good. the mem is clocked at 1.4Ghz from default 1.2Ghz. not bad eh. thats what i call good OC'ing (it was a pain in the arse thou, with all tests i had 2 do etc to see if it was artifact free and stable).

as for your statement zelda. you are rite yet agen.. and your welcome with my feedback :-)

Don't judge the consoles by specs, more isnt always better, espec in PS3 specs.i know the truth, ask if u wanna know.......

Do not compete without valid correct technicality on your terms of the argument.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. April 2006 @ 08:16

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16. April 2006 @ 08:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Im no tech guy so i cant ramble off specs and things of that sort but one thing ive gathered from my readings of all the postings and info on both systems is that sony fans are a little too loyal. They treat the console as if it was their signicant other. Xbox had better graphics and features than the ps2 in every way except that it was the new kid on the block as opposed to the ps2. Ps2 had better games at first so sony took that battle. Now the ps3 is coming out and all sony fans want to talk about is graphics.. and from what im hearing the truth is the 360's graphics will surpass the ps3 and sony's fans are running back to their old ways that graphics dont really matter all too much. Just weeks ago when ps3 was thought to be more visually pleasing you couldnt shut the fanboys up about how it was going to be so visually stunning and be a better online system. So when xbox looked better,ran smoother,had better online service that didnt matter worth squat. Now intially it was speculated that the ps3 had leaped the xbox and the 360 in those areas and those features are all that matter...o whoops, it wont have better graphics or online service... those things dont matter just the games. Sorry fanboys the xbox 360 will have better games by then as well.It's always a good sign when your firing one of your employees for giving his own product a less than steller review I.e Josh robinson(ps3 guy gave the systems development a harsh review and was fired within weeks). now theres even more talk of the ps3 being delayed... and i enjoy that. Sony has horrible customer service when it comes to the product, ps2 was a poorly made system hence i'll never buy a sony product again. I had 3 ps2's that broke and knew many other a person that had the same issue and recieved no help from sony. Many a microsoft customer i spoke with recieved nothing but help when they had aproblem with their 360 and the new system they recived work great. Im not a microsoft fan if ive lead u to bnelive that... i just love all that is not sony... P.S loved the review by the guy who spoke first of how the 360 will be better than the ps3 and to the guy who replied to him saying that graphics arent everything... the guy wasnt saying they were just merely informing the fanboys that sadly the ps3 will be inferior in visual contrary to their beliefs. It is true the games make the system but grapchis dont hurt
16. April 2006 @ 11:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No way xbox 360 will have better graphics. They'll have comparible graphics but ps3 will out shine.

If you wanna talk about gameplay, that is a different story. Ps3 will totally beat the 360. First, the processer will be faster in the Ps3 than the xbox 360 so that means less loading time ( figuring if your playing the same game on xbox 360 and Ps3 ). Now where that may be a problem is when they use the Ps3's Blu-ray discs to full potential and put huge, more detailed worlds in there games that the xbox 360 version wouldn't have because obviously they wouldn't have that much space on the the discs. This allows for more gameplay, and potentially better gameplay at that.

What is going to set them back no matter what is the price of the Ps3
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16. April 2006 @ 11:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
look stop talking about blue ray unless you can prove to me that it helps gamplay or graphics, also the graphics of the ps3 will barely be able to keep up to the xbox 360. the rsx is basically a 7800gtx, while the xbox 360 graphics chip is nothing like ever before, also with unified shader solmething the rsx does not have basically means that after time ps3 will startto fall behind b/c game like project offset work best with unfiedshader. oh and in a few years when developers start using all the three cores which they are not doing at the momment, then the cell will not be so special.

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16. April 2006 @ 13:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So now were talking of speed the ps3 will supposedly have over the 360. Need i say it again that xbox original was a far better console in every way than the ps2. Sony had a fanbase built and that is the ONLY reason they won that war. Now microsoft has quite the fanteam thanks to xbox live and killer fps such as the Halo series. Ps3 will be extremely hard to develop for and has had some the the top game developers say its a pain in their a$$ to work on( carmack, guy who developed quake and doom said it was a pain in his a$$). O as far as the unproven Blu-ray business... to this point 99 percent of developers dont use the full compacity of the standard dvd and the 360 games so far look just as good as the ps3 from the screenshots ive seen. Blu-ray is a huge risk that could put sony in a lot of trouble. Too pricey and not for the average consumer, people want quality at n affordable price not quality while being raped...
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16. April 2006 @ 14:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
cmk0121 i think this is the link your talking about where the doom developer gives his views.

this next link just shows us that having blue ray does not make much difference.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. April 2006 @ 14:10

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16. April 2006 @ 14:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well done cmk0121 and of course Rabbity.

First up, I am sorry to pin point you in this way sully_2u, having three against one, but I am just trying to point out the facts and try to clear up where you went slightly wrong in your feedback.

To start with lets get this blasted blueray out of the way. Blueray isnt some miraculous disc that gives better loading times, better game play, and does your ironing and dishes. It is a disc that holds 25gb of information (before it was said it would hold 50gb but not in the case of PS3). A disc that holds 25gb of information as apposed to the xbox 360?s 9bg of information. What does this mean? It means that a game coming to PS3 that consumes nearly all the disc, will take up 2 discs on the Xbox 360. It will be exactly the same game with exactly the same graphics. Gameplay is not affected by the size of a disc because if that was true then Zelda 64 or Goldeneye would be very bad in terms of gameplay because of the fact they came out on smaller sized cartridges rather than a CD like PS. Finally the only reason Sony are including blueray with their PS3 is because they are placing their whole business on this one media format they have created. If it fails over HD DVD then their finished as a company so their doing everything they can by including it with their most successful product to ensure its success over HD DVD.

So now we have established Blueray as nothing more than a disc that holds 25gb rather than 9gb, we then move onto the processor. Quicker loading times and better gameplay because of the processor? Well if anything PS3 will have slower loading times. Loading times is due to reading the disc and the PS3 will have the lowest blueray drive within the system which is at 2 speed, meaning it will read discs twice as slow as the Xbox 360, giving the Xbox 360 quicker loading times. As for gameplay if you where talking of an inferior console like the PS2 against PS3 then yes but we are comparing it against Xbox 360 and there will not be much difference. What you will find is Sony?s processor can handle physics slightly better than Xbox 360, but that?s in theory. With the Linux OS system taking up 25% of the Cells power, and programming for the system being the hardest thing ever then I don?t think you will be getting games with slightly better physics (which wont make much difference anyway).

The only disadvantage Xbox 360 has over PS3 is that PS3 can play a High Definition movie through its blue ray drive because blueray can hold all the information (25gb). The down side to that is many people don?t care or want to buy into this because of their DVD collection and the fact DVD?s are allot cheaper. Without that HD TV its useless anyway. Blueray and HD DVD are the future, but its to far into the future for people to care. We are talking about towards the end of this console generations life.
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16. April 2006 @ 14:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Appreciate the link you put up their rabbity. It was quite the read being as i dont know too much about it all it kinda gave me a clue about some of the dvd Blu-ray logistics. And Zelda64 i appreciate putting my not tech talk into something that makes sense. I grasp most of the stuff just not from a technical standpoint. Sony has a history of promising what they cant deliver. sony fans dilke what microsoft has provided in the xbox and then in the 360 but the truth is they are the ones who are biting off microsoft. All this nonsense of ps3 having a better online is rubbish,pure rubbish. Sony creating an online service better than A COMPUTER company.bill gates is a gamertag is GmIsOnPt360 and i play madden if ne of ya are interested in a good clean game. i'll drop u a friend request rabbity
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16. April 2006 @ 15:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah you can add me to your firends list, its just that i do not play madden i am more of an fps guy.

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16. April 2006 @ 15:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i got far cry rabbity, i tried to put ur sn in and i got nada. it said that it was an invalid name. Long live the 360
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16. April 2006 @ 15:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
really thats wierd, maybe you did not put a space in or did not put in it caps.

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16. April 2006 @ 16:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
rabbity it worked, its pending all u got to do is accept it.
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16. April 2006 @ 17:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok, cool.

16. April 2006 @ 22:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
im back. hooray. sorry for what i said. i was depressed and angered at my life.

so what did i miss? anything extraordinary? i havnt seen much new news on the ps3. i noticed someone said the rsx is like a 7800gtx, but its more close to a 7900gtx. i think, aswell as some others, the core in the rsx was used for the 7900's aswell, since a nice gpu was already designed it was effective to continue it. sure the xenos or w/e has newer, but is new always better? it could have the same fill rates and quality.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. April 2006 @ 22:36

AfterDawn Addict
16. April 2006 @ 22:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oh blah blah blah graphics,
oh blah blah blah blah blah graphics
oh blah blah blah blah blah blah graphics.

if you actually read the posts anubis is the one who is really really loyal to sony, however all i see is this talk about graphics. it dies in one thread only to start in another.

blah blah blah graphics.

unified pipeline smipelines.

ok lemme stop with the nursery nonesense.
ermm so since they are working on 100gb blu ray i guess that doesnt mean squat either eh. yea so maybe it will only take 1 ps3 b/r disc and when ported to 360 it will take 10/11 discs, i mean that doesnt interrupt gameplay at all, like say if you want to go to a past world you would have to keep switching discs. i mean in an rpg where you travel back and forth that wont interrupt gameplay at all. is that what you are saying.
but you kno what, even the b/r talk doesnt mean nothing to me. and all this graphic smaphic talking for what?
whether you are talking about cars or consoles you are going to have a hard time fighting for us products when they are pitted against jap products, whether it be ford vs toyota or 360 vs PS3..
360 is showcasing power, and not quality. which worked for xbox for a bit, but the novelty wears off when the quality of games isnt there to back it up. which is why i bought my xbox and put it right back down after i couldnt find any good games past ngaiden, splinter, halo, call of duty and a like 2 other games as opposed to my 50+ quality game collection for psp. i often read this nonsense and don't respond to it cause its pointless, ill make a point and no one will answer it, they'll just beat around it.
i laughed cause in another thread someone was saying omg if we get gta on 360 that would be great, or if xbox gets an exclusive gta it will be good lol.
gta blew up on what system? yup thx
xbox sales saw a surge when what game was ported to xbox, gta. yea thx.
if ps2 keeps their titles and ms keeps theirs who will undoubtly win..
of course we kno...
why i bring this point up, the gameplay in gta lc was revolutionary and was imitated thousands of times after but never duplicated, and gta is right up there with the live and madden franchises as best selling for ps2, and ms even after 2 years sought after the game to be released on the box so they could see some light.
the fact stands that after you have the wow effect of graphics nine out of ten gamers will go back to whats really important which is gameplay. and until 360 pulls out pristine games, they will see the same fate as xbox.

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16. April 2006 @ 23:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Good post. I feel the same way. If you want short and simple and straight to the point. The graphics dont matter b.c there probably wont be that much diff in capabilities. Now lets be real. It wouldnot take to much space to list all the quality games microsoft has had in the past but i dont think we want to start naming great quality that sony has had in the past. That would take too long. Microsoft has not had in the past nor will have in the future as the ps3 is released, as may quality games to match up with the ps3 lineup of games. They have to show me that they can pump out those great games once the ps3 has been released and both are on the market b.c their past performance is not up to par. Just have to wait and see what sony releases for the ps3 and what microsoft has in their bag of games to know anything for sure though.
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17. April 2006 @ 04:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Dude, have you seen the launch titles for the ps3?Garbage, doesnt even have madden which is the number 1 selling sports game in the America.The 360's launch was equally weak if not weaker i must admit. Madden for the 360 was fun for people whjo like playing others and not for much else.Granted sony may win because they will win the japanese support but i dont care what games come out in i play them.. I know your thinking that determines the success of a console and your probably right but i doubt microsoft will go bankrupt or stop making good games if they come in2nd in the next gen war. Sony may have had better games in the beggining but microsoft is doing a damn good job at signing game developing companies to work on exclusives for the 360.Sony fans will lap up the ps3 no matter how much it cost or how inferior it may turn out to be. Their loyalist who havent understood u cant marry a console. There's now talk that the ps3 may be delayed even further becasue sony is still bidding on components for the system and that the shell for the system is 50 percent too small for the components. Dont know how much truth is too that but its on sony sites and also on gamepro. Ne way sony is keeping it all so hush hush. Realize this, the ps3 is just a disguise to help promote Blu-ray,if Blu-ray fails then sony will go under and for all you fanboys so will the psblank series. Now if the 360 fails, wow they come in second and are still filthy rich. Microsoft loses $100 every system they sell, so to make up for that loss they had to seel 4 games per console they sell. They are currently selling 4.3 games per system. So the games they have out must not be that bad... sony on the othere hand will be likely losing $200 per system and must sell 8 games per system, tough row ahead.blu- ra wont be big for atleast another yr being that they wont have players out until late this yr and movies wont be rolling out in a big way til next yr. good luck fanboys, im sticking with my 360, my girl is getting the revolution. No sony here, remember its a console not a woman, buy the best console for the best price. their wont be a worth enough of a difference to spend the extra money. ur paying extra for a high def dvd player which has no affect on the quality of the game whatsoever.
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17. April 2006 @ 05:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
this website might help you in understanding the size of the discs isn treally going to matter just yet. The dvds being used havent ubeen used to their max and they've been out for qwuite some time and it seems all that extra space for the ps3 games wont be harnessed in ne positive way either.
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