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The official pro ps3 thread.(no arguing please)
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9. June 2006 @ 05:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well if you think about it, what games really looked great for ps3 and xbox 360. gears of war, mass effect, mgs4 and finaly fantasy. now graphically i would say they are near enough to say there is not much of a difference, if that at all. but then look at it closer both mass effect and gears of war will probably release a lot earlier than both the ps3 games, and you can see this clearly by looking at some of the launch games for the ps3 like untold legends which looks even worse then xbox 360 launch titles. these launch games just do not match stuff that xbox 360 is producing after 1 year on the market. and if this carries on how do you ever expect to see ps3 catch up considering that, it easier to develope for aswell.

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9. June 2006 @ 06:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
actually the magnavox system had motion senscors so i don't think the wii can realy make it. also ok xbox copied dreamcast how can u give why do u give them praise? xbox is copying sony they're making games backwards compatable. ya see the industry just progresses and uses eachothers sonys doing wut it needs to succeed

p.s. m$ stole gta dont give them praise

9. June 2006 @ 06:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
LOL I'm not totally praising MS, Cos they probably stole a lot of sh*t. But everyone says PS3 is great and MS stole all Sony's great ideas, so when Sony steals ideas I like to point that out to people. None of the companies are perfect, and they all steal and do what has to be done to succeed.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who know binary, and those who don't
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9. June 2006 @ 06:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
it is speculation that they have taken ms online service. anyway so why r we discussing this?

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9. June 2006 @ 06:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"p.s. m$ stole gta dont give them praise"

sony never owned gta or R*.

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9. June 2006 @ 06:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@smurf alot it was a joke also do u own any games yet? or did u get the tv?

AfterDawn Addict
9. June 2006 @ 09:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
like its been said, its a different type of motion sensor that was in development for a couple years. xbl was used more like inspiration so it can be as good or better. and they've been talking about downloadable games for the psp for over a year, its nothing new but shifting the idea to the ps3.

But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...

PS3 Username: Anubis66
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9. June 2006 @ 09:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well either way the ps3 is going to have features that will lack on the wii but are featured with the 360 and vice versa, so your getting more than originally thought. they are incorporrating a little bit of everything and are smart for doing it. again and again people want to bash sony for stealing or copying ideas. i guess if your not a fan it may hurt your feelings, but for the rest of people its all good. oorah!!
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9. June 2006 @ 09:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Whatever Hade no one cares!
AfterDawn Addict
9. June 2006 @ 09:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the 360 still really has nothing new to offer us but the same gameplay that we've had since the launch of ps2 but graphics as good as a 7600gt. they left the starting block first but i think ittl be another case of the tortoise(ps3) and the hare(x360).

But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...

PS3 Username: Anubis66
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9. June 2006 @ 10:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
tortoise and the hare...funny you said that because i was actually going to use the same analogy.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. June 2006 @ 10:11

AfterDawn Addict
9. June 2006 @ 10:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

well in this case, the hare(x360) believe the tortoise(ps3) has no chance because it's late into the race and is coming on slower. but the hare, believing in its own greatness, think is can win without trying its harded before the race to be the best it can, so it slacks. and when the tortoise begins the race, he'll be long past the sleeping and slacking hare.

But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...

PS3 Username: Anubis66
9. June 2006 @ 10:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So all you people who are fighting for Sony here are willing to pay $600, just to play some video games? That is a pretty unfair deal, don't you guys think? They should have just stuck with a HD-DVD player instead of Blu-ray.

And I'm pretty sure that it won't be free internet. They'll need the extra money after they start selling and losing alot of money on the system.
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9. June 2006 @ 10:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't think the tortoise and hare analogy applies here. The PS3 has a lot more under the hood that the X360. The PS3 is the faster car in this case - the 360 just had a headstart. No matter what happens the faster car with more horsepower should be able to bridge the gap.
AfterDawn Addict
9. June 2006 @ 10:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
it doesnt phsyically apply, but the concept and idealogy does.

But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...

PS3 Username: Anubis66
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9. June 2006 @ 15:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"@smurf alot it was a joke also do u own any games yet? or did u get the tv?"

yeah i ordered the HDTV today hopefully it will arrive soon, oh and i am getting the ping pong game and moto gp.

"The PS3 is the faster car in this case - the 360 just had a headstart. No matter what happens the faster car with more horsepower should be able to bridge the gap."

but the slower car always takes the corners faster and never crashes.

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9. June 2006 @ 16:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"but the slower car always takes the corners faster and never crashes."

im not too sure im following you on that one
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9. June 2006 @ 16:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sweet smurfalot we can chat more when youre on and actually if u had played ridgeracer the faster the car the better the drift the better the corner rabbity

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. June 2006 @ 16:20

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9. June 2006 @ 23:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
these analogies are rediculous.
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10. June 2006 @ 03:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lets jsut wait till the release before we start saying things like ps3 will catch the xbox 360, conidering that when ps3 launches by what we have seen, xbox 360 games will look better at the time and also considering that xbox 360 is easier to develope for, i see the ps3 catching up but not really overtaking, and going into its own leage. i hope we can keep up this normall talking, b/c that fanboy vs fanboy thing was just getting sick for a while.

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10. June 2006 @ 09:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@ rabbity yea it id guessing but most of us r making educated guesses besides if we don't speculate wat r we gonna do on these forums?

Senior Member
10. June 2006 @ 10:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if its going into its "own league" then there is NO comparision between the 2. its like saying a minor league baseball team is going to be beat, say the yankees. TGS is in sept. expect the ps3 to put on a promising display
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11. June 2006 @ 14:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i mean i think it is hard to get excited about the x360 games or even the wii cause the ps3 is just so promising to so many people the ps2 and psx was incredible, the specs r amazin. etc.

AfterDawn Addict
11. June 2006 @ 15:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i agree, the hype around the ps3 is overshadowing the 360 to anyone that wants a console and doesnt have a fave company.

But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...

PS3 Username: Anubis66
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11. June 2006 @ 15:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I agree the hype around the ps3 is flat out BONKERS
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