TUTORIAL: How to play backups w/o mod chip, only Max Drive Pro Memcard
14. April 2006 @ 00:35 |
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dutchs > I guess you're dutch, from reading your name, so am I. I do not use the max drive softmod, but the SDload one, but I found out that expensive disc generally suck. I use platinum DVD-R now (ritekg04) which work great. Every game I burn on them works flawlessly. You can probably buy them at your local pc-shop. There called platinum mini DVD-R, and come on a spindle, 10 on one spindle, around 10euro. You should try to find them and try them out... they work great. They look like this:
14. April 2006 @ 06:38 |
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medis not recognized error, and i'm using the ritek media.. blast it, i'm going to try other os's other than gcos.
setting up drive 04, media not recognized... WTF?!
anyone got any tips? other than what i'm about to try out?
what better firmware to have 04 06 or 08...
you'd think 04 was cause it's an early one..
14. April 2006 @ 07:48 |
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so get this.. i got it to work once, i loaded chibi robo..
i went through my normal process, leaded the gcos... when it asked me to put in my game to boot i put in chibi robo.. then i turned my gamecube upside down. and then it loaded! wtf!
i did the same with megaman command mission and it got past two screens and tld me to clean my disc or something. and then... it didn't work again.
Junior Member
14. April 2006 @ 08:40 |
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Anyone confirm that newer Gamecubes work better? heh my house kinda caught fire so im probably going to end up getting a new one.
14. April 2006 @ 08:43 |
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dutchs > My drive is a 08 one... works great with the media I recommended to you earlier... Maybe you should adjust the pot on your gamecube... If your drive is a 04, and mine is a 08, and we both use the same media... should that suggest that newer drives do work better with backups without adjusting the pot???
1 product review
14. April 2006 @ 12:53 |
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Mine is a drive 04 and it works just fine.
It's an older system, so I'm not too sure how much "age" matters using this method.
I'm also using Ritek G04 media.
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Junior Member
14. April 2006 @ 14:50 |
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mine is an 06
i have tried burning games with my computer, and it works some of the time, but i go over my bros and all the games that i burn from his computer work fine
so it may just be your burner
some burners are bad for gamecube games
14. April 2006 @ 18:18 |
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I am Back again to this forum for some.
Got everything working with maxpro. Burned 4 games, no problems.
One game gives me a problem. Its Prince of Persia its PAL format i believe. So when i boot the game with auto-detect i see the images on the screen black and white and jumping, its probably because my TV not supporting PAL system. So when i select option Y to force NTSC, all i get is black screen. Can anybody suggest anything, how to deal with this issue.
Thanks in advance
Junior Member
14. April 2006 @ 19:20 |
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Just got my new gamecube i might try this out now that I have a copy of SSBM ver. 1.0 online baby! I can load the files using the device to =)
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15. April 2006 @ 08:32 |
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Hi, I'm new on this board. I having a problem backing backups on my GC. I got everything it said in the thread, the Max Drive Pro, The Mini DVD R Backups, used Nero to burn the disc and finalize it. But, when I load up the GcOS on the system and attempt to boot the game, it gets up to Boot O6 Drive, and then freezes. It even does this when I attempt to boot up a legit game. So, is there something wrong with my GC?
16. April 2006 @ 09:55 |
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Do yourself a favour and dont waste your money on this, I followed everything on the tutorial and tried ritek and sony discs nothing works I have two gamecubes and tried both I have spent over £50.00 on this, I am not impressed.
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16. April 2006 @ 10:27 |
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Well, I already bought the Max Drive Pro already and I might as well try to get to work. But, I cannot get it past the setting up 06 Drive. I set the region right, but, it's still not to getting past that part.
Junior Member
16. April 2006 @ 11:54 |
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jedite1: i have an 06 drive too,
it could be a bad burn, bad files, bad download of the game. either way, retry. get different games and try them. not every game will work for you. i have 20 backup games, and 3 of them dont work. also, you may want to keep hitting the retry button, on some of my games it takes more then one try the gcos to boot it. what version of gcos are you using? so far 1.5 is the best for me.
it could also be your burner, and trust me you have not wasted your money. just keep trying. and ask more questions.
also tell me more about how you burned it.
it needs to be burned as an image.
.iso is the format used
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16. April 2006 @ 12:05 |
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I have a Lite On DVD RW that I use for my burner, and I have Fujifilm DVD-R for my recordables. I'm using GcOS V 1.5, but, I have a question, shouldn't the GcOS boot legit games as well? Because I tried to boot legit games from the GcOS and it froze also.
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16. April 2006 @ 12:29 |
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I burned it as an iso file with Nero in a pioneer dvd burner which didnt work I then tried it in a lite on dvd burner which didnt work either I then proceeded to try a nec dvd burner no success I tried with imgburn that didnt work. I have tried these on 3 different games still no joy so far today I have wasted 15 discs.
17. April 2006 @ 09:39 |
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soo.... it probably is my burner, cuase it will read sometimes, i'll try on my buddies super computer, mines a peice of shiza,that restarts on it's own from time to time.
i'll let you guys know.
i'm burning mine 2x speed on ritek media with Nero 7
and they media isn't recognized error with an 04 drive, but the media sometimes works if you turn the gamecube upside down ;0
but then sometimes it hangs at loading and then asks you to shut off cuase there's a problem with the disc. blah!
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17. April 2006 @ 13:21 |
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I read earlier in this topic that sometimes it works better if you burn the games faster. Someone said that games worked when burned at 4x but not when burned at 2x. You should try different speeds.
17. April 2006 @ 16:41 |
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i actually can't burn any faster on my shatty lite on drive, that's actually been pretty good to me, sorry lite on drive.. i hope it doesn't read this.
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18. April 2006 @ 06:18 |
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Well I got my Max Drive Pro Yesterday (Which is only 10 days after I ordered it, without that expensive express shipping) and it works great. The only small problem which doesnt really bother me at all is sometimes the card isnt detected by the gamecube properly. They way I ensure this doesnt happen is boot the cube without any disc in it and make sure the card is detected on the mem card screen. If it isnt all I have to do is pull it out and insert is once or twice. Then just insert the disc and boot the max drive software. My Max Drive Pro was just labeled Max Drive on the outside packaging and on the device itself. Both discs were marked Max Drive pro though. Out of the 20 backups I have burned 19 of them work perfectly. The only game that hasnt worked so far is Phantasy Star Online Episode 3 CARD Revolution. Does anyone else have a problem booting that game? I am using GCOS(PSO) 1.5 Final with a Model 08 Drive (Black cube). Just incase everyone wanted to know, I am using Ritek g04 mini dvds, Nero 6, Panasonic/Mashita DVD-Ram drive and burning at 4x every time. All of my games have been NTSC USA except for a couple japanese games. Notable games include Paper Mario 1000 Year door, Mario Kart Double Dash, NBA Street V3 (playing basketball with mario & co) Luigi's Mansion, Zelda Collectors disc (full version not ripped), Dream Mix TV (JAP), and many more. Just as a side note for anyone having problems all of the games I have burned were scene releases that were already over 1.3gb and didnt need to be fixed. A couple needed to be renamed from gcm to iso. I hope my information helps some people. Thanks brucedlx this works better then I imagined it would.
18. April 2006 @ 11:46 |
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This tutorial is very well done...good job brucedlx. I have followed all the directions in the tutorial and everything works up to Step 13. When I try to load the GCoS 1.5(PSO).dol file from my memory card my Max Drive Pro screen looks like the picture in Step 12 asside from the game saves. When I press start on the GCoS 1.5(PSO).dol file all I get is a black screen and no GCoS menu like the tutorial says I should get in Step 13. So I haven't even been able to test my backups because GCoS won't even load for me. If anyone could help with this or anyone with a similar problem could provide some info it would be greatly appreciated.
Xecuter 2 Chipped Xbox
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18. April 2006 @ 19:50 |
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i got my gamecube disc now and everything works up to the point of me puttin a disc in.....i dont have any blank mini dvd;s but no worry, tonite two 10 packs were ordered from the egg. so they're on their way.
the thing boots up loads the gcos and i can goto all the menu options n stuff, hmm, i should play with the ripper, i have a broadband adapter too, crossover cable the works for all that stuff when you used to load them from the pc to cube...never really was fast enough to 'stream' the games
1 product review
19. April 2006 @ 07:04 |
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Cool, glad to see you got it quite a bit quicker this time. Make sure to let us know if everything works once those mini-dvds arrive.
Senior Member
19. April 2006 @ 10:28 |
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I've noticed somethng about some people ordering a larger replacement case for their cube, so that it can read regular size DVDs. Can this be done in conjunction with this loader? Would I need a mod chip or a new laser component of any kind?
I am very curious about all this...

"Its not stupid, its advanced!" - The Almighty Tallest, Invader Zim
19. April 2006 @ 15:16 |
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handsom, I beleive that should work.
zztone, you are unclear. Firstly do you realise that you have to choose "burn image" not create a data DVD and copy the Iso into it?
20. April 2006 @ 12:33 |
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sooo.. burning the images on a better computer helped out as now discs work more often but jeez. my cube stinks, my buddies pays my copies fine. mine i have to turn upsaide down and and randomly there are read errors. shiz tank.
but yeah, his is a 04 as welll, i find that odd. the difference between ours. i'mma get a new cube.