TUTORIAL: How to play backups w/o mod chip, only Max Drive Pro Memcard
8. April 2006 @ 09:46 |
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yes it is strange and frustrating, i have everything i need but the gamecube minidvd boot disc, how crazy is that?
they said theyll send another out, im hopin they do, i mean there isnt any other way to get that minidvd is there.....how can they not send me the disc, my buddy who ordered the same time i did got his, and disc included too....and it took a month from the day i ordered to get the damn MD-Pro...i guess all i can do is hope....kinda really sucks hardcore that the disc wasnt in there, but the mailing package was sealed, the plastic the mdpro and disc came in was sealed, so its not like someone took it, im guessig the manufacturer slipped up and didnt put a disc in one of em...
8. April 2006 @ 11:44 |
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I ordered a MaxDrive Pro in MArch and just recieved it this week .. and guess what?.. They sent me a Max Drive as well.
Whats really odd is that they don't even have these regular MaxDrives listed on their web site, only the Pro.
If the only difference is this missing disk, could someone make an image of theirs available?
8. April 2006 @ 12:04 |
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so your missing the gamecube boot disc as well then?
but all the manuals and other pc cd and software say its a pro and your order says its a pro too?
8. April 2006 @ 12:11 |
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I haven't opened it yet. My order says Pro, but nowhere on the outside of the packaging does it say Pro, just Max Drive.
No word back from code junkies....
8. April 2006 @ 17:44 |
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mine is pro and didnt say so on outer packaging
Junior Member
8. April 2006 @ 18:22 |
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i thank you very much. i got my max pro in the mail, and downloaded call of duty. i followed your tut exaclty, and on the FIRST try it worked. you have made this very easy to use and to understand. very good job
8. April 2006 @ 18:56 |
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gggrrrr lol damnit already wheres my gamecube dvd, i hope it doesnt take a whole month to get that too like it did the max drive pro...oh wells ill see what happens
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9. April 2006 @ 05:14 |
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I tried to warn you guys about the problems you will probably have with codejunkies and the max junk drive. Hopefully all these complaints will help people to realize they need to find an alternative to using this piece of garbage and buying from this fraudulent company
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. April 2006 @ 05:16
9. April 2006 @ 08:10 |
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I think codejunkies is trying to fix the problems that people have been complaining about. They no longer make a "max drive", only the "max drive pro" product. The "max drive" is now I believe the "max memory" product that you see on the website. I will be the first to admit that it causes a LOT of confusion the way they made the "max drive" and "max drive pro" origionally and even more so because they use the EXACT same packaging for both items (I mean, come on, it isn't that hard use a different piece of printed board, even just changing the small one that covers the usb cable would be enough... or even a freaking sticker on the outside that says "Pro").
But again, it looks like they changed the products, but it is still a little confusing simply because there are no announcements about it.
Oh, I also ordered on March 29th, and recieved my order on April 7th. Quite frankly, 8 days is VERY good when you consider it is comming over-seas to get to me. Again, they are working on fixing the problems they had in the past. I know people get pissed at places that give them sucky service, but when the place is actively working REALLY hard to fix those problems, you need to take that into consideration too.
Now, I will say that I would not use the card for much other then transfering some things back and forth to an official gamecube card. It IS a little flaky in terms of not always being recognized. So far the most I have had to do is turn the gamecube off/on and remove/re-insert the card a couple times and it then gets recognized. I can't see this a real problem because I will only use it to transfer things off/on the system by copying saves to it...
9. April 2006 @ 08:37 |
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i ordered march 8th and got mine april 7th, nearly a month wait
ill hold tight with them expecting my missing disc, because everything for all intents and purposes says mines a max drive pro, therefore i should have the gamecube boot disc, simple as that. somewhere along the line, manufacturer or packager skipped a part, and im hoping someone is saying hey, thats why we have some extra mini dvd's for the gamecube, and theyre goin to be sendin em out....hopefully it isnt goin to take a month though this time
Junior Member
9. April 2006 @ 16:41 |
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ever heard of patience?
either way, i ordered mine on march 24, and received it on march 30. that is only 6 days, and everything in mine came and worked great.
and i have since been able to back up 7 games. they all work flawlessly.
10. April 2006 @ 09:51 |
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i have been patient, im not in any hurry for it to get here, like the OP said it may take awhile to get it...well, i got mine, but they didnt send me the essential minidvd that i need, so negating patience, im just a lil flustered
10. April 2006 @ 20:17 |
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I heard back from codejunkies and they said that the item I received was in fact a MaxDrive Pro (even though it had no mention of Pro on the outside of the packaging).
So I opened it up and sure enough, the disks inside both were labeled with 'Pro'. Haven't tried it with backups yet though...
11. April 2006 @ 12:43 |
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I ordered my Max Drive Pro last week and received it today. My packaging also didn't have the "Pro" written anywhere. However, when I opened the package the all important gamecube disc did have the label "Max Drive Pro". Anyways, everything worked on my first try. I didn't need to re-burn any disc or adjust the laser on my gamecube. Thanks OP for the great tutorial!
1 product review
11. April 2006 @ 13:38 |
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I wonder why this thread hasn't gotten up to the "Sticky" status yet?
11. April 2006 @ 17:12 |
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so then indeed i was missing a peice of the package, good good :) cuz i was a lil leery of the packaging not sayin pro but everything else did so ok, im still waiting on the minidvd, ill throw em another email thursday if i dont get nothing by then, but good times otherwise :)
11. April 2006 @ 18:06 |
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I ordered mine on 03/10/2006, still have not gotten it. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one that it has taken an extremely long time for.
I wish wish it would arrive so I can test it out, then I can finally burn all of these backup games off of my PC's hdd to clear up some space.
11. April 2006 @ 18:53 |
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I loaded up the maxdrive pro software on my computer and then connected the card, after that I loaded up some save games from the disc to the card. Everything looked like it was working as expected then when I put the card into the gamecube it came up and said the card was corrupted and needed to be formated. I formatted the card and now I get a error reading card restart application message from the pc software and a card is corrupt message from the game cube!!!!!!! Argghh I cant believe that formatting from the gamecube would ruin the card??? and if it did there has to be a way to recover it??? Help oh knowldgeable ones of the maxdrive pro gamecube hack scene!!!
Viva la la la la
11. April 2006 @ 19:19 |
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Just connect back to pc and format with maxpro software. For More detailed instruction read pages 4 to 13.
Good luck
1 product review
12. April 2006 @ 03:20 |
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Yeah mrboy this has been discussed several times on this thread. Please read previous pages.
13. April 2006 @ 11:35 |
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Ive followed the instructions.
Got a backedup game on a maxell disc (all that i have at the moment)
I am getting this error message :-
An error has occurred.
Turn the power off and refer to the nintendo gamecube instruction bookley for further instructions.
Help, any ideas why?
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13. April 2006 @ 12:26 |
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Codejunkies finally gave me a refund for this crapdrive pro. 2 months after I returned it. Buyer beware of you order this crappy device from this crappy company
1 product review
13. April 2006 @ 12:55 |
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natdeamer: I got that error on 1 out of the 10 games I've burned so far. I got it with Paper Mario. I'm not quite sure what happened myself, but someone told me it was either a bad burn or my file is corrupted. I'd say try a different game and see if it works, and if it does then assume your problem is one of those two things above.
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13. April 2006 @ 13:00 |
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13. April 2006 @ 17:11 |
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so i'm getting a disc read error readin drive 04...
wtf!? it won't read my media?
i'm using some stupidly expensive maxell discs.
i'm going to try these ritek discs, and i'm goignt oburn the image at 4x.
give me some tips if you have any befor ei head butt my GC.
haha thanks guys