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How to make your own Memory Card Exploit using the Independence Installer
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21. October 2005 @ 22:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ptikobj man, this what you need:

It's the Independence Compiler Program, it does all the work for ya. Just load it up, put in your ps1 disc to the pc, let it detect the SLUS code, tell it what .elf files you want on there, whether your NTSC or PAL, what launcher you want to use (keylauncher, LauncherELF or PS2 Menu --> launcherELF is my recommendation!)...

And it'll right a bin/cue for you --> you don't need to do any of this file editting stuff, the program does it accurate every time!


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. October 2005 @ 22:56

Senior Member
22. October 2005 @ 08:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The best place I can think of to get an already compiled exploit probably would be here it is a register site,but they have a couple of them off there.

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. October 2005 @ 09:21

24. October 2005 @ 05:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you know, it trips me out to see people say that the info is overwhelming. you tell them to take their time and read, but they want someone to hold their hands through it all. then they wonder why people like me are ranting constantly about them being babies. i'm assuming that reading is far too much to ask. i had to read to figure out my stuff. my head didnt explode, and no one held my hand through it at all. well AD, ES, and ps2hd had plenty of info, so the posts that were already there was enough hand holding for me to do what i needed to do. maybe that's my fault for learning how to read or maybe it's my fault that i'm able to comprehend the information that i was reading. maybe i should somehow lose my intelligence and comprehension skills and ask everyone for handouts too.

PS2 v7 39001 + 64MB MC
200GB Seagate oem
Retail HDA (HDL Fully Patched)
boot = Launchelf 3.4b
exploit = Codebreaker 8.1 method
Junior Member
24. October 2005 @ 21:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I need some help with my exploit it works but when i go to hdloaderand try to load a game on my hard drive through the exploit it wont work. the screen goes black any suggestions?
25. October 2005 @ 05:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i suggest that you find out the compatibility of the game when you use it in HDL. you may not have the correct mode set. for many games, mode 3 will solve most of your problems.

next time be a li'l more detailed, like what game is it, are you trying to save the game to the hdd, or play the game that's already on the hdd. stuff like that will be helpful in getting your question answered completely.

PS2 v7 39001 + 64MB MC
200GB Seagate oem
Retail HDA (HDL Fully Patched)
boot = Launchelf 3.4b
exploit = Codebreaker 8.1 method
Junior Member
25. October 2005 @ 10:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK lets see I have the memory card exploit working somewhat, and my hdloader is working because i can save the game to the harddrive.

Now if i take my swap magic and use that then change the disc for my hdloader backup then when i am in the harddrive and click play it works fine. (DBZ Tenkaichi is what im using as a test.)also, i can install games without trouble.

SO when i use the exploit and the screen flashes white and u go into the memory card exploi, thats where i have the problem. from the harddrive with the ps1 game in i press the assigned button to launch hdloader. so far it works, i can install the game from here and it works.
BUT when i try to play the game the screen goes black....(NOTE that the game will play just fine uising the swap magic - hdloader program)

Thats about all i can say about the problem...

Thanks for any help provided!!!!!

Hey Super:
When your talking about setting it to mode 3 will that helploading through the memory card exploit???????

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. October 2005 @ 10:07

25. October 2005 @ 11:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hopefully someone can help. I have no problem creating the exploit cd and using the slide tool. I start the ps2 up with an original PSX game in (Driver). I wait for it to boot, once I see the playstation logo come up, I use the slide tool, remove the PSX disc, Insert my exploit cd which contains cogswap, push the tray back in, use the slide tool to slide the pin all the way back to the left, then nothing happens. The disc will not spin at all. Any suggestions?
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25. October 2005 @ 12:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Man, things are in the wrong order there. You need to use a method of loading backups (such as swap magic, armax etc.) to INSTALL your MC exploit!... then you put in your ps1 game and the menu will load.
25. October 2005 @ 12:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My mistake then, I was under the impression that the exploit could be loaded simply by using an original PSX game.
25. October 2005 @ 13:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
so from what i understand, you are able to install/play games on hdd when you use swap magic to run your HDL backup? you are also able to install them using the trigger cd? but you are not able to play them with just the trigger cd? you are in a great old problem zone. make sure you have the latest patched HDL file (0.7c). if your exploit is getting you that far, then you must be doing something right. i would suggest testing a different game if possible. some games require the latest HDL file to run. that could be the problem.

it may somehow be possible to use that HDL backup that you have to create HDL on your memory card (or hdd). if you're using a loader for your exploit that will allow you to copy and rename files, then make a folder on the hdd (if you can) and copy the slus_XXX.XX file to the folder and rename it to HDL.elf and see if that works. this second part may be totally useless to you. but it's an idea.

mode 3 is AFTER you install the game to the hdd. on the latest hdl file it says (kill hdl after starting game) or something like that. this will stop hdl from running. and also check for a compatibility list to see if your game is compatible. or test a different game.

PS2 v7 39001 + 64MB MC
200GB Seagate oem
Retail HDA (HDL Fully Patched)
boot = Launchelf 3.4b
exploit = Codebreaker 8.1 method
Junior Member
25. October 2005 @ 23:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what .elf files should i have in my memory card?? maybe i'm missing something...

Hmm... I went to play dbz and the game froze on my hd maybe that has something do do with it...

i'm gonna try and see what happens
26. October 2005 @ 05:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i went to the site to check the compatibility, there's the link, and it seems that DBZ:Tenkaichi doesnt have any real issues. so did you use the PS2 laser to backup the game? or did you use the computer? either way, based on what the website said, it shouldnt be doing that to you....

here's some more links

these are of people's progress with the game. it seems that it's gonna freeze on you no matter what. sorry. and that's one reason why i said to try a different game.

PS2 v7 39001 + 64MB MC
200GB Seagate oem
Retail HDA (HDL Fully Patched)
boot = Launchelf 3.4b
exploit = Codebreaker 8.1 method
Junior Member
26. October 2005 @ 11:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So could i use a memory card exploit to update my pro evolution soccer 5 option file which i downloaded off the pes fan site? OR am i totally missing the point of this exploit thing?
26. October 2005 @ 12:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
totally missing the point

exploiting the MC is about causing your PS2 to run a non-commercial program designed to interact with the playstation 2 game console.

i exploited my MC so that i can run the HDLoader program without the need for the original software CD to be in my PS2. (but i still need a ps1 cd to trigger the exploit)

PS2 v7 39001 + 64MB MC
200GB Seagate oem
Retail HDA (HDL Fully Patched)
boot = Launchelf 3.4b
exploit = Codebreaker 8.1 method
Junior Member
26. October 2005 @ 15:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry, I haven't been on my computer in a while.

Thanks for the tips Super, L-Burna. I'll make good use of those.

Oh, and I'm not helpless like you think, Super. I'm just as smart as everone else, (smarter at computers than anyone in my class). It's just that some people have problems interpreting information differently than others. Have respect for my concentration, please.

Anyway thanks for the links I'll check them out. ;)
Junior Member
26. October 2005 @ 17:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok i have decided that after reading that dbz T can be trashed. I have put Marvel vs Capcom 2 on the harddrive...

It has loaded and i only played one match but there was no skipping or freezing...

so thanks for the help i guess it was the game because the exploit allowed me to play the marvel vs capcom 2.

On another note when i transfer games from my pc to ps2 via winhipshould i use mode 3?
26. October 2005 @ 17:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
it's a matter of necessity. if you dont need to use any modes, then setting mode 3 wont really matter. but i dont think that it would hurt you if you did for all games. lately i've been setting it for relatively new games because that ends up being the solution.

PS2 v7 39001 + 64MB MC
200GB Seagate oem
Retail HDA (HDL Fully Patched)
boot = Launchelf 3.4b
exploit = Codebreaker 8.1 method
Junior Member
28. October 2005 @ 19:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
that website u linked me to super is good...
31. October 2005 @ 20:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi, I just bought an HDAdvance 3.0. I would love to get that on my MC. How would I get it's elf file? Is there a program that can extract it from the CD? There is no file on the disc called *.elf. Thanks in advance.

To each their own
PS2 v1
HDL v0.7C and HDA 3.0
400GB Seagate
Swap Magic 3.6
1. November 2005 @ 04:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
why would you buy that?!?!?! didnt you know that the latest patched HDLoader file is free on various sites on the internet??
but what you would normally do is copy the slus_XXX.XX to a safe place, then rename that file into XXXXX.elf, then stick it on the MC normally that should work. but if it doesnt, then that method no longer works.

PS2 v7 39001 + 64MB MC
200GB Seagate oem
Retail HDA (HDL Fully Patched)
boot = Launchelf 3.4b
exploit = Codebreaker 8.1 method
1. November 2005 @ 05:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Like I am to this site, I am a newbie. I bought the HDAdvance before I knew about all free files on the internet. Does the new HDLoader files support DVD-9 and large hard drives? Thanks again in advance.

To each their own
PS2 v1
HDL v0.7C and HDA 3.0
400GB Seagate
Swap Magic 3.6
1. November 2005 @ 05:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
it absolutely does.

from what i understand HDAdvance updates are a repackage of the updated HDLoader files. i didnt realize that when i bought HDA2 last year. then some months later, i got into exploits because i needed to exploit my MC for God of War since HDA2 couldnt play it. i jumped into the scene, and hit the ground running and found out this info. i'm a li'l disappointed about supporting 'scam artists', but we've all done it at some point. just glad i didnt get burned too bad. the 40bux i spent last year is coming in handy still.

PS2 v7 39001 + 64MB MC
200GB Seagate oem
Retail HDA (HDL Fully Patched)
boot = Launchelf 3.4b
exploit = Codebreaker 8.1 method
1. November 2005 @ 20:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok. I put my HDAdvance 3.0 in my PC and looked at the files. I copied the SLUS file and renamed it to hdadvanc.elf and put it into the CD. After installing the exploit, I choose the HDAdvance option and the screen just goes black and doesn't load. What else can I do to get this to work? Maybe I should get the HDLoader v0.7c and install that.
2. November 2005 @ 03:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
HDL 0.7c is where it's at. i heard there is one patched to make soul calibur 3 work. you should pick that one up too. but dont replace the one you have. as SC3patch may make other games NOT work. but i havent tested it yet.

PS2 v7 39001 + 64MB MC
200GB Seagate oem
Retail HDA (HDL Fully Patched)
boot = Launchelf 3.4b
exploit = Codebreaker 8.1 method
2. November 2005 @ 03:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
HDL 0.7c is where it's at. i heard there is one patched to make soul calibur 3 work. you should pick that one up too. but dont replace the one you have. a SC3patch may make other games NOT work. but i havent tested it yet.

PS2 v7 39001 + 64MB MC
200GB Seagate oem
Retail HDA (HDL Fully Patched)
boot = Launchelf 3.4b
exploit = Codebreaker 8.1 method > forums > general discussion > user submitted guides > how to make your own memory card exploit using the independence installer

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