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How do u make BitTorrent download faster? i have been searching the answer for days.
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25. September 2005 @ 16:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey red scorpio, i was having same trouble as siancell with my BitTornado
light at yellow.. I use bellsouth westell wirespeed too...I configured it like you said about 10 min. ago, i was wondering how long it usually takes for it to turn green? u said a little while :-\\ and i even rebooted my PC ...but its still yellow.. any ideas? and do u think my default upload settings should be on "automatic, or whats best?

25. September 2005 @ 16:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ScottyM8 (Newbie) farted out: Hey red scorpio, i was having same trouble as siancell with my BitTornado light at yellow.. I use bellsouth westell wirespeed too...I configured it like you said about 10 min. ago, i was wondering how long it usually takes for it to turn green? u said a little while :-\\ and i even rebooted my PC ...but its still yellow.. any ideas? and do u think my default upload settings should be on "automatic, or whats best?
As a BitTornado user if I leave BitTornado on "automatic" I can't even download. I'd advise against using this setting and instead set it up as my last post pointed out.

OTOH If you're talking you modem's settings I am in the dark on that one..

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. September 2005 @ 16:15

25. September 2005 @ 20:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey red scorpio, i was having same trouble as siancell with my BitTornado
light at yellow.. I use bellsouth westell wirespeed too...I configured it like you said about 10 min. ago, i was wondering how long it usually takes for it to turn green? u said a little while :-\\ and i even rebooted my PC ...but its still yellow.. any ideas? and do u think my default upload settings should be on "automatic, or whats best?


well, if everything is working fine, i don't think is should take more than 5 minutes to turn green. however, if you are not uploading at all, it may stay yellow until you start uploading. this usually happens when there are very little amounts of peers or when there are no peers at all to upload too. this happens in azureus and it may be the same case for bittornado.

but if the above is not the case and you have a lot of peers and ARE uploading, then there are three possible reasons i can think of that can be the cause of you not getting a green light:
1)one is that you have some OTHER firewall that's blocking the port. for example, windows XP firewall or Norton Personal Firewall. the windows Xp firewall should have been easy to deal with, as you probably got a pop window the first time you ran bittornado saying that xp firewall is blocking bittornado. in this pop up window all you do is click "unblock" and xp firewall immediately creates an exception for bittornado. if you have any other type of firewall, e.g. Norton Firewall, you have to find a way to make an exception in it for bittornado.
2)the second possible reason is that bittornado is not using the same port you forwarded. in other words, it doesn't do any good if you forward one port and then have bittornado listen through a different port; a port that is probably not forwarded and being blocked. to change the port that bittornado uses click on "Pref" (top-right corner of bittornado i think) and change the part that says "Listen Port" to the port you forwarded in westell's settings. make sure the port used by bittornado is the same one you forward.
3)the third reason is, well, that you did not really forward the port correctly in westell's settings.
if you want to see if your port is really forwarded go here:
-click on "Proceed"
-on the blue box there that says "ShieldsUp!! Services", type the port, then click on "User Specified Custom Port Probe".
-scroll down to the Port Table there, if the STATUS column say "CLOSED" or "OPEN" then you are good to go. if it says "STEALTH" then the port is still being blocked by something or you didn't do the port forwarding part of Westell right.
REMEMBER: make sure you "Enable" the port forwarding you did for the Westell thing, otherwise you didn't do anything. you have to Enable it for it to work.

As for the "automatic" setting; i don't think you should set it to "automatic". i haven't used bittornado in a good while so i don't remember the exact name of the setting but i think it's best if you set it to "fast DSL" or "slow DSL" (depending on you connection speed). and then, use the scroll bar to set the "upload rate" to the correct amount (80% of total upload speed in kilobytes, not kilobits, of your connection).

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. September 2005 @ 20:39

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25. September 2005 @ 20:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey Red, I don't believe this..This thread is still running? It have been months... Dang. Must be hard for ya. Hehehe. This thread help solved my problem so I want to say thanks to all those who contributed.Especially you Red. Thanks.
25. September 2005 @ 22:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Can someone tell me why is it that when I am running Bitlord I cant surf the net? I can only do one or the other at anyone time.
26. September 2005 @ 08:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok thank you. Operator bombarding with comercials on tv about DSL every day,every hour but it no means that everyone will have it. In my case I live on the end of the city so they told me that there is no enought interest for DSL. Only I can do is to wait!
26. September 2005 @ 09:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
______ Fjoro (Newbie) wrote: ______
Ok thank you. Operator bombarding with comercials on tv about DSL every day,every hour but it no means that everyone will have it. In my case I live on the end of the city so they told me that there is no enought interest for DSL. Only I can do is to wait!
Don't hold your breath hoping you get broadband options soon.

I've got to tell you, though I don't know what city you live in, I live in the San Francisco bay area, in the largest city in the bay area, and it's not San Francisco. The cornerstone of the original 'Silicon Valley', San Jose spent some good dough in building a Tech Museum, with the current Mayor self proclaiming San Jose to be the "Tech Capitol of the World".

But the city of San Jose is like how a sociopath would treat a car - keeps it clean, nice and shiny so others can see how nice it looks, yet he'd never even pop the hood and change the oil.

I'm telling you in this city a few shy of 1,000,000 people I had NO (!!) high speed Internet options UNTIL LAST YEAR when Comcast finally got this 40 year old neighborhood wired for digital. And somehow even now this house remains out of the DSL loop, not being close enough to the equipment.

And my brother's house is in a 20 year old neighborhood (underground wiring in his neighborhood) and he just got high speed Internet capability THIS YEAR!

And while some other non-techie cities like Philadelphia are going to have (they're working on it) wireless Internet for all of it's citizens available, Santa Clara the city next door is going to have too), I flop about in "tech hell", with Comcast charging me $59.95 a month for broadband. With no other high speed option it sucks..

But hey, I live in the Tech Capitol of the World, so it must be OK.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. September 2005 @ 11:02

26. September 2005 @ 09:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
deleted - a duplicate.. website was not responding when posting.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. September 2005 @ 10:59

26. September 2005 @ 10:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey Red, I don't believe this..This thread is still running? It have been months... Dang. Must be hard for ya. Hehehe. This thread help solved my problem so I want to say thanks to all those who contributed.Especially you Red. Thanks.
thanks, im glad the information in this thread has helped you. yeah, it's hard sometimes cuz apparently not a lot of people acctually get helped here lol. but, sometimes is just worth it if a least one person gets helped. and, on the other hand, its not really hard cuz all i do is check up on the thread and if there is an easy question that i feel i can anwser, i might as well do it. and if i can't answer it, well, i just dont say anything.
anyway, if you get confronted with any other bittorrent probs, you can post them here to see if we may know the answer.
Hi Can someone tell me why is it that when I am running Bitlord I cant surf the net? I can only do one or the other at anyone time.

R.A.G.S. this happens probably because you have your "global upload rate" option of Bitlord too high. if you set it too high, there is a probablility that you may be "flooding" your connection. meaning you are uploading at the max of what your connection can handle, and thus your overall downloading will suffer, because you are sending out too much data and don't have room for receiving data (downloading). See, when you surf the net, you are actually downloading stuff. you are downloading every single little image and text of webpages. when you open up your homepage you are downloading it. so, if your download suffers, well, your web surfing is gonna suffer too. it's like having dial-up. dial-up doesn't download data as fast as other internet connections; thats why web surfing is relatively slower for dial-up than it is for faster connections.

ideally, you should set your "global upload rate" option to 80% of your connection's max upload speed. but for the sake of this problem you can just bring it download a few figures. for example, let's say you have your "upload rate" option set to 30. bring it down to like, 25 to see if you can then surf the net. if you still can't surf the net than bring it down a whole lot; like to 5 KB/s. if you can surf the net now, then "flooding" of your connection IS the problem and you should just set it 80% of max upload speed of your connection. See, that's the exact reason why they recommend setting it to 80% of max upload, so you don't flood your connection and, therefore still be able to surf the net while you're downloading with bittorrent.

EDIT: i forgot to say, if when you bring it down to like 2 KB/s and you still can't surf the net when you have Bitlord open, then obviously the "flooding" of connection is not the problem. i, for one, don't know of any other reason or solution, if the above is not the case. however, i would like to say that i think i had a similar experience as yours when i was trying out bitlord myself. i think bitlord (not at first, but after a few days of use) would crap up my connection somehow and i would not be able to surf the net.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. September 2005 @ 10:56

26. September 2005 @ 11:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks mate i'll try that. I haver 1MG line so what would be the upload for that or is it different for each ISP. I use bitlord coz I seem to have found it the easiest to use and its pretty easy. tried BitTornado but didnt like that, Also I tried Azorous and even tho i was getting Green light my upload speed was low to about 5kB/s.

But i shall try it out few more times. Many thanks and all help is appreciate it.
26. September 2005 @ 14:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
R.A.G.S (Junior Member) wrote:

Thanks mate i'll try that. I haver 1MG line so what would be the upload for that or is it different for each ISP. I use bitlord coz I seem to have found it the easiest to use and its pretty easy. tried BitTornado but didnt like that, Also I tried Azorous and even tho i was getting Green light my upload speed was low to about 5kB/s.

But i shall try it out few more times. Many thanks and all help is appreciate it.
If you were getting a green light that is good.

And yes, different ISPs will have different upload speeds. They almost all sacrifice upload speed for more download speed. For cable. upload speed is usually maybe 10% or less of download speed. DSL I don't know, you'll have to ask your ISP. Down there in Australia or New Zealand I think you guys have a limited pipeline, so who knows, some ISPs might even restrict downloading if you download too much.

Example of cable speed: 3000 kbps download and 250 Kbps upload (or that is 375 KB/s & 31 KB/s). 4000 kbps download and 400 kbps upload.

DSL might offer a better upload speed than the upload/download ratio you see with cable, if you have a premium DSL account.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. September 2005 @ 14:07

26. September 2005 @ 18:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey, i checked my max upload speed and it was 166 kb/s so that means my max upload speed in azureus should be 16 correct? i put that and im getting the green face but my dl is only reaching about 25 kb/s

my download goes up to about 80 kb/s sometimes but then falls back down

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. September 2005 @ 18:39

26. September 2005 @ 18:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
____ bruin4evr (Newbie) wrote:

hey, i checked my max upload speed and it was 166 kb/s so that means my max upload speed in Azureus should be 16 correct? i put that and im getting the green face but my dl is only reaching about 25 kb/s
Yes that sounds just about right for max upload --speed--. Like in BitTornado which I use. there might be a "max upload" box.. Be careful, "max upload speed" and "max upload" are two different bthings, with max "uploads" meaning something like connections, or how many people you are uploading to, and default is 4 and should probably be for you to (set to 4)..

Question - did you give the downloading enough time to build up?

I hate to have to once again mention this, but usually when talking kbps you don't write Kb/s, though it'd be right. And usually when speaking of KB/s you don't write kB/s, but that's be right too.. are you saying 166 kbps and only 24 kbps down? It looks like you know the difference between using a small letter b and a large letter B. Or is your torrent program saying 25 KB/s download speed?

Just in case you didn't catch it:
25 KB/s and 25 Kb/s are different - never mind the slash. It's the same as these two: 25 kbps and 25 KBps being different. Never mind the big K or small k either, it's the B or b that matters. B = Bytes and b = bits. 8 bits to a byte, but you did your initial math correct with adding in your max upload speed, so you must know..

If you are at 25 kbps only in your download, or that is 3 KB/s, then something is wrong.

But if 25 KB/s (200 kbps) then it could be a crappy number seeds and peers in your circle of files sharers, and/or your 16 KB/s upload speed combined with.

25 KB/s might just about be all that you can expect with this one.

Is it a popular torrent? A lot of seeds? A lot of peers? You cannot try just one torrent - even if you see another with same # of seeds and peers it might react differently.

I have 4000 kbps download capability but if I get to 1000 kbps (125 KB/s) and beyond I feel accomplished. But getting around 600 Kbps (75 kbps) would probably be what I get most. Sometimes a lot less even... It just all depends.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. September 2005 @ 19:00

26. September 2005 @ 20:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i figured out the problem. i was disconnected from the tracker for some reason. i have another dl going at around 50 kB/s. Seeds 20 (40) Peers 60 (143). i still wish it would go faster though
26. September 2005 @ 21:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

If upload speed reflects download speed at any level at a ratio of up to down, then a 400 Kpbs download with you having 166 kbps upload (set tp 80% of that in your torrent program) is almost a 3 to one ratio.. well no more like 2 1/2.. That isn't bad. Not good but not bad. But if you are near the beginning of the download it might pick up speed.

Your upload speed is actually a combination of other's upload speeds added up.. A piece fropm that guy and a piece from that guy and a piece from that guy (etc). Because rememeber, everyone is crippled with much slower upload speed than download speed. If someone leaves your circle that was uploading to you well, you'll see your download speed go down, at least for a while.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. September 2005 @ 21:14

27. September 2005 @ 11:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm new to this site but i just want to thanks redscorpi for helpng me forward my ports. now my torrent download speed is like 90-100kb/s using bitcomet!!! Thanks sooooooo much.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. September 2005 @ 11:21

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27. September 2005 @ 22:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey, I need help. I'm using Azureus and downloading at 3KB when I have a high speed connection. I took a speed test and got: DOWNLOAD:316Kbps UPLOAD:266Kbps ....If my math is correct, shouldn't I be DLing at about 39KB. Why am I DL at 3KB. I'm in a network. When I checked the port, it said,"NAT ERROR" I'm using port 6881 by the way. I need some pointers and what should I set my options to in Azureus(Global max,Max up,Max Down,ect...) Thanks.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. September 2005 @ 19:16

28. September 2005 @ 01:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You said you are on a network. Does this mean you are going through a router? what kind of network is it? if its a router you need to open the ports, also if you are behind a firewall you need to open the ports on that. I would go throuogh these links and read again. couple of the guys have links in there footers visit them and they will guide you. There is loads of help on Azureus as alot of people use it. Also do you get a GREEN light?. This whole link is great and full of help. Just spend some time and read through it and after that if you still dnt get anywhere then ask a more specific question.

There is a thread in there which also explains difference between kbps and kB/s.
29. September 2005 @ 13:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
WTF!!!! i finally had my download going 150-200 kB/s and my stupid ass sister turned off the comp right after i told her not to. now my download is going like 3 B/s not kBs just Bs
29. September 2005 @ 15:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nothing is instant. Could take quite a while to get back up to speed again.
29. September 2005 @ 19:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
my comps been on for 12 hours and its only going 5.0 kB/s now
29. September 2005 @ 20:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
> my comps been on for 12 hours and its only going 5.0 kB/s now

so you are saying it was at 150 - 200 KB/s but now since she unplugged the computer and you went back it is now 5 KB/s.

My question - do you save the torrent file to your hard drive and then if you want to continue on a download can you just click on the torrent and it opens yout program and continues the download? You sure you are not doing a separate/different download that had a similar name?

With a max upload speed of 165 KB/s (something like that) I am surprised you even reached over the 1 Mbps barrier (125 KB/s, 1000 kbps). It must be a newly released to DVD movie (lots of seeds).
29. September 2005 @ 22:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
when i download the torrent i just save it to my desktop (im very lazy so i dont go to a specific folder) and when the computer was restarted i opened Azureus again then the download continues automatically and thats when it started to go 5 kB/s
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2. October 2005 @ 04:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am using a an fast boradband connection but when I download using bittorrent and other clients such as Azureus, the fastest download rate I get is 5KB/s or 7KB/s.

I am using a Mcafee firewall and I am using a BT voyager ADSL Modem.

Can anyone let me know how I can speed up my download rate. Or what settings I need to change to speed up my downloads.
2. October 2005 @ 08:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
john2006, don't multipost or you could get yourself banned ;)
Related links
Download BitTorrent from here.
Read our BitTorrent guides.
Read's guide to Azureus BitTorrent client
Brief explanation on what BitTorrent is and how it works.
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