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How do u make BitTorrent download faster? i have been searching the answer for days.
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7. September 2005 @ 06:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
asifmac (Newbie): Hi, im using bit comet, my upload speeds are always healthy, i try not to make it too high but its between 20 and 30 which is the max, I have decreased it so it doesnt affect my downlaod speed that much.

But my download speeds never go beyound 30kbps, and usually i can download at around 240kbps. I read about port forwarding or something, its suposed to increase your dl speed, but im not sure how to do it for bit comet.

I have a belkin 54g router and in its utility the port forwarding service is called virtual servers, but i need to enter the follwing info, does anyone know what to put into them?

LAN IP Address - Protocol Type - LAN Port - Public Port

also i also have Azureus installed, and it was showing the yellow colour so i know a port is blocked
Yep if you were always having a yellow light that never went green then you are correct. (BitTornado is yellow/green Azureus should be too).

But I can't help you. That is a tiny bit confusing to me. I beleive though the public port is what you need to port forward. Lan IP address for what - that computer you want to port forward? (LAN is what your home network is, meaning Local Area Network).

I will say that when I had a wireless B Port I beleive the forwarding took care of the router and any computers under it, but with the wireless G (54 Mbps) port forwarding only takes care of that computer.

Your router is seen by others on the Internet as having a computer address. As far as your home network, the router's address uses a different set of numbers and only your computers and it belong to the club. example if the address is like this:, ending in the 1 is the router's address. Then for perhaps your main computer on the network it will show Other computers are also identified by the last number. Upstairs the wireless is

Well anyway, I am here just to point out to anyone considering buying a router that Netgear's menu is so simple a child could understand it. You can't miss "Port Forward" as a menu choice. Once in there are two fields to fill in - "starting port" and "ending port" besides what computer in the network (home network address or LAN). Plus, when you mouse-over an area in any of the Menus and their settings, to the right side it even explains what the heck it is and how it works in simple english.

And don't forget that though your router is a firewall (hardware firewall) you might also have a software firewall running. Usually you'll have OKed the software firewall to exclude your torrent program from firewalling but you should make sure it is listed as being such.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. September 2005 @ 06:10

7. September 2005 @ 09:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you have a good connection like dsl, cable, or higher, then it should be set between 20-30kB/s. This will not affect download speeds much, it is not really noticed. If you have say 56k it should be much lower, but why would 56k users be on this network, it is designed more for broadband users. No offensive to them, I had 56k for a long time, but this is really not for them. I have tried port forwarding, but noticed no change. It depends on how many people are seeding the filing. The more people that seed at at high speeds the faster the item will download. Also, I use bitcomet, I have used many other programs, and this was the best in my opinion. Some people will disagree with me and use a different program, which I say go ahead. There are better pograms, but I had the most success with this one.
7. September 2005 @ 10:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you have a good connection like dsl, cable, or higher, then it should be set between 20-30kB/s. This will not affect download speeds much, it is not really noticed. If you have say 56k it should be much lower, but why would 56k users be on this network, it is designed more for broadband users. No offensive to them, I had 56k for a long time, but this is really not for them. I have tried port forwarding, but noticed no change. It depends on how many people are seeding the filing. The more people that seed at at high speeds the faster the item will download. Also, I use bitcomet, I have used many other programs, and this was the best in my opinion. Some people will disagree with me and use a different program, which I say go ahead. There are better pograms, but I had the most success with this one.
dude, you are a joke. you said so many wrong things there it's ridiculous. It would take an hour to correct all the incorrect statements you made. so, just read the FAQs and learn a little bit before you make suggestions.
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7. September 2005 @ 10:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Listen to this. I have a 9mb cable line with about 115 KB upload speed. I upload at between 72-92 KB always, and this gives me the best download speeds. Now...if i were to listen to you and upload 20 KB or "No Limit" i would have much slower downloads and i would not be helping the torrent whatsover, because what are peers gonna do, sharing 20 KB? that sux. Please try refraining from posting, as others who need help will look at your posts, and starting doing the wrong things and giving out incorrect info as well. Please listen to biggermac, redscorpi, and myself, we KNOW what we are talking about.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. September 2005 @ 10:20

7. September 2005 @ 15:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you don't like what I say, don't. If you have slow upload speeds it will affect the community. If you set it too high you will hurt your download speeds. Usually the settings are set correctly when they come with your program you choose to use. When it comes down to it, the reason your downloads are slow is because of the users you download from. Port forwarding sometimes help, sometimes it has no effect. If the file you want has lots of seeders there is a better chance it will download faster, but not always. A lot of people will use the same seeder for a certain file, which reduces their upload speeds, which reduces your download speed for that seeder. It is just like any p2p network. You will have good things and you will have bad things.
7. September 2005 @ 16:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
shoe1985 (Newbie): If you don't like what I say, don't. If you have slow upload speeds it will affect the community. If you set it too high you will hurt your download speeds. Usually the settings are set correctly when they come with your program you choose to use. When it comes down to it, the reason your downloads are slow is because of the users you download from. Port forwarding sometimes help, sometimes it has no effect. If the file you want has lots of seeders there is a better chance it will download faster, but not always. A lot of people will use the same seeder for a certain file, which reduces their upload speeds, which reduces your download speed for that seeder. It is just like any p2p network. You will have good things and you will have bad things.
How come we all don't like what you say.

Here is the funny thing, as you go along and replying, you're taking the information we give and then you change your tune a bit, and so more or less agreeing with more and more of what we have been saying. Or else you were thinking one thing but ended up writing another which was completely contrary..

No one ever disagreed with the concept of more seeds vs peers gets you faster downloads but not always. In fact this is when I seem to get some 2 Mbps downloads, say 60 seeds 30 peers.

And no one ever said if you have slow upload speeds it won 't affect the community - it wil for sure affect your own download speed.

And usually the settings are correct - well, maybe so with what you've used, but with BitTornado and me, by default it is set to "automatic" for upload speed, and guess what? I'm frozen out until I change it to either fast or slow DSL then i can adjust the settings from that point.

Port forwarding sometimes helps and sometimes doesn't you say - most certainly if I do not port forward those ports in my router that I have entered into the "ports to use" field in BitTornado (can choose which, up to about port 65000), then I have a yellow light and though my outgoing (upload) is OK, my incoming (download) is super stunted (example: uploading at 30 KB/s but download is 3 KB/s). There must be a few standard ports that are open in my router (hense being able to download a file fast from the Interent) but all other ports are closed to incoming.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. September 2005 @ 16:44

7. September 2005 @ 16:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I agree with everyone to an extent. If you noticed I have repeated myself many times. As for port forwarding, it is always good to use. Your ip address becomes public, which means anyone can see it. Like I stated it works for some people and not for everyone. I don't use it and still get good download speeds. I have my upload speeds at 40kB/s and my download at no limit. This differs between people do to connections being either faster or slower then my connection. I am using dsl. Not everything you read will help you. It is all trial and error. I have my settings that work for me and someone else has them another way that works for them.

I am not trying to argue with anyone, just giving an opinion in how I found things to work better for me. Look for the program you want, then try to find the one with most seeders. Set your upload speeds how you feel would benefit the bittorrent community best without hurting your download speeds. If this doesn't work, try using port forwarding.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. September 2005 @ 16:56

7. September 2005 @ 18:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
To the people seeking help with bittorrent download speeds: I strongly advice that you ignore shoe1985's posts, for they are full of incorrect and misleading information. shoe1985 has demonstrated to the people of this thread that he does not know the basics of how to increase bittorrent speeds and refuses to read the FAQs provided by official bittorrent sites simply because of his uneducated believe that "not everything you read will help you". The information in those FAQs were written and tested by the bittorrent founders themselves and have been very useful to the people who have learned from them, including me and many others. if shoe1985 feels the FAQs provided by these sites are not helpful and thinks his way is the best way, just because he says so, I feel his information is utterly useless and should not be used as guidelines.
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7. September 2005 @ 18:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well I got tired of useing Bittorren the speed on that client is to slow so i switched to Azureus which is fast but my download reaches up to like 88 but then it goes down to 60 it just keeps doing that I am connected to 12 out of 18 seeders and like 99 out of 122 peers I have my upload speed on 32kB/s but i dont know if i have it configed right can someone tell me on how to config Azureus properly.
7. September 2005 @ 19:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It is obvious nothing anyone has stated so far is correct. People keep having problems, even after doing everything you guys say. I am just telling them to try something different. It worked for me. Your methods didn't work for me. A lot of people dislike bittorent because it is too much work to get it up to the speeds of many other programs.

Here are some reason why speeds are slow most of the time:

1. Lack of seeders for downloads. Look for the most seeders.
2. If you don't have certain ports open, things won't download.
3. Upload speeds do effect other users downloading from you. Too high will hurt your download speeds. Test it out to find the best speeds for you.

No matter what anyone tells you, I know what I am talking about. Why do you think so many people are lost with these programs? They need to be setup correctly. I would suggest looking through a faq and following the steps. I have done this and had some success, but make sure you share your stuff at good upload speeds, this is crucial. I don't care what anyone says. They are probably the people that have their speeds at 3kB/s. This is the last time I am posting here. I really am not a fan of this program, but I have helped a few people out that have found a lot of these methods too hard.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. September 2005 @ 19:06

7. September 2005 @ 19:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what is this guy, eight years old or something? the reasons why people are not getting the results they want from this thread is because it's 30 pages long, if you have not noticed. and the other reason is probably because idiots like you keep sending bad information and confusing them.

and what the hell is your problem, you have changed your mind like 100 times since you started posting here. first, you said that setting your upload rate to "unlimited" was the best way to increase your downloads, now you saying setting it too high is bad. and then, you said reading the FAQ is useless cuz "not everything you read will help you", but now "i suggest you read faq". dude, what is wrong with your head, you got a screw lose or something? you are only repeating what we been saying to you all along.

through my 3 years experience of using Azureus i would say the two most important things to getting fast downloads is to set your "upload rate" option to 80% of max capacity and to make sure you are getting a green light (which means port forwarding). you dont know what the hell you are talking about. small amount of seeds and peers is probably the least reason why people are getting slow downloads. the most common reason is because they are getting yellow lights and they dont know what to do about it.

those three reason you gave are the most generalized and most stupid reasons i've heard. it just shows you don't know squat.

i don't know who you are refering to about the 3 KB/s thing, but i average 90 KB/s in most torrents and haven't had any problems in a looooong time. if you are not a fan of bittorrent then what in the world are doing here giving advice. dude, thats the best decision you'll ever make to not post here anymore. i suggest you retake those c++ and java classes or whatever because clearly you don't learn easily.
7. September 2005 @ 20:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
fidle: 60-80 KB/s is pretty good. im assuming you get that green smiley in Azureus. other than that, the only other configuration you should make is setting the "global max upload speed" option correctly according to your connection's upload capacity.

like i said, setting that option to 80% of your max upload capacity is best. if you don't know your connection's upload capacity, go here to take a speed test and it will tell you your connection max upload. to begin the test just click one of the links at the bottom of the page. when you get your results divide your "upload speed" by 8 (to convert to KBs) and then multiply by .8 (to get 80% of your upload). whatever you get, after you multiply by .8, is what you should put in azureus's "KB/s global max upload speed" option.

remember, don't be greedy, those speeds are very good speeds if you have dsl or less. if you got cable, then you may be able to go faster.

if u need more help with speeds or you got problems with Azureus, there is a live chat in Azureus that you can go for help. just go to Plugins>IRC on azureus's toolbar. note: if you get an error you might have to creat a nickname for yourself. just go to options, click on the "Plugins" plus sign, and click "Irc" to type in your nickname.
8. September 2005 @ 10:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yo, sorry this will probably get your guys nerves jumping, but i am wondering exactly how to set up BitTornado and the accelerator for supreme download rates haaha, sry
8. September 2005 @ 12:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
haggardy (Newbie): Yo, sorry this will probably get your guys nerves jumping, but i am wondering exactly how to set up BitTornado and the accelerator for supreme download rates haaha, sry
I use BitTornado, but any of the torrent programs work the same way.

I'll tell you what, you post some info and I'll tell you what to do, even though you could search back some posts in this thread and find out..

Info needed: What is your upload speed is and what your download speed?. Besides what your ISP tells you, test here in a few places, one in a city as close to you as you can find:

Also do you use Windows XP or what version?

Do you use a router (on a home network) or do you plug your computer right into the broadband modem?

I do not think an accelerator will add anything. But if you really want to use it someone else will have to advise you, as I have never used one. (Except the one that is built into a download program I use for normal Internet downloads called Leechget - the problem is you can't use this type of 3rd-party downloader for Torrents).
8. September 2005 @ 20:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well thanks, umm i was just wondering what upload rate i should set my BitTornado at. I have read the the threads before, and tried 29 and 19 etc.... none of them work i keep getting 5kb/s nothing amazing like 100kb/s.
8. September 2005 @ 22:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
haggardy (Newbie): Well thanks, umm i was just wondering what upload rate i should set my BitTornado at. I have read the the threads before, and tried 29 and 19 etc.... none of them work i keep getting 5kb/s nothing amazing like 100kb/s.
Haggardy, I cannot tell you what to set your max upload speed at. It all depends on what your real upload speed is, and we all have different speeds with different ISPs. Nothing is standard with this, and it's very important.

Ask your Internet Service Provider what your upload speed is as well as your download speed, then post it here.. Or try some speed tests by clicking on the underlined website link in my last post. You are on DSL or Cable Internet and not on dial-up, aren't you?

Just read my last post. If you can't understand what I am asking then you truely are a Newbie to computing. Nothing wrong with this, but you need to get a bit more basic understanding of the Internet and your computer. Just rememeber that you can go to a search engine like and in the search field you can type in the words "what is" follow by what it is you want to know, like: what is broadband

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. September 2005 @ 23:03

8. September 2005 @ 23:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lol i am not a newb, i am just cant get it to work, i guess i dont have the right connection sorry for wasting your time, peace
8. September 2005 @ 23:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lol i am not a newb, i am just cant get it to work, i guess i dont have the right connection sorry for wasting your time, peace
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9. September 2005 @ 09:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

You have still not posted your speed test or if you are using a router, therefore no one can help you, newb.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. September 2005 @ 09:28

10. September 2005 @ 08:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You know what amazes me is how some of you people are really lame, and spend your whole life writing information that is misleading and not very accurate into blogs of which usually only fatty nerds with pimples ,and that havnt had sex read. HAHA whatever lol i know how to speed up my torrent downloads, at least now i do and i didnt find out from you.
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10. September 2005 @ 09:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
fatty nerds with pimples ,and that havnt had sex read
YOU are reading here. Dumbass.

10. September 2005 @ 09:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
haha i came to see wht kind of poepl right
10. September 2005 @ 09:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
haggardy (a true Newbie wrote): You know what amazes me is how some of you people are really lame, and spend your whole life writing information that is misleading and not very accurate into blogs of which usually only fatty nerds with pimples ,and that havnt had sex read. HAHA whatever lol i know how to speed up my torrent downloads, at least now i do and i didnt find out from you.
Gosh Haggardy.. I feel so... so completely awed to be in your god-like presence. ...I'm not worthy.. ...I'm not worthy.. ...I'm not worthy..

P.S. You didn't find out from any of us because we're tired of repeating the same stuff over and over again every time a lazy-ass comes into the forum and won't even read back 2 pages worth of posts. Just a lazy fart who doesn't even know enough to know what upload speed he's at, or worse, too fxxking lazy to write out a 3rd sentence saying what it is.
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15. September 2005 @ 18:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just installed Azureus and am trying to download things but it's going really slowly. The health button (Smiley face) is continuously yellow and doesnt want to change. I'm still on port 6881 but whenever I got to test a new port it says NAT ERROR.

49 kb/s global max upload speed.
197 kb/s global max download speed.

Please help
AfterDawn Addict

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18. September 2005 @ 09:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Are you using a router?
Are you behind a firewall?
Are you behind a proxy?
Does your ISP provide a firewall?
Does your ISP block any ports?

We Need More Info. Find out, then post back.

-Mike - Guides written by me. - Join us Live on IRC!

(Kudos to Ripper For The Beautiful Sig!)

Related links
Download BitTorrent from here.
Read our BitTorrent guides.
Read's guide to Azureus BitTorrent client
Brief explanation on what BitTorrent is and how it works.
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