PS3 vs Xbox 360
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20. January 2006 @ 11:56 |
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The die layout of PS3 is much more efficient, there is no stacking foremost. The increased size of the die leaves more heat sink space, etc, etc, etc, Xbox 360 was a swing and a miss, and truely a mockery of modern thermal efficiency.
Sony absolutely can't screw it up. If nothign else they have learned from another's mistake.
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
Senior Member
20. January 2006 @ 12:12 |
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Wow. I couldnt see that coming.
AfterDawn Addict
20. January 2006 @ 12:24 |
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its only 800 megs, zelda. that is nothing. its all repeat textures and repeat wireframes rearaged and it used those things ms made that make the game have virtually no original code.
But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...
PS3 Username: Anubis66
Senior Member
20. January 2006 @ 12:35 |
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I wouldnt be so sure.
Have you seen the game or developed for it?
Anyway, Like i said they will take up two discs but no more. You can clearly see this if games like condemed only take the maximum of half a disc.
I talk about this over and over again. I give examples that exist today and from the developers and yet I still get the same theory. Blue ray is better than DVD9 but DVD9 will not mean the death or the console or more than 2 disc's.
As soon as I said Microsofts heating problem and suggested PS3 might have the same problem all of a sudden you become tech experts and act as if you have the finished model of the PS3 in front of you. There is no proof to suggest that the PS3 will not have heating problems like there is no evidence to prove it will have heating problems.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. January 2006 @ 12:45
AfterDawn Addict
20. January 2006 @ 12:48 |
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excuse me, i was thinking morrowind, since u did saw that. it was 900 megs. if i knew this, i would have known the 4th game would not be so much.
But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...
PS3 Username: Anubis66
Senior Member
20. January 2006 @ 13:00 |
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Dont know what your talking about there.
Anyway can you stop being so sad talking about disc space which seems to come up all the time. So far not one game on 360 is on more than one disc, so lets leave it at that. Who cares if a good game comes out on 2?
Lets talk about somthing good like the games themselves.
20. January 2006 @ 13:35 |
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oedekerk if you are in the uk, there is a website
that the 360 games are the same price as last gen games £39.99 bargain
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20. January 2006 @ 14:02 |
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yup thats where i get mine from.
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20. January 2006 @ 14:15 |
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Someone link me to where people are getting the info on disc space for these games. I am more than curious as to how they are properly analyzing the different file system and not making mistakes in true/fake session managment.
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. January 2006 @ 14:15
20. January 2006 @ 14:18 |
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Suspended permanently
20. January 2006 @ 14:21 |
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Without a technical trail to follow, it's just propaganda. They have no way of proving they didn't make those numbers up on the spot in defense of "their" [define it yourself in context] precious Xbox 360.
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
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20. January 2006 @ 14:36 |
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Gears of war looks like a pretty sweet game now.
I'd probably but the game(if it comes out for PC)
Since I'm not getting a 360 or ps3, since im saving up for a very good laptop of PC.
I cant wait to see more ps3 REALTIME pics.
Does anyone know if a geforce 7800 can run gears of war?
And that website......
Did they compair the first games released on the xbox?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. January 2006 @ 14:37
AfterDawn Addict
20. January 2006 @ 14:52 |
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if it didnt, that would be sad...
But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...
PS3 Username: Anubis66
AfterDawn Addict
21. January 2006 @ 04:31 |
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But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...
PS3 Username: Anubis66
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. January 2006 @ 05:47
Suspended permanently
21. January 2006 @ 06:09 |
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Regardless of how little that has to do with PS3 and the 360, it's still a ridulous portrayal of Windows. I don't knwo why some people have such a hard time with Windows, I can't name a time it's ever crashed on me and I haven't the slightest clue what this "blue screen of death" thing looks like in person. Maybe it's because I'm not a dumbsh*t? Windows XP Pro w/Small Business 2003.
I think you fools just need to earn how to run a computer.
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
AfterDawn Addict
21. January 2006 @ 13:59 |
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haha i bet i pwn you at using windows. i know how to use it, but its the skillz that fcuk(typed on purpose) it up. like i got a virus and then my computer when it loaded said "UNMOUNTABLE BOOT DEVICE" also, i cracked my winlogon.exe with the wrong patch and it wouldnt load and the blue screen came up saying "winlogon had a critical erron, system must reboot.
But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...
PS3 Username: Anubis66
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21. January 2006 @ 14:07 |
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well personally i think mac runs better than windows.. i use 3D rendering programs at collage on both OS's and mac is better..
21. January 2006 @ 15:03 |
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Quote: like i got a virus
Don't get a virus in the first place and you won't have any problems. I certainly haven't had any problems (yet anyway, and it's been about 5 years), and I d/l films/music/games/programs.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who know binary, and those who don't
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21. January 2006 @ 17:02 |
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I would expect mac to be better at gamming since it doesnt need as much processing power as windows. I would expect this.
Junior Member
21. January 2006 @ 17:52 |
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the "blue screen of death" was what you got when you had an error on older windows systems. vary common on win 95, some times it was hard to go a day with out at least one. I have never seen on on XP, if they are still around they are far less common then on old 95!
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21. January 2006 @ 18:14 |
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Lmao, i got that one Multipul times on windows 2000.
But never on xp
Junior Member
21. January 2006 @ 18:21 |
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I never used 2000, though they would have had the prob fixed by then
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21. January 2006 @ 18:23 |
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It might of been somthing similar.
I dont remember exactly what it said but it would go to a blue screen, and say error 0xzxzdsa (or w.e #'s) and then say. Please reboot your computer due to this problem.
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21. January 2006 @ 19:54 |
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"I would expect mac to be better at gamming"
I'm nominating this oen for the official dumba$$ statement. Too bad all games for PC are for x86 and all high end graphics card have drivers for windows. Only the top few PC game sof the year are ported to MAC 6 months later, and even then they don't play ro look that great. Mac has no games for it!!! It doens't play with direct x like windows, and all the best games are direct x!!
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
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21. January 2006 @ 20:17 |
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Okay wtf,you do a good job getting on someones nerves.
Mak runs btter than windows.
Quote: .. i use 3D rendering programs at collage on both OS's and mac is better..
Someone who actually uses 3d rendering programs would know this. Not somone like you, who just says some bull. Whos word should I take?
Mak probably runs better than windows because it needs less processing power. Thats why most mac Pc's are low in speed.(ghz)
I used a mak before, i can tell the difference myself.
If you run a game which is compatable with mac and windows, it would most likely run better on a mac.
Mac has different drivers than windows, which are probably less user friendly. Windows has direct. Windows is more popular. Its most likely game developers will turn to windows because of its popularaty, and its user friendlyness.