Copying game save from PC to PS2 using uLaunchELF
Junior Member
20. August 2006 @ 11:34 |
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my ps2 can't read burned cd, i can only read burned dvd, so is it possible to burn the elf thing onto a dvd instead. And does n/e one know if it is possible to upgrade my modchip to read burn cd? thx
Junior Member
20. August 2006 @ 18:23 |
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well, i found a dvd version, but for some reason, it can detect my mp3, but when i look inside the folder, its empty, and when i look at my computer its there. help? thx
20. August 2006 @ 21:15 |
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RD here is what you do.....all of this is minding the fact you have your ps2 modded.......
first dload this.....(thanks dan68)
then extract it and put it in a folder on your desktop
then dload this...(thanks kiwi1)
use Alcohol 120% to burn to cd
make sure you have your flash drive in the ps2 once you have done
this.....follow dan168's 1st post on the forum.......
Now I may have a advantage because I'm using Boot Magic 3.1+......if you dont have this mod chip on your ps2 I cannot be of help......
hope this helps you RD
22. August 2006 @ 04:23 |
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Thanks treven21, I understand all your steps and i already did these steps , But still unsuccessfull.
My PS2 is not modded that means it is untouched and still new. I never unscrew or opened my PS2.
plese tell me if there is a way, I can load saved games without playing with the warranty of my PS2.
Thanks a lot for all your help.
22. August 2006 @ 04:48 |
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22. August 2006 @ 06:09 |
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Thanks treven21 your guide works 4 me
The only problem is that save thing is crap but if you just download the cd iso from:
you can load it up with swap magic and it loads Ulaunch elf fine.
Thanks alot
22. August 2006 @ 07:43 |
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Thanks treven21, I already looked at that site. I think, what i learnt now is that, i need to buy a swap magic CD/DVD as well as flip top cover or slide card and then these procedure will work.
What is your suggestion regarding slide card or flip top cover ? which one you prefer ?
A lot of thanks to you.
22. August 2006 @ 13:22 |
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I have a slide cover, not that I could choose, I just bought a used ps2 from my friend and it was in awesome shape....I have had it for awhile now......the trick with it though is knowing someone that can sodder the chip on is the only thing
heres another good site to look around on....this page give the instructions to my mod chip.....
good luck
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23. August 2006 @ 18:55 |
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I have a problem
I am in the launcher, copied all onto my USB, but when I ask my PS2 to read from it using mass, it cant, my USB just flashes but doesnt open, what could I be doing wrong? After a while the whole thing freezes
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. August 2006 @ 18:58
Senior Member
23. August 2006 @ 19:21 |
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havent followed the tread 'cept for the last few posts so yea... but do you have a USBD.irx file located somewhere on your memory card (generally in BADATA-SYSTEM folder) or CD, i think there are several places that uluanch looks for it but not sure.
Also if you want a disc just for copying saves to ps2 and dont want to play backups then try picking up a copy of ARMAX, makes the whole process way easier to do.
"This is how it works. Whatever you sink, we build back up. Whomever you sue, ten new pirates are recruited. Wherever you go, we are already ahead of you. You are the past and the forgotten, we are the internet and the future."-Brokep
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23. August 2006 @ 20:03 |
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I have got the data onto my card, but all the saves are saying "copying prohibited" and coming up as corrupt data...
Any suggestions?
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Senior Member
24. August 2006 @ 00:08 |
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id your USB drive set to read-only? generally a little switch on the side, can be flicked when your holding it. other than that i recomend downloading ARMAX using uluanch to load cdloader to boot the copy of ARMAX. ARMAX makes everything way easier to do.
"This is how it works. Whatever you sink, we build back up. Whomever you sue, ten new pirates are recruited. Wherever you go, we are already ahead of you. You are the past and the forgotten, we are the internet and the future."-Brokep
Junior Member
24. August 2006 @ 06:32 |
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um what is armax and where do i download it?
Senior Member
24. August 2006 @ 19:55 |
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ARMAX is Action Replay Max which is the cheat disc, but it also has a memory card manager which come with a 16mb flash drive, which can be used to transfer game saves to ps2. Also makes it incredibly easy to setup the Memory Card exploit.
I did have a place to download it but cant find the link, try searching bittorrent sites or google.
Getting ARMAX kinda undermines the whole point of this guide, sorry Dan if your still here.
"This is how it works. Whatever you sink, we build back up. Whomever you sue, ten new pirates are recruited. Wherever you go, we are already ahead of you. You are the past and the forgotten, we are the internet and the future."-Brokep
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26. August 2006 @ 16:12 |
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hey dan i done all ou said and it worked all but one i dont have a flash drive so i was wondering if i could use a psp instead?
Junior Member
27. August 2006 @ 04:46 |
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Um it all worked the dvd dycypter and all that but when i play it it dosent work do i need a certain knid of cd im using a cd-rw
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27. August 2006 @ 08:28 |
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i used the save builder and i have the game save on file ready to transfer to ps2 but my psp didnt work.
does anyone know how else i could tranfer it, i need this game saves so
27. August 2006 @ 15:20 |
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when i get to the ulanch screen and go into the mass screen all i see is a bunch of symbols and not the name of my folder that i copied from pc to usb, does anyone know why this happens, i tried formatting to fat and fat32 same stuff i still cant find my folder on the usb drive
Senior Member
27. August 2006 @ 15:46 |
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ahy chance you guys can try networking the files with luanchelf? with a crossover cable, gto uluanchelf's misc folder and goto ps2net or something like that. The run a program such a FlashFXP to conect to the ps2 and send the files.
"This is how it works. Whatever you sink, we build back up. Whomever you sue, ten new pirates are recruited. Wherever you go, we are already ahead of you. You are the past and the forgotten, we are the internet and the future."-Brokep
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28. August 2006 @ 06:38 |
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thank you very much for this information dan168
but i have one question, you're saying that it's possible to change a NTSC game save file to a PAL version or JAP version, how exactly can you do this?
thanks again for the trouble
6. September 2006 @ 18:42 |
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Can one of you guys make a bin.cue with the ulaunch crap on it and upload it somewhere.
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8. September 2006 @ 07:35 |
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13. September 2006 @ 11:39 |
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Umm.. Does this work with PSX/Playstation 1 -save games? In GameFaqs, those files are .gme -files and Save Builder wont recognize them :/
14. October 2006 @ 14:07 |
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put the shit files on my usb drive and went into this mass shit and there was nothing in it.
14. October 2006 @ 14:07 |
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oh but when i put the usb thing in computer i see the files there.