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How do u make BitTorrent download faster? i have been searching the answer for days.
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4. April 2006 @ 10:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK, Let me say that this forum would be of great help if anything I tried on here worked. I Currently have Bitlord and have forwarded my port from my D-Link Router, which I learned to do on, but that didn't work. So I used the DMZ on my router to shut down the firewall to just my computer on the network and still that did not work. I did speed tests and found that I should set my upload speeds to 17kB/s but that didn't work. I opened th ports on windows firewall, and even went so far as to have no firewall for a week, and that didn't work. I have been using bitlord for almost a year now and have never gotten over 24kB/s but recently I have been lucky to get 10kB/s. I really didn't want to post on here as it seems everyone seems to have the same question and the same answers come up. I hate to ask a question of you that has been asked since the beginning of bittorent, but I have read this entire thread, and some parts more then once, and have tried everything sugested but have found no solution. Now there are a few factors that may be contributing to this problem. Currently I am in Lithuania and using a dsl to access the internet. They are not the most friendly isp as they will never will admit to fault for the internet crashing. Also it could be that my router is crap. I often have to unplug and plug back in my router just to use the internet. I have no problem sending packets, but sometimes it will not recieve packets. I don't know if it is my router or something else, but I don't like to give up. Please help. Thankyou
4. April 2006 @ 19:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
To see if it is a router problem, move your computer to where the modem is and bypass the router - plug your computer right into the modem.

17 KB/s = 136 Kbps, That's just a bit more than doubling up the speed of a dial-up modem. Torrents reward you for good uploading by giving you better downloads. Further you are way over that-a-ay and the torrent miht be way over this-a-way and spped might be further restricted because of that. IAnd I hope 136 Kbps is 80% of your real upload max speed, and not all of it.

Hopefully you are not using ther standard ports that everyone knows are BitTorrent ports. Use a port or a port range up high like 58567-58569 (there are about 65000 ports). Your ISP might be throttling your speed (cutting it back), who knows?.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. April 2006 @ 19:35

4. April 2006 @ 20:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
biggermac (& many others who contribute in this thread) i just wanted to thank you - you are all gods!! i've been reading tons of posts in this thread today, and i've finally managed to increase my download speeds from a measly 1 or 2 kB/s to now having speeds consistantly over 150kB/s for popualr torrents - i even saw speeds over 200 for a minute! i had no idea what port-forwarding was when i started working on this, but thanks to your posts, i figured it out! i wanted to post this because you get 10 times the number of people asking the same questions over and over, and no one thanking you! so here's your THANKS :)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. April 2006 @ 18:59

8. April 2006 @ 00:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
okay i need help on how to configure router/firewallll.. problem is that im using BitTornado and my light status is always yellow and i have 0-4kbps download rate... btw, i have a verizon DSL internet connection (846 kbps speed) and im using westell versalink 327W modem/router. i already did the port forwarding ( and i used port range 10000-10010 as instructed. the problem comes in with NAT check and shield up. it says "stealth" on each port i forwarded. but i have my firewall down on my router (i called verizon and they told me theres no firewall up) and im using WINDOWS ME and i believe there is no firewall installed... i dont understand why my ports are blocked..anybody with the same problem that uses windows ME pls help me.. im new to this issue/networking.. thank you!!!
8. April 2006 @ 04:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
saorem (Newbie) writes:
okay i need help on how to configure router/firewallll.. problem is that im using BitTornado and my light status is always yellow and i have 0-4kbps download rate... btw, i have a verizon DSL internet connection (846 kbps speed) and im using westell versalink 327W modem/router. i already did the port forwarding ( and i used port range 10000-10010 as instructed. the problem comes in with NAT check and shield up. it says "stealth" on each port i forwarded. but i have my firewall down on my router (i called verizon and they told me theres no firewall up) and im using WINDOWS ME and i believe there is no firewall installed... i dont understand why my ports are blocked..anybody with the same problem that uses windows ME pls help me.. im new to this issue/networking.. thank you!!!
saorem, you're going to have to Google for something like: westell versalink 327W port forwarding or westell versalink 327W firewall

There are several links about port forwarding. The 1st link I looked at was a thread in a forum, and beleive me this model is giving others brain-fart-fits just like you.

You're going to have to do some reading up. In the thread mentioned was also talked about a downloadable manual from the manufacturer. And i didn't do any more reading of the other links, I'll leave that up to you to do.

And if at all possible, I'd use ports above 17000. Don't ask me for any technical reason why, I don't have one. MOst know-it-alls use ports way up in the 50000 and 60000 range for doing torrents. I've used ports in the 17000 range before, but now use ports above the 55000 range (there are about 65000 ports total).

Also - remember, just in case it didn'tautomatically do it, to exclude the BitTornado exe program that runs BitTornado in your software firewall.

I do have a 2nd computer of mine on my home Network, a Dell 600 MHz P3, and it runs Windows ME, and I've used it as a torrent getter, which is actually a good thing to have if you do torrents a lot so you don't tie up your main computer with being sluggish to respond to anything else you might want to do. Anyway, I have a Netgear router (a WRxxxxxx model), and in it's config when logged into the router, I have to set up ports to be forwarded specifically for that computer only - in other words I can't use the same ports forwarded for every computer on my home network.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. April 2006 @ 04:29

10. April 2006 @ 00:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey - i tried to search for answers to my specific problem but after realising this post is 50 pages long i decided posting it would be a better idea

I am part of a home-company network.

It works somewhere along these lines

Internet/Broadband modem > Company Server > 24port switch(edimax) > Me

I have tried to get torrents downloading before and have been on that nasty :| face with speeds like 2k-5k (ridiculous). I have little knowledge about port forwarding and would like suggestions on how to and if i need to either open ports on my own computer or on the company server?

Any help would be GREATLEY appreciated. Thanks :)
10. April 2006 @ 05:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
> Internet/Broadband modem > Company Server > 24port switch(edimax) Me

> I have tried to get torrents downloading before and have been on
> that nasty :| face with speeds like 2k-5k (ridiculous). I have
> little knowledge about port forwarding and would like suggestions
> on how to and if i need to either open ports on my own computer or
> on the company server?

Speeds are usually that low because your are behind as firewall. Almost everyone runs a software firewall these days for protection from evil things trying to get to you from the outside. You can upload OK but if you're trying to download to blocked ports (almost all), then it will trickle at best.

I do not know anything about your 24 Edimax switch. I'd suspect your company server before a switch, but i don't know. Most people use routers these days not Hubs. Routers these days are almost all a hardware firewall. You're going to have to determine if that switch is a firewall or not. With my router I log into it using a network address, like a website address. I then enter in a user name and password. Default if I do not change it, the password is "password" and the User name or ID is simple too (I forget - I have a password manager that takes care of this stuff for me). So after logged into my router there is a menu, one choice of which is "Port Forwarding".

And... - some DSL modems are also firewalled..

And... I know nothing about company servers, which may also be a firewall. I use BitTornado and I can choose which ports I want to use (there are about 65,000 ports). Some servers purposely block ports that are known to be used by torrent programs, so you'll want to get away from using those. Use ports up high, like over 50000 for example.

And in your software firewall, either Windows XP's SP2 firewall, or one you installed, you can port forward too, but usually you find the area where you can just "exclude" the whole exe program that runs your torrent program you are using.

I use BitTornado myself and it has a colored light system that I know I'm firewalled if the light is yellow (starts out yellow but soon after changes to green.

Also - for 10 minutes into a download the speeds you are mentioning are normal, then it starts to build up. That's because it's all about sharing, and at 1st you have nothing to share.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. April 2006 @ 06:09

11. April 2006 @ 23:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user speed test result on 2006-04-12 02:53:30 EST:
1157 / 203
Your download speed : 1157 kbps or 144.7 KB/sec.
Your upload speed : 203 kbps or 25.4 KB/sec.

>I have ADSL
>I use BitComment
>Only 1 file download
>Downloaded Bitcoment acelerator

Usually 4kB/s Downloading
Usually 10kB/s Uploading


20kB/s downloading
25kB/s Uploading

port is forwarded already..


12. April 2006 @ 06:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Naruto69 (Newbie) writes: speed test result on 2006-04-12 02:53:30 EST:
1157 / 203
Your download speed : 1157 kbps or 144.7 KB/sec.
Your upload speed : 203 kbps or 25.4 KB/sec.

>I have ADSL
>I use BitComment
>Only 1 file download
>Downloaded Bitcoment acelerator

Usually 4kB/s Downloading
Usually 10kB/s Uploading

20kB/s downloading
25kB/s Uploading
port is forwarded already..

You did a good job with adding in your tested speeds, but you've failed to mention several things, and I have no idea if you tried them or not..

- Is this speed only with the one torrent you have tried
- how many seeds and peers? And did you wait for say 25 minutes to see if the up and down speeds increased.
- What did you ad into BitCommet's Upload Speed field? At the 75% to 80% needed entered in there, it should be 20 (KB/s) or maybe 21 will work well. Adding 25 in this field will end up choking the program (The program needs that 20% to work in).
- You say you port forwarded, but does BitCommet use a colored light warning type system? Using BitTornado I'd know if I was firewalled because I'd see a yellow light all of the time (should be green). You ssay that you port forwarded - but besides a router that needs port forwarding, and a software firewall, some DSL modems are firewalledc too. As well, some ISPs (I know Rogers in Canada) needs to use only certain ports. And others might block the normal P2P/torrent ports, so use ports way up high, like over 50,000 (there are about 65000 ports)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. April 2006 @ 06:54

12. April 2006 @ 06:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user speed test result on 2006-04-12 02:53:30 EST:
1157 / 203
Your download speed : 1157 kbps or 144.7 KB/sec.
Your upload speed : 203 kbps or 25.4 KB/sec.
>I have ADSL/T1
>I use BitComment
>Only 1 file download
>Downloaded Bitcoment acelerator
Usually 39/s Downloading
Usually 20/s Uploading
highest (saw once ^^)
77kB/s downloading
25kB/s Uploading
port is forwarded already..
Torrent - 2.9GB
Conected seeds: 22 (Max Possible: 22)
Conected peers: 150 (Max Possible: 1820)
Conecting peers: 1
Download rate: 42 KB/s From 53 Peers
upload rate: 20 KB/s To 8 Peers
Option > Preferences > connection
- Global Max Download Rate : 290
- Global Max Upload Rate : 21
- Max Simultaneous Download Tasks : 5
- Listen Port : 54622
(THE PORT IS OPENED checked on the site)
Option > Preferences > Advanced > Connection
- Maximum Conection Per Task : 150
- Connection to keep Per Task : 100
- Global maximum upload slots : 5
- Global minimum upload slots : 2
Is this normal? seems pretty slow to me, Some said they have reached 140Kb/s, i think thats what i should be hitting? any help

12. April 2006 @ 07:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Theres no light thing?

12. April 2006 @ 07:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
> Theres no light thing

Some torrent programs do not have that feature. I'd try BitTornado. Azureas also has a similar warning system, as well as others.

Naruto69, some torrents are just plain slow. That one should be a little fast at least though. But here is what you are dealing with. Torrent programs are written so to give you better download speeds if your upload speeds are better. It's forcing you to share your upload bandwidth - everyone has to share (unlike other P2P technology). 21 KB/s is OK but not good. So likewise your download speed is going to suffer some.

Try a torrent even more popular with more seeds ratio per peers than even the one you just posted.

And it can take well over 1/2 an hour to build up to 70% speed, and over an hour to build up to full speed (which is always fluxtuating).

Experiment. Try ticking back 21 to 20. And to the following:

- Global maximum upload slots : 5
- Global minimum upload slots : 2

For anything uploading at 25 KB/s or less, BitTornado automatically adds in "4". I am unsure however how that relects on both f your above settings.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. April 2006 @ 07:41

12. April 2006 @ 17:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
so what do u think my downloadingspeed should be?
and do u know any cheap internet conection t1 higher.

12. April 2006 @ 18:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Naruto69, i din't know what your download speed should be - you've only mentioned trying one torrent and that isn 't a test. Try several and ones that are well seeded and peered before you decide that is all you are going to get. Try another torrent program like BitTornado juast to see if you still might be firewalled. YYour upload speed entry at 20 or 21 (KB/s) is not that gawdawful... it shoukld be just good enough to get halfway decent speeds, nothing spectacular though..

And can't help uou with an ISP either I don't know where you live. Where I live there are two high speed choices, you can only get local cable or local DSL. And DSL is ignoring me so they haven't got me on the grid.
12. April 2006 @ 22:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hmm i downloaded BitTornado and tested the light thing. It was yellow? so its being blocked? what do ido

13. April 2006 @ 03:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It will start yellow. it should change green by 5 minutes or so.

Otherwise if always yellow then you have a firewall somewhere in: A router, a DSL modem sometimes, a software firewall, an ISP blocking some known well used torrent posts, located in Canada using Rogers..

Also don't use the automatic setting on the main page - choose either slow or fast DSL/Cable, then change the Upload Speed to what was it for you? 20? (for 20 KB/s)..

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. April 2006 @ 03:15

13. April 2006 @ 06:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi All, not sure if this right place to post but i'll try anyway.

Have used Bitcomet and Limewire for all my downloading for over a year now. When i first got Bitcomet had to go through the whole process of port forwarding etc but finally got it set up. Used to have a 512k ADSL connection and got download speeds of about 40 kB/s on Bitcomet and similar on Limewire.

In the last week I have upgraded to a 2MB connection. Now on Limewire I get download speeds in excess of 160 kB/s but nothing different on Bitcomet. I have checked all setting and increased the Max Download Rate to 120 and the Upload Rate to 100.

I am missing something else? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

13. April 2006 @ 07:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
> I have checked all setting and increased the Max Download Rate to
> 120 and the Upload Rate to 100.
> I am missing something else? Any advice would be greatly
> appreciated.

Torrent programs, at least the ones I've tried, use KB/s not kbps. 8 kbps = 1 KB/s (Bits vs byte, the oprative characer being the capial lwtter B for Byte vs the small letter b for bit, with the /s actually meaning the same as ps, but genrarrly people who mean Byte use the /s)/).

Here's something that might be doing the harm - you're saying upload at up to 100 KB/s (800 Kbps). I don't think you have an 800 kbps upload capability. Buy even if you did, torrent programs generaly need 20% of your upload bandwidth to work their magic with. So whatever you havec as your max upload speed, cut it down to 80% of that. If your upload max is 400 Kbps then that = 50 KB/s and 80% of that = 40 KB/s. So you'd add in 40 into the upload speed box. (40 KB/s). Make sure you really are not firewalled. Several torrent programs have a colored light warning system, yellow meaning a firewall problem (starts yellow, should soon turn to green).

Torrent progams go faster the faster you upload - written this way to stop the leeching you can do in other P2P networks where you don't share. However in theory, if a torrent is really popular, as in lots of seeds and peers, then a setting of 25 in the Upload Speed box usually will do as well as a higher number.

I generally use about 33 or 34 or 35 in my Upload Speed box, and with popular torrents I can get 1 Mbps (1000 kbps or 125 KB/s) or at times some of these popular ones go over 2 Mbps download. Bugt a crappy seeded/peered torrent might only go at best 50 KB/s download (or even less)..

Your max download you can enter up to or over what you got, or unlimited. But for uploading never use an "unlimited" setting (as BitTornado has, the program I use).

P.S. someone ought to shoot the pucker-hole that started using KB/s when before kbps (capital K ok) was what you used for modem speed. But before Kbps they used "baud", which can = Kbps but also may not. I think - uneducated guess, something along these lines that baud = true speed, while kbps = true speed plus simulated speed when you take into account compressing and decompressing data.. Well it maybe off but I bet it's something like that anyway.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. April 2006 @ 07:38

13. April 2006 @ 23:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ARgh i got spyware on 1 of my computers what do i do :'( !!
its really stuffed and you cant really do anything?

14. April 2006 @ 02:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the reply biggermac. I have adjusted the speeds so upload speed is 80% of download speed, however still no difference. I have taken screen shots so that you can see what i am trying to explain,

I generally use about 33 or 34 or 35 in my Upload Speed box, and with popular torrents I can get 1 Mbps (1000 kbps or 125 KB/s) or at times some of these popular ones go over 2 Mbps download.
Should i change the max upload speed to something like 50 with a download speed of 40?

Thanks again for any help offered, although new to these boards ive been around awhile and can usually sort things out myself. It's just that i cant seem to get my head around this problem for some reason.
14. April 2006 @ 02:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I forgot to add my line speed test!

Direction Actual SpeedTrue Speed (estimated)

Downstream 1507 Kbps (188.4 KB/sec) 1627 Kbps (inc. overheads)
Upstream 246 Kbps (30.8 KB/sec) 265 Kbps (inc. overheads)
14. April 2006 @ 04:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Johnnie58 (Newbie) writes:
Downstream 1507 Kbps (188.4 KB/sec) 1627 Kbps (inc. overheads)
Upstream 246 Kbps (30.8 KB/sec) 265 Kbps (inc. overheads)
Johnnie too much info in those pictures. That's why I like BitTornado, the main page has two boxes you need to adjust. The other settings you can change are usually not a problem. I don't have gto see the "global" settings whatever they are. Plus you get the colored light status system.

Anyway, since torrent programs deal with KB/s and not the kbps, you need to enter into your Upload speed box 80% of 30.8.. That's about what? 23? For now try 22 in your Upload speed box - don't ask me what to do if you have two upload speed box.. Global is confusing to me.

But am I seeing you're doing more than one torrent at a time? No no no. This isn't like your other P2p programs. Torrents are different. There are cases where a couple of of them at one time will wor better but don't even do it not now anyway. Since the torrent mechanism is written to reward better upload speeds and punish crumby upload speed, if you are splitting your upload speed it thinks you're holding back in each one. Max download speed you can raise that, 100 = 1000 Kbps and if you have things set up right you could exceed that with very popular torrents. Max downloads try ticking back to 8 or 9 maybe. You can try the LVLord patch (Google for it) and set it to 1000 when you run it (it will warn you you're messing with ther registry so make sure you save your registry settings before you run in just in case of a foul up). The LVLord patch supposedly will help your other P2p programs more than torrents which handle things differently. And if you are running Windows 98 you can shut off UPnP. I run that way anyway on my Win XP machine because I do use a P3 with win 98 ME on it sometimes. So UPnP is also shut off in my router.
Junior Member
14. April 2006 @ 13:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you need other people to seed the file. "Less Leechers, More Seeders!" that will speed it up

user bars by svar91!!
15. April 2006 @ 04:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sorry guys i have read through a lot these pages and i still need help.

my internet speed is 2.2Mbps but my torrent speeds are stuck at 1-5KB/S

i have a thomson(alcatel) speedtouch 330 modem (not router.)

i also have norton internet security but disabling it has no effect on my speeds whatsoever.

i am using shareaza but speeds were very similar when i used Azureus too.

any help would be appreciated, thanks
15. April 2006 @ 06:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i went to my internet and did the port forwarding thing yes. but when i check to see if its forwarded properly it says

Warning! Port 54622 can not be checked. Your browser is setup to connect through a proxy. This script will not work through proxied connections.


so what do i do?

Related links
Download BitTorrent from here.
Read our BitTorrent guides.
Read's guide to Azureus BitTorrent client
Brief explanation on what BitTorrent is and how it works.
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