Slow Bit Torrent downloads? Router configuration tips.
4. January 2006 @ 08:26 |
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Hello Guyz I tried to solve my prbolem of slow speed in Torrents. I check my IP address by typing ipconfig /all. Hre I can see all the settings except DEFAULT GATWAY. that field is blank so what should i dp I am using a cable net (LAN).
Thank You
Junior Member
4. January 2006 @ 10:57 |
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contact your ISP service provider they will tell you adrres
4. January 2006 @ 19:39 |
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But I am using LAN
Junior Member
4. January 2006 @ 20:07 |
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haveing a LAN dosent mean anything you pay a ISP to put internet in to your house, call your ISP and ask then what you ip address is or wut ever you wher asking for, if you have any other questions please ask ill be on tomorrow checking it during school so ya
4. January 2006 @ 20:12 |
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Thanks for you reply but I asked him before about my IP he said there is no IP? He has not assigned my IP address..
Junior Member
4. January 2006 @ 20:15 |
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k well if ur talking about ip addresses every computer has one and for ur mac address you need a mac address to use the internet so you have to have one, if you give me a day or so i should be able to dig up instructions on how to find it out just give me a day or so
4. January 2006 @ 20:17 |
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mac address???
Junior Member
4. January 2006 @ 20:19 |
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u dont need to worry about thows terms, if you cant see anything in the box call ur ISP if hes no help, then i cann not help you sorry
4. January 2006 @ 20:20 |
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:( ok
Junior Member
5. January 2006 @ 03:31 |
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Don't know if anyone can help? I've tried EVERYTHING! I don't have a router, I have a modem so no ports to forward, or is there? I've done the online NAT test and it says I am connecting, ports are forwarded ok. I've opened up the port of Azereus in my firewall. When I start, after a while, it checks the Scrape (what ever that means) then the faces turn green. Download ranges from 30 to 40 kbs but only for a min and then starts to drop fairly quickly, back to 0. Then the faces turn grey and the process starts all over :(.
Anyone know what the hell is going on?
Speeds used to be fine. I joined a few private torrent sites and thats when they started to drop, weren't they supposed to go up?
I can download from mIRC at speeds of 250 kbs and up.
My upload speed is good, it usually maxs out at whatever I set it too.
What should my settings be for everything in Azereus exactly? Should I be using another client?
Would really appreciate any help possible.
Junior Member
5. January 2006 @ 14:11 |
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hey just wondering what ports are you guys on?
Junior Member
5. January 2006 @ 15:35 |
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i am using port 4915 but you will have to unblock that port first
Junior Member
6. January 2006 @ 14:05 |
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Hey i need help, im using Azureus and my download speed is pretty slow its not stable like sometimes it'll go 0.1 kbs then to 10 kbs and once i got 40 kbs but just for two seconds. The smiley face is green so that should mean everything good but yah its slow. Im trying to download a file that has 40(700) seeds n 29(1324)peers. I forwarded my ports, n im using port 52645. Just random. and unblock the ports for the windows firewall
ne suggestions y it isn't working?
Any help would be apreciated
Junior Member
6. January 2006 @ 14:09 |
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find another torrent source
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6. January 2006 @ 20:10 |
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I am not so sure finding another torrent will do. I have the same problem and noticed that i have to find the optimum balence between up and down to get consistent speeds, albiet they are pretty damn slow. the best i can get here is 8kup/4kdown across 5 torrents trying to download episodes of Lost, the tv series. i have been monitoring the advanced stats plugin for days and notice that at 9am everything goes to zero and then max 2kdown, but the individual torrents are downloading at just a few bits/second (1 to a few hundred). something with my isp perhaps, but they claim all is well at their end. Torrent downloading seems pretty fustrating for a lot of folks. I've tried all the clients, and Azureus seems the best, at least it has the most settings :). I wish i understood them all but i am learning. i have one torrent that has a hard time staying with a tracker (blue face off and on). but i don't know how that effects performance, there is always a swarm, peers, blabla, there but the download speeds there are pathetic. good luck,keep posting, maybe something will dawn on somebody...
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6. January 2006 @ 20:37 |
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anyone know why i get these errors with a torrent (the one listed above in previous posts)?!?
Tracker URL :
Tracker Status : Connection Error (NoRouteToHostException:No route to host: connect)
then azuresus checks again and finds something, then back to this...
Junior Member
6. January 2006 @ 21:57 |
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ya that happens to me to sometime just make sure u have the most recent verson of azerus or use a diff torrent downloader like bit torrent or bitlord
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6. January 2006 @ 22:28 |
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here is a question for an Azureus expert. please look at this graph snapped from the advanced stats plugin:
and tell me if the settings used on the left are better then the settings using on the left, ignore the spike. i had a 8/4 ratio set on the left and an unlimited/5 ratio on the right. it seems this is the best i can get with my small pipe. if i go 8down/4up the down is limited but consistent. if i do anything else the download speed is spiking all over, albiet sometimes higher. or is all the same? thanks!!!
7. January 2006 @ 00:06 |
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after getting to the technical support of my router's manufacturer,i get to the part where i can set the ports i 'd like to open BUT there's a field 4 "PORT MAP" & i dont know what to write in it, and it cant be left blank.
thanx 4 caring..
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7. January 2006 @ 01:51 |
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pretty amazing u can get to such support! I don't have a clue about which router u are using but you have to enter in the following on my dlink:
Name: just the name of the setting
Private IP: your ip address for your machine
Protocol Type TCP UDP Both (choose both)
Private Port (the port u want to give azureus)
Public Port (the port u want to give azureus)
good luck!
Junior Member
7. January 2006 @ 08:55 |
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something to solve all of your problims call ur router or hub provider and bug them till they fix it for u and or e mail azerus and ask them and if that dosent work go into futureshop or some one who knows a little about azerus
7. January 2006 @ 11:35 |
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Ahhh what the heck! i opened all those dam ports that im supposed to open and my download still goes like 10 kbps. whats going on????
I connected my computer directly to the cable modem and the download still goes 10kbps! this is pissing me off can somebody help me please
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. January 2006 @ 12:00
Junior Member
7. January 2006 @ 13:26 |
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they are going slow because you have shaw or rogers or a ISP that blocks all of the fast downloading ports for azerus
7. January 2006 @ 14:14 |
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im using uTorrent and i opened all the ports from 6881 to 6889 on both my router and my firewall but it still goes slow. i even tried connecting straight to the cable modem and it was still slow as hell.
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7. January 2006 @ 15:54 |
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hi there,
i've followed all the instructions here with my new linksys wireless router but to no avail. i got d/l speeds of about 70kbs for about 15 minutes and then all my d/l's are back between 2 and 12 kbs and they aren't moving.
i even did all the testing of my ports and went to www.portforward and followed there instructions on configuring my router with bitlord but still nothing.
besides what camdog has stated at the beggining of this thread and other throughout the whole topic, is there another guide to follow through to see if somthing was missed ?
or maybe i'm just doomed to not have fast d/l's ?
unsure but would appreciate your thoughts or help !
ps my windows and norton firewalls are turned off
and i'm on shaw cable and anything else you need to know i'll be waiting ! thanks !
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. January 2006 @ 15:58