Anyone here that uses Vision have it ever just shut down? I'm trying to burn some AVI files to DVD format to show my class (some PBS specials on Afghanistan, etc).
I have hundreds of DVDs I've authored with Nero Vision with no problem...
But now it will be processing the AVI files to DVD just as always, and about halfway or more through, Nero Vision just disappears. No error, no freezing, no nothing.
I can't find a single solid answer on the web anywhere, so just hoping someone else has replicated this problem and has a solution.
I can't think of what it would be, because it's been working just fine for about 2 years up until now.
Also the log file that you are always asked to post simply does not exist on my computer:
Quote:Are you using Nero?
Post a history log for a failed burn.
Nero 6 log
Program Files\Ahead\Nero\NeroHistory.txt
Nero 7 log
Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\NeroHistory.txt
Program Files\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Ahead\NeroHistory.txt
Program Files\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Nero\Nero8\Nero Burning ROM\NeroHistory.txt
I use Vista x64 and that file does not exist. I've done countless searches throughout the entire computer for anything at all named NeroHistory, and it doesn't exist.