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29. April 2010 @ 13:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just thought I would make this form for anyone interested in purchasing nero 10 for gpu acceleration encoding in nero xtra. I currently use windows 7 64 bit, and a gtx 275 with
197.45 driver. Nero doesn't provide the use of cuda encoding in the trial version, wonder why ? Anyhow I will admit I won't be the first to claim I was blindly purchasing a nero product and paid the price.

Nero Vision Extra Issues

Error when using cuda with ps3 profile (when avc profile is used, no error)

Ps3 Profile settings for quality bitrate is stuck at 256 kbit/s when moving slider, and never displays actual change when moving slider

If moving the quality bitrate slider in ps3 profile to top level (256 kbit/s shown in settings) after finishing selection, the final ?output file? information displays 100 kbit/s and at the lowest level will show 10 Kbit/s, even though the slider shows no change in the actual settings menu

Lc-aac 5.1 audio is stuck at 77kbs, not acceptable for this type of audio ( he-aac comes out at 73 kbs which is in the acceptable range)

All settings and profiles that do actually work are encoded as a file saved with .0001 at the end which is unrecognizable for ps3 and probably a lot of other forms of players ( If only the avchd encoding with dolby digital was recognizable by my ps3 )

Avc profile has a functioning quality bitrate slider, but when choosing to opt for the target file size the ?out file? information shows 256 kbit/s and it encodes at that bitrate as well , regardless of the targeted file size inputted.

Contact with nero support is usless and very slow. For now I am told to wait for technical support to see about getting a refund.

Stick with mediacoder, nero 9 would burn blu-ray disks but had no feature to play blu-ray content and they never addressed that issue, I'm almost certain none of these issues will be addressed either in nero 10 most importantly the fact that lc-aac audio is stuck at 77 kbps
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2. May 2010 @ 03:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have used Nero software since it was freely downloadable! NBR has been solid and trouble free for as long as I can remember. Recode has worked well in most versions I have used. However, Nero Vision has been somewhat idiosyncratic in almost every version. I have not used it to process video but I have made slideshows form files created by my 14MP of 10MP DSLR's. I have seen crashed and failures from time to time. I found that Version 7 was stable and produced acceptable results. Like some others when I went to 64bit Wen7 I had to update.
The new Suite (v.10) does many things that I had given up hope of seeing Nero ever do! But, in common with most versions early releases were to say the least very buggy. They got it right in the end but I think they should have PAID US for persevering!
My early impressions of Nero Vision in 10 is that:
1. The learning curve is STEEP;
2. After a long session of adding slides and multiple slideshows it slows down and may hang. It takes more than that to hang Win7 64bit; but NV hung and had to be closed.
My feeling is that like a number of ambitious image rendering programs it suffers from MEMORY LEAKAGE.
Shutting down appears to release the memory. Not good enough!
BTW I have a Quad CPU. $GB RAM and 2+TB HDD space on-board. Plus another TB external.
Experience has convinced me that if I contact Nero support they will tell me that my sysetem is the culprit.
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2. May 2010 @ 09:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
give me 2 GOOD reasons to PAY for nero when better, slimmer, working and FREE alternatives are readily available?? just 2 will do.. go on.. dare you :)
2. May 2010 @ 11:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by photog:
2. After a long session of adding slides and multiple slideshows it slows down and may hang. It takes more than that to hang Win7 64bit; but NV hung and had to be closed.
My feeling is that like a number of ambitious image rendering programs it suffers from MEMORY LEAKAGE.
Shutting down appears to release the memory. Not good enough!
I have the same issue with what i'm doing, locks up and I have to open task manager to end the program

Originally posted by photog:
BTW I have a Quad CPU. $GB RAM and 2+TB HDD space on-board. Plus another TB external.
Experience has convinced me that if I contact Nero support they will tell me that my sysetem is the culprit.
Yeah support seems really bad, so far after I think maybe 1.5/2 weeks of e-mails, they've got as far as asking me to send a list of startup programs? I went ahead on my own and ran msconfig and did a selective start-up (the right way to go about it) and still the same problem. I'm pretty sure I'll get skrewed by having support procrastinate until the refund availibility is up.

Originally posted by Paula_X:
give me 2 GOOD reasons to PAY for nero when better, slimmer, working and FREE alternatives are readily available?? just 2 will do.. go on.. dare you :)

LOL I agree, why is it that open source programs get the fastest updates and the developers actually listen to peoples wants and needs.I can only imagine in the future, software will never be paid for, at this rate.
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2. May 2010 @ 15:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It will while sheep still think they NEED to buy bloatware drm garbage like nero..

spread the word.. only thing I have seen nero do worth a toss since v6 is the hd capture in v8.. that's it.. (how many people could point to that and say.. "wow.. nero actually does something worth having it for?".. none.. hehehehehe) and that has been disabled by design with fista and win(lose)7 which don't trust you (at hollywood cartel insistence) to be transferring your home movies.. they think anything from a camera MUST belong to them..

the main reason for using open source applications.. they don't respect or acknowledge drm in any form.. and to me that is a bigger "selling point" than the fact it's free (as in beer) Only by refusing to buy restrictive drm hardware and software can we hope to beat it to death.. and we will.. we have tyo or we go back to the stone age.. and some yankee "business" will probably patent fire and stone axes too regardless of "prior existing technology".. just like mp3
4. May 2010 @ 12:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just an update to anyone unhappy with a nero purchase. First off, buy using paypal, as you can file a claim, and list in detail your issue(I already have).Paypal replied ;

"Thank You for the Information Provided

Your item is not covered by PayPal Buyer Protection. Thus, we are not able to help you at this point.

However, if more claims are being filed against this seller within the next 180 days we will review this case more closely."

I'm not sure how effective this is but if anyone has any problems, contact paypal by using there resolution centre service. It can't hurt. I'm also contacting the better business bureau and

If you aren't aware, I purchased nero 10 and it's overidden with bugs in the nero xtra cuda video encoding (the sole reason I upgraded from 9) . I have been patient with tehnical support and they are so not helpful and extremely slow to respond. Customer support tells me I need to wait for technical support.... See the problem here ? Please if you have an issue, and you feel the same way, do what I did. It's you're money.
Related links
Download Nero from here.
How to burn DVDs with Nero? Read our guide from here.
Support AfterDawn and purchase your copy of Nero from here!
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