how can you make your own runescape servers? **NO EMAIL ADDRESSES OR INSTANT BANNING**
2. January 2008 @ 02:54 |
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Please Hurry Brothers Are Getting Annoyed =P... Sorry For Being Nooby LOLZ
Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
2. January 2008 @ 03:38 |
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Edited Due To Forum Rule Breaking
Edited By Runeskape
Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
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2. January 2008 @ 03:45 |
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Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
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2. January 2008 @ 03:58 |
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Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
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2. January 2008 @ 04:42 |
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Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
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2. January 2008 @ 05:48 |
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Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
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2. January 2008 @ 05:52 |
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Will Check Again In morning
Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
8 product reviews
2. January 2008 @ 14:30 |
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RuneSkape, as a warning: I have to inform you, that some of the things you've done here are in violation of the forum rules. You may want edit the post you made on 2. January 2008 @ 00:38, because you are advertising a server (which we're not really allowed to do in this forum, since this forum is targeted at helping people set them up, not advertise them). Additionally, the information you gave is wrong. IP addresses begining with 192 are known as Internal IPs. These IP addresses reffer to computers hooked to your existing router or network fire wall.
Also, just so you know, Its a very bad habbit to expect instant help from a forum (all forum sites are slow response, because of people who live in different parts of the world and whatnot). The reason I say all this, is because you have a habbit of what some people call "Double Posting" which is against the forum rules. Posts like "Somebody Please!!!!!!!!!!! My Question Was On Last Page!!!!!" does nothing but make this already lengthy forum even longer, and if you catch a moderator on a bad day, he can suspend or even BAN your account for it.
I'm not trying to get on to you, but the forum rules have been perfected with time, and should always be followed when posting.
About your problem: What you need is the Runescape private server client. This, if I remember right, is in a folder called RSPrivClient.Rar or something of the sort. You'll want to make sure that all the contents of this file are extracted to the folder of your choice (which is covered in greater detail in my Guide) and, once you've made sure that Run.bat is working quietly minimized in the background, you can fire up the client and connect as shown in the guide.
You, as the person running both the client AND the server, will have to enter in the server field.
Your brothers will have to either enter your Local/Internal IP (the one starting with 192) which will point them through the router, directly to your computer (where the server is).
Anyone else wanting to play will have to know either your current Subnet Mask IP Address (which can be found via http://www.whatsmyip.com) OR a Dynamic DNS (which you can find out how to create at http://infohub.freeforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=14).
So, to review, In order to run and play on ANY Server (not just runescape servers) you need two processes happening at the same time:
1) The server - this is the process that actually creates the game, loads all the data, and processes players and player data. In this case, it is Run.bat for the BlakeScape Server. It is very important that you do not close the run.bat window - doing so will kick all current players offline.
2)The Client - this is the process which allow players to interact with the game. For some games, the client does a LOT of work, including rendering graphics and storing needed game files, but for the purpose of RuneScape - EVERYTHING is stored server-side. This means that if people are playing on your server, they can come and go as they please, without causes errors in other people's gameplay, because they can't edit the server-side data (unless they know how to use the moderator commands such as ::add). A further note on this process is that if a player closes their client only the character that they control goes offline, verses closing the server, whereas EVERYONE goes offline.
2. January 2008 @ 20:31 |
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Sorry, I Did Not Understand, Anyways, I Will Not Do It Again (I Just Read Up On The Rules Again)
Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. January 2008 @ 23:20
2. January 2008 @ 20:51 |
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Sorry For Double Posting Again/Last Hopes
OK, I Have Made Two Shortcuts One From The "neat icon" (AKA Moparscape Icon) And One From Run.bat i Click on Run.bat, Minimize It Then i Click On the Server Shortcut, It Loads for about 4 seconds then says Java Error In A Little Window And Displays This message...
Not To Be Rude, But Aren't You Also Advertising YOUR Server In Your Signature...
Just Wondering...
Also, For The Benefit Of Others Here Is The Liamscape Music Player. It Has MIDI Tunes From The Moparscape Selection, And When I Say Copyright I Mean The Program - Not The Tunes - If That Makes Any Sense. Feel Free To Redistibute It, I Made Heaps Of Add-ons And I Still Haven't Got A Working Server =(. The Link Is Here...
This Is Obviously Way Too Complicated For Me. I Have Now Officially Given Up All My Hopes For Creating Liamscape, Good Luck To Anybody Else Who Tries.
PS: Even Though I Have Given Up I Might Still Be Active On This Thread, So Yeah If You Need Any Add-ons Ill See What I Can Do.
Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. January 2008 @ 05:34
Suspended permanently
4. January 2008 @ 16:15 |
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hello i need help start my own runescape private server please help me ill have try much but cant my e-mail is **removed due to stupidity**
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4. January 2008 @ 16:57 |
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An all-caps warning in the thread title and fifteen pages of folks getting banned for posting email addies and he still did it. Amazing.
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. January 2008 @ 16:57
8 product reviews
4. January 2008 @ 17:21 |
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Woot! I have exceeded 200 posts, and thus, have shed my "Junior Member Status" -- I am on my way to the top! The very top of a tower that no one outside of Afterdawn will acknowledge!!!
4. January 2008 @ 19:53 |
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'Gratz On Becoming A Member Vicious.
Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
10. January 2008 @ 21:47 |
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Is It Possible?
Firstly, Is It Possible For Somebody To Send Me A "Working" Server In A ZIP Archive, With Some Instructions.
You Can E-mail Me At Only Joking LOL
Im Willing To Do A Swap. For A Working Server, Ill Make A Music Player Or Interactive Price Guide Or Something Else Server Related (.exe Program).
It Seems That My Help Request Has Been Lost, It Is A Few Posts Up, if Some Person With Knowledge In This Matter, (Basically Knocks Out Everyone But Vicious =P ) Please See If They Have A Way To Help...
I Am Currently Attempting To Try A Different Creation Thingy (AKA Client) Called Endar V4, Apparently Its Got The Construction Skill O_o
Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
8 product reviews
10. January 2008 @ 22:13 |
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It is possible to budle all the files needed, thus zipping a working server - but its not practical. RuneScape emulation as a whole requires very little space, so people are reluctant, if not completely unwilling to download a several hundred megabyte archive, even if it promises a 100% working server.
11. January 2008 @ 23:48 |
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thx vicious
Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
12. January 2008 @ 08:22 |
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Wow, that was a lot of reading. Alright after all that I have myself a nice WORKING private server. Thank you very much Vicious88. I can't believe you can put up with so many people who just don't read instructions and for free too. Alright even after that i'm a tad confused. When I signed in it said i'd signed in 10 days ago, which I know I haven't. Plus I already have armour and everything. Did I miss something earlier? Or is this normal? Congrats again on putting up with so many people's problems with something so simple
12. January 2008 @ 20:51 |
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hi i love it so far ive got a sever i think but how do i let frend join
and what if they are from the same internet conection he tryed typing in the ip addy and it did not work
13. January 2008 @ 03:16 |
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(ex-noob turned tutor) Joined Vicious In The NQDA =)
Ok, Okimaru
I Run On Liamscape, My Own Server Source (Edited Testscape) So Things Are A Little Different, I Have NPCS Item Respawns, Shops Etc.
I Remember Reading Blakescape Doesn't Have That, But Don't Quote Me On It.
Anyway, According To My Server, No You Do Not Start Off With Armour/Weapons. There Is Two Logical Reasons I Can Think Of Why This Has Happened.
1. Your Server Is Different To Liamscape, And Does Spawn You With Items.
2. Your Username Has Done Some Freaky Magic Because Another User Of Blakescape Had That Username. I Know For Certain On Liamscape, I Made An Account Called Zezima (LOL) And It Showed Lots Of Items Before Reverting To Normal - Perhaps This Is A Worse Case Of That.
I Have No Experience Using No-IP. I Use Hamhachi (I Think Its Easier)
But To Join On Hamhachi, You Need To Be On There Network (Network,Join Network, Network Username/Password) Then Once Your On There Network You Can Use The Client To Get Onto There Server By Using There Hamachi IP. (Your One Is Shown Ontop Of Hamhachi) If Any Of That Carries Over To No-IP, It Might Be Of Some Use, But If Not, Ask Vicious, For He Is The Original Expert ;)
You Cannot Join Liamscape For A Working, Modded Server(Hamhachi Users Only)
Hamhachi Network Username: *removed* =(
Hamhachi Network Password: *removed* =(
Network IP: *removed* =(
That Is World 1 (Most Common)
There Is Also 3 Other Worlds LiamscapeWorld2, LiamscapeWorld3, LiamscapeWorld4 All With The Same Password And IP.
Liamscape Is Currently In Version: 1.93
(Sorry For Advertising Server =P. It Is For The Noobs To Try Out) - moderator note - you're not otherwise you wouldn't have done it
runeskape note - Well I See Vicious Advertising His... Just Curious. (No Offence Meant To Moderators Or Vicious)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. January 2008 @ 08:38
13. January 2008 @ 10:34 |
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Mine wont compile
even when i do optional #5
it says
"javac is not an internal or external command"
press any key to continue...
8 product reviews
13. January 2008 @ 14:18 |
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*pout* I guess my vacation is over...
Okay then, getting back to the good stuff!
RuneSkape: Gratz!
Okimaru: When you log into blakescape with a new character it HAS to display a last log-in time, just cause of the way its scripted, so, since it can't do that the first time, it just spurts out a random date. About your armor: BlakeScape comes complete with a nicely compiled Random Equipment string to ensure that new characters have random things when they start out. I've started one time with a Rune Plate leg, dragon chain chest, and a blue party hat. But where BlakeScape lacked scripting is of course the fact that the server is otherwise empty. There are no NPCs, and no item spawns. BTW: Thank you for the complements! ^^
FLOZZ123: If your friend is on the same network as you (using your wireless or hooked up via LAN somewhere in your house), you can have him type in your Local IP. Your local IP always begins with 192 and you can find it by doing the following: 1)Go to your start menu and find the Run button (or the search bar if you use Vista) and type in CMD and press enter. A black, DOS-like window should appear. Now type in IPCONFIG and press enter. A window full of information should appear, none of it is very useful to you except the IP address begining with 192. You will want to write this IP down, because its the one that everyone on your network (other than you) will want to type into the IP field.
RuneSkape Again: I understand you're not trying to offend ot anything, but I need to clerify something here. Actually I don't advertise my RS server, because I no longer run an RS server. That's right friends, all of my assistance is coming straight from memory. Now yes, I do have two links in my signature, but each of them go to forums that I run, and considering that neither of them are spectacular in any way, and that people are allowed to have links in their signatures so long as they don't mislead users into thinking these links lead somewhere else. For instance, if my signature said "Don't forget to Google it!" but every time someone clicked on "Google" it pulled them to my site - that would get me in some pretty serious trouble.
13. January 2008 @ 14:45 |
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Links to other forums aren't allowed, it'll have to be removed from the signature but can go in your shoutbox profile
Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
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Suspended due to non-functional email address
13. January 2008 @ 14:58 |
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how do i place npcs and make them do stuff?
13. January 2008 @ 20:54 |
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Is There Any Possible Way I Would Be Able "To Advertise" My Server, I Am Quite Honest When I Say It IS Only For Helping Purposes. But Then Again - I Guess It Is Against The Forum Rules.
Vicious Thank-you For Explaining That To Me, I Didn't Quite Understand. Although According to Moderator Creaky You Cannot Do That Either. =(
Is There Anyway, I Would Be Able To Use My Server, TO Teach People On This Thread Without Brreaking The Forum Rules? I Understand No Emails Or MSN AIM Etc. Etc. And Now No Servers On Threads Or In Signatures. I Am Asking This From previous Experience, Firstly Vicious' Help Is Wonderful. This Thread Would Be Nowhere Without It. But I Think We Need A "Thread Server" As A Tool For Teaching Purposes Only. This IS My Personal Opinion, And I Am Not Asking For Anything To Be Changed - Nor Am I Complaining.
Although This Post Still Stands For Anybody Who Is
Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. January 2008 @ 20:56