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Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
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29. July 2009 @ 17:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hello all

sorry i havent been around lately ive been busy answering emails

does any one out there want to donate or sell there broken non repairable ps3 to me for my next video!!!!

i have a donation fund running and a FEW people have kindly donated money to me so that i can purchase a new patient for my next video!!!!

this will be the biggy!!!!!

D.I.Y STYLE of course!

i have a few ebay bids running at the mo but with all the auto bidding thats going on nowadays you just carnt seem to win anything unless you pay over the odds!!!

someone please help me help the comunity!!!!!!!!!

p.s also i would like to get hold of a failed powersupply so that i can repair it and then write the diy fix guide !!

any takers!

Junior Member
30. July 2009 @ 16:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I may send you my old PSU if you want. I actually don't think its quite failed I know it runs HOTTT and makes high pitched noises although it just might be a loose copper coil. I thought I'd play it safe so I ordered the newer PSU the APS226 I figure they replaced it for a reason right? So I don't really need the other one except maybe as back up. Once my flux comes and I fix my YLOD (hopefully) I'll know if it still works or not.

This is my old PSU and the noises I was talking about.

Hell if I can't fix this ylod I may just part it out on ebay or something.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. July 2009 @ 16:46

31. July 2009 @ 06:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi everyone.
I'm starting to reflow my ps3 for the 4th time with flux but I have a problem
My heat gun has just two temperature.. 350 or 600 °C any suggestion?
31. July 2009 @ 07:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi. My PS3 is blinking red lights when i turn it on and a yellow light is displayed for about half a second. Is this the YLoD?

I have the 60gb version and bought it at launch which means i have no warranty. But if i was to call sony and say that i bought it brand new from a friend 3 months ago, would they fix it as that is when the warranty would have started?

Junior Member
31. July 2009 @ 10:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by lfc505050:
Hi. My PS3 is blinking red lights when i turn it on and a yellow light is displayed for about half a second. Is this the YLoD?

I have the 60gb version and bought it at launch which means i have no warranty. But if i was to call sony and say that i bought it brand new from a friend 3 months ago, would they fix it as that is when the warranty would have started?

No thats why they use serial numbers. They know exactly when it was purchased
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31. July 2009 @ 22:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by colinjest:
hello all

sorry i havent been around lately ive been busy answering emails

does any one out there want to donate or sell there broken non repairable ps3 to me for my next video!!!!

i have a donation fund running and a FEW people have kindly donated money to me so that i can purchase a new patient for my next video!!!!

this will be the biggy!!!!!

D.I.Y STYLE of course!

i have a few ebay bids running at the mo but with all the auto bidding thats going on nowadays you just carnt seem to win anything unless you pay over the odds!!!

someone please help me help the comunity!!!!!!!!!

p.s also i would like to get hold of a failed powersupply so that i can repair it and then write the diy fix guide !!

any takers!
hi colin mine just packed in again and i fixed the ylod as usual but this time there was another problem! when i put it all back together and switched it on i had no power at all! the red light didnt even come on, ive already replaced the power pack before coz someone said that could of been the problem and im fed up of paying money fixing it so im saving up for a new ps3! make me an offer for my ps3 it will come as it is now-

1 ps3 60gb console complete with mem card readers
1 power cord
1 controller (old but works)
i'll even throw in the broken power unit ive replaced before so you can do the other test you want
and i'll also throw in the broken blue ray drive laser section that ive replaced before too
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1. August 2009 @ 05:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oh and i just found out that it wont power up and i cant see the red light because i broke the ribbon cable that goes from the power/eject board to the main board! its not even a power pack issue! so if you change the ribbon the ps3 will be in full working order!
4. August 2009 @ 05:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey colin another 1 fixed to add to your list of fixed consoles :-)

Xbox 360 elite ixtreme Lt+
Vectra c 2.0 turbo A few mods
4. August 2009 @ 07:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey guys,

just wanted to say a big thank you to Gilksy for his guide, there have been a number of us here in South Africa that have used his guide with success. Alas we don't have as many options as the rest of the world, we cannot send it to Sony here, here we get a refurb for R2,700 which is $337!! And a PS3 here costs $625.

So fixing makes more sense here, first time i did the fix it lasted 15 days, but i didn't have any thermal paste at the time so did not replace it, i fixed it again last night with the thermal paste and so far so good.

I'd like to know what the opinions on drilling some holes through the plastic casing (at the bottom where the fan sucks air) would be?

I keep my PS3 vertically so there would be a lot of access to cool air.
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4. August 2009 @ 14:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
scam edited by ddp

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. August 2009 @ 23:28

Junior Member
4. August 2009 @ 15:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Mine's up in running again. Had it on three hours and the fan didn't even get on the highest speed at all. If it fails again at least this time I got to back up my stuff.
4. August 2009 @ 15:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by dchris01:
since i fixed my ps3 the last time ylod and purchased a ps3 fan for the front, my ps3 still hasn't shut off or flicker during playing of games or films and i haven't used the flux yet i think the fan is a lasting solution its fixed for about 3 months now
Where did you purchase your fan from? If it was on the internet could you post the link?

Thanks in advance.
4. August 2009 @ 15:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Fahid:
Thankyou for your valuable wisdom Chmont.

Does anyone know where i could find the Bluray drive ribbon cable. I have tried searching, but does any one know a specific name or model number for it. Or perhaps even a link.
Thankyou so much.
Does anyone have links to purchase any of the following:

1) The ribbon cable that connects the Bluray/DVD drive to the motherboard.

2) The 4 screws that hold down the spring clamps.

3) Any of the other screws.

4) The small ribbon cable that connects the power/eject board to the motherboard.

5) The very small connector that connects the battery to the motherboard.

Thanks in advance
4. August 2009 @ 16:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by dazhick:
Originally posted by Fahid:
Thankyou for your valuable wisdom Chmont.

Does anyone have links to purchase any of the following:

1) The ribbon cable that connects the Bluray/DVD drive to the motherboard.

2) The 4 screws that hold down the spring clamps.

3) Any of the other screws.

4) The small ribbon cable that connects the power/eject board to the motherboard.

5) The very small connector that connects the battery to the motherboard.

Thanks in advance
What on earth happened to it to need all the connectors?

Xbox 360 elite ixtreme Lt+
Vectra c 2.0 turbo A few mods
4. August 2009 @ 16:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Daveth_G:
Hello all, glad to see I'm not alone with my YLOD ps3, I have an alternative solution that I don't think has been mentioned thus far. Now bear with me on this and please don't cry SPAM or SCAM without reading this first :D

this is exactly what you call SPAM.. this is not alternative solution. Might as well just say buy a new one.

Can the mods please get rid of his reply....
4. August 2009 @ 16:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by mbazzer:
Originally posted by colinjest:
hello all

sorry i havent been around lately ive been busy answering emails

does any one out there want to donate or sell there broken non repairable ps3 to me for my next video!!!!

i have a donation fund running and a FEW people have kindly donated money to me so that i can purchase a new patient for my next video!!!!

this will be the biggy!!!!!

D.I.Y STYLE of course!

i have a few ebay bids running at the mo but with all the auto bidding thats going on nowadays you just carnt seem to win anything unless you pay over the odds!!!

someone please help me help the comunity!!!!!!!!!

p.s also i would like to get hold of a failed powersupply so that i can repair it and then write the diy fix guide !!

any takers!
hi colin mine just packed in again and i fixed the ylod as usual but this time there was another problem! when i put it all back together and switched it on i had no power at all! the red light didnt even come on, ive already replaced the power pack before coz someone said that could of been the problem and im fed up of paying money fixing it so im saving up for a new ps3! make me an offer for my ps3 it will come as it is now-

1 ps3 60gb console complete with mem card readers
1 power cord
1 controller (old but works)
i'll even throw in the broken power unit ive replaced before so you can do the other test you want
and i'll also throw in the broken blue ray drive laser section that ive replaced before too
thanks for the offer
but seeing as i will be gutting it and not making money off it its only worth me paying £50 for it!!!!

and i know if you wanted to you could get more for it on ebay!!!!

thanks again!!! though!


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4. August 2009 @ 16:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
scam edited by ddp

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. August 2009 @ 23:28

Junior Member
4. August 2009 @ 17:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
my ylod is fixed but my blu ray drive isn't working. I took out the game I had in there when i got ylod just in case. I thought I put it back together right but I think those plastic gears have to be set a certain way. I tried twice and the first time it moves but wont take any disks and the second time I get a loud clicking like somethings stuck. Anyone know the position they have to be in? I'm searching right now but so far no luck.

Yes that is spam go take it elsewhere.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. August 2009 @ 17:28

Suspended permanently
4. August 2009 @ 17:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
scam edited by ddp

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. August 2009 @ 23:26

4. August 2009 @ 18:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Daveth_G:
I guess it is a kind of spam, but seriously, the fact is, if you can get 14 referrals you can get a new ps3 - pop your old hard drive in, and bang, problem solved. Doesn't sound too bad to me.

I won't darken yor forum doorstep any more but please just consider it an option if your ps3 is completely sozzled.

spam removed
pop your hard drive in........... if your going to spam this thread then at least read some of it first......if you put your old hard drive into a new ps3 it will automatically ask you to format it before you go any further!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thats the reason for doing the repair numb nuts!!!!!!!!!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. August 2009 @ 23:19

4. August 2009 @ 18:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Daveth_G:
I guess it is a kind of spam, but seriously, the fact is, if you can get 14 referrals you can get a new ps3 - pop your old hard drive in, and bang, problem solved. Doesn't sound too bad to me.

just stop it now please.

These free ipods free ps3s have been around for like 10 years. Its nothing new. Yes, i know its legit but this thread is about repairing YLOD. Go spam somewhere else.

I have an alternate solution to fixing the YLOD too. Go into a store and steal a new PS3. Problem solved. Doesn't cost you a single penny.
6. August 2009 @ 12:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by stuartbat:
Originally posted by dazhick:
Originally posted by Fahid:
Thankyou for your valuable wisdom Chmont.

Does anyone have links to purchase any of the following:

1) The ribbon cable that connects the Bluray/DVD drive to the motherboard.

2) The 4 screws that hold down the spring clamps.

3) Any of the other screws.

4) The small ribbon cable that connects the power/eject board to the motherboard.

5) The very small connector that connects the battery to the motherboard.

Thanks in advance
What on earth happened to it to need all the connectors?
Nothing, I just wanted to know if there is anywhere on the internet that sells these items as I repair the odd PS3 for friends and family.

Does anyone know of any places on the internet (apart from Ebay) that sells the above items?

6. August 2009 @ 12:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Teckniec:
my ylod is fixed but my blu ray drive isn't working. I took out the game I had in there when i got ylod just in case. I thought I put it back together right but I think those plastic gears have to be set a certain way. I tried twice and the first time it moves but wont take any disks and the second time I get a loud clicking like somethings stuck. Anyone know the position they have to be in? I'm searching right now but so far no luck.

Yes that is spam go take it elsewhere.
There are a couple things that can go wrong.

If the flap that protects the drive from dust is out of position it can sit up and block the sensor that detects if you've inserted a disk.
If you have the metal case off you can see a small clear plastic piece with a wire loop underneath, if you put a disk you should see it move with the flap. I had a customer where that was stuck 'open' so it never knew a disc was being inserted.

Another thing I've seen is where someone had to take out a disc that was stuck in the drive and they managed to pop off the spring that holds the little gray arms near the front in place. If they move around when you tilt the drive then that's probably what's wrong, the spring needs to be put back in a way that it applies pressure to hold them in place..

Which plastic gears are you referring too? Sometimes I have put a drive back together after replacing the KEM-400AAA assembly and when I put the top back on, the two large black 'bar/arms' (either side of the laser assembly) were not in the right position and the top arms couldn't move to drop the round white disc in place to spin the disc.
Junior Member
6. August 2009 @ 20:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by keycomp:

There are a couple things that can go wrong.

If the flap that protects the drive from dust is out of position it can sit up and block the sensor that detects if you've inserted a disk.
If you have the metal case off you can see a small clear plastic piece with a wire loop underneath, if you put a disk you should see it move with the flap. I had a customer where that was stuck 'open' so it never knew a disc was being inserted.

Another thing I've seen is where someone had to take out a disc that was stuck in the drive and they managed to pop off the spring that holds the little gray arms near the front in place. If they move around when you tilt the drive then that's probably what's wrong, the spring needs to be put back in a way that it applies pressure to hold them in place..

Which plastic gears are you referring too? Sometimes I have put a drive back together after replacing the KEM-400AAA assembly and when I put the top back on, the two large black 'bar/arms' (either side of the laser assembly) were not in the right position and the top arms couldn't move to drop the round white disc in place to spin the disc.
When I put it back together the first time it kept thinking a disc was in there and wouldn't take one. I tried putting a disc in and closing it up and it didn't work. The problem now seems to be there is a gray plastic piece keeps trying to move and it just keeps making a loud clicking noise. There is a white plastic piece that locks it I moved it so it wouldn't be locked but it keeps getting stuck somehow. I know about those plastic bumpers you mentioned. I had the spring fall out of one, kind of a pain to get back on.

The gray piece in this pic is what im referring to.

Here is more of the drive if you could tell me if anything looks out of place.

I apprentice any help or suggestions
Junior Member
6. August 2009 @ 20:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok now when I turn it on it thinks theres a disk again. When I hit eject the light blinks and goes off and wont take a disc.
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