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Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
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16. July 2009 @ 11:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Shouldn't we be using a temperature around 250C for heating? Above that don't we risk damaging the chips?
17. July 2009 @ 04:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
G'day all,
I just joined this forum so I could give Gilksy the BIGEST public THANKYOU for being so generous in sharing his time and expertise with us all.

I am an Aussie female with absolutely no electronics experience what so ever!!! In fact I consider myself to be totally and utterly PC illiterate, although I do have a few technical skills.

Anyways, last night I cracked open my 40G PS3, and by following Gilksy?s Guide, to my astonishment got my YLOD baby working again (Oh did I scream).

Can?t say I found it easy as the 40GB internal workings are set up a bit different to the 60GB, but by following the guide I worked it all out ( believe me, if I can do this any one can.) So thank you Collin and every one else who has endeavored to fix their own PS3. You gave me the confidence to do this and saved me from giving Sony any more of my hard earned D's(at least for a while longer.)

17. July 2009 @ 07:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by kewlkitty:
G'day all,
I just joined this forum so I could give Gilksy the BIGEST public THANKYOU for being so generous in sharing his time and expertise with us all.

I am an Aussie female with absolutely no electronics experience what so ever!!! In fact I consider myself to be totally and utterly PC illiterate, although I do have a few technical skills.

Anyways, last night I cracked open my 40G PS3, and by following Gilksy?s Guide, to my astonishment got my YLOD baby working again (Oh did I scream).

Can?t say I found it easy as the 40GB internal workings are set up a bit different to the 60GB, but by following the guide I worked it all out ( believe me, if I can do this any one can.) So thank you Collin and every one else who has endeavored to fix their own PS3. You gave me the confidence to do this and saved me from giving Sony any more of my hard earned D's(at least for a while longer.)

G-day and thankyou for your kind comments!!!!!!!!

coinjest aka gilksy (the PS3 SURGEON)

17. July 2009 @ 10:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I was fidgeting with the bluray ribbon cable, and i accidentally leaned on the ps3. Next thing i know, the ps3 stops powering on. Period. No red light/green. Just blank.

Any help ? After going through hell and back to fix my ylod, this kick's me in the face !

17. July 2009 @ 14:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can anyone send me a lingk of where i can buy the large wide ribbon cable that connects to the Blu-ray drive. Thanks so much.

P.S - The ps3 turns on now, i left it for an hour
18. July 2009 @ 21:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Guys have anyone of you tried oven fix.. put it on foil.. cook it for 8 minutes in about 200c wait for 45 min to cool.. assemble.
18. July 2009 @ 22:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Fahid:
Can anyone send me a lingk of where i can buy the large wide ribbon cable that connects to the Blu-ray drive. Thanks so much.

P.S - The ps3 turns on now, i left it for an hour

Check the little connector for the power board. They alway get cracks in the connections on the mobo side.

19. July 2009 @ 01:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If they get cracks, does that mean i need to change mobo ? Because then i'm screwed
19. July 2009 @ 13:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Fahid:
If they get cracks, does that mean i need to change mobo ? Because then i'm screwed
no, just the connector ribbon that goes from the mobo to the pwr board. You can find them online. The don't cost that much. They sometimes get cracks in them where they plug into the mobo, check yours. Sometimes you can Macgyver them by cutting them and the crack and replugging them in, so they make a connection.

20. July 2009 @ 02:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok i REALLY messed up haha. I need to find a screw for one of the clamps. I thought it would be a good idea to screw the screw for the clamp in extra tight for more pressure BUT I screwed it too tight and the screw broke in half.

idk what i am going to do because the bottom half is still in there and the clamp is sticking up. I guess I'm going to just try to assemble it like that.

I would appreciate it if someone could give me a site for another screw or give me an idea of how to tighten the clamp down without a screw. :/
thanks in advance
20. July 2009 @ 03:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok so i decided to try and put everything together and seeing if it worked. I turned it on and no YLOD but then the fan went really high like REALLY high higher then i have ever heard it and i got a YLOD.

I know it's because of the clamp, but i don't know if it'll be fixable because the bottom half of the screw is stuck in there. =/
goodbye Ps3 ;_;
20. July 2009 @ 03:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thankyou for your valuable wisdom Chmont.

Does anyone know where i could find the Bluray drive ribbon cable. I have tried searching, but does any one know a specific name or model number for it. Or perhaps even a link.
Thankyou so much.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
20. July 2009 @ 23:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

ok i fixed my ylod if you want to know heres how:
first your gonna need a screwdriver, average size and small size, ur also gonna need a heat gun and thermal compund/grease.

u need to take the entire ps3 apart which is actually easy just alot of screws different sizes.

once u do that u need to clean off all the old thermal compund from the GPU and CPU i suggest using rubbin alcohol. then pre heat the entire mother baoard both sides...then turn up heat gun to about 500 degrees direct heat on the gpu cpu for about 3 mins ..after heated let cool for about 20 min...DO NOT TOUCH THE BOARD YOU CAN DAMAGE IT MORE IF YOU DO!!.once cool apply a thin coat of thermal paste to the gpu cpu and put it back together. i did this and it took me about 2 hrs i worked hooked up and was playing COD in no time. be advised that this will void your warranty cuz u have to pull the sticker off. k any questions u can email me @
Junior Member
21. July 2009 @ 00:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by slay_recs:

ok i fixed my ylod if you want to know heres how:
first your gonna need a screwdriver, average size and small size, ur also gonna need a heat gun and thermal compund/grease.

u need to take the entire ps3 apart which is actually easy just alot of screws different sizes.
once u do that u need to clean off all the old thermal compund from the GPU and CPU i suggest using rubbin alcohol. then pre heat the entire mother baoard both sides...then turn up heat gun to about 500 degrees direct heat on the gpu cpu for about 3 mins ..after heated let cool for about 20 min...DO NOT TOUCH THE BOARD YOU CAN DAMAGE IT MORE IF YOU DO!!.once cool apply a thin coat of thermal paste to the gpu cpu and put it back together. i did this and it took me about 2 hrs i worked hooked up and was playing COD in no time. be advised that this will void your warranty cuz u have to pull the sticker off. k any questions u can email me @
Im guessing you didnt bother to read this thread...The input is always appreciated, but this has been covered in great detail (and in several videos) already.


P.S Congrats on fixing your system.
21. July 2009 @ 14:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, had a YLOD that I sent into that ebay guy's repair center(the one in michigan, I believe) and everything was working great until a few weeks ago(so, roughly 5 months) when I got it again.

Tried the reflow deal exactly as the videos showed and then again with the flux.

Right now I've gotten through the ylod and the power stays steady green. The first time I plugged it in it got to the XMB and crashed. Ever since, I can eject and put in bluray discs but the video doesn't show up, there's no sound(with either standard a/v or component) and despite hearing the beeps via holding down the power button(to try and reset the video/get to diag screen) it never comes on and the controllers still never sync. Any suggestions before this is sent to the magical world of ebay?

thx for any help.
21. July 2009 @ 17:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok Try This take out hard drive
Put hard drive is computer and format it
When done you will have to have a USB thumbdrive with newest update for ps3 ( MAKE SURE YOU DO FULL FORMAT )
21. July 2009 @ 23:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If I can't even get the recovery menu to pop up will formatting the drive help? Don't get me wrong, not trying to say your advice is invalid. I'm just trying to save my data if I can. :)
22. July 2009 @ 08:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You get no video at all?
Via HDMI or A/V cables?
You may have fried your graphics chip while doing the reflow.
22. July 2009 @ 12:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah, that's probably what happened.
Well, I guess I'll take back the heat gun today since I obviously won't be using it anymore.
Thanks for your input. :)
23. July 2009 @ 08:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi again!

After one and a half month the 3rd YLOD came... I think I've tried everything to fix it, it ran but there's no permanent fix. Again, thank you for all the help from you guys. I'm not going to bother fixing it the 4th time, I'm buying a new one... I hope I don't get YLOD again on the new one..
Junior Member
24. July 2009 @ 02:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey guys
I have a ps3 but it's giving me the green light turns red followed by 3 beeps. I hear the fans turn before stopping. Now this ps3 has never been used it was dropped the first day bought.You could hear broken pieces inside the case. I opened it up and saw that no damaged to any circuit board or motherboard. All the broken pieces are from the blu ray drive. I checked the drive and found the only pieces broken is the the white piece on the black plastic cover were the dvd magnetic spindle is located.It is on the oppsite side facing the lens and has a rotates on a Grey plastic piece.I will provide a picture. I have all the piece's and will try to glue them together and see if that works but do you thing the power supply got affected?
25. July 2009 @ 00:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Repairing ps3's is a hobby of mine but the YLOD fix is always hit or miss. I can see why the PS3 is getting the YLOD since it gets so hot. I would run a ps3 without the cover and only after 20 mins of gameplay, the power supply, motherboard heat shield and heatsink gets very hot to the touch. I can't imagine how hot it would get when its all enclosed! I'm trying to figure out ways to increase airflow and cool the motherboard more. One thing I noticed is that there is absolutely NO cool air coming into the system. The holes in the front of the PS3 do not allow cool air in since it is blocked off by the plastic covering on the heatsink. One way to cool the PS3 better is to cut a square hole on the bottom, cover it with a mesh grill and elevate the PS3 on foot pads. This will allow the fan to "suck" up cool air from the bottom and exhaust hot air through the back. I am still looking for more ideas though on a way to cool the whole motherboard and power supply.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. July 2009 @ 01:31

25. July 2009 @ 07:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
gilsky just saw your fluxing video! good work man, thank you ...i fluxed only the BIG bga's but no problem till for the clamps...guys dont screw the screws tight cause they might broke in the cooling system's holes and then except from new screws you will need a cooling system as well...happened to me once..
25. July 2009 @ 22:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I had the same problem, But I cooked it in the oven... And its been 1 1/2 and still working... Look at my video at you tube...

Originally posted by chris2029:

I have also encountered this, on the 60gb and early 40gb models

I bought the new intercooler TS "its a bit LOUD" but has stopped it from YLOD after rework.

My rework consists of the following.

BGA flux the piss yellow stuff, This is the best for rework,
you need to let this flow under the two BGA's,

Obviously you need to apply a thin layer of compound on each BGA before you fasten the clamps down, as per guide.

Center presure from the heat brackets needs to be quite strong, so bend the brackets and then use 6.4 mm c washers on top of the brackets before screwing them back down, you need to screw them as far as they will go.

I reflow at around but nomore than 500c bottom first and then top for 20 seconds and cool as per guide.

The overall problem is that the ps3 gets hot and the sensor tollerance is too low the internal fan just cant move the hot air away quick enough,
I belive that if the ps3 internal fan ran at stage three after 2 minutes from boot and than stages 4-5 in game we would not YLOD,


27. July 2009 @ 00:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey, just wanted to say thanks for the guide colin it fixed my 60gb ylod temporarily, but the next day i got it again.. 2nd time i used a rosin flux pen the bottled version said no clean and works with lead free. After assembling and heating with a 400C gun for about 20 secs each chip on both sides "following the guide of course".

I turned it on and it worked, turned it off and hooked it up to the tv. I then ran a demo video at 1080P worked good until 20-30 seconds later. It then froze and i turned off the system. I then tried turning it on again, it did.. but right the ps3 was somewhat freezing while it started up to the menu and then shut off again with ylod.

Does anyone have any suggestions.. ? i'm kind of stumped here because i thought the flux would be a more permanent fix. Other people who reflowed got the ps3 to last at least a week or month or more. first time reflowing it lasted maybe an hour of actual on time and then ylod. And second time didn't last that long either with the liquid flux. I am using Arctic silver 5 compound and using only a thin good layer.

Also i noticed comparing my newer 80gb on idle blows cool air from the side compared to the 60gb when it was running blew out warm slightly hot air.

I bought this from a friend hoping to fix it and use it for the BC any inputs would be greatly appreciated thanks.

well i just tried for the 3rd time, i cleaned up a lot of liquid flux that got on the board, and this time i put a thinner layer of AS5 did everything really carefully and reflowed for 40-45 sec each section at 750F or 400C and running solid for over 2 hours haven't had this luck previous 2 times. I just hope it keeps up, just wanted to share my experience and thanks a lot again colin.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. July 2009 @ 01:13

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