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8. February 2007 @ 03:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sorry for posting twice i must of doubled click send one to many tiems, sorry again my bad,

hursty i will have the game tommrow its pretty hard to read what you posted, cause 1. im half asleep lol 2. and it looks like jargon lol.anwyaz tommrow is when i come online with the game and i will tamper with it, i have 50 dvd's ... i hope you guyz contineu with this aswell, you guyz have done a hell of good job up to know

well i can say is goodluck if you do continue.

rock lee:the lotus blooms twice
8. February 2007 @ 03:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
also if you havent noticed, you probably have that :


00218800 00000431 Tim Image file
00C15000 0000182A Tim Image file
02E03000 00005C06 Tim Image file
062FF000 0000C5FE Tim Image file
096D2000 00012DA4 Tim Image file
0F353800 0001E6A7 Tim Image file
0FB97000 0001F72E Tim Image file
10E12800 00021C25 Tim Image file
12388000 00024710 Tim Image file
12B2E000 0002565C Tim Image file
12CB0000 00025960 Tim Image file
12ECD000 00025D9A Tim Image file
135EF800 00026BDF Tim Image file
1365B000 00026CB6 Tim Image file
144ED000 000289DA Tim Image file
153DE000 0002A7BC Tim Image file


00218800 00000431 Tim Image file
00C15000 0000182A Tim Image file
02E03000 00005C06 Tim Image file
062FF000 0000C5FE Tim Image file
096D2000 00012DA4 Tim Image file
0F353800 0001E6A7 Tim Image file
0FB97000 0001F72E Tim Image file
10E12800 00021C25 Tim Image file
12388000 00024710 Tim Image file
12B2E000 0002565C Tim Image file
12CB0000 00025960 Tim Image file
12ECD000 00025D9A Tim Image file
135EF800 00026BDF Tim Image file
1365B000 00026CB6 Tim Image file
144ED000 000289DA Tim Image file
153DE000 0002A7BC Tim Image file

these first halfs of the layers are the same, if that means something to you than here it is.

alsoit could mean im doing this guess out of the blue that you can delete the first half of the first layer or dummy that data and replace the rest which arent dummied on the other layer.?
AfterDawn Addict
8. February 2007 @ 04:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yes, i know that,but you cant access the .dat files to extract them
a ripkit is needed,made by gnie or someone

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8. February 2007 @ 07:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by hursty:
yes, i know that,but you cant access the .dat files to extract them
a ripkit is needed,made by gnie or someone

i dont have the game,just release the plugin (xpert2 plugin), check my site

xpert 2 => my site
How to use Experimental Plugin Ext Reb Tool dvd iso shrinker

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8. February 2007 @ 18:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I managed to get past the part in the Dorgenark bar and teleporter cutscene after that... But it's still not perfect...

I'll carry on playing until I run out of patiance walking everywhere instead of teleporting
AfterDawn Addict
9. February 2007 @ 08:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well this is my final attempt with this game

here is the file list for LAYER1 (disk 2) only


Voice overs are included

i could do with a chapter breakdown,to see if i was actually teleporting backwards

all i know is,the game save i have got,starts me outside the insectron stadium,from there,i can teleport anywhere successfully using the teleportor,the list of places i can go from the menu screen is quite vast,so i guess i am going back on levels

if someone can list the different areas that there were on chapters 1-7?


1)when entering the insectron staduim,there is a guy in the middle of the of whom you talk to,to enter a battle above level c? (not quite sure),anyways,if this is selected,the game freeze

game freeze after gameover

0000471 , \DATA0_0.DAT
0002662 , \MOVIE\98\09_08_2B.MVI
0007143 , \MOVIE\99\11_01A.MVI
0013664 , \MOVIE\99\11_01B.MVI
0022897 , \MOVIE\99\11_01C.MVI
0028106 , \MOVIE\99\11_01D.MVI
0036795 , \MOVIE\99\11_01F.MVI
0043404 , \MOVIE\99\11_01H.MVI
0052981 , \MOVIE\99\13_05A.MVI
0066382 , \MOVIE\99\13_05B.MVI
0077655 , \MOVIE\99\13_05C.MVI
0098136 , \MOVIE\99\13_07_1B.MVI
0141825 , \MOVIE\99\13_07_2A.MVI
0145626 , \MOVIE\99\13_07_2B.MVI
0159203 , \MOVIE\99\13_55A.MVI
0162388 , \MOVIE\99\13_55B.MVI
0166413 , \MOVIE\99\13_55C.MVI
0169478 , \MOVIE\99\13_55D.MVI
0173375 , \MOVIE\99\13_55E.MVI
0176216 , \MOVIE\99\13_55F.MVI
0179465 , \MOVIE\99\13_55G.MVI
0183082 , \MOVIE\99\STAFF_A.MVI
0183082 , \BIN\FACTORY.BIN
0183158 , \BIN\INSECT.BIN
0183278 , \BIN\INSMENU.BIN
0183312 , \BIN\NORMAL.BIN
0183435 , \BIN\TITLE.BIN
0183451 , \BIN\VIEWER.BIN
0645141 , \DATA0_1.DAT
0645141 , \DATA0_0.HD6
0645269 , \DATA0_1.HD6
0645317 , \DATA1_0.DAT
1307354 , \DATA1_1.DAT
1776086 , \DATA1_0.HD6
1776216 , \DATA1_1.HD6
1776262 , \SCUS_974.90
1778057 , \SYSTEM.CNF
1778075 , \MODULES\IOPRP300.IMG
1778378 , \MODULES\TEMP.FS3
1778379 , \RGSYS.DAT
1778380 , \RGDMY.DAT
1786572 , \MOVIE\00\GAMEOVER.MVI
1787645 , \MOVIE\00\M_TRAINA.MVI
1789158 , \MOVIE\00\M_TRAINB.MVI
1790903 , \MOVIE\00\M_TRAINC.MVI
1792904 , \MOVIE\00\M_TRAIND.MVI
1794545 , \MOVIE\00\RUSH.MVI
1831778 , \MOVIE\00\TITLE01.MVI
1835883 , \MOVIE\00\TITLE02.MVI
1851004 , \MOVIE\00\W_ARISA.MVI
1854157 , \MOVIE\00\W_ARISB.MVI
1866542 , \MOVIE\00\W_ARISC.MVI
1868879 , \MOVIE\00\W_BEDANA.MVI
1871704 , \MOVIE\00\W_BEDANB.MVI
1875401 , \MOVIE\00\W_EDENA.MVI
1880546 , \MOVIE\00\W_EDENB.MVI
1887875 , \MOVIE\00\W_GHOSTA.MVI
1892684 , \MOVIE\00\W_GHOSTB.MVI
1895461 , \MOVIE\00\W_JYURAA.MVI
1897734 , \MOVIE\00\W_JYURAB.MVI
1901479 , \MOVIE\00\W_JYURAC.MVI
1906024 , \MOVIE\00\W_ROSEA.MVI
1908177 , \MOVIE\00\W_ROSEB.MVI
1909490 , \MOVIE\00\W_ROZAA.MVI
1911635 , \MOVIE\00\W_ROZAB.MVI
1914420 , \MOVIE\00\W_ZERAA.MVI
1918101 , \MOVIE\00\W_ZERAB.MVI
1920622 , \MOVIE\09\09_17A.MVI
1920622 , \MOVIE\07\07_06B.MVI
1920622 , \MOVIE\07\07_06A.MVI
1920622 , \MOVIE\07\07_05.MVI
1920622 , \MOVIE\07\07_03B.MVI
1920622 , \MOVIE\07\07_03A.MVI
1920622 , \MOVIE\07\07_01B.MVI
1920622 , \MOVIE\07\07_01A.MVI
1920622 , \MOVIE\06\06_03.MVI
1920622 , \MOVIE\04\04_03.MVI
1920622 , \MOVIE\04\04_01_3.MVI
1920622 , \MOVIE\02\02_05.MVI
1920622 , \MOVIE\02\02_01.MVI
1920622 , \MOVIE\01\01_11.MVI
1920622 , \MOVIE\01\01_01.MVI
1922311 , \MOVIE\09\09_17B.MVI
1925624 , \MOVIE\09\09_17C.MVI
1930321 , \MOVIE\10\10_12A.MVI
1940554 , \MOVIE\10\10_12B.MVI
1943027 , \MOVIE\11\11_01E.MVI
1950260 , \MOVIE\11\11_01G.MVI
1956125 , \MOVIE\13\13_07_1A.MVI
1959422 , \MOVIE\13\13_07_2C.MVI
1961087 , \MOVIE\13\13_07_2G.MVI
1963848 , \MOVIE\98\09_03.MVI
1963848 , \MOVIE\97\07_02.MVI
1963848 , \MOVIE\97\06_15C.MVI
1963848 , \MOVIE\97\06_15B.MVI
1963848 , \MOVIE\97\06_15A.MVI
1963848 , \MOVIE\97\06_13.MVI
1963848 , \MOVIE\97\04_14.MVI
1963848 , \MOVIE\97\04_01_1.MVI
1963848 , \MOVIE\97\04_015.MVI
1963848 , \MOVIE\97\02_06C.MVI
1963848 , \MOVIE\97\02_06B.MVI
1963848 , \MOVIE\97\02_06A.MVI
1963848 , \MOVIE\97\01_14.MVI
1971577 , \MOVIE\98\09_05.MVI
1994570 , \MOVIE\98\09_06A.MVI
2016187 , \MOVIE\98\09_06B.MVI
2036676 , \MOVIE\98\09_08_1.MVI
2078613 , \MOVIE\98\09_08_2A.MVI


DATA0_1.DAT (see notes)
DATA0_1.HD6 (see notes)
RGSYS.DAT (taken from layer1,where layer1 = second layer)
RGDMY.DAT (taken from layer1)
MOVIE (see notes)
BIN (taken from layer1)




This was dummied,not sure if it makes any difference or not,but i used gnie plug-in for expert 2
use hd6 header to first extract lba
then again use hd6 header to extract the .wav files from DATA0_1.DAT
This will give you a folder full of 1000's of .wav files
First you need dummy file maker (search for it)
open folder,and highlight all of the .wav files,
right click,and select replace with dummy

then wait,as it takes some time

Then load the hd6 file back in,and rebuild file
then rebuild lba

You will have 2 "new" files/folder called

new DATA0_1.DAT
new DATA0_1.HD6

just rename these back to what they are supposed to be,i.e DATA0_1.DAT

Thats the .dat taken care of


All movies from both layers need to be combined inside 1 folder >

dummy all the .mvi files inside folders 1 to folder 7
leave folder 00 alone
then go to folder 99
look for a .MVI file called STAFF_A.MVI,i think this must be the end credits,when the game is finished.
dummy this file

Thats it


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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. February 2007 @ 00:59

AfterDawn Addict
9. February 2007 @ 10:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Awesome Hursty....i would try it but i deleted the iso out of sheer anger..ill get it again and try. How big is the disk 2 iso?? I honestly didnt think you could fit three .dats on a disk! Sounds like your method will work, a but more in depth then simply dummying a few dats. With respect to music/voices, they should be fine seeing as through my 15 coasters DATA0_1 is only responsible for layer0 stuff.

Couple question.

How does disk 2 work? When are you prompted to insert disk 2, or after what save point do you start using disk 2?

If I read right, any insectron battles from c on will freeze?

Thanks, and awesome work!

Junior Member
9. February 2007 @ 10:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Good job, but doesn't this mean all movies and music are gone??.
But for the people that don't mind the music or movies missing great job

I'm hoping someone can maybe find away to fit everything onto 1 or 2 discs and have it working perfect.

Oh i see you rip is a 2 disc set and that the is no movies or music ripped?.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. February 2007 @ 10:51

AfterDawn Addict
9. February 2007 @ 10:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The iso is 4.34gb's
as for inserting disk 2,i dunno,i just loaded it from the game save i downloaded (chapter 8)
i dont even know how to play this game,it might freeze later on,but i dont even like the game to test it out

i guess there is more work to be done,as i dont know where it freezes on chapter 7,is it the end of the level?

all i know is,using the teleporter works,it takes you around chapter 8
i transported to all of the different locations,and saved the game
and each save point indicated it was still on chapter 8
couldnt find a location that allowed you to go back to chapter 7,so i am not sure its possible to do that,even with the proper game

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AfterDawn Addict
9. February 2007 @ 10:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by zero129:
Good job, but doesn't this mean all movies and music are gone??.
But for the people that don't mind the music or movies missing great job

I'm hoping someone can maybe find away to fit everything onto 1 or 2 discs and have it working perfect.
Its possible to have all the movies and music

if people played the first layer of the game using the nuked version DVD-5,then thats not a problem
it always has been the second layer,thats been the problem
but this rip,has voices/music etc
all that was ripped was the .wav files from the first layer
it was needed to put these files in,otherwise the game would not work.

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AfterDawn Addict
9. February 2007 @ 10:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I dont think using the nuked DVD5 will work honestly. Chapter 7 movies arelayer0 data, and they were completely missing. If someone made a rip using my method, play the first half of the game with that since everything was intact, then use hursty's method for disk 2.

Junior Member
9. February 2007 @ 11:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by zero129:
Good job, but doesn't this mean all movies and music are gone??.
But for the people that don't mind the music or movies missing great job

I'm hoping someone can maybe find away to fit everything onto 1 or 2 discs and have it working perfect.
Its possible to have all the movies and music

if people played the first layer of the game using the nuked version DVD-5,then thats not a problem
it always has been the second layer,thats been the problem
but this rip,has voices/music etc
all that was ripped was the .wav files from the first layer
it was needed to put these files in,otherwise the game would not work.
I know i noticed that after i posted lol.
When i first posted i thought this was meant to be a one disc rip and thought that all the movie and music data was ripped.
But then after i posted i re read and noticed it was a 2 disc rip and only the music and such was deleted of the first layer .

Anyway great job hursty, thanks to you when my iso finally finishes downloading i'll be able to play this game :) .
AfterDawn Addict
9. February 2007 @ 11:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
but until someone says it 100% works,then who knows

good luck

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9. February 2007 @ 14:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok i know the the insectron levl c battles dont work because you said so, but im willing to sacrafice that, anyway
i want to just play through using the buked DVD-5 until it freezes and than use hursty's disk 2 to continue,

BUT hursty could you upload all the tools you used and put them ina file or a .rar and upload it on rapidshare beacause i cant the tools you specified...please... i really wanna do this so i can play
AfterDawn Addict
10. February 2007 @ 00:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
gnies expert 2 tool is more than 30mb,you need the plug-in also
so i cant upload that.
anyway,just searcharound,they are all downloadable

expert2 may not be needed,as i havent tested it without using gnie plug-in to dummy .dat file

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AfterDawn Addict
10. February 2007 @ 00:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just to add,its possible to make a disk 1 with all the contents intact,i just havent got around to it (no more time)
There shouldt be any need to dummy th data0_1.dat file,just dummy the movie from layer1 instead,and also the data1_1.dat from layer1 also

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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. February 2007 @ 00:40

10. February 2007 @ 00:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i think i have solutrion combing svstangs idea and hurties idea,
ok this is onyl for poeple who get stuck after the seed battle,
hursty, svstang please tell me if oyu think this sounds wrong here it goes....

dummy DATA0_0.DAT, why because you wont be using layer 0 when playing beyond chpt 8 (but you may need to swap the nuked DVD5 disk if you want to go to past places, maybe i dont know)

go into the movies folder and dummy all the files in the folders numbered 01,02,04,06, and 97, why because all these files are realted with the layer 0 which you dont need and what i have seen huirsty type, he is able to dummy MVI files, am i right, (im not sure if you can just delete

if you want you can dummy STAFF.MVI aswell, but you dont need to.

after dummying, the rest is just svstangs tutrorial by putting the files in the cd dvd genrtor and exporting iml etc....

in svstang he took out two big files, i onyl took one big file that isnt needed beacuse its on layer 0, and like i said if you want to go to past places you MIGHT!!! need to change disk to the nuke disc they put out to go to those areas, but i said MIGHT....please hursty and svstang read over my plan see if its alright

10. February 2007 @ 01:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the thing i posted was probably exactly like hursty lol i never saw that, the onyl difference we have is he dummied DATA0_0.HD6 whihc i dont know why beacuse its small to start wiith but i dont know but it is on layer 0 which you dont need..

i didnt really understand this bit



This was dummied,not sure if it makes any difference or not,but i used gnie plug-in for expert 2
use hd6 header to first extract lba
then again use hd6 header to extract the .wav files from DATA0_1.DAT
This will give you a folder full of 1000's of .wav files
First you need dummy file maker (search for it)
open folder,and highlight all of the .wav files,
right click,and select replace with dummy

lol actually its exactly the same my bad it might jsut be i never undersatd the that bit i copied and pasted and tried to make a newer one but it came up looking liek use sorry, my bad this is none of my idea its hursty lol again my bad

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. February 2007 @ 01:12

10. February 2007 @ 01:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
how you dummy MVI files, hursty? ohgh and agian sorry i wish i could delete my post beacuse its like yours ssorry again.....iw asnt trying to steal your idea i just didnt notice until i closely looked at the reemblance that it was like yours......^^

also can you giv me a specified site you got that gnie i cant find it and its pevving me offf argh

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. February 2007 @ 01:23

10. February 2007 @ 01:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
also that dummy file amker i cant find it, it be much easier if you jsut sent me a pm on where you got these two programmes, please i really wanna play the game and i cant find these two peorgramms

AfterDawn Addict
10. February 2007 @ 01:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I didnt dummy any .hd6 files,they are header files,and are needed to load in the .dat files using xpert2

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10. February 2007 @ 01:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
is Expert v1.03 alright to use?
anmd where you find dummy file maker?
10. February 2007 @ 01:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
also if you could please tell me how to dummy mvi files , do you need a programme to dummy mvi files, cause i will just dummy DATA0_1 using svstangs idea, unlesss you can put your tutorial in simplier terms? just the dummyin of the mvi files adn the data files...
AfterDawn Addict
10. February 2007 @ 01:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
here is zerofile.dll

unpack it in window/system32 folder

then run from start/run

regsvr32.exe /s /c ZeroFile.dll

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10. February 2007 @ 02:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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