Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.
Junior Member
28. September 2004 @ 21:53 |
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Quote: Spamlover ... have you tried to run a movie through Decrypter with no mods, and process it through RB-CCE yet? Please do that with a regular length movie.
Hey Doc... no I haven't but I'm gonna do that with "Pirates" tonite. How many gigs or how long is a regular length movie to you?
How can I know if Pirates has multiple angles? Is there a program which could tell me? I don't think DVD Shrink or Decrypter tells me that.
Also, if Pirates has multiple angles, wouldn't DVD-RB give me some kind of error message? OR would it just process the movie with audio dropouts resulting?
Thanks you guys!
Time flies like an arrow...fruit flies like a banana!
Junior Member
28. September 2004 @ 22:01 |
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Quote: The same way you would on a typewriter or in word processing
OMG! I'm such a moron...thanks Brobear! Thought I had to enter some kind of code...again...making life harder than it has to be...DOH!
Time flies like an arrow...fruit flies like a banana!
Senior Member
28. September 2004 @ 22:17 |
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What I had in mind with a regular length movie was actually more of a regular run-of-the-mill production without special effects, i.e., angles. Most of the newer movies are around 7 GB wihtout editing...and I would suggest a movie a couple of years old to start with because we have found problems with newer releases that are unrelated to this software. My concern at this point is that you will gravitate to them, and so I am suggesting an older movie. The bottom line here is that you need to establish that your software is set up correctly for everyone concerned here. I really appreciate your enthusiasm about wanting to do all sorts of adjustments and variations with the software, but it is pretty simple. For the more challenging task, there is also software for that, but you need to settle down and get through the intitial learning curve first. I know that if you will do this you will soon be an expert on this software, and then you can pitch in and help others.
Add on: If a movie goes into RB with angles, it will give a warning. If you proceed, it will begin processing, but the final product won't work.
Decrypter has a function that deals with angles, but not effectively for RB-CCE. There is some info on it a few posts above.
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Junior Member
28. September 2004 @ 22:27 |
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Thanks for your quick response Doc. You have been a great help to me already!
True, it's quite simple, yet not. I'm understanding in leaps and bounds in just one week. The answers y'all provide to my questions gets me closer to "getting it."
BTW... do you or anybody out there know what software program can tell me if a movie has multiple angles? I want to take your suggestion and back up a simple movie first!
Time flies like an arrow...fruit flies like a banana!
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Senior Member
28. September 2004 @ 22:36 |
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I believe all of the contributors on this thread use either DVD Remake or DVD Remake Pro from dimadsoft.com. It identifies angles quickly. It is also used for editing out things like warnings and previews, etc., so that less compression is required of the feature portion. Remake Pro has additional capabilities.
Senior Member
29. September 2004 @ 05:24 |
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[removed] I answered a question that had already been answered. Hmmm... maybe I'll balance it by asking a question that has already been asked.
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Staff Member
2 product reviews
29. September 2004 @ 05:38 |
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If all you want to do is identify the angles so you can avoid trying the disc with DVD-RB yet, all you need is DVD Shrink. If you go into Reauthor mode in Shrink, the list of titles will identify the angle number when there are multiple angles.
29. September 2004 @ 10:18 |
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@Sophocles and Gnomex and anyone else
I tried to back up a few more moveiws today without using remaker or anything other then what I have to and I am still haveing problems with the same movies. The video/audio is still stuttering in the same places. I can get a few to backup with no problem but they are the same ones I was not haveing problems with. The most recent one I can get to work is Secret WIndow. I have no idea what the difference is in these movies since they all seem to be interlaced. The only thing I can think of is maybe decrypter is haveing problems with decodeing the dvd. I will see if I can find some other program to do the decodeing and see if that helps. Any ideas that anyone has I will try when I get home from work tonight.
Thanks for all the help so far.
Senior Member
29. September 2004 @ 11:04 |
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Is the stuttering coming from a burned DVD, or from the video_ts file? If it is the DVD, see what happens with playing the video_ts file.
29. September 2004 @ 11:29 |
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I havent tried to play the video_ts folder on my harddrive yet but the sturtting is coming from burned dvds. If I play the disc on my computer it plays just fine. I have been watching the forum at doom9 and a few other people are having this problem to with the starwars movies. Jdobbs had a reply saying that he may have put a bug back into the latest release of rb. I am going to wait to the new version comes out and try to do some backups again.
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AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
29. September 2004 @ 12:23 |
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This is beginning to sound like a hardware or media problem. What burner and media are you using?
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
Senior Member
29. September 2004 @ 12:42 |
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block134 ... for whatever reason, I had a problem with my player with SW-Return during the intro scroll (In a Galaxy..."). It would stutter/hang, but not on the computer. I eventually tried the Remake file with DVD2One and it didn't hang in the player. This was the only problem with the entire movie, and I haven't had anything similar with any other movies, and I've done about 150 RB-CCE to date.
I read through your other posts, and I would agree with Sophocles in that the problem sounds like a stand-alone hardware or media problem.
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29. September 2004 @ 13:18 |
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I tried what to read an AVS file and it was the same. So I just put an other avisynth version and now it's working just find.
Thanks a lot for your help.
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Senior Member
29. September 2004 @ 13:20 |
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moshe48 ... could you let us know which version of AviSynth you were working with? Thanks.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
29. September 2004 @ 13:34 |
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Some of us have found that having AnyDVD sometimes comes to the aid of your ripper. It's your skipping that has me puzzled.
Do this for me, after you've encoded the movie try Playing the encoded file on your hard disk using Mark's Tray player professional. Unlike PowerDVD and WinDVD which will play anything, if it finds a flaw in the movie it will not work. Most of us use it to check movies that we've edited especially if its with Remake.
Click the link and download it.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
29. September 2004 @ 13:35 |
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@Sophocles and Doc409
That is kind of what I was thinking to but it doesnt make much sense to me since I can get some movies to work perfect and others I get the stuttering with. It is always the same movies that work no matter how many different times I try it. I can use shrink to make the backup and they all work fine. Just something with rb or one of the other programs I use with it that is causing the problem.
The burner I use on my laptop is from what I can tell is a NEC. Soon as I get a chance I will verify that. The other burner I use is a DVR-108 with the most recent firmware that I know of. The media I use is mainly Ritek and TY. I am going to do a few more test later tonight or tomm and I will let you guys know how it turns out. I may also try using some older versions of rb and AVI to see if that helps at all.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
29. September 2004 @ 13:41 |
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The best version of avisynth is 2.54. Marks tray player will let us know if the flaw is in the encode. If it plays the parts that you're having problems with then it's not RB/CCE and then you'll have to look to your burns, either media or your hardware. Now this might sound silly but you might also want to defrag your hard disk. Trust me on the last one.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
29. September 2004 @ 13:59 |
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I will try the defrag to see if that helps. i just dont really want it to be a harware problem since those can cost more to fix.
29. September 2004 @ 18:49 |
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I had audio dropouts when backing up(with DVD-RB .62) Star Wars IV after ripping with Shrink keeping angle 1. Mr Dobbs recommended using .60b which worked for me on both my standalones. I believe fixing some bugs has created others but an update is on the way soon.
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29. September 2004 @ 20:44 |
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Doc409 ..... I had avisynth 2.08 and now I put the 2.54 version.
30. September 2004 @ 07:40 |
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Yay I got a backup to work with out stutter. What I did is I installed avisynth 2.5.4 and rebuilder .60b. I also did a defrag of both of my hard drives which were very bad. Took me over 8 hrs to do both of them. I am not sure which one of these fixed the problem but I would have to say going back to rebuilder .60b made the difference. Thanks to everyone who gave me help.
Senior Member
30. September 2004 @ 07:52 |
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block134 ... I would be more inclined to say it was defragging your drives...only because I've been there. I do mine after every 3 movies so it only takes a minute or so. Defragging will also take longer on drives full to near capacity. Backup data you don't really need access to all the time, and get it off the drive. To avoid a lot of fragging you should not let Windows manage the page file...do it yourself...and 4000 MB min and max is a good setting to use.
30. September 2004 @ 09:55 |
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Thanks I will try the pagefile settings. One question thought is should I set a page file for each hard drive or just the one the OS is on. I will prob also go back to the most recent version of rebuilder this weekend and I can let you know if it works.
AfterDawn Addict
30. September 2004 @ 10:15 |
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block, I can tell you the most recent version of rebuilder works fine, I just did 3 movies with it.
Doc is right, defragging your drive was probably the cure, especially when you say it took over 8 hours. It clearly was in dire need,lol.
Good to see ya got it working and looks like we have another convert. :)
30. September 2004 @ 11:45 |
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You only need one swap file (page file).
Best Results: Run on second hard drive, not logical partition on first hard drive.
Alternate: Run on partition (D:) on first hard drive if best result not available.
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